Bruno Verbeek
Senior University Lecturer Moral and Political Philosophy
- Name
- Dr. B.J.E. Verbeek
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2030
- 0000-0002-9486-3119

Bruno Verbeek is Senior University Lecturer at the Institute for Philosophy.
After completing my PhD at the University of Amsterdam (1998), I worked at Bowling Green State University (USA), the Australian National University, and Universität Bayreuth, before finally coming to Leiden.
Most of my work is on the intersection of (meta)ethics, political and legal theory, action theory and moral psychology with decision and game theory. I have published extensively on game-theoretic analyses of norms, as well as on rational choice accounts of commitment. Currently, my focus is on issues in the ethics of taxation.
Senior University Lecturer Moral and Political Philosophy
- Faculty of Humanities
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2024), Isolationism, instrumentalism and fiscal policy, : 1-19.
- Anonymous (2022), Tussen instrumentalisme en isolationisme: over de filosofie van belastingheffing [Between instrumentalism and isolationism] (translation: Verbeek B.J.E.), Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 84(1): 41-73.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2020), Two arguments for progressive taxation. In: Fischer B. (Ed.), Ethics, left and right: the moral issues that divide us. New York: Oxford University Press. 233-241.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2018), Response to Uncertainty & Fairness by John Broome. Auftaktsitzung Zurechnung 14 February 2018 - 17 February 2018.
- Verbeek B.J.E. & McIntyre L. (2017), Why is there no philosophy of political science?. In: McIntyre L. & Rosenberg A. (Eds.), The Routledge companion to philosophy of social science. Routledge Philosophy Companions. New York: Routledge. 433-447.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (30 March 2017), Populisme en democratie: een ongelukkig huwelijk. Bij Nader Inzien. [blog entry].
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2015), The authority of conventions, social norms, and law. In: Pavlakos G. & Rodriquez-Blanco V. (Eds.), Reasons and intentions in law and practical agency. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 293-313.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2015), You did not build that road! -- reciprocity, benefits, opportunities, and taxing the extremely rich. In: Gaisbauer H.P., Schweiger G. & Sedmak C. (Eds.), Philosophical explorations of justice and taxation: national and global issues. Ius gentium: comparative perspectives on law and justice no. 40. Heidelberg: Springer. 67-81.
- Verbeek B.J.E., Gribnau J.L.M. & Apeldoorn L.C.J. van (2015), Rechtvaardigheid en Belastingen - filosofie en fiscaliteit, Weekblad Fiscaal Recht 144: 93-103.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2014), Review of: Marmor A. (2009), Social Convention, from language to law. Princeton: Princeton University Press .
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2014) Review of "Andrei Marmor, Social Conventions: From Language to Law. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009. xii + 186 pp.". Review of: Marmor A. (2009), Social Conventions: From Language to Law. Princeton: Princeton University Press. The Philosophical Review 123(2): 247-250.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2014), The normativity of intentions, Topoi 33(1): 87-101.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2014), Noncognitivisme. In: Hees M. van, Nys T. & Robeyns I. (Eds.), Basisboek Ethiek. Amsterdam: Boom. 315-331.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2013), "Be a jew at home as well as in the street":religious world views in a liberal democracy. In: Hofstee W. & Kooij A. van der (Eds.), Religion beyond its Private Role in Modern Society. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. 175-190.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2013), On the justification of a consumption tax. .
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2013), Is Pieter Pekelharing an authority?, Krisis: tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie (1): 126-130.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2013), Ongedomineerde Vrijheid, De Sofa (22) 2: 13-14.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2011), The Open Question Argument. In: Bruce M. & Barbone S. (Eds.), Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy. New York: Wiley. 237-239.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2010), Rational Choice Virtues, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13(5): 541-559.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2010) Review of Liberty, Games and Contracts: Jan Narveson and the Defence of Libertarianism, Malcolm Murray (ed.). Ashgate, 2007. Pp. 273. Review of: Murray M. (2007), Liberty, Games and Contracts: Jan Narveson and the Defence of Libertarianism no. 2. Aldershott: Ashgate. Economics and Philosophy 26: 254-258.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2009), Voorwoord. In: Rijpkema P., Donselaar G. van & Verbeek B. (Eds.), Als Vuur. Opstellen voor Govert den Hartogh ter gelegenheid van zijn emeritaat. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 5-6.
- Verbeek B.J.E. & Southwood N. (Eds.) (2009), . Philosophical Explorations.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2009), Conventies en Moraal. In: Rijpkema P., Donselaar G. van & Verbeek B. (Eds.), Als Vuur. Opstellen voor Govert den Hartogh ter gelegenheid van zijn emeritaat. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 143-160.
- Rijpkema P., Donselaar G., Verbeek B.J.E. & Wijsbek H. (Eds.) (2009), Als Vuur. Opstellen voor Govert den Hartogh ter gelegenheid van zijn emeritaat. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2008), Conventions and Moral Norms: The Legacy of Lewis, Topoi 27(1-2): 73-86.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2008), Reasons and Intentions: an introduction. In: Verbeek B. (Ed.), Reasons and Intentions. Aldershot: Ashgate. 1-16.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (Ed.) (2008), Reasons and Intentions. Aldershott: Ashgate.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2008), Rede en Religie: over Taylor, Spinoza 10(1): 22-27.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2008), Consequentialism and Rational Choice: Lessons from the Allais Paradox, Pacific Philosphical Quarterly 89: 86-116.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2007), The Authority of Norms, American Philosophical Quarterly 44(3): 245-258.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2007), Mensenwerk en Moraal: David Hume en het kwaad. In: Wiche Rob & Kinneging Andreas (Eds.), Filosofie en het Kwaad. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Het Spectrum. 186-206.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2007), Justifying Rational Choice: On the Role of Success. In: Petterson Björn & Josefsson Jonas (Eds.), Hommage À Wlodek. Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz. Lund.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2007), Rational Self-Commitment. In: Peter Fabienne & Schmid Hans Bernhard (Eds.), Rationality and Commitment. Rationality and Commitment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2004), 'Justifying Rational Choice: the role of success'. In: Bluhm R. & Nimtz C. (Eds.), Selected Papers Contributed to the Sections of GAP 5, 5th International Congress of the Society for Analytical Philosophy: Paderborn: Mentis Verlag. 16-22.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2004) J. David Velleman (2000) The Possibility of Practical Reason. Review of: Velleman J. David (2000), The Possibility of Practical Reason no. 1: Clarendon Press. Utilitas 16: 109-111.
- Verbeek B.J.E. & Morris C., Game Theory and Ethics: Stanford. [web article].
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2004), 'Ethiek in Nederland - een persoonlijke indruk', Nieuwsbrief Vereniging voor Bio-Ethiek 11(4): 13-15.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2002), Moral Philosophy and Instrumental Rationality: an Essay on the Virtues of Cooperation. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2002), Functie en autoriteit van morele normen: rationele-keuzetheorie en ethiek, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 94: 16-30.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2002), Game Theory and Moral Norms: an overview and an application, Croatian Journal of Philosophy 2: 337-352.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2002), Consequentialism, Rationality, and the Relevant Description of Outcomes, Economics and Philosophy 17(2): 181-205.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (2001) Emotional Alchemy: review of Jon Elster Alchemies of the Mind. Review of: , Emotional Alchemy: review of Jon Elster Alchemies of the Mind. Economics and Philosophy 17: 128-135.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (1999) Review of Ethics, Rationality and Economic Behaviour, Francesco Farina, Frank Hahn and Stephano Vanucci (eds.)”. Review of: , Review of Ethics, Rationality and Economic Behaviour, Francesco Farina, Frank Hahn and Stephano Vanucci (eds.)” no. 1. Economics and Philosophy 15: 144-152.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (11 March 1998), The Virtues of Cooperation (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Amsterdam. Supervisor(s): Hartogh G.A. den, McClennen E.F., Janssen M.C.W., Sugden R., Jacobs F.C.L.M. & Bader V.M.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (1991), Spinozistische Politieke Theorie, Parodos 27: 10-15.
- Verbeek B.J.E. (1990), Spinoza en het Ontstaan van de Staat, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 82: 252-268.