Bert Botma
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. E.D. Botma
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2150
- 0000-0002-6764-9782

Bert Botma is a University Lecturer at the Centre for Linguistics. His expertise is in phonology and in overlapping areas of phonetics and morphology. His main research interest is the internal structure of segments and syllables. He works on a range of languages, including (Old) English, Dutch, Nivkh and Iraqw.
More information about Bert Botma
PhD students
Fields of interest
- Phonology
- Phonetics
- Morphology
- Historical linguistics
The contrast between sonorants and obstruents; nasals, nasalization and nasal harmony processes; laryngeal phonology; phonological features; English; Nivkh.
Grants and awards
- 2008–2012: VENI grant (NWO, Project no. 2008/01214/GW: “Crossing the great divide: The sonorant–obstruent contrast in phonology”)
- 2005: Winner of the LOT/Anéla dissertation prize 2004
Curriculum vitae
2004-present: Assistant Professor, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
Key publications
- Breit, Florian, Bert Botma, Marc van Oostendorp & Marijn van ‘t Veer (eds.) 2023. Primitives of phonological structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Botma, Bert & Hidetoshi Shiraishi. 2014. Nivkh palatalization: Articulatory causes, perceptual effects. Phonology 31(2).181–207.
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Engels
- Botma E.D. (2024), Nasal harmony. In: Ritter N.A. & Hulst H. van der (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 37-48.
- Botma E.D. & Shiraishi H. (2024), Vowel harmony in Nivkh. In: Ritter N.A. & Hulst H. van der (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 799-805.
- Shiraishi H. & Botma E.D. (2024), Vowel harmony in Ainu. In: Ritter N.A. & Hulst H. van der (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 816-823.
- Breit F., Botma E.D., Veer M. van 't & Oostendorp M. van (Eds.) (2023), Primitives of phonological structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Veer M. van 't, Botma E.D., Breit F. & Oostendorp M. van (2023), The structure and content of phonological primitives. In: Breit F., Botma E.D., Veer M. van 't & Oostendorp M. van (Eds.), Primitives of phonological structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-36.
- Puggaard-Rode R., Botma E.D. & Grijzenhout J. (2023), Towards a quantized representation of phonological stop contrasts. In: Breit F., Botma E.D., Veer M. van 't & Oostendorp M. van (Eds.), Primitives of phonological structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 305-322.
- Botma E.D. & Ewen C.J. (2023), Old English Breaking as vowel excrescence. In: Weijer J.M. van de (Ed.), Representing phonological detail (Part I: segmental structure and representations). Berlin: De Gruyter. 133-150.
- Botma E.D. & Mous M.P.G.M. (2023), Vowel copy in Iraqw verbal derivation. In: Weijer J. van de (Ed.), Representing phonological detail (Part I: segmental structure and representations). Berlin: De Gruyter. 17-32.
- Botma E.D. & Mous M.P.G.M. (2023), Vowel copy in Iraqw verbal derivation. In: Weijer J. van de (Ed.), Part 1: Segmental structure and representations. Phonology and Phonetics no. 32. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 17-31.
- Botma E.D. (2022), Nasals and nasalization. In: Aronoff M. (Ed.). Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Botma E.D. (2020), Review of: Hannahs S.J. Bosch A. (2020), The Routledge Handbook of Phonological Theory: Routledge. Journal of Linguistics 56(1): 210-212.
- Kok K. de, Botma E.D. & Veer B.M. van 't (2018), Glides and laryngeals as a structural class, Linguistics in the Netherlands 35(1): 51-64.
- Shiraishi H. & Botma E.D. (2017), On the diachronic origin of Nivkh height restrictions. In: Shiraishi H. & Botma E.D. (Eds.), Sonic Signatures. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Botma E.D. (2017), Nasals and nasalization. In: Botma E.D. (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Shiraishi H. & Botma E.D. (2016), Asymmetric distribution of vowels in Nivkh, Studia Orientalia Electronica 117: 39-46.
- Shiraishi H. & Botma E.D. (2015), Nivkh writing practices: literacy and vitality in an endangered language. In: Smakman D. & Heinrich P. (Eds.), Globalising Sociolinguistics. Challenging and Expanding Theory. London and New York: Routledge. 209-222.
- Botma E.D. (2015), Phonetics and phonology (35 entries and 1 article). In: Hall T.A. & Pompino-Marshall B. (Eds.), Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Botma E.D. (2015), Phonetics and Phonology. In: , The Year's Work in English Studies no. 93. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 6-9.
- Botma E.D. (2014), Phonetics and Phonology. In: , The Year's Work in English Studies no. 92. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 10-13.
- Botma E.D. (2014) Review of English Phonetics and Phonology: An Introduction (Second Edition). Review of: Carr Philip (2013), English Phonetics and Phonology: An Introduction. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. English Studies 95(6).
- Botma E.D. & Veer B.M. van 't (2014), Voiced fricatives as a phonological borderline disorder, Phonological Studies 17: 111-114.
- Botma E.D. & Shiraishi H. (2014), Nivkh palatalisation: articulatory causes and perceptual effects, Phonology 31(2): 181-207.
- Botma E.D. (2013), Phonetics and phonology. In: , The Year's Work in English Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 15-20.
- Botma E.D., Kula N.C. & Nasukawa K. (Eds.) (2013), The Bloomsbury Companion to Phonology. London: Bloomsbury.
- Botma E.D. & Veer B.M. van 't (2013), A fraction too much friction: The phonological status of voiced fricatives, Linguistics in the Netherlands : 46-60.
- Botma E.D. & Noske R. (2012), Introduction. In: Botma E.D. & Noske R. (Eds.), Phonological Explorations: Empirical, Theoretical and Diachronic Issues: De Gruyter. 1-7.
- Botma E.D. (2012), Phonetics and phonology. In: , The Year's Work in English Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 13-16.
- Botma E.D. & Van Oostendorp M. (2012), A propos of the Dutch vowel system 21 years on, 22 years on. In: Botma E.D. & Noske R. (Eds.), Phonological Explorations: Empirical, Theoretical and Diachronic Issues. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Botma E.D. & Noske R. (Eds.) (2012), Phonological Explorations: Empirical, Theoretical and Diachronic Issues. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Botma E.D., Sebregts K. & Smakman D. (2012), The phonetics and phonology of Dutch mid vowels before /l/, Laboratory Phonology 3(2): 273-298.
- Botma E.D. (2011), Sonorants. In: Oostendorp M. van, Ewen C.J., Hume E. & Rice K. (Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. 171-194.
- Botma E.D. (2011), Phonetics and Phonology. In: , Year's Work in English Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 15-19.
- Botma E.D., Kula N.C. & Nasukawa K. (2010), Features. In: , The Continuum Companion to Phonology. London: Continuum. 33-63.
- Botma E.D. (2010), Phonetics and phonology. In: , The Year's Work in English Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 20-27.
- Botma E.D., Kula N.C. & Nasukawa K. (Eds.) (2010), The Continuum Companion to Phonology. London: Continuum.
- Botma E.D. & Ewen C.J. (2009), Against rhymal adjuncts: the syllabic affiliation of English postvocalic consonants. In: Nasukawa K. & Backley P. (Eds.), Strength Relations in Phonology. Berlijn: Mouton de Gruyter. 221-250.
- Botma E.D. (2009), Transparency in nasal harmony and the limits of reductionism. In: Nasukawa Kuniya & Backley Phillip (Eds.), Strength relations in phonology. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 79-112.
- Botma E.D., Ewen C.J. & Torre E.J. van der (2008), The syllabic affiliation of postvocalic liquids: an onset-specifier approach, Lingua 118(9): 1250-1270.
- Koppen J.M. van & Botma E.D. (Eds.) (2008), Linguistics in the Netherlands 200. Linguistics in the Netherlands. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Botma E.D. (2008) Boekbespreking. Review of: Weijer J.H. van de & Torre E.J. van der (2007), Voicing in Dutch: (De-)voicing -- phonology, phonetics, and psycholinguistics no. 3. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Nederlandse Taalkunde 13.
- Botma E.D. & Smith N.S.H. (2007), A dependency-based typology of nasalisation and voicing phenomena, Linguistics in the Netherlands : 36-48.
- Botma E.D. & Smith N.S.H. (2006), A dependency account of the fortis-lenis contrast in Cama, Linguistics in the Netherlands : 15-27.
- Botma E.D. (2005), On the phonological interpretation of aspirated nasals. In: Weijer J. van de & Oostendorp M. van (Eds.), The Internal Organization of Phonological Segments (Studies in Generative Grammar 77). Berlijn: Mouton de Gruyter. 224-236.
- Botma E.D. (2005), Nasal harmony in Yuhup: A typological conundrum?, Leiden Working Papers in Linguistics 2: 1-21.
- Botma E.D. (2 June 2004), Phonological Aspects of Nasality: An Element-based Dependency Approach (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Utrecht: LOT. Supervisor(s): Hengeveld K. & Smith N.S.H.
- Botma E.D., Torre E.J. van der & Zimmermann M. (2003), Vreemd Yoda Spreekt, KIJK! : .
- Botma E.D. (2001), A licensing account of aspiration in Modern Icelandic. In: Hume E.V., Smith N.S.H. & Weijer J.M. van de (Eds.), Surface Syllable Structure and Segment Sequencing. Leiden: Holland Institutute of Generative Linguistics. 53-76.
- Botma E.D. & Torre E.J. van der (2000), The prosodic interpretation of sonorants in Dutch, Linguistics in the Netherlands : 17-30.