Bram Hoonhout
Learning Experience Designer
- Name
- Dr. B.M. Hoonhout
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3526
- 0000-0002-1414-8845

Bram Hoonhout joined the Honours Academy in 2019 as coordinator of the Honours College. He previously worked as an assistant professor in the Economic History department at Leiden University and as Education Program Director at the N.W. Posthumus Institute in Nijmegen. He received his PhD from the European University Institute in Florence on forgotten Dutch colonial history in Guyana.
More information about Bram Hoonhout
At the Honours College, Bram, together with the programme assistant, works on the overall policy of the programmme, organises events and is responsible for quality assurance. He is involved in educational innovation, for example in the form of new honours programmes.
Bram himself is also active as a lecturer within the honours program with his "Designing Your Life" (DYL) project, for which he was awarded a Senior Comenius Scholarship in 2021. The Designing Your Life lectures aim to help students face their future with more confidence by letting them discover their talents and creativity, practice networking, and visualise their career paths.
Together with Arjen de Vetten, Esther van Leeuwen and Emily Oxenaar, he is conducting scientific research on the effectiveness of this intervention. In 2023, he developed a special DYL module for students who would like to engage with sustainability and climate change during their careers.
Learning Experience Designer
- Honours Academy
- HA Algemeen
- Hoonhout B.M. (2020), Borderless Empire. Dutch Guiana in the Atlantic World, 1750–1800.
- Hoonhout B.M. (2019), Hoorcolleges opnemen? Nergens voor nodig, Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare 42(19): .
- Hoonhout B.M. & Mareite T.J.F. (2018), Freedom at the fringes? Slave flight and empire-building in the early modern Spanish borderlands of Essequibo–Venezuela and Louisiana–Texas, Slavery & Abolition 40(1): 61-86.
- Hoonhout B.M. (2018), 'Vrije grond' onbereikbaar voor slaven. In: Heerma van Voss L., Hart M. 't, Davids K., Fatah-Black K.J., Lucassen L. & Touwen J. (Eds.), Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland. Amsterdam: Ambo Anthos. 323-328.
- Hoonhout B.M. (12 September 2018), Wat je kunt doen met 2000 miljoen. Nederlands Dagblad.
- Hoonhout B.M. (2017), Review of: Klooster Wim (2016), The Dutch Moment: War, Trade, and Settlement in the Seventeenth Century Atlantic World. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences : 1-3.
- Hoonhout B.M. (2017), Review of: Zwart Pim de (2016), Globalization and the Colonial Origins of the Great Divergence: Intercontinental Trade and Living Standards in the Dutch East India Company’s Commercial Empire, c. 1600–1800. Global Economic History Series no. 11. Leiden/Boston: Brill. Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis 36(1): 82-84.
- Hoonhout B.M. & Fatah-Black K.J. (2016), Guyana in the Eighteenth Century: From Trading Outposts to Plantation Colonies. In: Roper L.H. (Ed.), Andrew Lyght - Full Circle. New Paltz, New York: Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, State University of New York at New Paltz.
- Hoonhout B.M. (2016), Smuggling for Survival: Self-Organized, Cross-Imperial Colony Building in Essequibo and Demerara, 1746-1796. In: Antunes C.A.P. & Polónia A. (Eds.), Beyond Empires: Global, Self-Organizing, Cross-Imperial Networks, 1500-1800. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 212-235.
- Hoonhout B.M. & Smit A. (7 April 2016), Diversiteit draait niet om pasta. Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare.
- Hoonhout B.M. (2015), Review of: Oostindie G. & Roitman J.V. (2014), Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800. Linking Empires, Bridging Borders. Atlantic World no. 29. Leiden, Boston: Brill. Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis 34(2): 123-125.
- Hoonhout B.M. (23 July 2015), Scheld ook de Griekse schuld kwijt. Het Parool.
- Hoonhout B.M. (13 August 2015), Beslecht geschil tussen Guyana en Venezuela in Den Haag. De Volkskrant, Opinie.
- Hoonhout B.M. (2013), De noodzaak van smokkelhandel in Essequebo en Demerary, 1750-1800, Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis 32(2): 54-70.
- Hoonhout B.M. (2013), The crisis of the subprime plantation mortgages in the Dutch West Indies, 1750-1775, Leidschrift 28(2): 85-100.