Universiteit Leiden

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Arthur Crucq

University Lecturer

Dr. A.K.C. Crucq
+31 71 527 6275

Arthur Crucq is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.

More information about Arthur Crucq

Fields of interest

  • Cognitive, material, and representational aspects of geometric ornament 
  • Empirical approaches to art history 
  • Art, agency, and emotional response

Description of my research

My current research involves theories of ornament and decorative patterns and how they relate to cognitive psychological research on pattern production and perception. I am particularly interested in Gottfried Semper’s (1803–1879) style theory, and how within that theory the practice of weaving was conceived as a fundamental craft by which decorative patterns would naturally emerge from the combination of physical, technical, material, and cognitive skills; as such, it should be conceived as being partially shaped by these factors. 
I am also interested in the way that patterns (such as those created by weaving) are theorized from the perspective of being rudimentary forms of representation, and the implications of this for theories on representation in general, such as the theory of linear perspective. 
I have also recently used eye tracking in my research. The possibilities and limitations of empirical methods in raising new art historical questions and/or gaining new insights into art historical problems is a fundamental question addressed in much of my research.



University lecturer


Fellowship Lab for Cognitive Research in Art History, department of Art History, University of Vienna 


PhD Researcher: 'Universal decorative patterns and geometric core knowledge'. This research was part of the subproject ‘Visual Arts and Geometry’ of the NWO-funded ‘Horizon Knowledge and Culture’ research project (Supervisors: Prof dr. C.A. van Eck, Prof dr. J.E.C.V. Rooryck) 


Ted Meijer Price Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome 


ReMA Art and Literature. Thesis: ‘The Sensuous Virtue: Emotional response to Bernini’s Charity on the Tomb of Urban VIII’ (Supervisor: Prof dr. C.A. van Eck) 


BA Art History. Thesis: ‘Naturalistische weergave van natuur en natuurfenomenen op de Doop van Christus van Gerard David’ [‘Naturalistic representation of nature and natural phenomena on Gerard David's Baptism of Christ] (Supervisor: drs. N.L. Bartelings)

Teaching Activities 

Freshman's Class/Werkcollege Academische Vaardigheden I: kennismaken met de wetenschappelijke bestudering van kunst (BA kunstgeschiedenis) 

Freshmans’s Class/Academic Skills I seminar: On the Scholarly Study of Art and its History (BA Art History track, Arts, Media & Society) 

Academische Vaardigheden II (Kunstgeschiedenis): Zoeken, schrijven, en presenteren (BA kunstgeschiedenis) 

Academic Skills II (Art History): Searching and Processing Information, Writing, and Oral Presentation (BA Art History track, Arts Media & Society) 

Topical Course: Artist's Writings - three lectures on 20th/ 21st century writings (BA kunstgeschiedenis/Arts Media & Society) 

Seminar Bachelor Eindwerkstuk (Kunstgeschiedenis) 
One seminar in Perspectieven op kunstwetenschappelijk onderzoek en de beroepspraktijk 

Thesis Seminar Arts and Culture (MA Arts and Culture) 

One seminar in Practices and Debates (MA Arts and Culture) 

University Lecturer

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • KG Moderne beeldende kunst

Work address

Arsenaalstraat 1
2311 CT Leiden
Room number A1.18


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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