Bob van Velthoven
PhD candidate
- Name
- B.R.W. van Velthoven MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6476
- 0000-0003-4498-0728

Bob van Velthoven is a Ph.D. candidate in Greek literature. His research focuses on the emergence of economic reflections and economic theory in the works of Socratic philosophers of the fourth century BCE.
More information about Bob van Velthoven
Fields of interest
- Classical Greek Literature
- Socratic Philosophy
- History and Philosophy of Economics
- Economic Rationality
- Tyrants and tyranny
My PhD research (supervisors: Tazuko van Berkel and Ineke Sluiter) aims at reconstructing a fourth-century discourse on ‘economic’ theory between Socratic authors, such as Plato, Xenophon, and Aristotle, with an interest in their reactions to minor Socratics (in particular their engagement with the genre of oikonomia literature) and responses to them by pseudepigraphic authors (Pseudo-Plato’s Hipparchus; Pseudo-Aristotle’s Oeconomica). In this reconstruction, I focus on two questions.
First of all, I examine how the authors of these economic theories conceive human nature: is mankind presented as a self-interested individualistic maximizer of his pleasure, such as the modern-day conception of the Homo Economicus, or do the aforementioned authors qualify their methodological economic man differently? While analyzing these ancient conceptions of economic rationality, I pay a special interest in the role of the figure of the ancient Greek tyrant. On the one hand, he is presented as a greedy maximizer and a Greek cultural equivalent to the Homo Economicus, and is thus used as an example of bad, antisocial, economic behaviour. On the other hand, the figure of the tyrant is often employed flexibly and can be ‘reformed’ to exemplify other attitudes to economic thinking.
Secondly, I examine how different knowledge practices produce various types of economic knowledge. Focusing on the differences between the multiple genres in which economic knowledge is conveyed, such as Socratic dialogue, anecdotes, technical treatises, and moral admonitions (Hausvaterliteratur). I am interested in how these different genres relate to the broader genre of oikonomia literature. Moreover, I am interested in how many of the works discussed seem to employ a form of ambiguity or irony to facilitate discussing economic topics.
My research is part of the NWO VIDI Project ‘From Homo Economicus to Political Animal.’
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Griekse T&C
- Velthoven B.R.W. van (15 March 2025), Een tiran in aanbouw: Trump en Plato in The Apprentice (2024). Wegen naar Rome: Week van de Klassieken. [blog entry].
- Velthoven B.R.W. van (2024), ‘Why don’t you take your library card and f*ck off’: Het spel van klassieke verwijzingen in HBO’s Succession, Lampas. Tijdschrift voor classici 57(2): 176-196.
- Velthoven B.R.W. van (2024), The many lovers of gain: the pseudo-platonic hipparchus and the fourth-century BCE debate on the pursuit of self-interest, ΠΗΓΗ / FONS 7-8: 71-96.
- Schoubben N., Koning J., Velthoven B.R.W. van & Probert P. (2023), Of tortoise necks and dialects: a new edition of the Grammaticus Leidensis, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 116(3): 929-964.
- Velthoven B.R.W. van (2023), De Lupo Parabolo: hoe de wolf de herder bedroog. In: Faessen L.A., Goch W. van, Plomp J.B.B., Ris M.J., Vlugt L.M.A. van der & Waszink J.V. (Eds.), Niets dierlijks is ons vreemd: Griekse en Latijnse dierenverhalen uit de late oudheid, middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd. Leiden: Collegium Classicum c.n. M.F.. 298-309.
- Velthoven B.R.W. van (2023), Review of: Ober J. (2022), The Greeks and the rational: the discovery of practical reason. Berkeley: University of California Press. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 16(2): 255-260.
- Velthoven B.R.W. van (2023), Review of: Därmann I. & Winterling A. (2022), Oikonomia und Ökonomie im klassischen Griechenland: Theorie, Praxis, Transformation. Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2023(02): 39.
- Velthoven B.R.W. van (2023), Φιλοκέρδεια in de pseudoplatoonse Hipparchus, Frons 43(1): 32-36.
- Velthoven B.R.W. van (23 December 2021), Over my dead sheep’s body!. Leiden Arts in Society Blog. [blog entry].
- Dros E.J., Mooiman H.A.C., Smalen I.S. de, Velthoven B.R.W. van & Vlugt L.M.A. van der (2021), Van kikkers tot kindermoord: 35 jaar toneel door Leidse classici. Leiden: self-published.
- Velthoven B.R.W. van (2020), Komt een man bij de retor: over Corax en Tisias, hun verhaal en betekenis in het Byzantijnse onderwijs, Frons. Blad voor Leidse classici 40(3): 31-35.
- Velthoven B.R.W. van (2018), Raadsels: Deipnosophistae X.69-78. In: Dros E.J., Leuveren T. van, Nicolaas P. & Voort C. van der (Eds.), Zoals wij aan tafel zitten: een bloemlezing uit de Deipnosophistae van Athenaeus van Naucratis. Leiden: Collegium Classicum c.n. M.F.. 192-215.