Ben Lugtenberg
Professor emeritus of Botanical microbiology
- Name
- Prof.dr. E.J.J. Lugtenberg
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5063

1. Biological Control of Plant Root Diseases
Our model disease is TFRR (tomato foot and root rot) caused by the pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici. We study bacteria (such as Bacillus and Pseudomonas) and fungi (such as Trichoderma), which suppress TFRR and several other plant diseases. Elucidating the mechanisms of action of microbes which control plant diseases is a major goal of our research. We study disease control in substrates as diverse as stonewool and salinated desert soil.
2. Bacterial endophytes
In the NWO Centre of Excellence, supported by the governments of the Russian Federation and The Netherlands, I supervise Natalya Malfanova, a PhD student who studies bacterial endophytes and addresses questions such as
- what is the origin of endophytes?
- where and how do they enter the plant?
- where in the plant are endophytes located?
- are they transferred to the next generation of plants?
- do they have a function in the plant?
3. Interactions of microbes with each other and with small animals
I read literature about complex interactions between bacteria and fungi and about interactions of microbes with small animals such as nematodes and protozoa.
Professor emeritus of Botanical microbiology
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Microbial Sciences
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2022), Zó leuk is Microbiologie. Leiden: Ipskamp.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2022), Companies and organizations active in agriculture and horticulture. In: Bruijn F.J. de, Smidt H., Cocolin L.S., Sauer M., Dowling D. & Thomashow L. (Eds.), Good microbes in medicine, food production, biotechnology, bioremediation, and agriculture: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 531-540.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2018), Putting concerns for caution into perspective: microbial plant protection products are safe to use in agriculture, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 125(2): 127–129.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Rozen D.E. & Kamilova F. (2017), Wars between microbes on roots and fruits, F1000Research 6: 343.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2015), Important organizations and companies. In: Lugtenberg E.J.J. (Ed.), Principles of Plant-Microbe Interactions Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture: Springer. 339-342.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (Ed.) (2015), Principles of Plant-Microbe Interactions – Microbes for sustainable agriculture: Springer.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2015), Life of microbes in the rhizosphere. In: Lugtenberg E.J.J. (Ed.), Life of microbes in the rhizosphere.. Cham: Springer. 7-15.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2015), Introduction to plant-microbe interactions. In: Lugtenberg E.J.J (Ed.), Principles of Plant-Microbe Interactions – Microbes for sustainable agriculture.. Cham: Springer. 1-2.
- Chebotar V.K., Malfanova N.V., Shcherbakova A.V., Ahtemova G.A., Borisov A.Y., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Tikhonovich I.A. (2015), Endophytic Bacteria in Microbial Preparations that Improve Plant Development, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 51(3): 271–277.
- Malfanova N., Kamilova F., Validov S., Chebotar V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2013), Is l-arabinose important for the endophytic lifestyle of Pseudomonas spp.?, Archives of Microbiology 195(1): 9-17.
- Shcherbakov A.V., Bragina A.V., Kuzmina E.Y., Berg C., Muntyan A.N., Makarova N.M., Malfanova N., Cardinale M., Berg G., Chebotar V.K., Tikhonovich I.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2013), Endophytic Bacteria of Sphagnum Mosses as Promising Objects of Agricultural Microbiology, Microbiology 82(2013): 306-315.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Raaijmakers J. (2013), Perspectives for rhizosphere research. In: Bruijn F.J. de (Ed.), Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere.: Wiley/Blackwell. 1227 - 1232.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Girard G. (2013), Role of phenazine-1-carboxamide produced by Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 in the control of tomato foot and root rot. In: Chincholkar S. & Thomashow L. (Eds.), Microbial phenazines. Berling Heidelberg: Springer. 163-175.
- Berg G., Alavi M., Schmidt C.S., Zachow C., Egamberdieva D., Kamilova F. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2013), Biocontrol and Osmoprotection for Plants under Saline conditions. In: Bruijn F.J. de (Ed.), Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere no. 1: Wiley/Blackwell. 587- 592.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Malfanova N., Kamilova F. & Berg G. (2013), Plant growth promotion by microbes. In: Bruijn F.J. de (Ed.), Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere no. 1: Wiley/Blackwell. 561- 573.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Malfanova N., Kamilova F. & Berg G. (2013), Microbial control of plant root diseases. In: Bruijn F.J. de (Ed.), Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere no. 1: Wiley/Blackwell. 575 – 586.
- Malfanova N., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Berg G. (2013), Bacterial endophytes: who and where, and what are they doing there?. In: Bruijn F.J. de (Ed.), Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere no. 1: Wiley/Blackwell. 393-403.
- Kamilova F., De Bruyne R. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2013), Plant growth Promoting Microorganisms: the Road from an Academically Promising result to a commercial Product. In: Bruijn F.J. de (Ed.), Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere no. 1: Wiley/Blackwell. 677- 686.
- Malfanova N., Franzil L., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Chebotar V. & Ongena M. (2012), Cyclic lipopeptide profile of the plant-beneficial endophytic bacterium Bacillus subtilis HC8, Archives of Microbiology 194(11): 893-899.
- Egamberdieva D., Kucharova Z., Berg G, Makarova N., Azarova T., Chebotar V, Tikhonovich I.A., Kamilova F.D., Validov S.Z. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2011), Bacteria able to control foot and root rot and to promote growth of cucumber in salinated soils, Biology and Fertility of Soils 47(2): 197-205.
- Pliego C., Kamilova F. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2011), Plant Growth-promoting Bacteria: Fundamentals and Exploitation. In: Maheshwari D. (Ed.), Bacteria in Agrobiology: Crop Ecosystems. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 295-343.
- Validov S.Z., Kamilova F.D. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2010), Monitoring of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum strains during tomato plant infection, Microbial Biotechnology 4(1): 82-88.
- Validov S.Z., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kamilova F. (2009), Diagnosis of tomato foot and root rot by quantification of Fusarium oxysporum in plant material, Acta Horticulturae 808: 29-32.
- Kamilova F., Validov S. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2009), Biological control of tomato foot and root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.radicis-lycopersici by Pseudomonas bacteria, Acta Horticulturae 808: 317-320.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kamilova F. (2009), Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, Annual Review of Microbiology 63: 541-556.
- Validov S.Z., Kamilova F. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2009), Pseudomonas putida strain PCL1760 controls tomato foot and root rot in stonewool under industrial conditions in a certified greenhouse, Biological Control 48: 6-11.
- Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Lagopodi A., Mulders I.H.M., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2008), Visualisation of interactions of Pseudomonas and Bacillus biocontrol strains. In: Varma A., Abott L., Werner D. & Hampp R. (Eds.), Plant Surface Microbiology. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 431-448.
- Egamberdieva D., Kamilova F., Validov S., Gafurova L., Kucharova Z. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2008), High incidence of plant growth-stimulating bacteria associated with the rhizosphere of wheat grown on salinated soil in Uzbekistan, Environmental Microbiology 10: 1-9.
- Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2008), Root colonisation following seed inoculation. In: Varma A., Abott L., Werner D. & Hampp R. (Eds.), Plant Surface Microbiology. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 13-33.
- Kamilova F., Lamers G.E.M. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2008), Biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 inhibits germination of Fusarium oxysporum spores in tomato root exudate as well as subsequent formation of new spores, Environmental Microbiology 10(6): 2455-2461.
- Kamilova F., Leveau J.H.J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2007), Collimonas fungivorans, an unpredicted in vitro but efficient in vivo biocontrol agent for the suppression of tomato foot and root rot (Reprinted from Environ Microbiol vol 9, 1597-1603, 2007), Environmental Microbiology 9(7): 1868-1868.
- Weert S. de, Kuiper I., Kamilova F., Mulders I.H.M., Bloemberg G.V., Kravchenko L.V., Azarova T., Eijkemans K., Preston G.M., Rainey P., Tikhonovich I.A., Wijfjes A.H.M. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2007), Role of competitive root tip colonization in the biological control of tomato foot and root rot. In: Chincholkar S.B. & Mukerji K.G. (Eds.), Biological control of plant: T&F/Crc Press. 103-117.
- Cazorla F.M., Romero D., Perez-Garcia A., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Vicente A. de & Bloemberg G.V. (2007), Isolation and characterization of antagonistic Bacillus subtilis strains from the avocado rhizoplane displaying biocontrol activity, Journal of Applied Microbiology 103: 1950-1959.
- Validov S., Kamilova F., Qi S., Stephan D., Wang J.J., Makarova N. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2007), Selection of bacteria able to control Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis- lycopersici in stonewool substrate, Journal of Applied Microbiology 102: 461-471.
- Dubern J.-F., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2006), The ppuI-rsaL-ppuR quorum sensing system regulates biofilm formation of Pseudomonas putida PCL1445 by controlling biosynthesis of the cyclic lipopeptides putisolvin I and II, Journal of Bacteriology 188(8): 2898-2906.
- Weert S. de, Dekkers L.C., Bitter W., Tuinman S., Wijfjes A.H.M., Boxtel R. van & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2006), The two-component colR/S system of Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 plays a role in rhizopshere competence through maintaining the structure and function of the outer membrane, FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2006(58): 205-213.
- Girard G.A.O., Barends S., Riqali S., Rij E.T. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2006), Pip, a novel activator of phenazine biosynthesis of Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391, Journal of Bacteriology 188(23): 8283-8293.
- Kamilova F., Kravchenko L.V., Shaposhnikov A.I., Makarova N. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2006), Effects of the tomato pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici and of the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 on the composition of organic acids and sugars in tomato root exudate, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 19: 1121-1126.
- Girard G.A.O., Rij E.T. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2006), Regulatory roles of psrA and rpoS in phenazine-1-carboxamide synthesis by Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391, Microbiology 152: 43-58.
- Validov S., Qi S., Azarova T., Kamilova F. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2006), Heterogeneity of Fusarium oxysporum strains isolated as formae specialis radicis-lycopersici. Raaijmakers J.M. & Sikora R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Working Group "Multitrophic interactions in Soil and Integrated Control". Working Group "Multitrophic interactions in Soil and Integrated Control 5 June 2005 - 8 June 2005 no. 29: IOBC-WPRS. 151-156.
- Bloemberg G.V., Girard G.A.O., Rij T., Dubern J.-F., Broek D. van den, Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Mulders I., Weert S. de & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2006), Regulatory mechanisms of secondary metabolite production in beneficial plant associated Pseudomonas sp. Sanchez F., Quinto C., López-Lara I.M. & Geiger O. (Eds.), Proceedings of the XII International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. XII International Congress on MPMI 14 December 2005 - 16 December 2005 no. 5: MPMI. 346-352.
- Cazorla F.M., Duckett S.B., Bergström E.T., Noreen S., Odijk R., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Thomas-Oates J.E. & Bloemberg G.V. (2006), Biocontrol of avocado Dematophora root rot by the antagonistic Pseudomonas fluorescens PCL1606 correlates with the production of 2-hexyl 5-propyl resorcinol, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 19: 418-428.
- Dubern J.F., Lagendijk E.L., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2005), The heat shock genes dnaK, dnaJ, and grpE are involved in regulation of putisolvin biosynthesis in Pseudomonas putida PCL1445, Journal of Bacteriology 187(17): 5967-5976.
- Bolwerk A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2005), Visualization of interactions of microbial biocontrol agents and phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici on tomato roots. In: Siddiqui Z.A. (Ed.), PGPR: Biocontrol and Biofertilizatio. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag. 217-231.
- Broek D. van den, Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2005), Role of RpoS and MutS in phase variation of Pseudomonas sp. PCL1171, Microbiology 151(5): 1403-1408.
- Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Broek D. van den, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2005), The Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 sigma regulator psrA represses the production of the antifungal metabolite phenazine-1-carboxamide, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 18(3): 244-253.
- Broek D. van den, Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2005), The role of phenotypic variation in rhizosphere Pseudomonas bacteria. Environ, Environmental Microbiology 7: 1686-1697.
- Rij E.T. van, Girard G., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2005), Influence of fusaric acid on phenazine-1-carboxamide synthesis and gene expression of Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain PCL1391, Microbiology 151: 2805-2814.
- Bolwerk A., Lagopodi A., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2005), Visualization of interactions between a pathogenic and a beneficial Fusarium strain during biocontrol of tomato foot and root rot, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 18(7): 710-721.
- Kamilova F., Validov S., Azarova T., Mulders I. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2005), Enrichment for enhanced competitive plant root tip colonizers selects for a new class of biocontrol bacteria, Environmental Microbiology 7: 1809-1817.
- Broek D. van den, Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2005), Molecular nature of spontaneous modifications in gacS which cause colony phase variation in Pseudomonas sp. strain PCL1171, Journal of Bacteriology 187(2): 593-600.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2004), Life in the rhizosphere. In: Ramos J.L. (Ed.), Pseudomonas. Boston, MA: Springer. 403-430.
- Kuiper I., Lagendijk E.L., Pickford R., Derrick J.P., Lamers G.E.M., Thomas-Oates J.E., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2004), Characterization of two Pseudomonas putida lipopeptide biosurfactants, putisolvin I and II, which inhibit biofilm formation and break down existing biofilms, Molecular Microbiology 51(1): 97-113.
- Rij E.T. van, Wesselink M., Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2004), Influence of environmental conditions on the production of phenazine-1-carboxamide by Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL 1391, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 17(5): 557-566.
- Tikhonovich I.A., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Provorov N.A. (2004), Molecular plant-microbe interactions: new bridges between past and future. In: Tikhonovich I. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (Eds.), Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions: New Bridges between Past and Future. BIOLOGY OF PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS no. 4. Minnesota: International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 17-18.
- Bolwerk A., Lagopodi A., Wijfjes A.H.M., Lamers G.E.M., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2004), Interactions between Pseudomonas biocontrol strains and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici in the tomato rhizosphere. In: Tikhonovich I., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Provorov N.A. (Eds.), Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions: New Bridges Between Past and Future no. 4. Wisonsin-Madison, U.S.A.: International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 323-326.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Bloemberg G.V., Bolwerk A., Broek D. van den, Cazorla-Lopez F., Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Eijkemans K., Kamilova F., Kuiper I., Mulders I.H.M., Rij E.T. van & Weert S. de (2004), Microbial control of tomato foot and root rot. In: Tikhonovich I. & Lugtenberg B.J.J. (Eds.), Molecular plant-microbe interactions: new bridges between past and future. BIOLOGY OF PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS no. 4. Minnesota: International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 305-309.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2004), Molecular aspects of biocontrol traits. In: Tikhonovich I. & Lugtenberg B.J.J. (Eds.), Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions: New Bridges between Past and Future. BIOLOGY OF PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS no. 4. Minnesota: International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 310-311.
- Weert S. de, Dekkers L.C., Kuiper I., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2004), Generation of enhanced competitive root-top-colonizing Pseudomonas bacteria through accelerated evolution, Journal of Bacteriology 186(10): 3153-3159.
- Weert S. de, Kuiper I., Lagendijk E.L., Lamers G.E.M. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2004), Role of chemotaxis toward fusaric acid in colonization of hyphae of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici by Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 16(11): 1185-1191.
- Kuiper I., Lagendijk E.L., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2004), Rhizoremediation: A beneficial plant-microbe interaction, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 17(1): 6-15.
- Bolwerk A., Lagopodi A., Wijfjes A.H.M., Lamers G.E.M., Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2003), Interactions in the tomato rhizosphere of two Pseudomonas biocontrol strains with the phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 16(11): 983-993.
- Broek D. van den, Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Eijkemans K., Mulders I.H.M., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2003), Biocontrol traits of Pseudomonas spp. are regulated by phase variation, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 16(11): 1003-1012.
- Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2003), Phenazines and their role in biocontrol by Pseudomonas bacteria, New Phytologist 157(3): 503-523.
- Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2003), Mechanisms of biological control of phytopathogenic fungi by Pseudomonas spp. In: Stacey G. & Keen N.T. (Eds.), Plant-Microbe Interactions no. 6. St. Paul, MN: The American Phytopathological Society. 173-225.
- Lagopodi A., Ram A.F.J., Lamers G.E.M., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2002), Novel aspects of tomato root colonization and infection by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicislycopersici revealed by confocal laser scanning microscopic analysis using the green fluorescent protein as a marker, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15(2): 172-179.
- Weert S. de, Vermeiren H., Mulders C.H.M., Kuiper I., Hendrickx N., Bloemberg G.V., Vanderleyden J., Mot R. de & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2002), Flagella-driven chemotaxis towards exudate components is an important trait for tomato root colonization by Pseudomonas fluorescens, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15(11): 1173-1180.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Bloemberg G.V., Bolwerk A., Camacho M., Chin-A-Woeng T.F., Dekkers L.C., Kravchenko L.V., Kuiper I., Lagendijk E.L., Lagopodi A., Mulders I., Radjkoemar-Bansraj R.M.S., Tuinman S., Weert S. de & Wijfjes A.H.M. (2002), Improving root colonisation by Pseudomonas inoculants. In: Leong S.A., Allen C. & Triplett E.W. (Eds.), Biology of plant-microbe interactions no. 3. St. Paul, MN, USA.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C. & Bloemberg G.V. (2002), Microbe-plant interactions: principles and mechanisms, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 81(1-4): 373-383.
- Kuiper I., Kravchenkov L.V., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2002), Pseudomonas putida strain PCL1444, selected for efficient root colonization and naphthalene degradation, effectively utilizes root exudates components, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15(7): 734-741.
- Camacho Carjaval M.M., Wijfjes A.H.M., Mulders I.H.M., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2002), Characterization of NADH dehydrogenases of Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 and their role in competitive root colonization, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15(7): 662-671.
- Kuiper I., Bloemberg G.V., Noree S., Thomas-Oates J.E. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2001), Increased uptake of putrescine in the Rhizosphere inhibits competitive root colonization by Pseudomonas fluoresecens strain WCS365, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 14(9): 1096-1104.
- Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Thomas-Oates J.E., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2001), Introduction of the phzH gene of Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 extends the range of biocontrol ability of Phenazine-1-Carboxylic Acid-Producing pseudomonas spp. strains, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 14(8): 1006-1015.
- Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Broek D. van den, Voer G. de, Drift K.M.G.M. van der, Tuinman S., Thomas-Oates J.E., Lugtenberg EJ.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2001), Phenazine-1-carboxamide production in the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 is regulated by multiple factors secreted into the growth medium, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 14(8): 969-979.
- Kuiper I., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2001), Selection of a plant-bacterium pair as a novel tool for rhizostimulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 14(10): 1197-1205.
- Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2001), Molecular basis of plant growth promotion and biocontrol by rhizobacteria, Current Opinion in Plant Biology 4(4): 343-350.
- Okker R.J.H., Spaink H.P., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Schlaman W.R.M. (2001), Mutants in the nodFEL promoter of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae reveal a role of individual nucleotides in transcriptional activation and protein binding, Archives of Microbiology 175(2): 152-160.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Dekkers L.C., Bansraj M., Bloemberg G.V., Camacho M., Chin-A-Woeng T., Hondel K. van den, Kravchenko L., Kuiper I., Lagopodi A.L., Mulders I., Phoelich C., Ram A., Tikhonovich I., Tuinman S., Wijffelman C. & Wijfjes A. (2000), Pseudomonas genes and traits involved in tomato root colonization. In: Wit P.J.G.M. de, Bisseling T. & Stiekema W.J. (Eds.), Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions. BIOLOGY OF PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS, VOL 2 no. 6251X: APS PRESS. 324-330.
- Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Bloemberg G.V., Mulders I.H.M., Dekkers L.C. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2000), Root colonization by phenazine-1-carboxamide-producing bacterium Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 is essential for biocontrol of tomato foot and root rot, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 13(12): 1340-1345.
- Bloemberg G.V., Wijfjes A.H.M., Lamers G.E.M., Stuurman N. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2000), Simultaneous imaging of Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 populations expressing three different autofluorescent proteins in the rhizosphere: New perspectives for studying microbial communities, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 13(11): 1170-1176.
- Dekkers L.C., Mulders I.H.M., Phoelich C.C., Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Wijfjes A.H.M. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (2000), The sss colonization gene of the tomato-Fusarium oxysporum f. sp radicislycopersici biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 can improve root colonization of other wild-type Pseudomonas spp. bacteria, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 13(11): 1177-1183.
- Ritsema T., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1999), Biosynthesis of lipo-chitin oligosaccharides: bacterial signal molecules which induce plant organogenesis. In: Barton D., Nakanishi K. & Meth-Cohn O. (Eds.), Comprehensive Natural Producs Chemistry. Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemincal Engineering no. Volume 1: Elsevier. 325-344.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Kravchenkov L.V. & Simons M. (1999), Tomato seed and exudate sugars: composition, utilization by Pseudomonas biocontrol strains and role in rhizosphere colonization, Environmental Microbiology 1(5): 439-446.
- Kamst E., Zegelaar-Jaarsveld K., Marel G.A. van der, Boom J.H. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1999), Chemical synthesis of N-acetylglucosamine derivatives and their use as glycosyl-acceptors by the Mesorhizobium loti chitin oligosaccharides synthase NodC, Carbohydrate Research 321(3-4): 176-189.
- Ovtsyna A.O., Rademaker G.J., Esser E., Weinman J., Rolfe B.G., Tikhonovich I.A., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Thomas-Oates J.E. & Spaink H.P. (1999), Comparison of characteristics of the nodX genes from various Rhizobium leguminosarum strains, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 12(3): 252-258.
- Kamst E., Bakkers J., Quaedvlieg N.E.M., Pilling J., Kijne J.W., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1999), Chitin oligosaccharide synthesis by rhizobia and zebrafish embryos starts by glycosyl transfer to O4 of the reducing-terminal residue, Biochemistry 38(13): 4045-4052.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Dekkers L.C. (1999), What makes Pseudomonas bacteria rhizosphere competent?, Environmental Microbiology 1(1): 9-13.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1998), Outer membrane proteins. In: Spaink H.P., Kondorosi A. & Hooykaas P.J.J. (Eds.), The Rhizobiaceae. Dordrecht: Springer. 45-53.
- Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Bloemberg G.V., Bij A.J. van der, Drift K.M.G.M. van der, Schripsema J., Kroon B., Scheffer R.J., Keel C., Bakker P.A.H.M., Tichy H.V., Bruijn, Thomas-Oates J.E. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1998), Biocontrol by Phenazine-1-carboxamide-producing Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 of tomato root rot caused by Fusarium oxysproum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 11(1): 1069-1077.
- Dekkers L.C., Bij A.J. van der, Mulders I.H.M., Phoelich C.C., Wentwoord R.A.R., Glandorf D.C.M., Wijffelman C.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1998), Role of the O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide, and possible roles of growth rage and of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (nuo) in competitive tomato root-tip colonization by Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 11(8): 763-771.
- Geiger O., Glushka J., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Spaink H.P. & Thomas-Oates J.E. (1998), NodFE-dependent fatty acids that lack an α-β unsaturation are subject to differential transfer, leading to novel phospholipids, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 11(1): 33-44.
- Ovtsyna A.O., Geurts R., Bisseling T., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Tikhonovich A. & Spaink H.P. (1998), Restriction of host range by the sym2 allele of Afghan pea is nonspecific for the type of modification at the reducing terminus of nodulation signals, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 11(5): 418-422.
- Geiger O., Glushka J., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Spaink H.P. & Thomas-Oates J. (1998), NodFE-Dependent Fatty Acids That Lack an α-β Unsaturation Are Subject to Differential Transfer, Leading to Novel Phospholipids, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 11(1): 33-44.
- Dekkers L.C., Bloemendaal C.J.P., Weger L.A. de, Wijffelman C.A., Spaink H.P. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1998), A two-component system plays an important role in the root-colonizing ability of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain WCS365, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 11(1): 45-56.
- Dekkers L.C., Phoelich C.C., Fits L. van der & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1998), A site-specific recombinase is required for competitive root colonization by Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95(12): 7051-7056.
- Ritsema T., Gehring A.M., Stuitje A.R., Drift K.M.G.M. van der, Dandal I., Lambalot R.H., Walsh C.T., Thomas-Oates J.E., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1998), Functional analysis of an interspecies chimera of acyl carrier proteins indicates a specialized domain for protein recognition, Molecular and General Genetics 257(6): 641-648.
- Okon Y., Bloemberg G.V. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1997), Biotechnology of biofertilization and phytostimulation. In: Altman A. (Ed.), Agricultural Biotechnology. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.. 327-349.
- Ritsema T., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1997), Acyl-acyl carrier protein is a donor of fatty acids in the NodA-dependent step in biosynthesis of lipochitin oligosaccharides by rhizobia, Journal of Bacteriology 179(12): 4053-4055.
- Kamst E., Pilling J., Raamsdonk L.M., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1997), Rhizobium nodulation protein NodC is an important determinant of chitin oligosaccharide chain length in Nod factor biosynthesis, Journal of Bacteriology 179(7): 2103-2108.
- Simons M., Permentier H.P., Weger L.A. de, Wijffelman C.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1997), Amino acid synthesis is necessary for tomato root colonization by Pseudomonas fluorescens strain WCS365, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 10(1): 102-106.
- Roest H.P., Mulders I.H.M., Spaink H.P., Wijffelman C.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1997), A Rhizobium leguminosarum Biovar trifolii locus not localized on the sym plasmid hinders effective nodulation on plants of the pea cross-inoculation group, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 10(7): 938-941.
- Weger L.A. de, Kuiper I., Bij A.J. van der & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1997), Use of a lux-based procedure to rapidly visualize root colonisation by Pseudomonas fluorescens in the wheat rhizosphere, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 72(4): 365-372.
- Schlaman W.R.M., Gisel A.A., Quaedvlieg N.E.M., Bloemberg G.V., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Kijne J.W., Potrykus I., Spaink H.P. & Sautter C. (1997), Chitin oligosaccharides can induce cortical cell division in roots of Vicia sativa when delivered by ballistic microtargeting, Development 124(23): 4887-4895.
- Chin-A-Woeng T.F.C., Priester W. de, Bij A.J. van der & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1997), Description of the colonization of a gnotobiotic tomato rhizosphere by Pseudomonas fluorescens biocontrol strain WCS365, using scanning electron microscopy, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 10(1): 79-86.
- Quinto C., Wijfjes A.H.M., Bloemberg G.V., Blok-Tip L., Lopez-Lara I.M., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Thomas-Oates J.E. & Spaink H.P. (1997), Bacterial nodulation protein NodZ is a chitin oligosaccharide fucosyltransferase which can also recognize related substrates of animal origin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94(9): 4336-4341.
- Bloemberg G.V., O'Toole G.A., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kolter R. (1997), Green fluorescent protein as a marker for Pseudomonas spp, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63(11): 4543-4551.
- Simons M., Bij A.J. van der, Brand I., Weger L.A. de, Wijffelman C.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1996), Gnotobiotic system for studying Rhizosphere colonization by plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas bacteria gnotobiotic system for studying Rhizosphere, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 9(7): 600-607.
- Bij A.J. van der, Weger L.A. de, Tucker W.T. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1996), Plasmid stability in Pseudomonas fluorescens in the Rhizosphere, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62(3): 1076-1080.
- Weger L.A. de, Bloemberg G.V., Wezel T. van, Raamsdonk M. van, Glandorf D.C.M., Vuurde J. van, Jann K. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1996), A novel cell surface polysaccharide in Pseudomonas putida WCS358, which shares characteristics with Escherichia coli K antigens, is not involved in root colonization, Journal of Bacteriology 178(7): 1955-1961.
- Lopez-Lara I.M., Blok-Tip L., Quinto C., Garcia M.L., Stacey G., Bloemberg G.V., Lamers G.E.M., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Thomas-Oates J.E. & Spaink H.P. (1996), NodZ of Bradyrhizobium extends the nodulation host range of Rhizobium by adding a fucosyl residue to nodulation signals, Molecular Microbiology 21(2): 397-408.
- Mathesius U., Schlaman W.R.M., Meijer D., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Spaink H.P., Weinman J.J., Roddam L.F., Sautter C., Rolfe B.G. & Djordjevic M.A. (1996), New tools for investigating nodule initiation and ontogeny: Spot inoculation and microtargeting of transgenic white clover roots shows auxin involvement and suggests a role for flavonoids, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 9: 353-358.
- Ritsema T., Wijfjes A.H.M., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1996), Rhizobium nodulation protein NodA is a host specific determinant of the transfer of fatty acids in Nod factor biosynthesis, Molecular and General Genetics 251(1): 44-51.
- Spaink H.P., Bakkers J., Bladergroen M., Bloemberg G.V., Dandal I., Diaz C.L., Blok-Tip L., Gisel A., Harteveld M., LopezLara I.M., Kafetzopoulos D., Kamst E., Kijne J.W., Meijer D., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Ovtsyna A.O., Potrykus I., Quaedvlieg N.E.M., Quinto C., Ritsema T., Sautter C., Schlaman H.R.M., Thomas-Oates J.E., Boom J.H. van, Drift K. van der, Marel G.A. van der, Leeuwen S. van, Veldhuis A. & Wijfjes A.H.M. (1996), The molecular basis of host specificity of rhizobia. Stacey G., Mullin B. & Gresshoff P.M. (Eds.), Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions. International Symposium on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 14 July 1996 - 19 July 1996: APS PRESS. 299-306.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Bij A. van der, Bloemberg G.V., Chin-A-Woeng T.C.A., Dekkers .L., Kravchenko L., Mulders I., Phoelich C., Simons M., Spaink H.P., Tikhonovich I., Weger L. de & Wijffelman C.A. (1996), Molecular basis of rhizosphere colonization by Pseudomonas bacteria. Stacey G., Mullin B. & Gresshoff P.M. (Eds.), Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions. 8th International Symposium on Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 1 July 1996 - 5 July 1996 no. 1: APS Press. 433-440.
- Drift K.M.G.M. van der, Spaink H.P., Bloemberg G.V., Brussel A.A.N. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J., Haverkamp J. & Thomas-Oates J.E. (1996), Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii produces Lipo-chitin oligosaccharides with nodE-dependent highly unsaturated fatty acyl moieties. An electrospray ionization and collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometric study, Journal of Biological Chemistry 271(37): 22563-22569.
- Spaink H.P., Bloemberg G.V., Brussel A.A.N. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J., Drift K.M.G.M. van der, Haverkamp J. & Thomas-Oates J.E. (1995), Host specificity of Rhizobium leguminosarum is determined by the hydrophobicity of highly unsaturated fatty acyl moieties of the nodulation factors, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 8(1): 155-164.
- Spaink H.P., Wijfjes A.H. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1995), Rhizobium Nodl and NodJ proteins play a role in the efficiency of secretion of lipochitin oligosaccharides, Journal of Bacteriology 177(21): 6276-6281.
- Bloemberg G.V., Brussel A.A.N. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J., Drift K.M.G.M. van der, Haverkamp J. & Thomas-Oates J.E. (1995), Host specificity of Rhizobium leguminosarum is determined by the hydrophobicity of highly unsaturated fatty acyl moieties of the nodulation factors, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 8(1): 155-164.
- Roest H.P., Mulders I.H., Wijffelman C.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1995), Isolation of ropB, a gene encoding a 22-kDa Rhizobium leguminosarum outer membrane protein, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 8(4): 576-583.
- Roest H.P., Bloemendaal C.J.P., Wijffelman C.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1995), Isolation and characterization of ropA homologous genes from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovars viciae and trifolii, Journal of Bacteriology 177(17): 4985-4991.
- Roest H.P., Goosen-de Roo L., Wijffelman C.A., Maagd R.A. de & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1995), Outer membrane protein changes during bacteroid development are independent of nitrogen fixation and differ between indeterminate and determinate nodulating host plants of rhizobium leguminosarum, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 8(1): 14-22.
- Bloemberg G.V., Lagas R.M., Leeuwen S. van, Marel G.A. van der, Boom J.H. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1995), Substrate specificity and kinetic studies of nodulation protein NodL of Rhizobium leuminosarum, Biochemistry 34(39): 12712-12720.
- López-Lara I.M., Berg J.D.J. van den, Thomas-Oates J.E., Glushka J., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1995), Structural identification of the Lipo-chitin oligosaccharide nodulation signals of rhizobium-LOTI, Molecular Microbiology 15(4): 627-638.
- Kamst E., Drift K.M. van der, Thomas-Oates J.E., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1995), Mass spectrometric analysis of chitin oligosaccharides produced by Rhizobium NodC protein in Escherichia coli, Journal of Bacteriology 177(21): 6282-6285.
- Schippers B., Scheffer R.J., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Weisbeek P.J. (1995), Biocoating of seeds with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria to improve plant establishment, Outlook on Agriculture 24(3): 179-185.
- Kafetzopoulos E., Kamst E., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1995), Lipo-chitin-oligosaccharides (LCOS) as endogenous organogenesis signals of the plant, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 59(21A): 480-480.
- Cardenas L., Dominguez J., Quinto C., Lopez-Lara I.M., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Spaink H.P., Rademaker G.J., Haverkamp J. & Thomas-Oates J.E. (1995), Isolation, chemical structures and biological activity of the lipo-chitin oligosaccharide nodulation signals from Rhizobium etli, Plant Molecular Biology 29(3): 453-464.
- Lopez-Lara I.M., Drift K.M.G.M. van der, Brussel A.A.N. van, Haverkamp J., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Thomas-Oates J.E. & Spaink H.P. (1995), Induction of nodule primordia on Phaseolus and Acacia by lipo-chitin oligosaccharide nodulation signals from broad-host-range Rhizobium strain GRH2, Plant Molecular Biology 29(3): 465-477.
- Weger L.A. de, Bij A.J. van der, Dekkers L.C., Simons M., Wijffelman C.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1995), Colonization of the rhizosphere of crop plants by plant-beneficial pseudomonads, FEMS Microbiology Ecology 17(4): 221-227.
- Bloemberg G.V., Kamst E., Harteveld M., Drift K.M.G.M. van der, Haverkamp J., Thomas-Oates J.E., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1995), A central domain of Rhizobium NodE protein mediates host specificity by determining the hydrophobicity of fatty acyl moieties of nodulation factors, Molecular Microbiology 16(6): 1123-1136.
- Swart S., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Smit G. & Kijne J.W. (1994), Rhicadhesin-mediated attachment and virulence of an Agrobacterium tumefaciens chvB mutant can be restored by growth in a highly osmotic medium, Journal of Bacteriology 176(12): 3816-3819.
- Maagd R.A. de, Yang W.C., Goosen-de Roo L., Mulders I.H.M., Roest H.P., Spaink H.P., Bisseling T. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1994), Down-regulation of expression of the Rhizobium leguminosarum outer membrane protein gene ropA occurs abruptly in interzone II-III of pea nodules and can be uncoupled from nif gene activation, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 7(2): 276-281.
- Geiger O., Thomas-Oates J.E., Glushka J., Spaink H.P. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1994), Phospholipids of Rhizobium contain nodE-determined highly unsaturated fatty acid moieties, Journal of Biological Chemistry 269(15): 11090-11097.
- Ritsema T., Geiger O., Dillewijn P. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1994), Serine residue 45 of nodulation protein NodF from Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae is essential for its biological function, Journal of Bacteriology 176(24): 7740-7743.
- Bloemberg G.V., Thomasoates J.E., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Spaink H.P. (1994), Nodulation protein NodL of Rhizobium leguminosarum O-acetylates lipo-oligosaccharides, chitin fragments and N-acetylglucosamine in vitro, Molecular Microbiology 11(4): 793-804.
- Swart S., Logman T.J.J., Smit G., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kijne J.W. (1994), Purification and partial characterization of a glycoprotein from pea (Pisum sativum) with receptor activity for rhicadhesin, an attachment protein of Rhizobiaceae, Plant Molecular Biology 24(1): 171-183.
- Spaink H.P. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1994), Role of rhizobial lipo-chitin oligosaccharide signal molecules in root nodule organogenesis, Plant Molecular Biology 26(5): 1413-1422.
- Geiger O., Ritsema T., Brussel A.A.N. van, Tak T., Wijfjes A.H.M., Bloemberg G.V., Spaink H.P. & Lugtenberg E.E.J. (1994), Role of rhizobial lipo-oligosacharides in root nodule formation on leguminious plants, Plant and Soil 161(1): 81-89.
- Swart S., Logman T.J.J., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Smit G. & Kijne J.W. (1994), Several phenotypic changes in the cell envelope of Agrobacterium tumefaciens chvB mutants are prevented by calcium limitation, Archives of Microbiology 161(4): 310-315.
- Spaink H.P., Wijfjes A.H.M., Drift K.M.G.M. van der, Haverkamp J., Thomas-Oates J.E. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1994), Structural identification of metabolites produced by the NodB and NodC proteins of Rhizobium leguminosarum, Molecular Microbiology 13(5): 821-831.
- Spaink H.P., Bloemberg G.V., Wijfjes A.H.M., Ritsema T., Geiger O., López-Lara I.M., Harteveld M., Kafetzopoulous D., Brussel A.N. van, Kijne J.W., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Drift K.M.G.M. van der, Thomas-Oates J.E., Potrykus I. & Sautter C. (1994), The molecular basis of host specificity in the Rhizobium leguminosarum-plant interaction. In: Daniels M.J., Downie J.A. & Osbourn A.E. (Eds.), Advances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions. Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture no. 21. Netherlands: Springer. 91-98.
- Lugtenberg B.J.J., Weger L.A. de & Schippers B. (1994), Bacterization to protect seed and rhizosphere against disease. In: Martin T. (Ed.), Seed Treatment: Progress and Prospects. British Crop Protection Council Monograph: British Crop Protection Council. 293-302.
- Weger A. de, Dekkers L.C., Bij A.J. van der & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1994), Use of phosphate-reporter bacteria to study phosphate limitation in the rhizosphere and in bulk soil, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 7(1): 32-38.
- Zaat S.A.J., Slegtenhorst-Eegdeman K., Tommassen J., Geli V., Wijffelman C.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1994), Construction of phoE-caa, a novel PCR- and Immunologically detectable marker gene for pseudomonas putida, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60(11): 3965-3973.
- Goosen-de Roo L., Maagd R.A. de & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1993), Outer membrane protein gene expression traced by immunogold labelling in rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strain 248 in vicia sativa ssp. nigra, Cell Biology International 17(2): 221-226.
- Spaink H.P., Aarts A., Bloemberg G.V., Folch J., Geiger O., Schlaman H.R.M., Thomas-Oates J.E., Brussel A.A.N. van, Sande K. van de, Spronsen P. van, Wijfjes A.H.M. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1993), Rhizobial Lipo-Oligosaccharide Signals: Their Biosynthesis and Their Role in the Plant. In: Nester E.W. & Verma D.P.S. (Eds.), Advances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions. Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture no. 14. Netherlands: Springer. 151-162.
- Swart S., Smit G., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kijne J.W. (1993), Restoration of attachment, virulence and nodulation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens chvB mutants by rhicadhesin, Molecular Microbiology 10(3): 597-605.
- Spaink H.P., Wijfjes A.H.M., Vliet T.B. van, Kijne J.W. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1993), Rhizobial lipo-oligosaccharide signals and their role in plant morphognesis; Are analogous lipophilic ChitinDerivatives produced by the plant?, Functional Plant Biology 20(5): 381-392.
- Spaink H.P., Wijfjes A.H.M., Geiger O., Bloemberg G.V., Ritsema T. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1993), The function of the Rhizobial NodABC and NodFEL operons in the Biosynthesis of Lipo-oligosaccharides. In: Palacios R., Mora J. & Newton W.E. (Eds.), New Horizons in Nitrogen Fixation. Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture no. 17. Netherlands: Springer. 165-170.
- Sanjuan J., Carlson R.W., Bhat U.R., Spain H.P., Brussel A.A.N. van, Stokkerman T., Peters K., Glushka J., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Stacey G. (1993), Bradyrhizobium Japonicum strains produce multiple 2-o-Methylfucose-containing Lipo-Oligosaccharide nodulation signals. In: Palacios R., Mora J. & Newton W.E. (Eds.), New Horizons in Nitrogen Fixation. Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture no. 17. Dordrecht: Springer. 177-182.
- Okker R.J.H., Schlaman W.R.M., Spaink H.P. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1993), Function of nodulation genes of Rhizobium, Symbiosis 14(1-3): 283-295.
- Maagd R.A. de, Mulders I.H.M., Canter Cremers H.C.J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1992), Cloning, nucleotide sequencing, and expression in Escherichia coli of a Rhizobium leguminosarum gene encoding a symbiotically repressed outer membrane protein, Journal of Bacteriology 174(1): 214-221.
- Schlaman W.R.M., Okker R.J.H. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1992), Regulation of nodulation gene expression by NodD in Rhizobia, Journal of Bacteriology 174(16): 5177-5182.
- Smit G., Straver M.H., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kijne J.W. (1992), Flocculence of Saccharomyces cereviseae cells is induced by nutrient limitation, with cell surface hydrophobicity as a major determinant, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 58(11): 3709-3714.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Weger L.A. de (1992), Plant root colonication by Pseudomonas spp. In: Galli E., Silver S. & Witholt B. (Eds.), Pseudomonas: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. F E M S Symposium: Amer Society for Microbiology. 13-19.
- Brussel A.A.N. van, Bakhuizen R., Spronsen P.C. van, Spaink H.P., Tak T., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kijne J.W. (1992), Induction of pre-infection thread structures in the leguminous host plant by mitogenic lipo-oligosaccharides of Rhizobium, Science 257(5066): 70-72.
- Recourt K., Verkerke M., Schripsema J., Brussel A.A.N. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kijne J.W. (1992), Major flavonoids in uninoculated and inoculated roots of Vicia sativa subsp. nigra are four conjugates of the nodulation gene-inhibitor kaempferol, Plant Molecular Biology 18(3): 505-513.
- Kijne J.W., Bakhuizen R., Brussel A.A.N. van, Canter Cremers H.C.J., Diaz C.L., Pater B.S. de, Smit G., Spaink H.P., Swart S., Wijffelman C.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1992), The Rhizobium trap: root hair curling in root-nodule symbiosis. In: Callow J.A. & Green J.R. (Eds.), Perspectives in Plant Cell Recognition: Cambridge University Press. 267-284.
- Smit G., Swart S., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kijne J.W. (1992), Molecular mechanisms of attachment of Rhizobium bacteria to plant roots, Molecular Microbiology 6(20): 2897-2903.
- Spaink H.P., Aarts A., Stacey G., Bloemberg G.V., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kennedy E.P. (1992), Detection and separation of Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium nod metabolites using thin-layer chromatography, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 5(1): 72-80.
- Recourt K., Tunen A.J. van, Mur L.A., Brussel A.A.N. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kijne J.W. (1992), Activation of flavonoid biosynthesis in roots of Vicia sativa subsp. nigra plants by inoculation with Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, Plant Molecular Biology 19(3): 411-420.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1992), Regulation of nodulation in Rhizobium leguminosarum, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 8(Supplement 1): 120-123.
- Eijsden R.R. van, Hoedemaeker F.J., Diaz C.L., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Pater B.S. de & Kijne J.W. (1992), Mutational analysis of pea lectin: substitution of Asn125 for Asp in the monosaccharide-binding site eliminates mannose/glucose-binding activity, Plant Molecular Biology 20(6): 1049-1058.
- Spaink H.P. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1992), Application of present knowledge on rhizobial host specificity to obtain efficient nodulation and nitrogen fixation of rice. In: Khush G.S. & Bennett J. (Eds.), Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation in Rice. Potential and Prospects. Manila, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute. 107-110.
- Schlaman W.R.M., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Okker R.J. (1992), The NodD protein does not bind to the promoters of inducible nodulation genes in extracts of bacteroids of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, Journal of Bacteriology 174(19): 6109-6116.
- Goosen-de Roo L., Maagd R.A. de & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1991), Antigenic changes in lipopolysaccharide I of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae in root nodules of Vicia sativa subsp. nigra occur during release from infection threads, Journal of Bacteriology 173(10): 3177-3183.
- Schlaman W.R.M., Horvath B., Vijgenboom E., Okker R.J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1991), Suppression of nodulation gene expression in bacteroids of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, Journal of Bacteriology 173(14): 4277-4287.
- Smit G., Tubbing D.M.J., Kijne J.W. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1991), Role of Ca2+ in the activity of rhicadhesin from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, which mediates the first step in attachment of Rhizobiaceae cells to plant root hair tips, Archives of Microbiology 155(3): 278-283.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Diaz C., Smit G., Pater B.S. de & Kijne J.W. (1991), Roles of Lectin in the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis. In: Hennecke H. & Verma D.P.S. (Eds.), Advances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions. Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture no. 10. Netherlands: Springer. 174-181.
- Spaink H.P., Geiger O., Sheeley D.M., Brussel A.A.N. van, York W.S., Reinhold V.N., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kennedy E.P. (1991), The biochemical function of the Rhizobium Leguminosarum proteins involved in the production of host specific signal molecules. In: Hennecke H. & Verma D.P.S. (Eds.), Advances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions. Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture no. 10. Netherlands: Springer. 142-149.
- Canter Cremers H.C.J., Stevens K., Lugtenberg B.J.J., Wijffelman C.A., Batley M., Redmond J.W., Breedveld M.W. & Zevenhuizen L.P.T.M. (1991), Unusual structure of the exopolysaccharide of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae strain 248, Carbohydrate Research 218: 185-200.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Weger L.A. de & Bennett J.W. (1991), Microbial stimulation of plant growth and protection from disease, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2(3): 457-464.
- Recourt K., Schripsema J., Kijne J.W., Brussel A.A.N. van & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1991), Inoculation of Vicia sativa subsp. nigra roots with Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae results in release of nod gene activating flavanones and chalcones, Plant Molecular Biology 16(5): 841-852.
- Weger L.A. de, Dunbar P., Nahafee W.F., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Sayler G.S. (1991), Use of bioluminescence markers to detect pseudomonas spp. in the Rhizosphere, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 57(12): 3641-3644.
- Canter Cremers H.C.J., Batley M., Redmond J.W., Wijfjes A.H.M., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Wijffelman C.A. (1991), Distribution of O-acetyl groups in the exopolysaccharide synthesized by Rhizobium leguminosarum strains is not determined by the sym plasmid, Journal of Biological Chemistry 266(15): 9556-9564.
- Spaink H.P., Sheeley D.M., Brussel A.A.N. van, Glushka J., York W.S., Tak T., Geiger O., Kennedy E.P., Reinhold V.N. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1991), A novel highly unsaturated fatty acid moiety of lipo-oligosaccharide signals determines host specificity of Rhizobium, Nature 354(6349): 125-130.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Maagd R. de, Brussel A.A.N. van, Cremers H.C., Goosen-de Roo L., Okker R., Recourt K., Schlaman W.R.M., Spaink H.P., Wijffelman C.A. & Zaat B. (1990), Regulatory steps in nodulation by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae. In: Gresshoff P.M., Roth L.E., Stacey G. & Newton W.E. (Eds.), Regulatory steps in nodulation by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae. Boston, U.S.A.: Springer. 215-218.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Maagd R. de & Zaat B. (1990), Concept of a safe marker to track gram-negative bacteria in the environment and allow later reisolation. In: Kamely D., Chakrabarty A. & Omenn G.S. (Eds.). BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIODEGRADATION no. 4 467-473.
- Canter Cremers H.C.J., Batley M., Redmond J.W., Eydems L., Breedveld M.W., Zevenhuizen L.P.T.M., Pees E., Wijffelman C.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1990), Rhizobium leguminosarum exoB mutants are deficient in the synthesis of UDP-glucose 4'-Eprimerase, Journal of Biological Chemistry 265(34): 21122-21127.
- Schlaman W.R.M., Okker R.J.H. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1990), Subcellular localization of the Rhizobium leguminosarum nodl gene product, Journal of Bacteriology 172(9): 5486-5489.
- Brussel A.A.N. van, Recourt K., Pees E., Spaink H.P., Tak T., Wijffelman C.A., Kijne J.W. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1990), A biovar-specific signal of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae induces increased nodulation gene-inducing activity in root exudate of Vicia staiva subsp. nigra, Journal of Bacteriology 172(9): 5394-5401.
- Kijne J.W., Diaz C.L., Pater B.S. de, Smit G., Bakhuizen R. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1990), Surface interactions between rhizobia and legume root hairs. In: Gresshoff P.M., Roth L.E., Stacey G. & Newton W.E. (Eds.), Nitrogen fixation: achievements and objectives. New York: Chapman & Hall, Inc.. 187-192.
- Díaz C.L., Hosselet M., Logman G.J.J., Driessche E. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kijne J.W. (1990), Distribution of glucose/mannose-specific isolectins in pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings, Planta 181(4): 451-461.
- Díaz C.L., Melchers L.S., Hooykaas P.J.J., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kijne J.W. (1989), Root lectin as a determinant of host - plant specificity in the Rhizobium - legume symbiosis, Nature 338(6216): 579-581.
- Canter Cremers H.C.J., Spaink H.P., Wijfjes A.H.M., Pees E., Wijffelman C.A., Okker R.J.H. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1989), Additional nodulation genes on the Sym plasmid of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, Plant Molecular Biology 13(2): 163-174.
- Maagd R. A de, Spaink H. P, Pees E., Mulders i H, Wijfjes A., Wijffelman C. A, Okker R. J & Lugtenberg B. J (1989), Localization and symbiotic function of a region on the Rhizobium leguminosarum Sym plasmid pRL1JI responsible for a secreted, flavonoid-inducible 50-kilodalton protein, Journal of Bacteriology 171(2): 1151-1157.
- Spaink H.P., Wijffelman C.A., Okker R.J.H. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1989), Localization of functional regions of the Rhizobium nodD product using hybrid nodD genes, Plant Molecular Biology 12(1): 59-73.
- Recourt K., Brussel A.A.N. van, Driessen A.J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1989), Accumulation of a nod gene inducer, the flavonoid naringenin, in the cytoplasmic membrane of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae is caused by the pH-dependent hydrophobicity of naringenin, Journal of Bacteriology 171(8): 4370-4377.
- Spaink H.P., Weinman J., Djordjevic M.A., Wijffelman C.A., Okker R.J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1989), Genetic analysis and cellular localization of the Rhizobium host specificity-determining NodE protein, The EMBO Journal 8(10): 2811-2818.
- Schlaman W.R.M., Spaink H.P., Okker R.J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1989), Subcellular localization of the nodD gene product in Rhizobium leguminosarum, Journal of Bacteriology 171(9): 4686-4693.
- Smit G., Kijne J.W. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1989), Roles of flagella, lipopolysaccharide, and a Ca2+-dependent cell surface protein in attachment of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae to pea root hair tips, Journal of Bacteriology 171(1): 569-572.
- Marugg J.D., Weger L.A. de, Nielander H.B., Oorthuizen M., Recourt K., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Hofstad G.A.J.M. van der & Weisbeek P.J. (1989), Cloning and characterization of a gene encoding an outer membrane protein required for siderophore-mediated uptake of Fe3+ in Pseudomonoas putida WCS358, Journal of Bacteriology 171(5): 2819-2826.
- Weger L.A. de, Loosdrecht M.C. van, Klaassen H.E. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1989), Mutational changes in physiochemical cell surface properties of plant-growth-stimulating Pseudomonas spp. do not influence the attachment properties of the cells, Journal of Bacteriology 171(5): 2756-2761.
- Maagd R.A. de, Wijfjes A.H., Spaink H.P., Ruiz-Sainz J.E., Wijffelman C.A., Okker R.J. & Lugtenberg E.E.J. (1989), nodO, a new nod gene of the Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae sym plasmid pRL1JI, encodes a secreted protein, Journal of Bacteriology 171(12): 6764-6770.
- Zaat S.A., Schripsema J., Wijffelman C.A., Brussel A.A. van & Lugtenberg E.E.J. (1989), Analysis of the major inducers of the Rhizobium nodA promoter from Vicia sativa root exudate and their activity with different nodD genes, Plant Molecular Biology 13(2): 175-88.
- Spaink H.P., Okker R.J., Wijffelman C.A., Tak T., Goosen L., Pees E., Brussel A.A.N. van & Lugtenberg E.E.J. (1989), Symbiotic properties of rhizobia containing a flavonoid-independent hybrid nodD product, Journal of Bacteriology 171(7): 4045-4053.
- Zaat S.A., Brussel A.A.N. van, Tak T., Lugtenberg E.E.J. & Kijne J.W. (1989), The ethylene-inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine restores normal nodulation by Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar. viciae on Vicia sativa subsp. nigra by suppressing the 'Thick and short roots' phenotype, Planta 177(2): 141-50.
- Evenberg D., Graaff P. de, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Muiswinkel W.B. van (1988), Vaccine-induced protective immunity aginst Aeromonas salmonicida tested in experimental carp erythrodermatitis, Journal of Fish Diseases 11(4): 337-350.
- Kijne J.W., Smit G., Díaz C.L. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1988), Lectin-enhanced accumulation of manganese-limited Rhizobium leguminosarum cells on pea root hair tips, Journal of Bacteriology 170(7): 2994-3000.
- Maagd R.A. de, Wijffelman C.A., Pees E. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1988), Detection and subcellular localization of two Sym plasmid-dependent proteins of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, Journal of Bacteriology 170(9): 4424-4427.
- Weger L.A. de, Arendonk J.J. van, Recourt K., Hofstad G.A. van der, Weisbeek P.J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1988), Siderophore-mediated uptake of Fe3+ by the plant growth-stimulating Pseudomonas putida strain WCS358 and by other rhizosphere microorganisms, Journal of Bacteriology 170(10): 4693-4698.
- Maagd R. de, Rossum C. van & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1988), Recognition of individual strains of fast-growing rhizobia by using profiles of membrane proteins and lipopolysaccharides, Journal of Bacteriology 170(8): 3782-3785.
- Zaat S.A.J., Wijffelman C.A., Mulders I.H.M., Brussel A.A.N. van & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1988), Root exudates of various host plants of rhizobium leguminosarum contain different sets of inducers of rhizobium nodulation genes, Plant Physiology 86(4): 1298-1303.
- Canter Cremers H.C.J., Wijffelman C.A., Pees E., Rolfe B.G., Djordjevic M.A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1988), Host specific nodulation of plants of the pea cross-inoculation group is influenced by genes in fast growing Rhizobium downstream nodC, Journal of Plant Physiology 132(4): 398-404.
- Zaat S.A.J., Brussel A.A. van, Tak T., Pees E. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1987), Flavonoids induce Rhizobium leguminosarum to produce nodDABC gene-related factors that cause thick, short roots and root hair responses on common vetch, Journal of Bacteriology 169(7): 3388-3391.
- Zaat S.A., Wijffelman C.A., Spaink H.P., Brussel A.A.N. van, Okker R.J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1987), Induction of the nodA promoter Rhizobium leguminosarum Sym plasmid pRL1JI by plant flavanones and flavones, Journal of Bacteriology 169(1): 198-204.
- Weger L.A. de, Vlugt C.I.M. van der, Wijfjes A.H.M., Bakker P.A., Schippers B. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1987), Flagella of a plant-growth-stimulating Pseudomonas fluorescens strain are required for colonization of potato roots, Journal of Bacteriology 169(6): 2769-2773.
- Weger L.A. de, Jann B., Jann K. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1987), Lipopolysaccharides of Pseudomonas spp. that stimulate plant growth: composition and use for strain identification, Journal of Bacteriology 169(4): 1441-1446.
- Smit G., Kijne J.W. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1987), Involvement of both cellulose fibrils and a Ca2+-dependent adhesin in the attachment of Rhizobium leguminosarum to pea root hair tips, Journal of Bacteriology 169(9): 4294-4301.
- Spaink H.P., Okker R.J.H., Wijffelman C.A., Pees E. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1987), Promoters in the nodulation region of the Rhizobium leguminosarum Sym plasmid pRL1JI, Plant Molecular Biology 9: 27-39.
- Spaink H.P., Wijffelman C.A., Pees E., Okker R.J.H. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1987), Rhizobium nodulation gene nod as a determinant of host specificity, Nature 328: 337-340.
- Weger L.A. de, Lugtenberg E.J.J., Bakker P.A.H.M., Bakker A.W., Schippers B., Marrug J.D., Vanderhofstad G., Hoekstra W. & Weisbeek P.J. (1987), Potato-plant-growth stimulating pseudomonas spp, Acta Botanica Neerlandica 36(2): 183-183.
- Smit G., Kijne J.W. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1986), Correlation between extracellular fibrils and attachment of Rhizobium leguminosarum to pea root hair tips, Journal of Bacteriology 168(2): 821-827.
- Brussel A.A.N. van, Zaat S.A., Cremers H.C., Wijffelman C.A., Pees E., Tak T. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1986), Role of plant root exudate and Sym plasmid-localized nodulation genes in the synthesis by Rhizobium leguminosarum of Tsr factor, which causes thick and short roots on common vetch, Journal of Bacteriology 165(2): 517-522.
- Smit G., Baan A.A. van der, Kijne J.W. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1986), The attachment mechanism of rhizobium, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 52(4): 362-363.
- Weger L.A. de, Boxtel R. van, Burg B. van der, Gruters R.A., Geels F.P., Schippers B. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1986), Siderophores and outer membrane proteins of antagonistic, plant-growth-stimulating, root-colonizing Pseudomonas spp, Journal of Bacteriology 165(2): 585-594.
- Maagd R.A. de & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1986), Fractionation of Rhizobium leguminosarum cells into outer membrane, cytoplasmic membrane, periplasmic, and cytoplasmic components, Journal of Bacteriology 167(3): 1083-1085.
- Pees E., Wijffelman C., Mulders I., Brusse A.A.N. van & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1986), Transposition of Tn1831 to sym plasmids of Rhizobium leguminosarum and Rhizobium trifolii, FEMS Microbiology Letters 33(2-3): 165-171.
- Díaz C.L., Spronsen P.C. van, Bakhuizen R., Logman G.J.J., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Kijne J.W. (1986), Correlation between infection by Rhizobium leguminosarum and lectin on the surface of Pisum sativum L. roots, Planta 168(3): 350-359.
- Ley P. van der, Kuipers O., Tommassen J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1986), O-antigenic chains of lipopolysaccharide prevent binding of antibody molecules to an outer membrane pore protein in Enterobacteriaceae, Microbial Pathogenesis 1(1): 43-49.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Boxtel R. van, Evenberg D., Jong M. de, Storm P. & Frik J. (1986), Biochemical and immunological characterization of cell surface proteins of pasteurella multocida strains causing atrophic rhinitis in swine, Infection and Immunity 52(4): 175-182.
- Evenberg D., Versluis R. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1985), Biochemical and immunological characterization of the cell surface of the fish pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 815(2): 233-244.
- Korteland J., Overbeeke N., Graaff P. de, Overduin P. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1985), Role of the Arg158 residue of the outer membrane PhoE pore protein of Escherichia coli K 12 bacteriophage TC 45 recognition and in channel characteristics, FEBS Journal 152(3): 691-697.
- Brussel A.A.N. van, Zaat S.A.J., Wijffelman C.A., Pees E. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1985), Bacteriocin small of Fast-growing rhizobia is chloroform soluble and is not required for effective nodulation, Journal of Bacteriology 162(3): 1079-1082.
- Wijffelman C.A., Pees E., Brussel A.A.N., Okker R.J.H. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1985), Genetic and functional analysis of the nodulation region of the Rhizobium leguminisarum Sym plasmid pRL1JI, Archives of Microbiology 143(3): 225-232.
- Ley P. van der, Amesz H., Tommassen J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1985), Monoclonal antibodies directed against the cell-surface-exposed part of the PheE pore protein of the Escherichia coli K-12 outer membrane, FEBS Journal 147(2): 401-407.
- Okker R.J.H., Spaink H.P., Jille J., Brussel A.A.N. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Schilperoort R.A. (1984), Plant-inducible virulence promoter of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid, Nature 312(5994): 564-566.
- Korteland J., Graaff P. de & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1984), PhoE protein pores in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K-12 not only have a preference for Pi and Pi-containing solutes but are general anion-preferring channels, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 778(2): 311-316.
- Tommassen J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1984), Amino Terminus of outer membrane PhoE protein: Localization by use of a bla-phoE hybrid gene, Journal of Bacteriology 157(1): 327-329.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Alphen L. van (1983), Molecular architecture and functioning of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli and other gram-negative bacteria, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 737(1): 51-115.
- Korteland J., Tommassen J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1982), PhoE protein pore of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12 is a particularly efficient channel for organic and inorganic phosphate, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 690(2): 282-289.
- Tommassen J., Ley P. van der, Ende A. van der, Bergmans H. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1982), Cloning of ompF, the structural gene for an outer membrane pre protein of E. coli K12: Physical localization and homology with the phoE gene, Molecular and General Genetics 185(1): 105-110.
- Evenberg D., Boxtel R. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J., Schurer F., Blommaert J. & Bootsma R. (1982), Cell surface of the fish pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida: I. Relationship between autoagglutination and the presence of a major cell envelope protein, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 684(2): 241-248.
- Evenberg D. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1982), Cell surface of the fish pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida: II. Purification and characterization of a major cell envelope protein related to auto agglutination, adhesion and virulence, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 684(2): 249-254.
- Tommassen J., Geus P. de, Lugtenberg E.J.J., Hackett J. & Reeves P. (1982), Regulation of the pho regulon of Escherichia coli K-12: Cloning of the regulatory genes PhoB and phoR and identification of their gene products, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 157(2): 265-274.
- Overbeeke N. & Lugtenberg E.E.J. (1982), Recognition site for phosphorus-containing compounds and other negatively charged solutes on the PhoE protein pore of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12, FEBS Journal 126(1): 113-118.
- Tommassen J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1982), PHO-Regulon of Escherichia-coli-k12 - a minireview, Annales de Microbiologie A133(2): 243-249.
- Tommassen J., Overduin P., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bergmans H. (1982), Cloning of phoE, the structural gene for the Escherichia coli phosphate limitation-inducible outer membrane pore protein, Journal of Bacteriology 149(2): 668-672.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1981), Composition and function of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, Trends in Biochemical Sciences 6(10): 262-266.
- Tommassen J., Ley P. van der & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1981), Genetic and biochemical characterization of an Escherichia coli K-12 mutant with an altered outer membrane protein, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 47(4): 325-337.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1981), Transport through the outer-membrane of gram-negative bacteria, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 47(6): 580-581.
- Tommassen J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1981), Localization of phoE, the structural gene for outer membrane protein e in Escherichia coli K12, Journal of Bacteriology 147(1): 118-123.
- Burnell E., Alphen L. van, Verkleij A., Kruijff B. de & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1980), P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance and freeze-fracture electron microscopy studies on Escherichia coli. III. The outer membrane, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 597(3): 518-532.
- Alphen L. van, Verkleij A., Burnell E. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1980), 31P nuclear magnetic resonance and free-fraction electron microscopy studies on Escherichia coli. II. Lipopolysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide-phospholipid complexes, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 597(3): 502-517.
- Overbeeke N. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1980), Major outer membrane proteins of Escherichia coli strains of human origin, Microbiology 121: 373-380.
- Overbeeke N. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1980), Expression of outer membrane protein e of Escherichia coli K12 bij phosphate limitation, FEBS Letters 112(2): 229-232.
- Overbeeke N., Scharrenburg G. van & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1980), Antigenic relationships between pore proteins of Escherichia coli K12, FEBS Journal 110(1): 247-254.
- Tommassen J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1980), Outer membrane protein e of Escherichia coli K-12 is co-regulated with alkaline phosphatase, Journal of Bacteriology 143(1): 151-157.
- Alphen L. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J., Boxtel R. van, Hack A.M., Verhoef C. & Havekes L. (1979), meoA is the structural gene for outer membrane protein c of Escherichia coli K12, Molecular and General Genetics 169(2): 147-155.
- Verhoef C., Lugtenberg E.J.J., Boxtel R. van, Graaff P. de & Verheij H. (1979), Genetics and biochemistry of the peptidoglycan-associated proteins b and c of Esherichia coli K12, Molecular and General Genetics 169(2): 137-146.
- Alphen L. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J., Rietschel E.T. & Mombers C. (1979), Architecture of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12, FEBS Journal 101(2): 571-579.
- Alphen L. van, Alphen W. van, Verkleij A. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1979), Architecture of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12 IV. Relationship between outer membrane particles and aqueous pores, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 556(2): 233-243.
- Alphen L. van, Verkleij A., Leunissen-Bijvelt J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1978), Architecture of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli III. Protein-Lipopolysaccharide complexes in intramembraneous particles, Journal of Bacteriology 134(3): 1089-1098.
- Alphen W. van, Selm N. van & Lugtenberg E.E.J. (1978), Pores in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12. Involvement of proteins b and e in the functioning of pores for nucleotides, Molecular and General Genetics 159(1): 75-83.
- Alphen W. van, Boxtel R. van, Selm N. van & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1978), Pores in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12. Involvement of proteins b and c in the permeation of cephaloridine and ampicilin, FEMS Microbiology Letters 3(2): 103-106.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Boxtel R. van, Verhoef C. & Alphen W. van (1978), Pore protein e of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12, FEBS Letters 96(1): 99-105.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Bronstein H., Selm N. van & Peters R. (1977), Peptidoglycan-associated outer membrane proteins in gramnegative bacteria, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 465(3): 571-578.
- Verkleij A., Alphen L. van, Bijvelt J. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1977), Architecture of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12. II. Freeze fracture morphology of wild type and mutant strains, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 466(2): 269-282.
- Alphen L. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J., Boxtel R. van & Verhoef K. (1977), Architecture of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12. I. Action of phospholipases A2 and C on wild type strains and outer membrane mutants, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 466(2): 257-268.
- Alphen W. van & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1977), Influence of osmolarity of the growth medium on the outer membrane protein pattern of Escherichia coli, Journal of Bacteriology 131(2): 623-630.
- Havekes L., Tommassen J., Hoekstra W. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1977), Isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli K-12 F- mutants defective in conjugation with an I-type donor, Journal of Bacteriology 129(1): 1-8.
- Alphen L. van, Havekes L. & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1977), Major outer membrane protein d of Escherichia coli K 12, FEBS Letters 75(1-2): 285-290.
- Verhoef C., Graaff P.J. de & Lugtenberg E.J.J. (1977), Mapping of a gene for a major outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli K12 with the aid of a newly isolated bacteriophage, Molecular and General Genetics 150(1): 103-105.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Peters R. (1976), Distribution of lipids in cytoplasmic and outer membranes of Escherichia coli K12, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 441(1): 38-47.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Peters R., Bernheimer H. & Berendsen W. (1976), Influence of cultural conditions and mutations on the composition of the outer membrane proteins of Escherichia coli, Molecular and General Genetics 147(3): 251-262.
- Alphen W. van, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Berendsen W. (1976), Heptose-deficient mutants of Escherichia coli K12 deficient in up to three major outer membrane proteins, Molecular and General Genetics 147(3): 263-269.
- Verkleij A.J., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Ververgaert P.H.J.T. (1976), Freeze etch morphology of outer membrane mutants of Escherichia coli K12, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 426(3): 581-586.
- Havekes L.M., Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Hoekstra W.P.M. (1976), Conjugation deficient E. coli K12 F^- mutants with heptose-less lipopolysaccharide, Molecular and General Genetics 146(1): 43-50.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Meijers J., Peters R., Hoek P. van der & Alphen L. van (1975), Electrophoretic resolution of the 'major outer membrane protein' of Escherichia coli K12 into four bands, FEBS Letters 58(1): 254-258.