Ben Nieuwenhuys
Professor / guest
- Name
- Prof.dr. B.E. Nieuwenhuys
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4269

More information about Ben Nieuwenhuys
1968 MSc Chemistry, Leiden University (cum laude) 1974 PhD at Leiden University (cum laude) 1975-1976 Post-doc at University California at Berkeley (USA) 1976-present Leiden University, various positions. 1996 visiting professor Univ.Louis Pasteur/Strasbourg (France)2002 visiting professor Univ. Hokkaido/Sapporo (Japan) From 2002 part-time professor TU Eindhoven 2006 visiting professor Univ.Louis Pasteur/Strasbourg (France) Current Research Interests The research focuses on the atomic level understanding of heterogeneous catalysis and other surface processes. More in particular, the relationship between activity/selectivity of a catalyst and structure/composition of sites present on the surface is studied. These goals are achieved by correlating results of experiments on 1) single crystal surfaces and other model systems by using the surface science approach with 2) those obtained on high surface area ('real') catalysts. The reactions studied belong to the category of environmental catalysis, including reduction of nitrogen oxides, oxidation of CO and hydrocarbons, selective oxidation of ammonia, and selective oxidation of CO in a hydrogen atmosphere. Hydrogenation reactions on Raney-type catalysts. Effect of additives. The same reactions are studied on model catalysts with known structure and composition and over real, supported catalysts. Specific topics are: * non-linear processes on surfaces such as oscillations in rate and selectivity of catalytic reactions * multicomponent catalysts consisting of noble metals and transition metal oxides * structure of surfaces and the effect of the surface structure on catalytic activity and selectivity * automotive catalysis and selective reduction of nitrogen oxides. * gold catalysis. Fundamental understanding. Other interests Prof. Nieuwenhuys is (co)author of more than 250 publications and is involved in various collaborative projects. He was a member of the editorial board of the journal “Thin Solid Films”, and from 2000 one of the editors of 'Catalysis Today'. He is a member of the board of the Dutch Vacuum Society and elected to the board of the International Surface Science Division of IVSTA. He was and is involved in the organization of various conferences in the fields of catalysis and surface science. In 2003 chairman of the catalyst committee of the int. congress GOLD 2003, Vancouver. In 2006 member of the catalyst committee Gold 2006, Limerick, member of the advisory board 7th Int. Congress on Catalysis. Automotive Pollution Control, Brussels, and Program Committee 7th Conference on mechanisms of catalytic reactions, St.Petersburg.
Professor / guest
- Science
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Energy & Sustainability
- Matveev A.V., Kaichev V.V., Saraev A.A., Gorodetskii V.V., Knop-Gericke A., Bukhtiyarov V. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2015), Oxidation of propylene over Pd(551): temperature hysteresis induced by carbon deposition and oxygen adsorption, Catalysis Today 244: 29-35.
- Juurlink LB.F., Koper M.T.M. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (Eds.) (2015), Fifty years of heterogeneous catalysis and surface science at Leiden University. Catalysis Today.
- Weststrate C.J., Bakker J.W., Gluhoi A.C., Ludwig W. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2010), Ammonia oxidation on Ir(111): Why Ir is more selective to N-2 than Pt, Catalysis Today 154(1-2): .
- Lippits M.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2010), Direct conversion of ethanol into ethylene oxide on copper and silver nanoparticles: Effect of addition of CeOx and Li2O, Catalysis Today 154(1-2): .
- Lippits M.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2010), Direct conversion of ethanol into ethylene oxide on gold-based catalysts: Effect of CeOx and Li2O addition on the selectivity, Journal of Catalysis 274(2): .
- Gluhoi A.C., Bakker J.W. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2010), Gold, still a surprising catalyst: Selective hydrogenation of acetylene to ethylene over Au nanoparticles, Catalysis Today 154(1-2): .
- Carabineiro S.A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2010), Reactions of small molecules on gold single crystal surfaces, Gold Bulletin 43(4): .
- Georgaka A., Gavril D., Loukopoulos V., Karaiskakis G. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2008), H-2 and CO2 coadsorption effects in CO adsorption over nanosized Au/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts, Journal of Chromatography A 1205: 128-136.
- Lippits M.J., Gluhoi A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2008), A comparative study of the selective oxidation of NH3 to N-2 over gold, silver and copper catalysts and the effect of addition of Li2O and CeOx, Catalysis Today 137(2-4): 446-452.
- Gluhoi A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2007), Structural and chemical promoter effects of alkali (earth) and cerium oxides in CO oxidation on supported gold, Catalysis Today 122(3-4): 226-232.
- Vasylyev M.A., Tinkov V.A. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2007), Electro enrgy-loss spectroscopy of the metals Pd, Cu and the ordered Cu75Pd25(100) alloy, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 159(1-3): L53-L61.
- Aldea N., Marginean P., Rednic V., Gluhoi A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2007), Crystalline and electronic structure of gold nanoclusters determined by EXAFS, XRD and XPS methods, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 9(5): 1555-1560.
- Lippits M.J., Gluhoi A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2007), A comparative study of the effect of addition of CeOx and Li2O on gamma-Al2O3 supported copper, silver and gold catalysts in the preferential oxidation of CO, Topics in Catalysis 44(1-2): 159-165.
- Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Ross J. (2007), Gold 2006, New Industrial Applications for Gold Selected Papers on Catalysis from the 4th Internation Conference on Gold Science. . Catalysis Today: University of Limerick Ireland. 195-195.
- Gluhoi A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), Catalytic oxidation of saturated hydrocarbons on multicomponent Au/Al2O3. Effect of various promoters, Catalysis Today 119: 305-310.
- Gavril D., Georgaka A., Loukopoulos V., Karaiskakis G. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), On the mechanism of Selective CO Oxidation on Nanosized Au/γ-Al2O3 Catalysts, Gold Bulletin 39(4): 192-199.
- Gluhoi A.C., Bogdanchikova N. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), Total oxidation of propene and propane over gold-copper oxide on alumina catalysts. Comparison with Pt/al2O3, Catalysis Today 113: 178-181.
- Weststrate C.J., Bakker J.W., Rienks E.D.L., Vinod C.P., Matveev A.V., Gorodetskii V.V. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), Ammonia oxidation on Pt(410), Journal of Catalysis 242: 184-194.
- Weststrate C.J., Bakker J.W., Rienks E.D.L., Vinod C.P., Lizzit S, Petaccia L., Baraldi A & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), Synchroton XPS and desorption study of the NO chemistry on a stepped Pt surface, Surface Science 600: 1991-2001.
- Gluhoi A.C., Tang X., Marginean P. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), Characterization and catalytic activity of unpromoted and alkali (earth)-promoted Au/Al2O3 catalysts for low-temperature CO oxidation, Topics in Catalysis 39: 101-110.
- Gorodetskii V.V., Matveev A.V., Kalinkin A.V. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Mechanism for CO oxidation and oscillatory reactions on Pd tip and Pd(110) surfaces: FEM, TPR, XPS studies, Chemistry for Sustainable development 11: 67-74.
- Cholach A.R., Bulgakov N.N. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), The role of NHn species in oscillation phenomena in the NO + H2 reaction on noble metal surfaces: semi-empirical calculations, Chemistry for Sustainable development 11: 47-54.
- Gluhoi A.C., Dekkers M.A.P. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Comparative studies of the N2O/H-2, N2O/CO, H-2/O-2 and CO/O-2 reactions on supported gold catalysts: effect of the addition of various oxides, Journal of Catalysis 219: 197-205.
- Rienks E.D.L., Bakker J.W., Baraldi A, Carabineiro S.A.C., Lizzit S, Weststrate C.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), The reduction of NO on Pt(100) b H-2 and CO studied with synchrotron x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 119: 6245-6252.
- Moest B., Helfensteyn S., Deurinck P., Nelis M., Gon A.W.D. van der, Brongersma H.H., Creemers C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), The surface and step edge composition of clean and oxygen covered Pt50Rh50(511), Surface Science 536: 177-190.
- Carabineiro S.A.C., Noort W.D. van & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), A comparative study of the N2O-CO and N2O-H-2 reactions on the Ir(110) surface with emphasis on the oscillatory behavior, Catalysis Letters 84: 135-142.
- Hu Y.H., Han S., Horino H., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Hiratsuka A., Ohno Y., Ivan K. & Matsushima T. (2003), Different CO2 collimation on stepped Pt(112): a comparison of NO(a) and O(a) plus CO(a) reactions, Surface Science 526: 159-165.
- Carabineiro S.A.C., Noort W.D. van & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Oscillations in the N2O-H-2 reaction over Ir(110). Route to chaos, Surface Science 532: 96-102.
- Rienks E.D.L., Bakker J.W., Baraldi A, Carabineiro S.A.C., Lizzit S, Weststrate C.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Synchrotron XPS study of the NO-CO reaction on Pt(100), Surface Science 532: 120-125.
- Cholach A.R., Bulgakov N.N. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Semi-empirical calculations on the stability and reactivity of NHx species on metal surfaces, Catalysis Letters 86: 9-16.
- Carabineiro S.A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Selctive oxidation of ammoia over Ir(510). Comparison over Ir(110), Surface Science 532: 87-95.
- Belousov V.M., Vasylyev M.A., Lyashenko L.V., Vilkova N.Y. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), The low-temperature reduction of Pd-doped transition metal oxide surfaces with hydrogen, Chem. Eng. J. 91: 143-150.
- Grisel R.J.H., Weststrate C.J., Goossens A., Crajé M.W.J., Kraan A.M. van der & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2002), Oxidation of CO over Au/MOx/Al2O3 multi-component catalysts in a hydrogen-rich environment, Catalysis Today 72: 123-132.
- Wolf C.A. de & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2000), The NO -H2 reaction over Pd(111), Surface Science 469(2-3): 196-203.
- Grisel R.J.H., Kooyman P.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2000), Influence of the preparation of Au/Al2O3 on the methane oxidation activity, Journal of Catalysis 191: 430-437.
- Wolf C.A. de, Hattink M.O. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2000), Hysteresis phenomena in the NO-H2 reaction over Ru(0001), Journal Physical Chemistry B 104(14): 3204-3211.
- Gorodetski V.V., Matveev A.V., Cobden P.D. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2000), Study of H2, O2, adsorption and CO + O2 reaction on Pt(100), Pd(110) monocrystal surfaces, J.Molecular Catalysis A: chemical 158: 155-160.
- Cobden P.D., Wolf C.A. de, Smirnov M.Yu, Makeev A.G. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2000), Non-linear processes on Pt, Rh, Pd, Ir and Ru surfaces during the NO-hydrogen reactions, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 158: 115-128.
- Wolf C.A. de, Bakker J.W., Wouda P.T., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Baraldi A., Lizzit S. & Kiskinova M. (2000), Direct observation of repulsive interactions between NO, O and N on Ir(110) surface by fast x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, J.Chemical Physics 113(23): 10717-10722.
- Schaak A., Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Imbihl R. (1999), Anisotropic Chemical Waves on a Stepped Surface: the NO + H2 and O2 + H2 Reactions on Rh(533), Surface Science 441: 33-44.
- Wolf C.A. de, Nieuwenhuys B.E., Slinko M.M. & Smirnov M.Y. (1999), Oscillations of the NO-H2 Reaction over Ir(110) in Activity and Selectivity, Surface Science 433-435: 63-68.
- Feijen-Jeurissen M.M.R., Jorna J.J., Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Hindermann J.-P. (1999), Mechanism of Catalytic Destruction of 1,2-Dichloroethane and Trichloroethylene over g-Al2O3 Supported Chromium and Pd Catalysts, Catalysis Today 54: 65-79.
- Esch F, Baraldi A, Comelli G, Lizzit S, Kiskinova M, Cobden P.D. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1999), Atomic Nitrogen on Steps. A fast XPS study of the NO uptake on Rh(533), Rh(311) and(111), The Journal of Chemical Physics 110(8): 4013-4019.
- Wouda P.T., Schmid M., Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Varga P. (1999), Adsorbate Migration on PdAg(111), Surface Science 423: L229-L235.
- Cobden P.D., Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Gorodetskii V.V. (1999), Adsorption of Some Small Molecules on a Pd Field Emitter, Applied Catalysis A: General 188: 69-77.
- Cobden P.D., Gorodetskii V.V. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1999), Field Emission Microscopy Study of the Initial Behaviour of Pd-Hydrogen System at Low Temperatures, Surface Science 432: 61-68.
- Dekkers M.A.P., Lippits M.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1999), Supported Gold/MOx Catalysts for NO/H2 and CO/H2 Reactions, Catalysis Today 54: 381-390.
- Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1999), The Surface Science Approach to Understanding of Automotive Catalysis on the Atomic Level, Advances in Catalysis 44: 259-328.
- Dekkers M.A.P., Lippits M.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1998), CO adsorption and oxidation on Au/TiO2, Catalysis Letters 56: 195-197.
- Ferri D, Forni L, Dekkers M.A.P. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1998), NO reduction by H2 over perovskite-like mixed oxides, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 16: 339-345.
- Wolf C.A. de, Nieuwenhuys B.E., Sasahara A., Tanaka K., Slinko M.M. & Smirnov M.Y. (1998), Non-linear behaviour in the NO+H2 reaction over Ir(110), Surface Science Letters 411: 904-909.
- Makeev A.G. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1998), Mathematical modelling of the NO+H2/Pt(100) reaction: surface explosion, kinetic oscillations and chaos, The Journal of Chemical Physics 108: 3740-3749.
- Cobden P.D., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Gorodetskii V.V. & Parmon V.N. (1998), Formation and decomposition of palladium hydride particles, Platinum Metals Review 42(4): 141-144.
- Wouda P.T., Schmid M., Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Varga P. (1998), STM study of the (111) and (100) surfaces of PdAg, Surface Science 417: 292-300.
- Cobden P.D., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Esch F., Baraldi A., Comelli G., Lizzit S. & Kiskinova M. (1998), A fast x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of the NO-H2 reaction over Rh(533), Surface Science 416: 264-273.
- Cobden P.D., Breugel Y. van & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1998), Local independent oscillation centres present on an Ir field emitter during the NO+H2 reaction, Surface Science 402-404: 155-159.
- Cobden P.D., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Esch F., Baraldi A., Comelli G., Lizzit S. & Kiskinova M. (1998), A fast XPS study of the NO-H2 reaction over Rh(533), Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 16: 1014-1016.
- Makeev A.G. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1998), Simulation of oscillatory behaviour in the NO+H2 reaction on a partially reconstructed Pt(100) surface, Surface Science 418: 432-440.
- Nieuwenhuys B.E., Dekkers M.A.P. & Mergler Y.J. (1997), NO reduction over noble metal - MOx catalysts, Polish J. of Environmental Studies 6: 53-58.