C. van Raad
Professor emeritus International Tax Law
- Name
- Prof.mr. C. van Raad
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8807
- c.van.raad@law.leidenuniv.nl

Professor emeritus International Tax Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
- Belastingrecht
- Raad C. van (31 July 2002), 'Entity characterization' and 'Residence of corporations'. Colleges en Seminars in Summer Course. Westfälische Wilhems-Universität Münster. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (15 June 2001), Upcoming issues in tax treaty policy. Gastcolleges Concordia International University. Tallinn, Estland. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (23 October 2001), Options for greater international coordination and cooperation in the tax treaty area. Invitational Seminar on `Tax Treaties in the 21st Century¿ (OECD, Harvard, CTF). Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (22 June 2001), Current jurisdictional issues in international tax law. Colloquium on Jurisdiction. Stanford University, Ca., USA. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (8 June 2001), Impact of the EC Treaty on the taxation of individuals in the EU. meeting of French and Dutch branches of the International Fiscal Association.. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (15 November 2001), Het nieuwe verdrag bekeken vanuit een Nederlandse hoek. Studiedag `Het nieuwe belastingverdrag België-Nederland¿ georganiseerd door het Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal Recht. Brasschaet, België. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (16 June 2001), The EC Treaty's impact on the taxation of individuals by EU Member States. Gastcollege Concordia International University. Tallinn, Estland. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (24 November 2001), Issues regarding the territorial and objective scope of the individual income allocation articles of the OECD Model. symposium ter ere van Prof. dr. Manfred Mössner `Taxation in Europe¿. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (19 January 2001), Ontwikkelingen in de jurisprudentie van het EG Hof van Justitie inzake de directe belastingen. gastcollege. Rijksuniversiteit Gent. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (13 January 2000), E-commerce and the taxation of cross -border business profits. Presentatie University Kyoto. Kyoto. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (15 January 2000), Harmful tax competition: the position of The Netherlands. Gastcollege Kansai University (Osaka, Japan). Osaka, Japan. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (27 April 2000), Tax Policy and Audit Perspectives of U.S. Trading Partners (the Netherlands). International tax conference. Georgetown University Law Center Washington DC USA. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (12 April 2000), Application of Double Taxation Conventions. European Tax Conference. Eindhoven. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (27 February 2000), International divergence in tax treaty interpresentation and application and its solution through panels of independent tax treaty experts. Presentatie World Tax Conference. Tampa Bay Florida USA. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (1 October 1999), International Tax Group. International Tax Group/discussant. Stresa. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (8 August 1999), Entity characterization en Residence of corporations. Summer Course 2000 International Taxation. Munster. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (3 July 1999), Taxation of Partnerships from a Netherlands and International Perspective. Deakin University symposium Taxation of Partnerships. Long Island, Australie. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (24 September 1999), Belastingheffing van e-commerce. LOF Congres. Nijmegen. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (23 April 1999), De jurisprudentie van het EG Hof van Justitie inzake de directe belastingen. gastcollege Rijksuniversiteit Gent. Gent. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (30 July 1999), Establishing a Panel of Independent Tax Treaty Experts - A Tool for Solving Interpretation Conflicts?. International tax Academy (IBFD). Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (29 January 1998), Recent development in the EC Court's case law on direct taxation. Oostenrijkse afdeling van de International Fiscal Association. Wenen. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (29 April 1998), Application of Double Taxation Conventions. European Tax Conference. Bristol. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (8 October 1998), Trangular situations. InternationalFiscal Association Annual 1998. Londen. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (9 January 1998), Nondiscriminatory Income Taxation in the EU--A Proposal. Harvard Fund for Tax and Fiscal Research symposium. Parijs. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (27 February 1998), Implications of the UK Court of Appeal decision. International Fiscal Association. Sydney. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (24 May 1998), Alternative ways of conflict resolution to eliminate double taxation in the single market. Stockholm School of Economics. Stockholm. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (3 July 1998), Taxation of common law trusts relations in civil law countries. Deakin University symposium Taxation of common law trusts. Capricorn (Australie). [lecture].
- Raad C. van (7 October 1998), Internet and the taxation of international commerce. International Fiscal Association Annual 1998 Congress. Londen. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (28 May 1998), Use of the Netherlands in International Tax Structures. congres Bocconi University. Milaan. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (5 January 1998), Ontwikkelingen in de jurisprudentie van het EG HOf van Justitie inzake de directe belastingen. gastcollege. Rijksuniversiteit Gent. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (7 November 1998), Zeven stellingen over Europees recht en directe belastingen. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Europees Recht congres. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Raad C. van (17 June 1998), Belastingheffing bij grensoverschrijdende uitoefening van de dienstbetrekking. congres Belastingdienst. Utrecht. [lecture].
- Spreker
- Gastdocent
- Raadsheer - plaatsvervanger
- Of counsel
- Lid
- Bestuurslid