Barend Barentsen
Professor Labour Law
- Name
- B. Barentsen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8932

Barend Barentsen (1972) is Professor of Labour Law.
More information about Barend Barentsen
Leiden Law Blog
Barend studied law at Leiden University and then spent several years as a researcher and lecturer at the Research Centre Law & Policy, the E.M. Meijers Institute and the Department of Labour Law and Social Security of Leiden Law School.
In April 2003, he was awarded a doctorate for his PhD thesis on occupational disability, focusing on employer liability, the Dutch Invalidity Insurance Act (WAO), and statutory industrial injuries insurance.
From the end of 2003 until the end of 2007 he worked at the scientific office of the Dutch Supreme Court. He then returned to the Department of Labour Law and Social Security at Leiden Law School. In 2012, he was appointed as Professor of Labour Law and he also holds the Albeda Chair in Labour Relations in the Public Sector.
Barend’s research focuses on the statutory employment and social security schemes related to illness and disability and in particular those concerning industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
He is an editor for Uitspraken Sociale Zekerheid and the Tijdschrift voor Recht en Arbeid. Barend is also a deputy justice on the Dutch Central Appeals Tribunal (for the public service and social security matters).
Professor Labour Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Sociaal Recht
- Voorzitter Geschillencommissie Medezeggenschap Defensie
- raadsheer-plaatsvervanger
- beschermheer
- medewerker
- Diocent arbeidsrecht
- Lid Comité van aanbeveling
- redacteur
- redacteur
- raadsheer-plaatsvervanger
- auteur
- redacteur