Carlotta Rigotti
Postdoc researcher
- Name
- Dr. C. Rigotti
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8838
- 0000-0001-8956-0677

Carlotta Rigotti is post-doc researcher at eLaw – Center for Law and Digital Technologies, where she works on the intersection between law, technology, gender, and sexuality.
More information about Carlotta Rigotti
Carlotta Rigotti is post-doc researcher at eLaw – Center for Law and Digital Technologies, where she works on the intersection between law, technology, gender, and sexuality. She is also an affiliated member of the Fundamental Rights Research Centre of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE), where she will discuss her PhD in law in early spring 2023. Her PhD thesis seeks to define a proposal for the legitimate regulation of sex robotics and draws on how prostitution and pornography laws have played out in practice in Europe. Based on her expertise, Carlotta has contributed to the creation and coordination of the Italian Research Group on Prostitution and Sex Work (GRIPS). Also, she is part of VULNERA, namely the International Observatory on Vulnerable People in Data Protection. Carlotta has been a visiting scholar at Durham Law School (UK) and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security, and Law (DE) in 2021 and 2022.
At present, Carlotta works on the Horizon Europe BIAS project: Mitigating diversity biases of AI in the labour market. Overall, she has an extensive experience in drafting and implementing research projects funded by the European Commission, especially when covering the intersection between law, technology, and gender. Together with prof. Clare McGlynn, Carlotta has drafted the preparatory work for the thematic paper on the digital dimension of violence against women, which was published by the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence of the Council of Europe in November 2022. In 2023, Carlotta and Gianclaudio Malgieri plan to explore together vulnerability and sexual offences in the metaverse and new frontiers for the deployment of sex robotics.
Carlotta has authored several publications, including articles in leading international journals and laypersons’ magazines. Her most prominent publications cover a critical analysis of the European Commission proposal for a directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence, with special regard to the suggested criminalisation of rape and image-based sexual abuse.
Previously, Carlotta was trained as criminal and migration lawyer in Torino, got the International and European Legal Studies Certificate from Antwerpen Universiteit (BE), and held a master’s degree in law (110/110 cum laude) from Università degli Studi di Torino (IT). She wrote her final dissertation on prostitution and fundamental rights from a comparative and constitutional perspective. An excerpt of her dissertation was published on Studi di Genere. Quaderni di Donne & Ricerca, 2019, No. 3 .
Postdoc researcher
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- eLaw@Leiden
- Rigotti C. & Străisteanu D.I. (2024), Study on the digital dimension of violence against women in the Republic of Moldova [Studiu privind dimensiunea digitală a violenței împotriva femeilor în Republica Moldova]. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.
- Rigotti C. (2024), International law, technology, and gender-based violence. In: , Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rigotti C. & Malgieri. G. (2024), Sexual violence and harassment in the metaverse: a new manifestation of gender-based harms. London: Alliance for Universal Digital Rights.
- Rigotti C. & Fosch-Villaronga E. (2024), Fairness, AI & recruitment, Computer Law and Security Review 53: 105966.
- Rigotti C. & Fosch Villaronga E. (2024), The intermediate report of the mapping, survey and expert interviews. Trondheim: BIAS Project.
- Rigotti C., McGlynn C. & Benning F. (2024), Image-based sexual abuse and EU Law: a critical analysis, German Law Journal 25(9): 1472-1493.
- Rigotti C. & McGlynn C. (2024), Criminalising image-based sexual abuse across Europe: seeking comprehensive legal redress reflecting victims' experiences. In: Burghardt B., Schmidt A. & Steinl L. (Eds.), Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung jenseits des Körperlichen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 99-112.
- Rigotti C., Fosch-Villaronga E., Lulli R. & Noori K. (3 December 2024), AI, disability & work: Deepening divide or empowering inclusion?. BIAS blog. [blog entry].
- Rigotti C. & Fosch-Villaronga E. (2024), First International Workshop on Fairness and Diversity Bias in AI-Driven Recruitment (BIAS 2024). Suzumura T. & Bono M. (Eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, JSAI-isAI 2024, Hamamatsu, Japan, May 28–29, 2024, Proceedings. . Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 14741. Singapore: Springer. 47-48.
- Rigotti C., Puttick A., Fosch Villaronga E. & Kurpicz-Briki M. (2023), Mitigating diversity biases of AI in the labor market. Alvarez J.M., Fabris A., Heitz C., Hertweck C., Loi M. & Zehlike M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF 2023): Winterthur, Switzerland, June 7th to 9th, 2023. European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness - EWAF'23 7 June 2023 - 9 June 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings no. 3442.
- Rigotti C. & Malgieri G. (2023), Human vulnerability in the metaverse. Brussels: Alliance for Universal Digital Rights & VULNERA.
- Rigotti C. & McGlynn C. (2022), Towards an EU criminal law on violence against women: the ambitions and limitations of the Commission’s proposal to criminalise image-based sexual abuse, New Journal of European Criminal Law 13(4): 452-477.
- Rigotti C. (2022), A long way to end rape in the European Union: assessing the commission’s proposal to harmonise rape law, through a feminist lens, New Journal of European Criminal Law 13(2): 153-179.
- Rigotti C. & Calvi A. (2022), Privacy. In: Comandé G. (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Law and Data Science. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 275-280.
- Rigotti C., Top S. & Zomignani Barboza J. (25 January 2022), Conference on Afghanistan: discussing human Rights impacts of the Taliban takeover. Human Rights Here (Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research). [blog entry].
- Rigotti C. (2021), When the law meets feminisms: the shortcomings of contemporary prostitution policies across the European Union, Women's Studies International Forum 86: 102467.
- Rigotti C. & Zomignani Barboza J. (2021), Unfolding the case of returnees: how the European Union and its member States are addressing the return of foreign fighters and their families, International Review of the Red Cross 103(916/917): 681-703.
- Rigotti C. (2021), EU policy on counterterrorism: evidences and alternatives to penal populism, The Interdisciplinary Journal of Populism 1(1): 30-47.
- Rigotti C. (2020), Prostitution laws across the European Union: to go beyond the existing dichotomy. In: Stradella E. (Ed.), Gender based approaches to the law and juris dictio in Europe. Genere, Soggettività, Diritti no. 7. Pisa: Pisa University Press. 427-452.
- Rigotti C. (2020), Sex robots through feminist lenses, Filosofia 65: 21-38.
- Rigotti C. (2020), Prostituzione e diritto: Alcune riflessioni sui modelli legislativi europei, MicroMega 2020(6): 53-66.
- Rigotti C. (2020), How to apply Asimov’s first law to sex robots, Paladyn: Journal of Behavioral Robotics 11: 161-170.
- Bettio F., Garofalo Geymonat G., Macioti PG, Mai N., Mancinelli T., Rigotti C., Selmi G. & Serughetti G. (19 April 2020), Sex workers in the time of Covid-19. ElaN Blog: European Law and geNder (Pisa University). [blog entry].
- Rigotti C. (2019), Prostituzione e diritti fondamentali: Un'analisi comparata delle costituzioni e delle legislazioni nazionali. Studi di Genere: Quaderni di Donne e Ricerca no. 3. Torino: Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne e di Genere - CIRSDe.
- Rigotti C. (2 May 2019), Sex robots: A human rights discourse? = Robots sexuales: ¿un discurso de derechos humanos?. Open Global Rights. [blog entry].