Bram Mesland
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. B. Mesland
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7047
- 0000-0002-0293-198X

Assistant professor
- Science
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Gerontogiannis D.M. & Mesland B. (2025), The logarithmic Dirichlet Laplacian on Ahlfors regular spaces, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 378: 651-678.
- Mesland B. & Prodan E. (2024), Classifying the dynamics of architected materials by groupoid methods, Journal of Geometry and Physics 196: 105059.
- Mesland B. & Şengün M.H. (2024), Equal rank local theta correspondence as a strong Morita equivalence, Selecta Mathematica 30(4): 72.
- Mesland B. & Rennie A. (2024), Curvature and Weitzenböck formula for spectral triples, Mathematische Nachrichten 297(12): 4582-4604.
- Dungen K. van den, Mesland B. & Rennie A. (2023), Addendum to: “The Friedrichs angle and alternating projections in Hilbert C⁎-modules” [J. Math. Anal. Appl. 516 (2022) 126474], Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 522(1): 127002.
- Mesland B. & Prodan E. (2022), A groupoid approach to interacting fermions, Communications in Mathematical Physics 394(1): 143-213.
- Mesland B., Rennie A. & Suijlekom W.D. van (2022), Curvature of differentiable Hilbert modules and Kasparov modules, Advances in Mathematics 402: 108128.
- Mesland B. & Rennie A. (2022), The Friedrichs angle and alternating projections in Hilbert C⁎-modules, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 516(1): 126474.
- Bourne C. & Mesland B. (2021), Localised module frames and Wannier bases from groupoid morita equivalences, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 27(4): 69.
- Ćaćić B & Mesland B. (2021), Gauge theory on noncommutative Riemannian principal bundles, Communications in Mathematical Physics 388(1): 107-198.
- Arici F. & Mesland B. (2021), Describing distance: from the plane to spectral triples, Snapshots of Modern Mathematics from Oberwolfach 2021(9): 1-15.
- Dungen K. van den & Mesland B. (2020), Homotopy equivalence in unbounded KK-theory, Annals of K-Theory 5(3): 501-537.
- Arici F. & Mesland B. (2020), Toeplitz extensions in noncommutative topology and mathematical physics. Piotr Kielanowski P., Odzijewicz A. & Previato E. (Eds.), Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVIII. XXXVIII Bialowieza Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics 30 June 2019 - 6 July 2019. Cham: Birkhäuser. 3-29.
- Mesland B. & Sengün M.H.: Wang H. (2020), A K-theoretic Selberg trace formula. Curto R.E., Helton W., Lin H., Tang X., Yang R. & Yu G. (Eds.), Operator theory, operator algebras and their interactions with geometry and topology. International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications (IWOTA) 23 July 2018 - 27 July 2018 no. 278. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 403-424.
- Mesland B. & Sengün M.H. (2020), Hecke operators in KK-theory and the K-homology of Bianchi groups, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 14(1): 125-189.
- Forsyth I., Goffeng M., Mesland B. & Rennie A. (2019), Boundaries, spectral triples and K-homology, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 13(2): 407-472.
- Bourne C. & Mesland B. (2019), Index theory and topological phases of aperiodic lattices, Annales Henri Poincaré 20: 1969-2038.
- Lesch M. & Mesland B. (2019), Sums of regular self-adjoint operators in Hilbert-C*-modules, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 472(1): 947-980.
- Goffeng M., Mesland B. & Rennie A. (2019), Untwisting twisted spectral triples, International Journal of Mathematics 30(14): 1950076.
- Mesland B. & Sengun M.H. (2018), Hecke modules for arithmetic groups via bivariant K-theory, Annals of K-Theory 3(4): 631-656.
- Blecher D., Kaad J. & Mesland B. (2018), Operator -correspondences in analysis and geometry, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 117(2): 303-344.
- Goffeng. M., Mesland B. & Rennie A. (2018), Shift-tail equivalence and an unbounded representative of the Cuntz-Pimsner extension, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 38(4): 1389-1421.
- Deeley R.J., Goffeng M. & Mesland B. (2018), The bordism group of unbounded KK-cycles, Journal of Topology and Analysis| 10(2): 355-400.
- Deeley R.J., Goffeng M., Mesland B. & Whittaker M.F. (2018), Wieler solenoids, Cuntz-Pimsner algebras and K-theory, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 38(8): 2942-2988.
- Brain S., Mesland B. & Suijlekom W.D. van (2016), Gauge theory for spectral triples and the unbounded Kasparov product, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 10(1): 135-206.
- Mesland B. & Rennie A. (2016), Nonunital spectral triples and metric completeness in unbounded KK-theory, Journal of Functional Analysis 271(9): 2460-2538.
- Goffeng M. & Mesland B. (2015), Spectral triples and finite summability on Cuntz-Krieger algebras , Documenta Mathematica 20: 89-170.
- Forsyth L., Mesland B. & Rennie A. (2014), Dense domains, symmetric operators and spectral triples, New York Jounal of Mathematics 20: 1001-1020.
- Mesland B. (2014), Unbounded bivariant K-theory and correspondences in noncommutative geometry, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2014(691): 101-172.
- Mesland & B. (2011), Groupoid cocycles and K-theory, Münster Journal of Mathematics 4: 227-249.