Carlos Roos Muñoz
- Name
- Dr. C.M. Roos Muñoz
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

Carlos Roos is a lecturer at the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA), where he teaches for the Minor Music Studies and the PRE-University Programme.
Fields of interest
- Art Theory
- Cultural Musicology
- Metaphysics
- Communication
My research focuses on art theories and practices as found in diverse cultural settings and historical periods. From the methodological point of view, I tend to align my work with the principles of phenomenology and artistic research. Relying on the notion of experience as the level of description, most of my work is built around case studies that allow for testing and/or illustrating ways of thinking about the arts in the widest sense of the term - including music, theatre, cinema and the visual arts.
Grants and awards
ENITS Grant (2011). Empowering Network for International Thai Studies. Thailand Research Fund & Chulalongkorn University, 2011.
Erasmus Mundus Doctorate Grant (2010). EM Action 2 - VECCEU. Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), DG EC & DG DEVCO, European Commission.
Curriculum vitae
BA in Art (Universidad Central de Venezuela), MA in Philosophy of Art (Leiden University), PhD in Creative and Performing Arts (Leiden University)
Key publications
Roos, C. (2020). ‘A metaphysical model of communication: With examples from The Gold Rush’, in Bergman M., Kirtiklis, K. and Siebers, J. (eds.), Models of Communication: Theoretical and Philosophical Approaches. New York and Oxon: Routledge.
Roos, C. (2018). ‘Lost Performance and short film: Behrupiya on the stages of global capitalism’, in Masaeli M., Prabhaka M. (eds.), India as a Model for Global Development, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Faculty of Humanities
- Academie der Kunsten
- Roos C.M. (2020), A Metaphysical Model of Communication: With Examples from The Gold Rush. In: Bergman M., Kirtiklis K. & Siebers J. (Eds.), Models of Communication: Theoretical and Philosophical Approaches. New York; Oxon: Routledge. 201-220.
- Roos C.M. (2019), Review of: Carpentier N. (2017), The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation. New York: Peter Lang. Empedocles 10(1).
- Roos C.M. (2018), Lost performance and short film: Behrupiya on the stages of global capitalism. In: Masaeli M. & Prabhaka M. (Eds.), India as a Model for Global Development. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 140-159.
- Roos C.M. (2017), A morphometric approach to facial proportions: A sample of Northern Qi sculpture. In: Veen S. van (Ed.), Treasures of Stone Uncovered: Buddhist Sculptures from the Northern Qi. Antwerp: Pandora Publishers. 159-174.
- Van Veen S. & Roos C.M.: 177-188.
- Roos Muñoz C.M. (22 November 2017), Global music : recasting and rethinking the popular as global (Dissertatie. ACPA, Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Borgdorff H., Meer W. van der.
- Hesselberth P. & Roos C.M. (Eds.) (2015), Special Issue: Short Film Experience. Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication.
- Roos C.M. (2015), Mediatization theory: What is in it for the philosophy of communication? On Stig Hjarvards The Mediatization of Culture and Society, Empedocles 6(1): 91-103.
- Hesselberth P. & Roos C.M. (2015), Short Film Experience: Introduction, Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 5(1&2): 3-12.
- Roos C.M. (2011), Palladium: The Emerald Buddha and the scope of the real, Rien Thai: International Journal of Thai Studies 4(2011): 47-80.
- Adjunct Faculty