Bertram de Boer
PhD candidate / guest
- Name
- B.F. de Boer MSc
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-2523-1716

Bertram is a PhD candidate in the Industrial Ecology department of the Institute of Environmental Sciences.
Professional experience
Bertram de Boer is a PhD candidate in the Industrial Ecology department of the Institute of Environmental Sciences. He holds a master degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Amsterdam, and a bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from The Hague University of Applied Sciences. During his master degree he specialized both in Machine Learning, and in Policy Analysis in the Health and Life Sciences at the VU University in Amsterdam. He combined both specializations during his time at the Wageningen University where he worked on Automated Framing Analysis of the Twitter conversation during the release of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change using state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms.
Research topic
He has a strong interest in quantitative policy-relevant research, and currently focuses on quantifying trade-offs in environmental policy using input-output analysis. Previously he worked on the PRINCE project which aimed to develop a platform to continuously monitor the environmental footprints of Swedish consumption, and on the JRC PYP-UPDATE project focused on estimating previous-year-prices supply-use and input-output tables.
PhD candidate / guest
- Science
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Boer B.F. de, Rietveld E., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2021), Global environmental and socio-economic impacts of a transition to a circular economy in metal and electrical products: a Dutch case study, Journal of Industrial Ecology 25(5): 1264-1271.
- Boer B.F. de, Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2019), Modeling reductions in the environmental footprints embodied in European Union's imports through source shifting, Ecological Economics 164(October 2019): 106300.
- Hu J., Wood R., Tukker A., Boonman H. & Boer B.F. de (2019), Global transport emissions in the Swedish carbon footprint, Journal of Cleaner Production 226: 210-220.
- Koning A. de, Rodrigues J.F.D., Boer B.F. de & Tukker A. (2017), Method for estimation of previous year prices supply, use and input-output tables for the EU/EA. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Koning A. de, Rodrigues J.F.D., Boer B.F. de & Tukker A. (2017), Method for updating Supply, Use and Input-Output tables. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).