Bo Terpstra
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. B.L. Terpstra
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7855
- 0000-0003-0589-4923

Bo Terpstra (1978) is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at Leiden University.
With a background in economics, econometrics and psychology his interests lie in the field of behavioral economics. He’s currently doing research on the influence of deterrence and procedural justice on compliance with rules and regulations.
Besides his position at Leiden University Bo Terpstra is advisor and trainer at Partner in Gesprek.
Social and Institutional Economics, University of Utrecht, 2005
Econometrics, University of Amsterdam
Psychology, University of Utrecht
Law and Economics (audience I, audience III (coordination))
Principles of Economics / IBL (coordination)
Policy economics (coordination)
Orientation Law and Economics (coordination)
Information activities Law (coordination)
Assistant professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
- Economie
- Terpstra B.L. & Wijck P.W. van (2023), The influence of police treatment and decision-making on perceptions of procedural justice: a Field Study, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 60(3): 344-377.
- Terpstra B.L. & Wijck P.W. van (2023), Investigating the relation between police behavior and perceptions of procedural justice: a response to Rick Trinkner, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 60(3): 393-401.
- Terpstra B.L. (31 March 2022), Instrumental and normative pathways to compliance: results from field research on moped drivers (PhD thesis. Institute of Tax Law and Economics, Faculty of Law, Leiden University) Meijers-reeks no. MI-384. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Goudswaard K.P., Wijk P.W. van.
- Terpstra B.L., Velthoven B.C.J. van & Wijck P.W. van (2020), Do intensified police controls change perceptions of apprehension probability: A field experiment, Crime & Delinquency 66(8): 1115-1136.
- Velthoven B.C.J. van & Terpstra B.L. (2014), Mooie woorden zijn nog geen mooie daden. Een kritische reflectie op het verband tussen legitimiteit en nalevingsgedrag, Recht der Werkelijkheid 2014 (35)(1): 97-109.
- Training geven en adviseren op gebied van besluitvorming, analyse en medezeggenschap