Azeb Amha
- Name
- Dr. A. Amha MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3364

For an overview of Azeb Amha's research and publications, visit her profile on the ASCL website.
Dr Azeb Amha is a senior researcher and lecturer at the African Studies Centre Leiden. Her interest is in grammar, linguistic typology and in the interdisciplinary fields of anthropological linguistics and sociolinguistics.
Azeb did her BA and MA in linguistics at Addis Ababa University. She obtained her PhD in Linguistics from Leiden University, with her thesis on the grammar of the Maale language of Ethiopia. She publishes on Amharic, Maale, Oyda, Woalitta and Zargulla languages as well as on comparative research on the Omotic languages of the Afroasiatic phylum. Through her linguistic documentation projects, Azeb has produced audio-visual digital archives on various cultural practices, including work-songs, animal-directed speech, whistled-names, narratives and conversations on cultural and technical knowledge on house construction and farming among the Oyda and Zargula people in southern Ethiopia.
Azeb teaches in the BA and Research MA African Studies programmes on the topics language and power, linguistic diversity and language policy, research methods and inter-cultural communication. She served for 15 years as editor of the Journal of African Languages and Linguistics (JALL). Azeb is chair of the Research Master in African Studies at Leiden University and since 2020, she is head of the Netherlands Association of African Studies (NVAS).
- Afrika-Studiecentrum
- Wetenschappelijke staf
- Dietz A.J., Amha A. & Abbink G.J. (2024), Ethiopia before 1936. African Postal Heritage (APH) papers no. 61. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Amha A., Bruijn M.E. de , Dekker M., Dijk R.A. van, Ditmars M.D., Kaag M.M.A., Leliveld A.H.M. & Nijenhuis C.T. (7 November 2024), African Studies is vibrant! : And we need future generations to pass on the baton. ASCL Africanist blog . Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [blog entry].
- Amha A. & Leyew Z. (2023), Language endangerment in Ethiopia. In: Meyer R. & Wakjira B. Leyew Z. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Ethiopian languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 45-64.
- Rasenberg M., Amha A., Coler M., Koppen M. van, Miltenburg E. van, Rijk L. de, Stommel W. & Dingemanse M. (2023), Reimagining language: towards a better understanding of language by including our interactions with non-humans. , Linguistics in the Netherlands 40(1): 309-317.
- Amha A., Symbolism and power of Abbay (the Blue Nile) river in Amharic popular songs. Leiden: Brill. [web article].
- Ameka F.K. & Amha A. (2022), Research on language and culture in Africa. In: Völkel S. & Nassenstein N. (Eds.), Approaches to language and culture . Anthropological Linguistics no. 1. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton . 339-383.
- Amha A., Slotta J. & Sarvasy H.S. (2021), Singing the individual: name tunes in Oyda and Yopno, Frontiers in Psychology 12: 667599.
- Ameka F.K. & Amha A. (Eds.) (2021), Journal of African languages and linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Amha A. (2017), The Omotic language family. In: Aikhenvald A.Y. & Dixon R.M.W. (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of linguistic typology. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 815-833.
- Amha A. (2017), Commands in Wolaitta. In: Aikhenvald A.Y. & Dixon R.M.W. (Eds.), Commands: a cross-linguistic typology. Explorations in linguistic typology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 283-300.
- Ameka F. & Amha A. (Eds.) (2017), Journal of African languages and linguistics. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
- Amha A. (2014), Complex predicates in Zargulla. In: Meyer R., Treis Y. & Amha A. (Eds.), Explorations in Ethiopian linguistics: complex predicates, finiteness and interrogativity. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes no. 91. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 91-119.
- Meyer R., Treis A. & Amha A. (Eds.) (2014), Explorations in Ethiopian linguistics: complex predicates, finiteness and interrogativity. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes no. 91. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
- Ameka F.K. & Amha A. (Eds.) (2013), (Co-)Editor. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Amha A. (2013), Directives to humans and to domestic animals: the imperative and some interjections in Zargulla. In: Simeone-Senelle M.C. & Vanhove M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cushitic and Omotic languages, Paris, 16-18 April 2008. Cushitic and Omotic Studies no. 3. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. 211-229.
- Amha A. (2012), Omotic. In: Frajzyngier Zygmunt & Shay Erin (Eds.), The Afroasiatic Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 423-504.
- Amha A., Ameka F.K. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2012), (Co-)Editor. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Amha A., Ameka F.K. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2011), (Co-)Editor. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Amha A. (2010), The converb in Wolaitta: form and functions. In: Völlmin Sascha, Amha Azeb, Rapold Christian & Zaugg-Coretti Silvia (Eds.), Converbs, Medial Verbs, Clause Chaining and Related Issues. Köln: Köppe. 139-115.
- Amha A. (2010), Compound verbs and ideophones in Wolaitta revisited. In: Amberber Mengistu, Baker Bret & Harvey Mark (Eds.), Complex Predicates: Cross-linguistic Perspectives on Event Structure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 259-290.
- Amha A. (2010), Wolaitta Language. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 1088-1090.
- Amha A. (2010), Ometo. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 17-19.
- Amha A., Völlmin S., Rapold C.H.J. & Zaugg-Coretti S. (Eds.) (2010), Converbs, Medial Verbs, Clause Chaining and Related Issues. Special issue of Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter 19 (2007). Cologne: Köppe.
- Ameka F.K., Amha A. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2010), . Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Amha A. (2010) Gregory D. S. Anderson: Auxiliary Verb Constructions. Review of: (2006), Auxiliary Verb Constructions no. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 31: 114-120.
- Amha A. (2010), From Gender Identification to Assertion: on the use of -tte and -tta in Zargulla, an endangered Omotic languages, The Journal of West African Languages XXXVII(1): 57-73.
- Amha A. (2009), The morpho-syntax of negation in Zargulla. In: Wetzels Leo (Ed.), The Linguistics of Endangered Languages: Contributions to Morphology and Morpho-Syntax. Utrecht: LOT. 199-220.
- Amha A. (2009), On loans and additions to the Fidel (Ethiopic) script. In: Voogt Alex de & Finkel Irving L. (Eds.), The Idea of Writing: play and complexity. Leiden: Brill. 179-196.
- Amha A. (2009), Participant marking and valence in Wolaitta. In: Dimmendaal Gerrit J. (Ed.), Participant Marking: Case Studies from Twelve African Languages. Amsterdam – Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 355-384.
- Ameka F.K., Amha A. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2009), . Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Amha A. (2008), Gender distinction and affirmative copula clauses in Zargulla. Bengtson John D. (Ed.), In Hot Pursuit of Language in Prehistory: Essays in the four fields of anthropology in honour of Harold Crane Fleming. . Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 39-48.
- Ameka F.K., Amha A. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2008), . Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Amha A. (2007), Maale language. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica 3. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 607-608.
- Amha A. (2007), Koorete language. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica 3. 429-431.
- Amha A. (2007), Are -a- and -o- in the indicative verb paradigms of Zargulla nominalizers?. Amha Azeb, Sava Graziano & Mous Maarten (Eds.), Omotic and Cushitic Languages Studies: papers from the Fourth Cushitic Omotic Conference, Leiden, 10-12 April 2003. . Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. 1-22.
- Amha A. (2007), Questioning forms in Zargulla. Voigt Rainer (Ed.), From Beyond the Mediterranean: Akten des 7. internationalen Semitohamitistenkongresses, Berlin 13-15 Septemebr 2004. . Aachen: Shaker Verlag. 197-210.
- Amha A. (2007), Kullo language. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica 3. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 447-449.
- Amha A. (2007), Non-verbal predication in Wolaitta. Crass Joachim & Meyer Ronny (Eds.), Deictics, Copula and Focus in the Ethiopian Convergence Area. . Cologne: Köppe. 99-117.
- Amha A., Sava Graziano & Mous Maarten (Eds.) (2007), Omotic and Cushitic Languages Studies: Papers from the Fourth Cushitic Omotic Conference, Leiden, 10-12 April 2003. Cologne: Köppe.
- Ameka F.K., Amha A. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2007), . Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Amha A. (2007), Boordevol letters: het schrift van Ethiopië, INDIGO: Tijdschrift over inheemse volken 15(2): 11-11.
- Amha A. (2007), Malo language. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica 3. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 710-711.
- Amha A. & Dimmendaal G.J. (2006), Verbal Compounding in Wolaitta. In: Aikhenvald A.Y. & Dixon R.M.W. (Eds.), Serial Verb Constructions: A cross-linguistic Typology. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. 319-337.
- Amha A. (2006), Wolaitta. Brown K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Ed,. Vol. 13. . Oxford: Elsevier. 607-611.
- Amha A. (2006), Gender and Animacy in Maale in Comparative Perspective. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Proceedings of the XVth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies. Hamburg, July 20-25, 2003. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 704-714.
- Amha A. & Dimmendaal G.J. (2006), The Converb in an African perspective. Ameka Felix, Dench Alan & Evans Nicholas (Eds.), Catching Language: the Standing Challenge of Grammar Writing. . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 393-440.
- Ameka F.K. & Amha A. (Eds.) (2006), . Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Amha A. (2005), Secondary predicates and adverbials in Nilotic and Omotic: a typological comparision. In: Himmelmann Nikolaus P. & Schultze-Berndt Eva (Eds.), Secondary predication and adverbial modification. The typology of depictives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 299-321.
- Amha A. (2005), Dorze. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, vol. 2 (D-Ha). . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 195-196.
- Amha A. (2005), Gofa language. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, vol. 2 (D-Ha). . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 822-823.
- Ameka F.K., Amha A. & Mous Maarten (Eds.) (2005), . Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Amha A. & Bustorf D. (2003), Basket Ethnology. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol I a-c. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 499-500.
- Amha A. (2003), Basketo Language. Uhlig Siegbert (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol I a-c. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 498-499.
- Amha A. (2002), Ideophones and Compound Verbs in Wolaitta. In: Kilian-Hatz C. & Voeltz F.K.E. (Eds.), Ideophones. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 49-62.
- Amha A. (2002) Review. Review of: Lamberti M. (2002), The Wolayta Language. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 23.
- Amha A. (2001), Wolaitta. In: Garry J. & Rubino C. (Eds.), Facts About the World¿s Languages: An Encyclopaedia of the World¿s Major Languages: Past and Present. New York/Dublin: The H.W. Wilson Co.. 809-815.
- Amha A. (2001), The Maale language. CNWS/LDS Publications no. 99. Leiden: Research School CNWS.
- Amha A. (1997), The tone system of Maale. In: Fukui K. (Ed.), Ethiopia in Broader Perspective, vol. I. Kyoto: Shokado. 441-455.
- Amha A. (1997) Review. Review of: Appleyard D. (1997), Colloquial Amharic no. 2. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 18: 171-176.
- Amha A. (1996), Tone-accent and prosodic domains in Wolaitta, Studies in African Linguistics 25(2): 111-138.
- Amha A. (1996), Aspects of the Verb in Ometo, Ethiopian Journal of Languages and Literature 6: 43-63.
- Amha A. (1995), Case in Basketo, African Languages and Cultures 8(1): 1-17.