Bram Ieven
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. B.K. Ieven
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1308
- 0000-0002-5577-1334

I am a researcher, writer, and musician. I work on play, new media, art and popular culture. This serves as a basis for narrative essays and audio stories in which I intertwine personal experiences with a reconstruction of seemingly insignificant historical moments or cultural events. I move back and forth between storytelling and critical analysis in an attempt to capture something that feels essential to me, something that allows me to understand the world we are living in.
Fields of interest
- Dutch Studies
- Aesthetics
- Modernism
- Marxism
- De Stijl
- Globalisation
I am currently working on two research projects, both funded by the Dutch research council (NWO). A first project studies the ubiquity of play in media and politics. A second project takes hip hop and urban arts as a method for thinking differently about Dutchness and cultural identity. Both projects are team efforts and are focussed on societal impact. Co-creation with musicians, choreographers, and game designers is essential to this: we are developing two podcasts, a documentary, and the blueprint for a Dutch Hip Hop Archive.
Together with Feico Sobel, I write for theater and develop audio stories under the monicker Koma Kollektief. As a musician, I maintain a long-term collaboration with Aafke Romeijn, and I have a musical solo project called Jonge Woudloper.
Teaching activities
Bram Ieven is an assistant professor of Dutch literature and culture at Leiden University, where he teaches courses on Dutch left-leaning communism (Pannekoek, Gorter, Roland-Holst), De Stijl, and Dutch literature in a globalized world.
Curriculum vitae
Prior to joining the Dutch department at Leiden University, Bram Ieven has been an assistant professor of comparative literature at Utrecht University (2008-2013), a visiting scholar at Duke University (2010) and a visiting professor at the University of California Santa Barbara (2011). In 2013-2014 he and Wendelien van Oldenburgh are hosting the art and politics seminar at the Master of Artistic Research at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK), The Hague. In 2010 he co-organized Waiting for the Political Moment (with Frans-Willem Korsten), a conference and artistic event that took place at Utrecht (BAK, Utrecht University) and Rotterdam (WolfArt Project Space). He has published Machinic Deconstruction: Literature/Technics/Politics (2007) and co-edited De nieuwe Franse filosofie (2011). He lives in Utrecht.
PhD in Comparative Literature, Leiden University, The Netherlands
MPhil in Comparative Literature, Magna Cum Laude, University of Leuven, Belgium
MA (Licentiaat) in Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude, University of Leuven, Belgium
BA (Kandidaat) in Philosophy, Cum Laude, University of Leuven, Belgium
Professional Appointments
2013 -
Leiden University, Department of Dutch Language and Culture, Assistant Professor of Dutch Studies
2008 - 2013
Utrecht University, Department of Modern Languages, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature
Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg, Department of Fine Arts, Lecturer in Philosophy and Aesthetics
Fall 2007
Tilburg University, Department of Cultural Studies, Lecturer in Cultural Studies
Key publications
(2013) ‘Memories of Modernism: Chris Marker, Jacques Rancière and the Reels of Modernism’ In: Rancière and Film, ed. P. Bowman. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
(2013) ‘The Forgetting of Aesthetics: Individuation, Technology, and Aesthetics in Bernard Stiegler’, New Formations, nr. 77, pp. 76-96.
(2011) ‘Deleuze Modernist’, Deleuze Studies Journal, vol. 5, nr. 1, pp. 84-96.
(2012) ‘Sovereignty’ (with Frans-Willem Korsten) In: The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, ed. G. Ritzer. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 1899-1906.
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- International Studies
- Ieven B.K. (2021), Hoe neutraal is een museum? , Metropolis M 25(5): 32-35.
- Ieven B.K. (2021), Poëzie en Politiek: Over Nasleep (2020) van Çağlar Köseoğlu, De Reactor .
- Ieven B.K. (2021), Henriette Roland Holst en de politieke taak van de poëzie. In: Sonnenschein J. & Van der Haven K. (Eds.), Barricadepoëzie: Lyrisch activisme sinds 1848. Antwerpen: EPO. 129-146.
- Ieven B.K. (2021), Review of: Demeyer H. & Vitse S. (2017), Woekering en Weigering. Metamorfosen en identiteit in het werk van Jacq Vogelaar . SEL-Reeks. Gent: Academia Press. Nederlandse Letterkunde 26(1): 92-94.
- Ieven B.K., Polak S.A. & Buelens G. 6 November 2021, Over politiek spelen. Leest Spreekt. Platform Leest [podcast].
- Ieven B.K. (1 September 2021), De politiek van koffiedrinkers en cokesnuivers. Het Redelijke Midden [podcast].
- Ieven B.K., Steinbock E.A. & De Valck M. (Eds.) (2020), Art and Activism in the Age of Systemic Crisis: Aesthetic Resilience. New York: Routledge.
- Ieven B.K., Steinbock E. & De Valck M. (2020), Introduction : Taking Aesthetics from Resistance to Resilience. In: Ieven B.K., Steinbock E.A. & De Valck M. (Eds.), Art and Activism in the Age of Systemic Crisis. New York: Routledge. 1-6.
- Ieven B.K. (2020), Learning from Documenta?: Aesthetic Resilience and the Politics of Institutionalized Art. In: Ieven B.K., Steinbock E.A. & De Valck M. (Eds.), Art and Activism in the Age of Systemic Crisis. New York: Routledge. 39-48.
- Ieven B.K. & Op de Beek E.A. (2019), Searching for new weapons?: Dutch studies under late modern conditions, JDL: Journal for Dutch Literature 10(1): 71-94.
- Bluijs S. & Ieven B.K. (2019), ‘Als Je De Beelden Al Weerzinwekkend Vond…’ : Pornografie in N30 Van Jeroen Mettes. In: Hove K. van & Vervaeck B. (Eds.), Gewaagde Geschriften : Vuile Praat in De Schone Letteren. SEL-Reeks no. 12. Gent: Academia Press. 145-161.
- Ieven B.K. (2019), Organiseren voor de toekomst: voorbij het kapitalisme, De Nederlandse Boekengids (1): .
- Anonymous (9 April 2019), Engels is de Wetenschapstaal, Nederlands de vertaling [Engels is de Wetenschapstaal, Nederlands de vertaling] (translation: Ieven B.K. & Korsten F.W.A.).
- Ieven B.K. (2019), Brief over Lucebert. In: Au Y.F. & Avermaete T. van (Eds.), Door de schaduwen bestormd. Reflecties op de controverse rond de oorlogsjaren van Lucebert. Zaandam: Uitgeverij Oevers. 81-85.
- Ieven B.K. (2019), Poppositions: Een gat in de markt?, rekto:verso : .
- Ieven B.K. & Bruin S.-L. de (15 October 2019), De universiteit is niet gevrijwaard van racisme. NRC Handelsblad: 19.
- Ieven B.K. (22 March 2019), Waarom Thierry Baudet een fascist is. Waarom Thierry Baudet een fascist is. Leiden: [blog entry].
- Ieven B.K. & Bluijs S.V. (2019), ‘Als je de beelden al weerzinwekkend vond…’: Pornografie in N30 van Jeroen Mettes. In: Van Hove K. & Vervaeck B. (Eds.), Gewaagde Geschriften : Vuile Praat in de Schone Letteren. SEL-Reeks no. 12. Gent: Academia Press. 145-161.
- Ieven B.K. (2018), Beurskritiek: Over Art Brussels, rekto:verso : .
- Ieven B.K. (2018), Ruziemaken met Mondriaan: man, mythe, schepping en werk, De Nederlandse Boekengids 3(3): 24-25.
- Ieven B.K. (2018), Contrastwerking. Over de voorlopige mislukking van De Stijl, De Witte Raaf (194): .
- Ieven B.K. & Overwijk J. (27 March 2018), De rechtse kruistocht tegen genderstudies.
- Ieven B.K. & Bluijs S. (2018), Jeroen Mettes (1978-2006), Kritisch Literatuur Lexicon van de 21ste Eeuw (137): 19 - 45.
- Ieven B.K. & Lameijer D. (2018), Een Nederlandse calvinist in Amerika: Postseculiere kritiek in The Blood of the Lamb (1961) van Peter de Vries, Nederlandse Letterkunde 22(1): 25-45.
- Ieven B.K. (2017), Documenta Athene: Een leerstuk, rekto:verso : .
- Ieven B.K. (2017), Economies of the Wild: On Constant's New Babylon and Contemporary Capitalism. In: Tuinen S. van (Ed.), Speculative Art Histories: Analysis at the Limits. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 265-279.
- Ieven B.K. (2015), Mondriaan als landkaart: Life Writing en Media Theorie als uitgangspunten voor een interdisciplinaire Neerlandistiek, Spiegel der Letteren 57(4): 407-429.
- Bax S., Gielen P. & Ieven B.K. (2015), Interrupting the City. Artistic Constitutions of the Public Sphere. Amsterdam: Valiz.
- Ieven B.K., Bax S. & Gielen P. (2015), Introduction: A Public Sphere, for Example. In: Ieven B.K., Bax S. & Gielen P. (Eds.), Interrupting the City: Artistic Constitutions of the Public Sphere. Amsterdam: Valiz. 9-27.
- Ieven B.K. (2015), Can we tolerate it? Notes on the Public Sphere After the End of Liberalism. In: Ieven B.K., Bax S. & Gielen P. (Eds.), Interrupting the City. Artistic Constitutions of the Public Sphere. Amsterdam: Valiz. 123-138.
- Ieven B.K. (2014), De Ethiek van de Wereldverbeteraar, Metropolis M : .
- Ieven B.K. (2014), Review of: Lensen J., Stynen L. & T’sjoen Y. (2014), De stekelige jaren. Literatuur en politiek in Vlaanderen 1929-1944. Gent: Academia Press. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 130(4).
- Ieven B.K. (2013), Het subject van de kunst: kunst, museum en politiek in het werk van Boris Groys. In: Boer S. de (Ed.), Boris Groys, De logica van het verzamelen. Amsterdam: Octavo.
- Ieven B.K. (2013), The Forgetting of Aesthetics: Individuation, Technology, and Aesthetics in Bernard Stiegler, New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics (77): 76-96.