Arjen Boin
Professor of Public Institutions and Governance
- Name
- Prof.dr. R.A. Boin
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2233
- 0000-0002-0923-1484
Arjen Boin is Professor of Public Institutions and Governance at the Institute of Political Science. He also serves on the Institute Board as Director Strategy and Organisation.
More information about Arjen Boin
Selected publications
PhD candidates
Arjen Boin is Professor of Public Institutions and Governance at the Institute of Political Science, Leiden University. Before he moved to Leiden, he was a professor of public governance and crisis management at the Utrecht School of Governance and associate professor at the Public Administration Institute, Louisiana State University.
Arjen Boin serves on the Institute Board as Director Strategy and Organisation.
Arjen Boin has published widely on topics of crisis and disaster management, leadership, institutional design and organizational issues. His most recent books include Guardians of Public Value, Understanding the Creeping Crisis and Governing the Pandemic (all three were published in 2021 by Palgrave and can be downloaded for free).
His book Managing Hurricane Katrina (Louisiana State University Press, 2019) investigates the lessons that should be learned from this mega-disaster. His other books include The Politics of Crisis Management (Cambridge University Press, winner of APSA’s Herbert A. Simon book award), Governing after Crisis (Cambridge UP, 2008), Crisis Management: A Three Volume Set of Essential Readings (Sage, 2008), Designing Resilience (Pittsburgh UP, 2010), MegaCrises (Charles C Thomas, 2012) and The EU as Crisis Manager: Patterns and Prospects (Cambridge UP, 2013).
Arjen Boin is the previous editor of Public Administration (Wiley), a premier journal in the field, and serves on the editorial board of the following journals: Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (Wiley), Risks, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy (Wiley), and International Journal of Emergency Management (Inderscience).
He is also a managing partner at Crisisplan BV and a founding member of the European Societal Security Research Group.
PhD supervision
Arjen Boin is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:
- Crisis management
- Institutional crises
- Institutional resilience/erosion
See for more information on PhD positions:
Professor of Public Institutions and Governance
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Wolbers J.J. (2024), The politics of crisis management in the Netherlands. In: De Lange S., Louwerse T. 't Hart P. & Van Ham C. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Dutch politics: Oxford University Press. 590-606.
- Boin R.A. & Kuipers S.L. (2024), Dramatisch beleidsfalen: de noodzaak voor een hernieuwde zoektocht naar oorzaken, B en M: tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij 51(3): 246-261.
- Kantorowicz J.J., Kuipers S.L., Liem M.C.A. & Boin R.A. (2022), Divergent shifts in fear of terrorism, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management : .
- Boin R.A., Fahy L. & Hart P. ‘t (Eds.) (2021), Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organizations Become and Remain Institutions: Palgrave MacMillanMacMillan.
- Boin A., Ekengren M. & Rhinard M. (2021), Hiding in plain sight: conceptualizing the creeping crisis, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 11(2): 116-138.
- Boin A. & Liu Y. (2021), Framing a megadisaster: political rhetoric and the Wenchuan earthquake, Safety Science 125(May): .
- Boin A. & Schmidt S.K. (2021), The European Court of Justice: Guardian of European integration. . In: Boin A., Fahy L. & Hart P. ‘t (Eds.), Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organizations Become and Remain Institutions: Palgrave MacMillan . 135-159.
- Boin A. Fahy L. and ‘t Hart P. (2021), Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organizations Become and Remain Institutions. In: Boin A., Fahy L. & Hart P. 't (Eds.), Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organizations Become and Remain Institutions: Palgrave MacMillan . pp. 1-34.
- Wolbers J.J., Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2021), A systematic review of 20 years of crisis and disaster research: trends and progress, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy : 1-19.
- Wolbers J.J., Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2021), A systematic review of 20 years of crisis and disaster research: trends and progress, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 12(4): 1-19.
- Boin A. & Overdijk W. (2020), Handboek voor Strategisch Crisismanagement.
- Boin A., Overdijk W., Van der Ham C., Hendriks J. & Sloof D. (2020), COVID-19: Een analyse van de nationale crisisrespons. .
- Blondin D.B. & Boin R.A. (2020), Cooperation in the face of transboundary crisis : a framework for analysis, Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 3(3): 197–209.
- Boin A., Lodge M. & Luesink M. (2020), Learning from the COVID-19 crisis: an initial analysis of national responses, Policy Design and Practice 3(3): 189-204.
- Boin A.R., Brock K., Craft J., Halligan J., Hart P. 't, Roy J., Tellier G. & Turnbull L. (2020), Beyond COVID-19: five commentaries on expert knowledge, executive action, and accountability in governance and public administration, Canadian Public Administration 63(3): 339-368.
- Boin R.A., Linck R., Duin M. van, Hendriks J., Berger E. & Varst L. van der (2020), Versterken van veerkracht: naar een gezamenlijke aanpak van ongekende crises.
- Boin A., Brown C. & Richardson J.A. (2019), Managing Hurricane Katrina: Lessons from a megadisaster. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Jongh T. de (2019), A Toxic Cloud of Smoke: Communication and Coordination in a Transboundary Crisis. In: Laegreid P. & Rykkja L.H. (Eds.), Societal Security and Crisis Management: Government Capacity and Legitimacy: Palgrave MacMillan. 133-150.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & De Jongh T. (2019), A Political Assassination and a Crisis of Legitimacy: The Murder of Pim Fortuyn. In: Laegreid P. & Rykkja L.H. (Eds.), Societal Security and Crisis Management: Government Capacity and Legitimacy: Palgrave MacMillan. 247-264.
- Boin R.A., Hart P. 't & Kuipers S.L. (2018), The Crisis Approach. In: Rodriguez H., Donner W. & Trainor J. (Eds.), The Handbook of Disaster Research. Cham: Springer. 23-38.
- Quarantelli E.L., Boin A. & Lagadec P. (2018), Studying future disasters and crises: A heuristic approach. In: Rodriguez H., Donner W. & Trainor J. (Eds.), Handbook of Disaster Research. New York: Springer. 61-86.
- Witteloostuijn A. van, Boin R.A., Kofman C., Kuilman J. & Kuipers S.L. (2018), Explaining the survival of public organizations: Applying density dependence theory to a population of US federal agencies, Public Administration 96(4): 633-650.
- Boin R.A. & Zouridis S. (2018), Institutioneel crisis management: Een kritiek incident, sociale media dynamiek en rellen in Den Haag. Leiden: Crisis University Press.
- Boin R.A. & Lodge M. (2018), Enhancing the EU’s transboundary crisis management capacity: recommendations for practice. London, UK: Horizon 2020 TransCrisis project.
- Boin A., Kofman-Bos C., Kuilman J., Kuipers S. & Witteloostuijn A. van (2017), Does organizational adaptation really matter? How mission change affects the survival of U.S. federal independent agencies, 1933–2011, Governance 30(4): 663-686.
- Blondin D. & Boin A. (2017), Managing crises in Europe: A public management perspective. In: Ongaro E. & Thiel S. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe.. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch. 24.
- Kleef D. van & Boin A. (2017), The positive impact of performance management on the public service delivery in Dutch prisons. Kleef D. van & Boin A. (Eds.). .
- Boin A., Hart P. 't & Kuipers S. (2017), The Crisis Approach. In: Rodriguez H., Donner W. & Trainor J. (Eds.), Handbook of Disaster Research. New York: Springer. 23-38.
- Boin A. (2017) Politiechefs: Eroderend leiderschap. Review of: Van Reenen P. (2017), Politiechefs: Boom. Cahiers Politiestudies 44(3): 221-226.
- Blondin D.B., Boin A. & Ekengren M. (2017), Cooperation in the Face of Transboundary Crisis: A Framework for Analysis. European Union Studies Association, Miami. European Union Studies Association 4 May 2017 - 6 May 2017.
- Boin A. & Hart P. 't (2016), Learning to learn from crisis. In: Schiffino N., Taskin L., Donis C. & Raone J. (Eds.), Organizing after Crisis: Peter Lang Publishers. 13-15.
- Boin A. (2016) Designing crisis management systems for the twenty-first century. Review of: . Public Administration 94(2): 569-575.
- Boin A., Rhinard M. & Ekengren M. (29 March 2016), After the Brussels Attack: Time to build transboundary crisis management capacity. The Blog: International Voices: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs. [blog entry].
- Boin R.A. (Ed.) (2016), Public Administration. Public Administration.
- Ansell C., Boin A. & Kuipers S. (2016), Institutional crisis and the policy agenda. In: Zahariadis N. (Ed.), Handbook of Public Policy Agenda Setting: Edward Elgar Publishing. 415-432.
- Ahmad A., Balet O., Boin R.A., Castet J., Ganovelli F., Kokkinis G. & Pintore G. (2016), Assessing the security of buildings: A virtual studio solution. ISCRAM 2016 Conference, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2016 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, May 22-25.
- Milward B., Jensen L., Roberts A., Dussauge-Laguna M.I., Junjan V., Torenvlied R., Boin A., Colebatch H.K., Kettl D. & Durant R. (2016), Is public management neglecting the state?, Governance 29(3): 311-334.
- Boin A., t Hart P., Stern E.K. & Sundelius B. (2016), The politics of crisis management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Boin A. & Lodge M. (2016), Designing resilient institutions for transboundary crisis management: A time for public administration, Public Administration 94(2): 289-298.
- Blondin D., Boin A. & Ekengren M. (2016), Building institutions to deal with transboundary crises: Lessons for the European Union. European Union in International Affairs conference, Brussels, Belgium. European Union in International Affairs conference, Brussels, Belgium, 11-13 May 2016..
- Ansell C., Boin A. & Kuipers S. (2016), Institutional Crisis and the Policy Agenda. In: Zahariadis N. (Ed.), Handbook of Public Policy Agenda Setting. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 415-432.
- Farjoun M., Ansell C. & Boin A. (2015), Pragmatism in organization studies: Meeting the challenges of a dynamic and complex world, Organization Science 26(6): 1787-1804.
- Boin A. & Bynander F. (2015), Explaining success and failure in crisis coordination, Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 97(1): 123-135.
- Vastveit K.R., Boin A. & Nja O. (2015), Learning from incidents: Practices at a Scandinavian refinery, Safety Science 79: 80-87.
- Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2015), Exploring the EU's role as transboundary crisis manager: The facilitation of sense-making during the Ash-crisis. In: Bossong R. & Hegemann H. (Eds.), European Civil Security Governance: Diversity and Cooperation in Crisis and Disaster Management. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 191-210.
- Ansell C., Boin A. & Farjoun M. (2015), Dynamic conservatism: How institutions change to remain the same. In: Kraatz M.S. (Ed.), Institutions and Ideals: Philip Selznick’s Legacy for Organizational Studies. Research in the Sociology of Organizations no. 44: Emerald. 89-120.
- Boin A. (2015), Responding to critical infrastructure breakdowns: A need for new institutions? Keynote speech at the IDA Conference 'creating resilience capability against critical infrastructure disruptions: foundations, practices and challenges, Copenhagen, 13 April 2015. IDA Conference 'creating resilience capability against critical infrastructure disruptions: Foundations, practices and challenges 13 April 2015 - 13 April 2015.
- Boin A. (2015), Challenges of strategic crisis communication. Keynote presentation at the Crisis4 Conference, Helsingborg, 7-10 October 2015. Crisis4 Conference 7 October 2015 - 10 October 2015.
- Boin A. & Richardson J. (2015), Katrina revisited: the real lessons of a mega-disaster. Paper presented at the Louisiana State University conference 'Katrina & Rita - A Decade of Research & Response', Baton Rouge, 28 August, 2015. LSU Conference 'Katrina & Rita - A Decade of Research & Response', Baton Rouge 28 August 2015 - 28 August 2015.
- Boin A., Ekengren M. & Blondin D. (2015), Building formal and informal institutions to deal with transboundary crises: Lessons for the European Union. Paper presented at the 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations conference, Naxos Sicily, 24-25 September 2015. 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations 24 September 2015 - 25 September 2015.
- Kapucu N. & Boin A. (Eds.) (2015), Disaster and crisis management: Public management perspectives. London: Routledge.
- Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2015), Building Joint Crisis Management Capacity? Comparing Civil Security Systems in 22 European Countries, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 18(2): 263-278.
- Boin A. (19 February 2015), Strategic crisis management. Guest lecture at the Swedish cabinet, Stockholm, 19 February 2015. [lecture].
- Boin A. (2015) Book review 'oil and water: Media lessons from hurricane Katrina and the deepwater horizon disaster'. Review of: Miller A., Roberts S. & LaPoe V. (2014), Oil and water: Media lessons from hurricane Katrina and the deepwater horizon disaster: University Press of Mississippi. Electronic News 8(4): 306-307.
- Boin A., Ekengren M. & Rhinard M. (2014), Managing transboundary crises: The emergence of European Union capacity, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 22(3): 131-142.
- Boin A., Busuic M. & Groenleer M. (2014), Building European Union capacity to manage transboundary crises: Network or lead-agency model?, Regulation & Governance 8(4): 418-436.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Overdijk W.I.E. (2014), Leadership in times of crisis: A framework for assessment, International Review of Public Administration 18(1): 79-91.
- Boin A., Ekengren M. & Rhinard M. (2014), Sensemaking in crisis: What role for the EU?. In: Pawlak P. & Ricci A. (Eds.), Crisis Rooms: Towards a Global Network?. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies. 117-128.
- Boin R.A., Ekengren M. & Rhinard M. (2014), Transboundary crisis governance. In: Sperling J. (Ed.), Handbook of Governance and Security. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 307-323.
- Ansell C., Boin R.A. & 't Hart P. (2014), Political leadership in times of crisis. In: Rhodes R. & Hart P. 't (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership. Oxford Handbooks in Politics & International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Boin R.A. (2014), Seminar economische veiligheid, Ministerie van Defensie, 22 april 2014. . Den Haag.
- Boin R.A. (2014), Keynote speaker at "Non-state actors and emergency policies assessing the impact of NGO's and the media", ReShape 2nd Annual Workshop, University of Catania, 13 June 2014. . Catania.
- Boin R.A. (2014), Contribution London School of Economics, CARR workshop ‘Existential risk’, London. .
- Galaz V., Galafassi D., Tallberg J., Hey E., Boin R.A., Ituarte-Lima C., Dunagan J., Westley F., Olsson P. & Österbergh R. (2014), Connected risks, connected solutions?. Stockholm: Stockholm Resilience Center.
- Boin A., Bossong R., Brazova V.K., Di Camillo F., Coste F., Dorussen H., Ekengren M., Fanoulis E., Hegemann H., Hellenberg T., Kesetovic Z., Kirchner E., Kuipers S., Marrone A., Matczak P., Nexon E., Pettersson Y., Rhinard M., Samardzija V., Szalankiewicz D., Tessari P., Ungaro A.R. & Visuri P. (2014), Civil security and the European Union. UI Occasional Papers Series: Swedish Institute of International Affairs.
- Boin A., Ekengren M. & Rhinard M. (2014), Making sense of sense-making: The EU’s role in collecting, analyzing and disseminating information in times of crisis. Stockholm: Swedish National Defence College.
- Boin R.A. (Ed.) (2014), . Public Administration.
- Boin R.A. (2014), Discussant at the workshop 'Governance, Pragmatism and Democracy: A Workshop with Chris Ansell'. Sheffield University, 19 September 2014. [other].
- Attina F., Boin A. & Ekengren M. (2014), Designing EU crisis management capacities: Filling the glass. Guest editorial, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 22(3): 129-130.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Steenbergen M. (2010), The life and death of public organizations: A question of institutional design?, Governance 23(3): 385-410.
- eigenaar/consultant