Arie van der Kooij
Professor emeritus of Biblical Studies
- Name
- Prof.dr. A. van der Kooij
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2171

Prof. dr. A. (Arie) van der Kooij (Emeritus) is retired associated member of LUCSoR. He doesn't have a desk at the university anymore. Please send an email if you want to contact him. The above mentioned telephone number is the number of the secretariat.
Fields of interest
Bible-study, Old Testament, Biblical interpretations, textual criticism and the Septuagint.
My inspiration
The topic of my research and education is the Old Testament: the bible of Judaism and part of the Christian bible. I find it fascinating to study this literary and religious inheritance in the context of contemporaneous cultures: Mesopotamia and Egypt. It is most interesting to find out, from extant literature and its translations, how a politically and economically insignificant tribe (Israel) kept its spiritual independence in times of oppression and misery. This is even more intruiging, if you take into account that to this day, the literature of Judaism and Christianity, still inspires myriads.
Professor emeritus of Biblical Studies
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Kooij A. van der (2011), Preservation and Promulgation: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Textual History of the Hebrew Bible. In: , The Hebrew Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Göttingen 29-40.
- Kooij A. van der (2011), LXX Exodus 23 and the Figure of the High Priest. In: , On Stone and Scroll. Essays in Honour of Graham Ivor Davies. Berlin 537-549.
- Kooij A. van der & Wilk F. (2011), Erlauterungen zu Jes 1-39. In: , Septuaginta Deutsch. Erläuterungen und Kommentare. Bd. II: Psalmen bis Daniel. Stuttgart 2505-2607.
- Kooij A. van der (2011), Erläuterungen zu Jes 40-55 (II). In: , Septuaginta Deutsch. Erläuterungen und Kommentare, Bd. II: Psalmen bis Daniel. Stuttgart 2646-2672.
- Kooij A. van der (2011), The Claim of Maccabean Leadership and the Use of Scripture. In: , Jewish Identity and Politics between the Maccabees and Bar Kokhba. Leiden 29-49.
- Kooij A. van der & Wilk F. (2011), Einleitung Esaias / Isaias / Das Buch Jesaja. In: , Septuaginta Deutsch. Erläuterungen und Kommentare. Bd. II: Psalmen bis Daniel. Stuttgart 2484-2498.
- Kooij A. van der (2011), The Yahad - What is in a Name?, Dead Sea Discoveries 18: 109-128.
- Kooij A. van der (2010), The Story of Paradise in the Light of Mesopotamian Culture and Literature. In: , Genesis, Isaiah and Psalms. Leiden: Brill. 3-22.
- Kooij A. van der (2010), Introduction. In: Kooij A. van der & Meer M.N. van der (Eds.), The Old Greek of Isaiah: Issues and Perspectives. Leuven: Peeters. vii-xiii.
- Kooij A. van der (2010), Authoritative Scriptures and Scribal Culture. In: Popovic M. (Ed.), Authoritative Scriptures in Ancient Judaism. 2010: Brill. 55-71.
- Kooij A. van der (2010), Rejoice, O Thirsty Desert (Isaiah 35): On Zion in the Septuagint of Isaiah. In: Wieringen A.L.H.M. van & Woude A. van der (Eds.), Enlarge the Site of Your Tent. The City as Unifying Theme in Isaiah. 2010: Brill. 11-20.
- Kooij A. van der (2010), The Old Greek of Isaiah and Other Prophecies Published in Ptolemaic Egypt. In: Kraus W. & Karrer M. (Eds.), Die Septuaginta - Texte, Theologien, Einflüsse. 2010: Mohr Siebeck. 72-84.
- Kooij A. van der (2010), The Septuagint of Isaiah and the Issue of Coherence. In: Kooij A. van der & Meer M.N. van der (Eds.), The Old Greek of Isaiah: Issues and Perspectives. Leuven: Peeters. 33-48.
- Kooij A. van der (2010), Review of: Grueneberg K.N., Abraham, Blessing and the Nations. Bibliotheca Orientalis 67: 371-373.
- Kooij A. van der (2010), Review of: Zaman L., Bible and Canon. Bijdragen 71: 96-97.
- Kooij A. van der (2010), Review of: , The Hebrew University Bible: The Book of Ezekiel. Bibliotheca Orientalis 67: 177-179.
- Kooij A. van der (2009), Prophetische Bücher, Einleitung. In: , Septuaginta Deutsch. Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Ubersetzung. Stuttgart 1164-1165.
- Kooij A. van der & Wilk F. (2009), Esaias, Ubersetzung Jesaja 1-39. In: , Septuaginta Deutsch. Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Ubersetzung. Stuttgart 1231-1263.
- Kooij A. van der (2009), Esaias, Einleitung. In: , Septuaginta Deutsch. Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Ubersetzung. Stuttgart 1230-1230.
- Kooij A. van der (2009), The Public Reading of Scriptures at Feasts. In: Tuckett C. (Ed.), Feasts and Festivals. Leuven 27-44.
- Kooij A. van der (2009), Review of: Troxel R.L., LXX Isaiah as Translation and Interpretation. Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies 42: 147-152.
- Kooij A. van der (2009), De Macht van het Kwaad als het Kwaad van de Macht, Oikodome 12: 4-11.
- Kooij A. van der (2008), The Septuagint of Isaiah and the Mode of Reading Prophecies in Early Judaism. Some Comments on LXX Isaiah 8-9. In: Karrer M. & Kraus W. (Eds.), Die Septuaginta - Texte, Kontexte, LebensweltenInternationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 20.-23. Juli 2006. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 597-611.
- Kooij A. van der (2008), Servant or Slave: The Various Equivalents of Hebrew Ebed in the Septuagint of the Pentateuch. In: Peters M.K.H. (Ed.), XIII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Ljubljana, 2007. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature Publications. 225-238.
- Kooij A. van der (2008), The Promulgation of the Pentateuch in Greek according to the Letter of Aristeas. In: Voitila A. & Jokiranta J. (Eds.), Scripture in Transition. Essays on Septuagint, Hebrew Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls in Honour of Raija Sollamo. Leiden: Brill. 179-191.
- Kooij A. van der (2008), Isaiah and Daniel in the Septuagint: How are these two books related?. In: Lemmelijn B. & Vervenne M. (Eds.), Florilegium Lovaniense. Studies in Septuagint and Textual Criticism in Honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez. Leuven: Peeters Publishers. 465-473.
- Kooij A. van der (2008), The Greek Bible and Jewish Concepts of Royal Priesthood and Priestly Monarchy. In: Rajak T., Pearce S., Aitken J. & Dines J. (Eds.), Jewish Concepts of Royal Priesthood and Priestly Monarchy. Berkeley: University of California Press. 255-264.
- Kooij A. van der (2008) J. Dekker, De rostvaste fundering van Sion (Dissertatie over Jesaja 28:16). Review of: Dekker J., De rostvaste fundering van Sion no. 3. Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders 62: 243-243.
- Kooij A. van der (2007), Moses and the Septuagint of the Pentateuch. In: Graupner A. & Wolter M. (Eds.), Moses in Biblical and Extra-Biblical Traditions. Berlin 89-98.
- Kooij A. van der (2007), The Septuagint of Ezekiel and the Profane Leader. In: Jonge H.J. de & Tromp J. (Eds.), The Book of Ezekiel and its Influence: Ashgate. 43-52.
- Kooij A. van der (2007), The Septuagint of the Pentateuch and Ptolemaic Rule. In: Knoppers G.N. & Levinson B.M. (Eds.), The Pentateuch as Torah. New Models for Understanding its Promulgation and Acceptance. Winona Lake 289-300.
- Kooij A. van der (2007), Ideas about Afterlife in the Septuagint. In: Labahn M. & Lang M. (Eds.), Lebendige Hoffnung – Ewiger Tod?! Jenseitsvorstellungen im Hellenismus, Judentum und Christentum. Leipzig 87-102.
- Kooij A. van der (2007), The Four Kingdoms in Peshitta Daniel 7. Haar Romeny B. ter (Ed.), The Peshitta: Its Use in Literature and Liturgy. Papers Read at the Third Peshitta Symposium. . Leiden 123-130.
- Kooij A. van der (2007) Boekbesprekingen: Campbell, Duhaime en Harrington. Review of: Campbell J.G., Harrington & Duhaime J., The Exegetical Texts|The Purity Texts - three Volumes in the Series “Companion to the Qumran Scrolls”|The War Texts no. 2. JThSt 57.
- Kooij A. van der (2007), LXX-Isaiah 8-9 and the Issue of Fulfilment-Interpretation, Adamantius 13: 20-28.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), The Septuagint of Isaiah and the Hebrew Text of Isaiah 2:22 and 36:7. In: Flint P.W., Tov E. & VanderKam J.C. (Eds.), Studies in the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, and the Septuagint Presented to Eugene Ulrich. Leiden: Brill. 377-386.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), Mulder, Martin Jan. In: , Biografisch Lexikon voor de Geschiedenis van het Nederlandse Protestantisme, deel 6. Kampen: Kok. 201-203.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), Textual Criticism. In: Rogerson J. & Lieu J. (Eds.), Methods in Biblical Scholarship. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 579-590.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), MS 9a1 of Peshitta Isaiah: Some Comments. In: Haar Romeny R.B. ter & Peursen W.T. van (Eds.), Text, Transmission and Tradition. Leiden: Brill. 71-76.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), Maarsingh, Berend. In: , Biografisch Lexikon voor de Geschiedenis van het Nederlandse Protestantisme, deel 6. Kampen: Kok. 177-178.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), The City of Babel and Assyrian Imperialism. In: Lemaire A. (Ed.), Congress Volume Leiden 2004. Leiden: Brill. 1-17.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), A Kingdom of Priests: Comment on Exodus 19:6. In: Roukema R. (Ed.), The Interpretation of Exodus. Studies in Honour of Cornelis Houtman. Leuven: Peeters. 171-179.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), La Septante d' Isaïe et la critique textuelle de l' Ancien Testament. In: Schenker A. & Hugo Ph. (Eds.), L' enfance de la Bible hebraïque. Histoire du texte de l' Ancien Testament. Genève: Labor et Fides. 185-198.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), The Text of Isaiah and its Early Witnesses in Hebrew. In: Goldman Y., Kooij A. van der & Weis R.D. (Eds.), Sofer Mahir. Essays in Honour of Adrian Schenker Offered by the Editors of Biblia Hebraica Quinta. Leiden: Brill. 143-152.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), The Book of Isaiah in the Septuagint and Other Versions. In: McGinnis C.M. & Tull P.K. (Eds.), As Those Who Are Taught. The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL. Atlanta: SBL. 49-68.
- Goldman Y.A.P., Kooij A. van der & Weis J. (Eds.) (2006), Sofer Mahir. Essays in Honour of Adrian Schenker Offered by the Editors of Biblia Hebraica Quinta. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der (2006), Das Buch Jesaja in der Septuaginta, Bibel und Kirche 61: 223-226.
- Kooij A. van der (2005), Ancient Emendations in MT. In: Böhler D., Himbaza I. & Hugo Ph. (Eds.), L' Ecrit et l' Esprit. Etudes d'histoire du texte et de théologie biblique en hommage á Adrian Schenker. Göttingen: Fribourg, Academic Press.
- Kooij A. van der (2005), The Septuagint of Ezekiel and Hasmonaean Leadership. In: Garca Martnez F. & Vervenne M. (Eds.), Interpreting Translation. Studies on the LXX and Ezekiel in honour of Johan Lust. Leuven 437-446.
- Kooij A. van der, Schenker A. & Goldman Y.A.P. (2004), Biblia Hebraica Quinta: General Introduction and Megilloth. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Religious Polemics in Context. Papers presented to the Second International Conference of the Leiden Institute for the Study of Religions. Assen: Van Gorcum.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Old Testament Textual Criticism. In: Farmer W.R. (Ed.), The International Bible Commentary.: Bangalore. 216-221.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Tekstkritiek Oude Testament. In: , Internationaal Commentaar op de Bijbel. Kampen: Kok.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Old Testament Textual Criticism. In: Farmer W.R. (Ed.), The International Bible Commentary: Bangalor. 216-221.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Jerusalem as "the City of the Temple" in Jewish Sources from the Hellenistic Era. In: Le Boulluec A. (Ed.), À la recherche des villes saintes. Actes du Colloque Franco-Néerlandais "Les Villes Saintes: Brepols. 43-52.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Introduction. In: , Religious Polemics in Context.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), A.R. Hulst. In: , Biografisch Lexicon voor de Geschiedenis van het Nederlandse Protestantisme. Kampen: Kok.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Schwerpunkte der Septuaginta-Lexikographie. In: Kreuzer S. & Lesch J.P. (Eds.), Im Brennpunkt: Die Septuaginta. Studien zur Entstehung und Bedeutung der Griechischen Bibel 119-132.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: Its Aim and Method. In: , Emanuel. Studies in Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, and Dead Sea Scrolls in Honor of Emanuel Tov. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), The Septuagint of Zechariah as Witness to an Early Interpretation of the Book. In: , The Book of Zechariah and its Influence. Ashgate: Ashgate.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), On the Use of ß?µ?? in the Septuagint in Hamlet on a Hill. In: , Semitic and Greek Studies Presented to Professor T. Muraoka on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Leuven: Peeters.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), The Interpretation of Metaphorical Language: A Characteristic of LXX-Isaiah. In: , Jerusalem, Alexandria, Rome. Studies in Ancient Cultural Interaction in Honour of A. Hilhorst. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Canonization of Ancient Hebrew Books and Hasmonaean Politics. In: , The Biblical Canons. Leuven: Peeters.
- Kooij A. van der & Hettema T.L. (2004), Introduction. In: Hettema T.L. & Kooij A. van der (Eds.), Religious Polemics in Context. Papers presented to the Second International Conference of the Leiden Institute for het Study of religions (LISOR. Assen: Van Gorcum. xi-xxv.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Schwerpunkte der Septuaginta-Lexikographie. In: Kreuzer S. & Lesch J.P. (Eds.), Im Brennpunkt: Die Septuaginta. Studien zur Entstehung und Bedeutung der Griechischen Bibel.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Textgeschichte/Textkritik der Bibel: I. Altes Testament. In: , TRE Bd. XXXIII, Lief. 1/2. Berlin: Berlin.
- Kooij A. van der (2004) Review of E. van Staalduine-Sulman, The Targum of Samuel. Review of: . Journal for the Study of Judaism 35: 349-351.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), The Septuagint - The first translation of the Hebrew Bible?, Bulletin of Judaeo-Greek Studies 34: 27-28.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Review of J.A. Fitzmyer, The Dead Sea Scrolls and Christian Origins, BiOr 61(3/4): 389-390.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Review of M.S. Smith, The Early History of God, BiOr 61(3/4): 381-382.
- Kooij A. van der (2004), Review of B. Ego, A. Lange und P. Pilhofer (Hg), Gemeinde ohne Tempel / Community without Temple,, BiOr 61(3/4): 382-383.
- Jenner K.D. & Kooij A. van der (2003), The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshitta Version. Part IV,2. In: Gordon R.P. & Dirksen P.B. (Eds.), Chronicles. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der (Ed.) (2003), Vetus Testamentun. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der (2003) Koning Hizkia van Juda in Zij schreven geschiedenis. Historisch documenten uit het Oude Nabije Oosten (2500 - 100 v.Chr.). R.J. Demarée and K.R. Veenhof (Eds)(. Review of: , Koning Hizkia van Juda in Zij schreven geschiedenis. Historisch documenten uit het Oude Nabije Oosten (2500 - 100 v.Chr.). R.J. Demarée and K.R. Veenhof (Eds)(. MVEOL 33.
- Kooij A. van der (2003) Review of D. Baer, When We All Go Home. Translation and Theology in LXX Isaiah 56-66 (Sheffield 2001). Review of: , Review of D. Baer, When We All Go Home. Translation and Theology in LXX Isaiah 56-66 (Sheffield 2001). Journal of Biblical Literature on website.
- Kooij A. van der (2003) Review of M. Witte, Die biblische Urgeschichte (Berlin 1998). Review of: , Review of M. Witte, Die biblische Urgeschichte (Berlin 1998). Bibliotheca Orientalis 60.
- Kooij A. van der (2003) Review of B.A. Levine et al., Eretz Israel. Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies. Vol. 26. Frank Moore Cross Volume (Jerusalem 1999). Review of: , Review of B.A. Levine et al., Eretz Israel. Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies. Vol. 26. Frank Moore Cross Volume (Jerusalem 1999).. Bibliotheca Orientalis 59.
- Kooij A. van der (2003), Een canonskwestie: het slot van het Oude Testament en het slot van Tenach - een open einde, Schrift: tijdschrift over de bijbel 208: .
- Kooij A. van der (2002), Wie heisst der Messias? Zu Jes 9,5 in den alten griechischen Versionen. In: , Vergegenwärtigung des Alten Testaments. Beiträge zur biblischen Hermeneutik. Festschrift für Rudolf Smend zum 70. Geburtstag. Goettingen: Goettingen.
- Kooij A. van der (2002), The Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible before and after the Qumran Discoveries in The Bible as Book. In: , The Hebrew Bible and the Judaean Desert Discoveries. London: Oak Knoll Press.
- Kooij A. van der (2002), Coming' Things and 'Last' Things: Isaianic Terminology as understood in the Wisdom of Ben Sira and in the Septuagint of Isaiah. In: , The New Things. Eschatology in Old Testament Prophecy. Festschrift for Henk Leene. Maastricht: Maastricht.
- Kooij A. van der (2002) Review of A. Schoors (ed), Qohelet in the Context of Wisdom. Review of: , Review of A. Schoors (ed), Qohelet in the Context of Wisdom. New Testament Studies 56.
- Haveman R.H. & Kooij A. van der (2002), Kroniek Supranationaal strafrecht, deel III, Nemesis 18(4): 97-105.
- Kooij A. van der (2002), Bible Exegesis in Dutch Ecclesial Documents on Homosexuality, Scriptura 77: .
- Kooij A. van der (2001), H.A. Brongers. In: , Biografisch Lexicon voor de Geschiedenis van het Nederlandse Protestantisme. Kampen: KOK.
- Kooij A. van der (2001), The Septuagint of Psalms and the First Book of Maccabees. In: , The Old Greek Psalter. Studies in Honour of Albert Pietersma. Sheffield: Sheffield.
- Kooij A. van der (2001), Comments on NETS and La Bible d¿Alexandrie. In: , In: B.A. Taylor (ed), X Congress of the IOSCS (SCS 51). Atlanta: Atlanta.
- Kooij A. van der (Ed.) (2001), . Vetus Testamentum.
- Kooij A. van der (2001) Review of B. Janowski and P. Stuhlmacher (Eds), Der leidende Gottesknecht. Jesaja 53 und seine Wirkungsgeschichte. Review of: , Review of B. Janowski and P. Stuhlmacher (Eds), Der leidende Gottesknecht. Jesaja 53 und seine Wirkungsgeschichte. Bibliotheca Orientalis 57.
- Kooij A. van der (2001), review of D. Böhler, Die heilige Stadt in Esdras A und Esra-Nehemia, Journal of Theological Studies 52: .
- Kooij A. van der (2001), review of Z. Talshir, I Esdras. From Origin to Translation, Jewish Quarterly Review 91: .
- Kooij A. van der (2000), The Use of the Greek Bible in II Maccabees, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 25: .
- Kooij A. van der (2000), Zur Frage der Exegese im LXX-Psalter. Ein Beitrag zur Verhältnisbestimmung zwischen Original and Übersetzung, In: A. Aejmelaeus und U. Quast (Hrsg), Der Septuaginta-Psalter und seine Tochterübersetzungen. Symposium in Göttingen 1997. In: , MSU XXIV. Gottingen.
- Kooij A. van der (2000), Textual Witnesses to the Hebrew Bible and the History of Reception. The Case of Habakkuk 1:11-12. In: , Die Textfunde vom Toten Meer und der Text der Hebräischen Bibel. Neukirchner: Neukirchen.
- Kooij A. van der (2000), The Role of the Father: A Response to Kottsieper. In: , Families and Family Relations as Represented in Early Judaisms and Early Christianities: Texts and Fictions. Leiden: Star.
- Kooij A. van der (Ed.) (2000), . Vetus Testamentum.
- Kooij A. van der (2000) Review of M.H. Goshen-Gottstein (ed), The Book of Isaiah. The Hebrew University Bible Project. Review of: Goshen-Gottstein M.H., The book of Isaiah.. Bibliotheca Orientalis 57.
- Kooij A. van der (2000) Review of P.W. Haider, M. Hutter, S. Kreuzer (Hg), Religionsgeschichte Syriens. Review of: , Review of P.W. Haider, M. Hutter, S. Kreuzer (Hg), Religionsgeschichte Syriens. Bibliotheca Orientalis 57.
- Kooij A. van der (2000) Review of M Vervenne (ed), Studies in the Book of Exodus: Redaction - Reception - Interpretation. Review of: , Review of M Vervenne (ed), Studies in the Book of Exodus: Redaction - Reception - Interpretation. Bibliotheca Orientalis 57.
- Kooij A. van der (2000), Qumran en de uitleg van de Bijbel, Schrift: tijdschrift over de bijbel 191: .
- Kooij A. van der (2000), The use of the Bible in Dutch church documents on homosexuality: its background and setting, Scripture 72: .
- Kooij A. van der (2000), The Story of Hezekiah and Sennacherib (2 Kings 18-19). A Sample of Ancient Historiography, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 44: .
- Kooij A. van der (2000), Isaiah 24-27: Text Critical Notes, In: H. J. Bosman et al. (eds), Studies in Isaiah 24-27, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 43: .
- Kooij A. van der (2000), The Cities of Isaiah 24-27 according to the Vulgate, Targum and Septuagint, In: H. J. Bosman et al, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 43: .
- Kooij A. van der (1999), The City of Alexandria and the Ancient Versions of the Hebrew Bible, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 25: .
- Kooij A. van der (Ed.) (1999), . Vetus Testamentum.
- Kooij A. van der (1999), review of F. Garcia Martinez and D.W. Parry, A Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah, 1970-1995, Bibliotheca Orientalis 55: .
- Kooij A. van der (1999), review of A. Lüder, Historie und Dogmatik. Ein Beitrag zur Genese und Entfaltung von Johann Salomo Semlers Verständnis des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1995, Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders 53: .
- Kooij A. van der (1999), review of E. Ulrich and J. VanderKam (eds), The Community of the Renewed Covenant. Notre Dame, 1994, Bibliotheca Orientalis 55: .
- Kooij A. van der (1999), review of G.A. Evans and P.W. Flint (Eds.), Eschatology, Messianism, and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Grand Rapids 1997, Bibliotheca Orientalis 55: .
- Kooij A. van der (1999), Summary of lectures held at Paris (1998), Annuaire EPHE 106: .
- Kooij A. van der (1999), The Origin and Purpose of Bible Translations in Ancient Judaism; Some comments, ARG 1: .
- Kooij A. van der & Toorn K. van der (1998), Canonization and Decanonization. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der (1998), The Oracle of Tyre; The Septuagint of Isaiah 23 as Version and Vision. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der (1998), The Canonization of Ancient Books Kept in the Temple of Jerusalem. In: , Canonization and Decanonizatio. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der & Toorn K. van der (1998), Introduction. In: Canonization and Decanonization. In: , Canonization and Decanonization. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der (1998), Perspectives on the Study of the Septuagint: Who are the Translators?. In: , Perspectives in the Study of the Old Testament and Early Judaism. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der (1998), De canonisatie van de Hebreeuwse bijbel (200 v.C. tot 100 n.C.). In: , Heilig boek en religieus gezag. Ontstaan en functioneren van canonieke tradities. Kampen: Kok.
- Kooij A. van der (1998), The Death of Josiah according to 1 Esdras, Textus. . Textus.
- Kooij A. van der (1998), The Teacher Messiah and Worldwide Peace. Some comments on Symmachus' version of Isaiah 25:7-8, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages. . Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages.
- Kooij A. van der (Ed.) (1998), . Vetus Testamentum. Leiden: Brill.
- Kooij A. van der (Ed.) (1998), Biblia Hebraica Quinta. Fasciculus extra seriem. General Introduction; Librum Ruth. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgeselschaft.
- Corstjens P.L.A.M., Kooij A. van der, Linschooten C., Brouwers G.J., Westbroek P. & Vrind-de Jong E.W. de (1998), GPA, a calcium-binding protein in the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (prymnesiophyceae), Journal of Phycology 34: 622-630.
- Kooij A. van der (1997), Zum Verhältnis von Textkritik und Literaturkritik: Überlegungen anhand einiger Beispiele. In: Emerton J.A. (Ed.), Congress Volume Cambridge 1995. Leiden: Brill. 185-202.
- Kooij A. van der (1997), Isaiah in the Septuagint. In: Broyles C.C. & Evans C.A. (Eds.), Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah. Studies of an Interpretative Tradition. Volume II. Leiden: Brill. 513-530.
- Kooij A. van der (1997), Zur Theologie des Jesajabuches in der Septuaginta. In: Reventlow H.G. (Ed.), Theologische Probleme der Septuaginta und der hellenistischen Hermeneutik. Gütersloh: Kaiser/Gütersloher Verlagshaus. 9-25.
- Kooij A. van der (1997), "The Servant of the Lord": A Particular Group of Jews in Egypt According to the Old Greek Isaiah. Some Comments on LXX Isa 49, 1-6 and Related Passages. In: Ruiten J. van & Vervenne M. (Eds.), Studies in the Book of Isaiah. Festschrift Willem A.M. Beuken. Leuven: Peeters. 383-397.
- Kooij A. van der (1997) Notes on the Greek Text of Genesis (SCS 35). Review of: Wevers J.W. (1997), -. Atlanta. Journal for Semitic Studies 42: 384-385.
- Kooij A. van der (1997), Peshitta Genesis 6: "Sons of God" - "Angels or Judges", Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 23: 1-9.
- Kooij A. van der (1997) Eine Tora für den König Talmai (TSAJ 41). Review of: Veltri G. (1997), - no. 54. Tübingen. Bibliotheca Orientalis 3-4: cols.477-480.
- Kooij A. van der (1997) Übersetzung als Vollendung der Auslegung (BZAW 223). Review of: Rösel M. (1997), - no. 54. Berlin. Bibliotheca Orientalis 3-4: cols.456-459.
- Kooij A. van der (1996), Jeruzalem als heilige stad door de ogen van de gemeenschap van Qumran [Jerusalem as Seen through the Eyes of the Community at Qumran]. In: Jenner K.D. & Wiegers G.A. (Eds.), Jeruzalem als heilige stad. Religieuze voorstelling en geloofspraktijk [Jerusalem as a Holy City. Religious Image and Practice]. Kampen: Kok. 94-73.
- Kooij A. van der (1996) De opbouw van het boek Jozua. Review of: Korevaar H.J. (1996), -. Vetus Testamentum 46: 416.
- Kooij A. van der (1996) Habakkuk. Review of: Haak R.D. (1996), -. Vetus Testamentum 46: 410.
- Kooij A. van der (1996) Structure, Role, and Ideology in the Hebrew and Greek Texts of genesis 1:1-2:3. Review of: Brown W.P. (1996), -: SBL Diss. Series 132. Journal for Semitic Studies 41: 129-132.
- Kooij A. van der (1996) Deuteronomium II. Review of: Labuschagne C.J. (1996), -. Vetus Testamentum 46: 417.
- Kooij A. van der (1996) Symmachus in the Pentateuch (JSS Monograph 15). Review of: Salvesen A. (1996), - no. 53. Manchester. Bibliotheca Orientalis 5-6: cols.800-801.
- Kooij A. van der (1996), The Story of Genesis 11:1-9 and the Culture of Ancient Mesopotamia, Bibliotheca Orientalis 53: 28-38.
- Kooij A. van der (1996), On Male and Female Views in Judges 4 and 5. In: Becking B. & Dijkstra M. (Eds.), On Reading Prophetic Texts. Gender-Specific and Related Studies in Memory of Fokkelien van Dijk-Hemmes. Leiden 135-150.
- Kooij A. van der (1996), Ontwikkelingen in het tekstkritisch onderzoek van de laatste decennia [Developments in Textcritical Research over the last Decennia], Met Andere Woorden 15: 31-38.
- Kooij A. van der (1996) Qumran Cave 4/IV: Palaeo-Hebrew and Greek Biblical Manuscripts, with a contribution by P.J. Parsons (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, IX). Review of: Skehan P.W. (1996), - no. 53. Oxford. Bibliotheca Orientalis 5-6: cols.798-800.
- Kooij A. van der (1995), Peshitta Progress Report. In: Dirksen P.B. & Kooij A. van der (Eds.), The Peshitta as a Translation. Papers Read at the II Peshitta Symposium Held at Leiden, 19-21 August 1993. Leiden: onbekend. 219.
- Dirksen P.B. & Kooij A. van der (Eds.) (1995), The Peshitta as a Translation. Papers read at the II Peshitta Symposium held at Leiden, 19-21 August 1993. Leiden: onbekend.
- Kooij A. van der (1995), "And I also said": A New Interpretation of Judges II 3, Vetus Testamentum 45: 294-306.
- Kooij A. van der (1995) The LXX Version. A Guide to the Translation Technique of the Septuagint. Review of: Olofsson S. (1995), -. Stockholm. Novum Testamentum, Supplements 48: 326.
- Kooij A. van der (1995) Selected Studies in Old Testament Exegesis. Review of: Boer P.A.H. de (1995), -. Leiden. Novum Testamentum, Supplements 48: 327.
- Kooij A. van der (1995) God is my Rock. A Study of Translation Technique and Theological Exegesis in the Septuagint. Review of: Olofsson S. (1995), -. Stockholm. Novum Testamentum, Supplements 48: 326.
- Kooij A. van der (1995) Law and Ideology in Monarchic Israel. Review of: Halpern B. (1995), -. Sheffield. Novum Testamentum, Supplements 48: 328.
- Kooij A. van der (1995), De canonvorming van de Hebreeuwse bijbel, het Oude Testament [Canonization of the Hebrew Bible; The Old Testament], Novum Testamentum, Supplements 49: 42-65.
- Kooij A. van der (1994), The Ending of the Song of Moses: On the Pre-masoretic Version of Deut. 32:43. In: García Martinez F., Hilhorst A., Ruiten J.T.A.G.M. van & Woude A.S. van der (Eds.), Studies in Deuteronomy. In Honour of C.J. Labuschange on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Leiden: Brill. 93-100.
- Kooij A. van der (1994) Der Text des Alten Testaments, 5. Aufl. Review of: Würthwein E. (1994), -. Abr-Nahrain 31: 128-129.
- Kooij A. van der (1994) La Biblia judía y la Biblia cristiana. Introducción a la historia de la Biblia. Review of: Trebolle Barrera J. (1994), -. Dead Sea Discoveries 1: 263-264.
- Kooij A. van der (1994), Jeremiah 27:5-15: HOw do MT and LXX Relate to Each Other?, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 20: 59-78.
- Kooij A. van der (1994), United Bible Societies' Policies for the New Edition of the Hebrew Bible, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 20: 59-78.