Ben Haring
Senior University Lecturer Egyptology
- Name
- Dr. B.J.J. Haring
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4170
- 0000-0002-8405-3606

Ben Haring is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.
Social, economic, administrative and legal aspects of Pharaonic Egypt, especially the role of texts and writing in society. Research activities connected with the latter topic concentrate on the palaeography of monumental hieroglyphic inscriptions, on documentary writing in cursive script (hieratic), on early alphabetic writing, and on other notation systems, such as identity marks. Much research is concerned with New Kingdom documentation from the Theban necropolis, especially with that of the workmen’s community of Deir el-Medina.
I welcome (Research) students who wish to focus on administrative, social and economic aspects of Ancient Egyptian society, or on international relations and cultural exchange between Pharaonic Egypt and its neighbours. I am willing to supervise PhDs on the same topics, and in particular on writing and notation systems and their uses.
Curriculum Vitae
- Egyptology (undergraduate) in Leiden and Heidelberg; MA thesis Leiden University 1991.
- Research Fellow (OIO), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO); PhD Leiden University 1997.
- Lecturer in Egyptology, Leiden University, since 1996.
- Postdoc Research Fellow, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), 1997-2004.
- Senior Lecturer in Egyptology, Leiden University, since 2016.
Associations, boards, committees
- Treasurer, Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap ‘Ex Oriente Lux’, 1999-2008.
- Advisory Board, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (JESHO, Brill, Leiden), since 1999.
- Board, Institute for Languages and Cultures of the Middle East (TCMO), 2002-2005.
- Chair of the Departmental Teaching Committee, Egyptology, 2005-2010.
- Dutch representative and Council member, International Association of Egyptologists (IAE), 2007-2015.
- Chair of the Board of Examiners, Classics and Ancient Civilizations, 2010-2014.
- Advisory Board, Aegyptiaca Leodiensia (Université de Liège), since 2012.
- Advisory Board, ‘Huis van Horus’ Foundation, since 2015.
Courses in the BA Ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean World (OCMW) and MA Classics and Ancient Civilizations, Leiden University, including Late Egyptian, Hieroglyphic Epigraphy, Hieratic palaeography, and the history of Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East.
Key publications
1997 Divine Households. Administrative and Economic Aspects of the New Kingdom Royal Memorial Temples in Western Thebes (Egyptologische Uitgaven 12), Leiden.
2003 K. Donker van Heel & B.J.J. Haring, Writing in a Workmen’s Village. Scribal Practice in Ramesside Deir el-Medina (Egyptologische Uitgaven 16), Leiden.
2003 From Oral Practice to Written Record in Ramesside Deir el-Medina, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 46/3, 249-272.
2006 The Tomb of Sennedjem (TT 1) in Deir el-Medina. Palaeography (Paléographie hiéroglyphique 2), Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Cairo.
2009 Workmen's Marks on Ostraca from the Theban Necropolis: A Progress Report, in: B.J.J. Haring & O.E. Kaper ed., Pictograms or Pseudo Script? Non-textual identity marks in practical use in Ancient Egypt and elsewhere. Proceedings of a Conference in Leiden, 19-20 December 2006 (Egyptologische Uitgaven 25), Leiden.
2009 Economy, in: W. Wendrich et al. (ed.), UCLA Encyclopaedia of Egyptology.
2009 R.J. Demarée, K. Donker van Heel, B. Haring & J. Toivari-Viitala, The Deir el-Medina Database, Leiden 1998-2009.
2010 Nineteenth Dynasty Stelae and the Merits of Hieroglyphic Palaeography, Bibliotheca Orientalis 67, 22-34.
2012 Ben Haring, Stela Leiden V 65 and Herihor’s Damnatio Memoriae, Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 41, 139-152, pl. 14-16.
2015 Ben Haring, Halaḥam on an Ostracon of the Early New Kingdom?, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 74, 189-196.
Senior University Lecturer Egyptology
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SMES Egyptologie