Universiteit Leiden

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Bas Hensen

Assistant professor

Dr.ir. B.J. Hensen
+31 71 527 1889

Bas Hensen is an experimental quantum physicist, interested in exploring the boundaries of quantum mechanics. His group focuses on on-chip superconducting levitation and interfacing superconducting circuits with low-frequency mechanics.

More information about Bas Hensen

Bas Hensen is an experimental quantum physicist, interested in exploring the boundaries of quantum mechanics. Bas obtained his PhD in 2016 from Delft University of Technology on the topic of “Quantum Nonlocality with Spins in Diamond” and has previously worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of New South Wales, Sydney and in Delft. He also worked as lead-scientist on microwave-to-optics transduction for a future quantum modem at quantum start-up QphoX B.V.

In June 2022, Bas started an experimental group focussing on on-chip superconducting levitation and interfacing superconducting circuits with low-frequency mechanics, in order to produce spatial superpositions of large-mass systems. More information can be found on his group page www.hensenlab.org.

Assistant professor

  • Science
  • Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
  • LION - Quantum Matter & Optics

Work address

Niels Bohrweg 2
2333 CA Leiden
Room number 1104


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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