Birte Forstmann
- Name
- Dr. B.U. Forstmann
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
Birte Forstmann is professor by special appointment in 'Neuroscientific testing of psychological models'. This appointment is financed by LUF for a a period of 5 years. Aim of the appointment is to help the development of high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research of the brain. Since 2013 she is a professor of Neuroimaging in cognitive neuroscience at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of the University of Amsterdam.UvA).
Forstmann is since 2008 a research fellow at the Spinoza Centre of the UvA and head of the Quantitative cognitive neuroscience lab of the UvA. Forstmann was succesfull over the years in acquiring many research grants, e.g., a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) and a Vidi grant form the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
She has published in major scientific journals such as Nature Neuroscience, PNAS and The Journal of Neuroscience.
Research by Birte Forstmann
Her general research goal is to understand the brain mechanisms that allow people to adapt quickly to changes in their environment. Her work combines mathematical modeling with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), ultra-high resolution 7T MRI, electroencephalography (EEG), and postmortem work. Her general research strategy capitalizes on individual differences in psychological processes involved in decision-making and interference control. Process models and descriptive models quantify the process of interest for each individual seperately, and structural and functional brain-imaging techniques subsequently relate inter-individual variation in psychological processes to inter-individual variation in the neural substrate.
Personal website
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Isherwood S., Bazin P.L., Miletic S., Stevenson N., Trutti A.C., Tse D., Heathcote A., Matzke D., Innes R., Habli S., Sokolowski D., Alkemade A., Haberg A. & Forstmann B.U. (2023), Investigating intra-individual networks of response inhibition and interference resolution using 7Tt MRI, NeuroImage 271: 119988.
- Miletic S., Bazin P.L., Isherwood S.J.S., Keuken M.C., Alkemade A. & Forstmann B.U. (2022), Charting human subcortical maturation across the adult lifespan with in vivo 7 T MRI, NeuroImage 249: 118872.
- Miletic S., Keuken M.C., Mulder M.J., Trampel R., Hollander G. de & Forstmann B.U. (2022), 7T functional MRI finds no evidence for distinct functional subregions in the subthalamic nucleus during a speeded decision-making task, Cortex 155: 162-188.
- Miletic S., Boag R.J., Trutti A.C., Stevenson N., Forstmann B.U. & Heathcote A. (2021), A new model of decision processing in instrumental learning tasks, eLife 10: 1-33.
- Trutti A.C., Fontanesi L., Mulder M.J., Bazin P.L., Hommel B. & Forstmann B.U. (2021), A probabilistic atlas of the human ventral tegmental area (VTA) based on 7 Tesla MRI data , Brain Structure and Function : .
- Miletíc S., Boag R.J., Trutti A.C., Forstmann B.U. & Heathcote A. (2021), A new model of decision processing in instrumental learning tasks, eLife 10: e63055.
- Trutti A.C., Verschooren S., Forstmann B.U. & Boag R.J. (2021), Understanding subprocesses of working memory thorugh the lens of model-based cognitive neuroscience, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 38: 57-65.
- Boag R. J., Stevenson N., Dooren R. van, Trutti A. C., Sjoerds Z. & Forstmann B.U. (2021), Cognitive Control of Working Memory: a Model-Based Approach, Brain Sciences 11(6): 721.
- Alkemade A., Mulder M.J., Trutti A.C. & Forstmann B.U. (2021), Manual delineation approaches for direct imaging of the subcortex, Brain Structure and Function 227: 219–297.
- Miletic S., Bzzin P.L., Weiskopf N., Zwaag W. van der, Forstmann B.U. & Trampel R. (2020), fMRI protocol optimization for simultaneously studying small subcortical and cortical areas at 7T, NeuroImage 219: 116992.
- Miletic S., Boag R.J. & Forstmann B.U. (2020), Mutual benefits: combining reinforcement learning with sequential sampling models, Neuropsychologia 136: 107261.
- Trutti A.C., Verschooren S., Forstmann B.U. & Boag R.J. (2020), Understanding subprocesses of working memory through the lens of model-based cognitive neuroscience, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 38: 57-65.
- Trutti A.C., Mulder M.J., Hommel B. & Forstmann B.U. (2019), Functional neuroanatomical review of the ventral tegmental area, NeuroImage 191: 258–268.
- Alkemade A., Hollander G. de, Miletic S., Keuken M.C., Balesar R., Boer O. de, Swaab D.F. & Forstmann B.U. (2019), The functional microscopic neuroanatomy of the human subthalamic nucleus, Brain, Structure and Function 224(9): 3213-3227.
- Isaacs B.R., Trutti A.C., Pelzer E., Tittgemeyer M., Temel Y., Forstmann B.U. & Keuken M.C. (2019), Cortico-basal white matter alterations occurring in Parkinson's disease, PLoS ONE 14(8): e0214343.
- Turner B.M., Miletic S. & Forstmann B.U. (2018), Outlook on deep neural networks in computational cognitive neuroscience, NeuroImage 180: 117-118.
- Miletic S., Turner B.M., Forstmann B.U. & Maanen L. van (2017), Parameter recovery for the leaky competing accumulator model, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 76(A): 25-50.
- Tona K., Keuken M.C., De Rover M., Lakke E., Forstmann B.U., Nieuwenhuis S.T. & Van Osch M.J.P. (2017), In vivo visualization of the locus coeruleus in humans: quantifying the test-retest reliability, Brain, Structure and Function 222(9): 4203-4217.
- Keuken M.C., Bazin P.-L., Backhouse K., Beekhuizen S., Himmer L., Kandola A., Lafeber J.J., Prochazkova L., Trutti A.C., Schäfer A., Turner R. & Forstmann B.U. (2017), Effects of aging on T1, T2*, and QSM MRI values in the subcortex, Brain Structure and Function 222(6): 2487-2505.
- De Hollander G., Labruna L., Sellaro R., Trutti A., Colzato L.S., Ratcliff R., Ivry R. & Forstmann B.U. (2016), Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Does Not Influence the Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff in Perceptual Decision-making: Evidence from Three Independent Studies, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 28(9): 1283-1294.
- Boonstra E., De Kleijn R., Colzato L.S., Alkemade A., Forstmann B.U. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2015), Neurotransmitters as food supplements: The effects of GABA on brain and behavior, Frontiers in Psychology 6: 1520.
- Boehm U., Van Maanen L., Forstmann B.U. & Van Rijn H. (2014), Trial-by-trial fluctuations in CNV amplitude reflect anticipatory adjustments of response caution, NEUROIMAGE 96: 95-105.
- Keuken M.C., Mueller-Axt C., Langner R., Eickhoff S.B., Forstmann B.U. & Neumann J. (2014), Brain networks of perceptual decision-making: an fMRI ALE meta analysis, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8(44): .
- De Hollander G., Keuken M.C., Bazin P.L., Weiss M., Neumann J., Reimann K., Waehnert K., Turner R., Forstmann B.U. & Schaefer A. (2014), A gradual increase of iron towards the medial-inferior tip of the subthalamic nucleus, Human Brain Mapping 35(9): 4440-4449.
- Winkel J., Keuken M.C., Van Maanen L., Wagenmakers E.J. & Forstmann B.U. (2014), Early evidence affects later decisions: Why evidence accumulation is required to explain reaction time data, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 21(3): 777-784.
- Mulder M.J., Van Maanen L. & Forstmann B.U. (2014), Perceptual decision neurosciences - A model based review, Neuroscience 277: 872-884.
- Keuken M.C., Bazin P.L., Crown L., Hootsmanns J., Laufer A., Mueller-Axt C., Sier R., Van der Putten E.J., Schaefer A., Turner R. & Forstmann B.U. (2014), Quantifying inter-individual anatomical variability in the subcortex using 7T structural MRI, NEUROIMAGE 94: 40-46.
- Forstmann B.U., Keuken M.C., Schaefer A., Bazin P.L., Alkemade A. & Turner R. (2014), Multi-modal ultra-high resolution structural 7-Tesla MRI data repository, Nature Scientific Data 1: e140050.
- Alkemade A. & Forstmann B.U. (2014), Do we need to revise the tripartite subdivision hypothesis of the human subthalamic nucleus (STN)?, NEUROIMAGE 95: 326-329.
- Van Ravenzwaaij D., Boekel W., Forstmann B.U., Ratcliff R. & Wagenmakers E.J. (2014), Action video games do not improve the speed of information processing in simple perceptual tasks, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143(5): 1794-1805.
- Mulder M.J., Boekel W., Ratcliff R. & Forstmann B.U. (2014), Cortico-subthalamic connection predicts individual differences in value-driven choice bias, Brain, Structure and Function 219(4): 1239-1249.
- Mittner M., Boekel W., Tucker A., Turner B.M., Heathcote A. & Forstmann B.U. (2014), When the brain takes a break: A model-based analysis of mind wandering, Journal of Neuroscience 34(49): 16286-16295.
- Bogacz R., Wagenmakers E.J., Forstmann B.U. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2010), The neural basis of the speed-sccuracy tradeoff, Trends in Neurosciences 33: 10-16.