Universiteit Leiden

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Bartolomeus Häussling Löwgren

PhD candidate

B.J.P.M. Häussling Löwgren MSc
+31 71 527 2727

Bartolomeus does his PhD on the intersection of process system engineering and industrial ecology for sustainable process and product design.

More information about Bartolomeus Häussling Löwgren

Professional experience

At the end of Bartolomeus’ bachelor's in chemical engineering at the Technical University of Berlin, he worked one year in the chemical industry for BASF in Ludwigshafen (2018-2019) as a process analyst and finished his bachelor’s degree in 2020 with his thesis on probability modeling for data-driven surrogate models.

From 2018 to 2019 Bartolomeus worked together with Odilio Alves-Filho at NTNU in Trondheim on numerical simulations and coupled heat and mass transport processes for drying processes, where he presented his research at PRES 2018 and NBDC 2019 conferences.

From 2019 to 2020 Bartolomeus worked for the Process Dynamics and Operations group at the Technical University of Berlin on process modeling and optimization where he published his work on uncertainty analysis for data-driven chance-constrained optimization.

During his Master’s in chemical engineering at the Technical University of Berlin (2020-2022) Bartolomeus worked for DexLeChem (2021) a green chemistry Start-Up in Berlin as a data scientist, and subsequently for CarbonMinds (2021-2022) a life-cycle inventory database provider for the chemical industry.

During Bartolomeus's master's he did a project in collaboration with the Paul-Scherrer Institut on developing an open-source framework to facilitate life-cycle optimization for optimal process design problems, which he presented at the Brightcon conference (2021). He concluded his master's with the thesis “Multi-Objective Life-Cycle Optimization under Uncertainty of the German Chemical Industry” using the state-of-the-art database of the German chemical industry provided by CarbonMinds. 

Research topic

Bartolomeus works on a joint research project with VITO on the development of a holistic sustainable process-system-design methodology and framework with applications in the chemical industry. For the methodology and framework, mathematical programming and different sustainability approaches are to be used as well as considering the uncertainty and interconnections of such systems. The aim is to quantify the environmental, societal, and economic impact of new products and processes for their complete life cycle.

PhD candidate

  • Science
  • Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
  • CML/Industriele Ecologie

Work address

Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden
Room number A3.12



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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