Bente de Leede
PhD candidate
- Name
- B.M. de Leede MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1646
- 0000-0002-3064-0688

My research is part of the project 'Colonialism Inside Out: Everyday Experience and Plural Practice in Dutch Institutions in Sri Lanka (c. 1700-1800)', at Leiden University and Radboud University. My subproject focuses on conversion of Sri Lankan people to Dutch Protestantism and the consequences on their everyday life and family law.
More information about Bente de Leede
My research is part of the project 'Colonialism Inside Out: Everyday Experience and Plural Practice in Dutch Institutions in Sri Lanka (c. 1700-1800)', at Leiden University and Radboud University. My subproject focuses on conversion of Sri Lankan people to Dutch Protestantism and the consequences on their everyday life and family law. What was the function of the Dutch Protestant Church in Sri Lankan society? Why did people relate to the Church and how did conversion influence their life course?
My project sees the church as norm-maker and addresses the issue of intervention in family affairs of colonial subjects. It will use hitherto untouched conversion, baptism and marriage data from eighteenth-century parish registers (or school thombos), cadastral thombos, minutes of the School Board and minutes of the consistories of the Dutch Reformed Church in Wolvendaal, Colombo.
Curriculum vitae
During my studies in Leiden, (BA and MA) I have become fascinated by how and why people create colonial policy. For my Master thesis I studied colonial ideology and culture as I researched how Dutch politicians and travellers described people from the Dutch East Indies during 1800-1830, and the influence of Enlightenment, liberalism and local agency on that image. Previously I have studied German colonial societies as well as colonial policy at Bali. I have also done a research internship at the KITLV Research Project ‘Dutch Military Operations in Indonesia, 1945-1950’, about the Dutch use of violence during the decolonization of Indonesia. For this research project I will combine that experience to study everyday colonialism in Dutch colonial Sri Lanka.
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Leede B.M. de (2021), Life After Death: Dying, Mourning and Inheriting in Dutch Sri Lanka. Zoom Seminar Series on 'New Research in Sri Lankan History' 19 February 2021 - 19 February 2021. Colombo: Zoom Seminar Series 'New Research in Sri Lankan History by the American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies (AISLS)'.
- Leede B.M. de & Rupesinghe N. (2021), Inside the Family: School Thombo Registration in Dutch Sri Lanka (working paper). Conference ‘Paper Empires: Layers of law in colonial South Asia and the Indian Ocean‘ 7 January 2021 - 8 January 2021. Exeter: Paper Empires Conference, CIGH, University Of Exeter.
- Leede B.M. de, Meer A. van der & Schrikker A.F. (2 November 2021), 'Kerk drukte stempel op kolonie': Kerk had grote invloed op kolonisatie en beeldvorming van de kolonie in Nederland. Nederlands Dagblad, Opinie: 12-13.
- Kok J., Bulten L. & Leede B.M. de (2021), Persecuted or permitted? Fraternal Polyandry in a Calvinist colony, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Continuity and Change 36: 331-355.
- Leede B.M. de (2020), Children Between Company and Church: Subject-Making in Dutch Colonial Sri Lanka, c. 1650-1790, BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 135(3-4): 106-132.
- Leede B.M. de (17 December 2020), A Footnote in History: the life of Willem de Melho. A Footnote in History: the life of Willem de Melho: Stichting Nederland-Sri Lanka. [blog entry].
- Leede B.M de & Koning D. de (2020), Questioning Heritage – Interview with dr. Jos van Beurden: Stichting Nederland-Sri Lanka, Stichting Nederland-Sri Lanka : .
- Leede B.M. de (2020), Negotiating the Church: Religion and Family Relations in 18th Century Colonial Sri Lanka. . Nijmegen: ESDG Seminar, Radboud Group for Historical Demography and Family History, Radboud University.
- Leede B.M. de (2020), Challenging Conversion: Sri Lankans and the Dutch Colonial Church . Masterclass with prof. Sujit Sivasundaram: Colonial Archives Inside Out: Writing about indigenous experiences in the Indian Ocean World, 18th-19th centuries 26 March 2020 - 26 March 2020. Institute for History, Leiden University: Masterclass with prof. Sujit Sivasundaram: Colonial Archives Inside Out: Writing about indigenous experiences in the Indian Ocean World, 18th-19th centuries.
- Leede B.M. de (2019), A Proper Marriage: Marriage under the Dutch Reformed Church in Dutch Colonial Sri Lanka. Colonial Institutions and the Uses of Law in Early Modern South Asia 28 January 2019 - 28 January 2019. Radboud University Nijmegen: Workshop: Colonial Institutions and the Uses of Law in Early Modern South Asia (IOW18).
- Leede B.M. de (2019), Negotiating Marriage and illegitimate Children: the interaction of Sri Lankan people with the Dutch Reformed Church in eighteenth century colonial Sri Lanka. 11th International Conference of Asian Scholars (ICAS) 16 July 2019 - 19 July 2019. Leiden: 11th International Conference of Asian Scholars.
- Leede B.M. de (2019), Kerk in (inter)actie: lokale Sri Lankanen en de Nederlands-Gereformeerde kerk in koloniaal Sri Lanka, 1658-1796, Transparant 30(3): 6-9.
- Leede B.M. de (2019), The Uneducated, Baptised Children of Pas Betaal: Children between Company and Church in Dutch Colonial Sri Lanka, ca. 1650‐1795. . University of Amsterdam: Workshop: Children as Objects and Agents of (post)Colonial Change.
- Leede B.M. de (2019), Children between Company and Church: Subject making and Negotiating in Dutch Colonial Sri Lanka, ca. 1650-1790. The 48th Annual Conference on South Asia 17 October 2019 - 20 October 2019. Madison, Wisconsin: The Annual Conference on South Asia, UW Madison.
- Leede B.M. de (14 May 2019), Recensie: Gerdien Verschoor – Het meisje en de geleerde. Jonge Historici. [blog entry].
- Leede B.M. de (25 February 2019), Recensie: Mary Queen of Scots. Jonge Historici. [blog entry].
- Leede B.M. de (6 March 2018), Recensie: Piet Emmer – Het zwart-witdenken voorbij. Jonge Historici. [blog entry].
- Leede B.M. de (5 November 2018), Recensie: Dan Jones en Marina Amaral – De tijd in kleur. Jonge Historici. [blog entry].
- Leede B.M. de (23 April 2018), Recensie: Diederik van Vleuten – ‘Daar werd wat groots verricht’. Jonge Historici. [blog entry].
- Leede B.M. de, Schulte Nordholt L.R.C., Sur B. & Zijlstra S. (22 February 2018), Opinie: Een klap in ons gezicht. Inclusiviteit bedreigt het oprechte debat helemaal niet. Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare.
- Leede B.M. de (2016), Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft: een gezelschap zonder doel? Over de legitimatie en activiteiten van een Duitse koloniale vereniging voor en na het Verdrag van Versailles. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Jonge Historici. [working paper].
- Akkerman L., Bootsma K. & Leede B.M. de (2016), Tussen egodocument en archief. Twee bronnen over dezelfde oorlog, Leidschrift 31(3): .