Aone van Engelenhoven
University Lecturer Southeast Asian Linguistics
- Name
- Dr. A.T.P.G. van Engelenhoven
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2072
- 0000-0003-3334-7396

Aone van Engelenhoven is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.
More information about Aone van Engelenhoven
PhD candidates
Fields of interest
My research focuses on several linguistic and anthropological linguistic issues in Indonesia , and East Timor, and among Moluccan migrants in the Netherlands and can be distinguished in historical linguistics (the reconstruction of the proto languages of the Austronesian and non-Austronesian languages in Southwest Maluku and their location in their respective language trees), descriptive linguistics (grammatical description of minority languages in Indonesia and East Timor), oral traditions (semiotics and mnemonics of storytelling), language and cognition (the use of Malay and indigenous languages for the transfer of ritual knowledge, the relation between event categorization in cognition and transitivity in grammar).
PhD in Linguistics, Leiden University 1995
MA in Comparative Linguistics, Leiden University 1987
- 2008 – present: Lecturer of Southeast Asian Linguistics, spec. Austronesian languages, dep. of South and Southeast Asian Studies, Leiden University.
- 2004 – 2008: Lecturer of Indonesian language and Austronesian linguistics, dep. of Languages and Cultures of Indonesia, Leiden University.
- 1993-2004: Lecturer of Austronesian linguistics, dep. of Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia and Oceania, Leiden University.
- 1990-1993: PhD Researcher (through a fund of The Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research, The Hague), Leiden University
- 1988-1990: Junior researcher in the Indonesian Linguistics Development Project II, Leiden University.
Key publications
A key publication of each field of interest is listed below. For a full list I refer to the top of this page.
- (historical linguistics:) ‘The position of Makuva among the Austronesian languages of East Timor and Southwest Maluku’, 2009, in K. Alexander Adelaar and Andrew Pawley (eds) Austronesian historical linguistics and culture history: a festschrift for Bob Blust, 425-441, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 601.
- (descriptive linguistics:) Leti, a language of Southwest Maluku, 2004, VKI 221, Leiden: KITLV Press.
- (oral traditions:) ‘The Spoor of the mythical Sailfish: Narrative Topology and Narrative Artefacts in Southwest Maluku (Indonesia) and Tutuala (East Timor)’, 2013, in Nicole Revel (Ed.) Songs of Memory in islands of Southeast Asia, 245-278, Newcastle upon Time: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- (language and cognition:) ‘Concealment, Maintenance and Renaissance: language and ethnicity in the Moluccan community in the Netherlands’, 2002, in: David Bradley and Maya Bradley (eds) Language Maintenance for Endangered Languages: an active approach, 272-309, London: Curzon Press.
Edited volumes
- Searching the Invariant, Semiotactic Explorations into Meaning, 2011, Münich: LINCOM Europe. (second editor to Hetty Geerdink).
- Diversidade Cultural na Construção da Nação e do Estado em Timor Leste, 2006, Porto: Publicações UFP. (second editor to Paulo Castro Seixas).
Recent reviews
- Review [2011] of Margaret Florey, 2010, Endangered languages of Austronesia (Oxford: Oxford University Press), Anthropological Linguistics (53)1:81-89.
- Review [2008] of Yohanes Manhitu, 2007, Kamus Indonesia-Tetun, Tetun-Indonesia (Jakarta: Penerbit BT Gramedia Utama Pustaka), Wacana JurnalIlmu Pengetahuan Budaya.
My teaching at Leiden university comprises on the BA level Introductory and Advanced courses of Indonesian language teaching, Language and Culture in South and Southeast Asia, Introduction to Oral Traditions of South and Southeast Asia and Descriptive Linguistics and on the MA level Oral Traditions Research. Outside the academy I teach different levels of Indonesian. Except for the Descriptive Linguistics BA course, all courses are taught in English.
PhD supervision
Leiden University
Juliette Huber, A Grammar of Makalero: a Papuan language of East Timor, degree awarded 2011 (together with Maarten Mous, LUCL)
Edegar da Conceição Savio Studi sosiolinguistik bahasa Fataluku di Lautém (A Sociolinguistic Study of the Fataluku Language in Lautém), degree awarded 2016 (together with Cees van Dijk, LIAS and Sjaak Kroon, Tilburg University)
Jermy Balukh a Grammar of Ndao, A Minority Language of Eastern Indonesia, degree expected in 2016 (together with Maarten Mous, LUCL)
Maaike van Naerssen A contrastive analysis of conversational conventions in Dutch and Indonesian, degree expected in 2017 (together with Ton van Haaften, LUCL)
Nazarudin Language use in Woirata (Kisar Island, Indonesia), degree expected in 2017 (together with Maarten Mous, LUCL).
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Paulus Pattikayhatu Van binnenuit. De psalmen vertaald in de landstaal van Nusalaut (“From within. The psalms translated into the regional language of Nusalaut”), degree awarded 2013 (together with Martien Brinkman, Vrije Universiteit, and Sjaak van ‘t Kruis, PKN)
Grants and awards
2009-2012: Integrated Programme of NWO-WOTRO: Becoming a nation of readers inEast Timor: Language policy and adult literacy development in a multilingual context (project leaders: Prof.dr. Sjaak Kroon and Dr. Jeanne Kurvers, University of Tilburg)
2009-2011: Netherlands Research Council, Netherlands Academy of Sciences, Social Science Collaborative Research between Europe and China Programme: Documentation and Archiving of Oral Tradition: Researches and Interdisiciplinary Approaches
2006-2010: Fundação Para a Ciência e a Tecnologia: Cultural Negotiation as CoreHeritage in Timor-Leste Project (project leader: Dr. Paulo Castro Seixas, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto)
2005-2008: Netherlands Research Council, Endangered Languages Programme: Fataluku Language Project
2003: Rausing Endangered Languages Programme: The Maku’a Pilot Project
2001: UNESCO Endangered Languages Fund: Endangered Languages of West and Central Seram Island, eastern Indonesia (project leader: Dr. Margaret Florey, Monash University, Melbourne)
1998-2000: Australian Research Council: Language maintenance: an active approach (project leader: Dr. David Bradley, LaTrobe University, Bundoora)
1990-1994: Netherlands Foundation for Tropical Research: PhD Project Leti, a language in Southwest Maluku, Indonesia
Administration and service to the profession
2014 – present: member of the Departmental Teaching Committee
2014 – present: advisor to the directorate of the Indonesian Oral Traditions Association (Asosiasi Tradisi Lisan)
2009- 2012: member of the board of BA examinors (2009-2011 as secretary) at the department of South and Southeast Asian Studies.
2004-2007: member of the department’s board (2004-2005 as secretary) at the department of Languages and Cultures of Indonesia.
1993-2004: member respectively of the curriculum committee (1993-1997 as secretary) and of the department’s board (1999-2001 as treasurer), at the department of Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia and Oceania.
2005 – present: Fataluku and Tetun translation advisor/facilitator to the United Bibles Societies (Brisbane, Australia)
2001 – present: board member of the National Institute of Linguistics (National Institute of Linguistics, National University of East Timor, Dili)
1997 -2003: Contributor to the Linguistic Bibliography (Dordrecht: Kluwers, The Hague: De Koninklijke Bibliotheek)
University Lecturer Southeast Asian Linguistics
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Indonesie
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (Ed.) (2024), Oral Traditions in Insular Southeast Asia: Lokaswara Nusantara. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2024), Of catfish and grasshoppers: towards a cognitive poetics of orality in insular Southeast Asia. In: Engelenhoven A. van (Ed.), Oral traditions in insular Southeast Asia: Lokaswara Nusantara. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 52-73.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G van (2024), "Fish-Roasting and Kalura-Making": towards a semiology of oral storytelling. In: Engelenhoven A. van (Ed.), Oral traditions in insular Southeast Asia: Lokaswara Nusantara. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 131-157.
- Amat A. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2024), Keindahan Bentuk Puisi Etnik Peribumi Di: aestetis of indigenous ethnic poetry in Sabah, Jurnal Pengajian Melayu = Journal of Malay Studies 35(2): 67-85.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2022), Reclaiming Linguistic Patrimony: The case of Nusalaut, a Moluccan language in The Netherlands. In: Shei C. & Li S. (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of Asian Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks. London: Routledge.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2021), Dressed, undressed or both. The case of Ewaw in Southeast Maluku, Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia 22(2): 389-418.
- Nazarudin N. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (Eds.) (2021), On Language, Education, Politics and Identity: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
- Hoogervorst T., Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van & Moeimam S. (2021), Wacana Journal of the Humanities volume 22 Member of editorial staff 22(1 & 2).
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2021) De geschiedenis van het dorp Oma en de Omanezen. Review of: Habiboe R.F.F. (deel I) & Vreeswijk-Manusiwa J. (deel II) (2021), Deel I: Omo'o, van de berg naar het strand en overzee: Sejarah Leparissa. De geschiedenis van het dorp Oma en de Omanezen. Deel II: Omo'o, verhalen van Omanezen overzee: Verbonden zijn met Leparissa. Verhalen uit Berita Leparissa. Bunnik: PAALL. Marinjo, tweemaandelijks onafhankelijk Moluks magazine 2021(1): 38-40.
- Muhammad S.J.N., Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van & Rahman N.S.A. (2020), Letter of Sultan Mahmud Riayat Syah to Governor-General Batavia Sir Willem Arnold Alting. The Library of Leiden University Collections: does it have diplomatic features?, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 10(3): 102-112.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van & Huber J. (2020), East Fataluku. In: Schapper A. (Ed.), The Papuan Languages of Timor, Alor and Pantar: Volume 3. Pacific Linguistics no. 660. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 347-426.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2020), Orality in Southeast Asia. In: Devy G.N. & Davis G.V. (Eds.), Orality and Language no. volume 4. New Delhi: Routledge India. 9-33.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van & Krakowska Rodrigues K.K. (2018), O Sudeste Asiático e o Índico: reflexões sobre trânsitos linguísticos e travessias culturais nas tradições orais em Timor-Leste, Remate de Males 38(1): 220-239.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2018), Review of: Hildred Geertz (2016), Storytelling in Bali. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde no. 304. Leiden/Boston: Brill. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 174: 291-362.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. (2016), The Dutch Enigma of Kisar Island: Buku Tembaga (Southwest Maluku, Indonesia). In: Snoeijer G. & Peters N. (Eds.), Vêrlander, Forgotten Children of the VOC. Amsterdam: Vêrlander Publishing. 60-91.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van & Nazarudin N. (2016), A tale of Narrative Annexation. Stories from Kisar Island (Southwest Maluku, Indonesia), Wacana, Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya 17(2): 191-231.
- Abu Bakar R. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2016), Alam dan Budaya Masyarakat Melayu dalam Hikayat Pelanduk Jenaka, Jurnal Kesidang Jurnal Pusat Bahasa dan Pengajian Umum Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka 1(1): 35-66.
- Moeimam S. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (Eds.) (2015), From languages to cultures in Indonesia II. Wacana, Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2015), Mengenai falsafah folklor: tinjauan dan usulan. In: Pudentia M.P.S.S. (Ed.), Metodologi kajian tradisi lisan. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia. 507-544.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van & Naerssen M. van (2015), Southeastern Asia: diglossia and politeness in a multilingual context. In: Smakman D. & Heinrich P. (Eds.), Globalising Sociolinguistics: Challenging and Expanding Theory. London: Routledge. 66-79.
- Moeimam S. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (Eds.) (2015), From languages to cultures in Indonesia I. Wacana, Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2015), Kasi and bikin, Two causative strategies in Melayu Tenggara Jauh (Southwest Maluku, Indonesia), Wacana, Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya 16(1): 80-104.
- Schapper A.C., Huber J. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2014), The relatedness of Timor-Kisar and Alor-Pantar languages: A preliminary demonstration. In: Klamer M. (Ed.), The Alor-Pantar languages: History and typology. Studies in Diversity Linguistics no. 3. Berlin: Language Science Press. 99-154.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2014), Petjoh: 'Indisch' Nederlands of Nederlands Maleis, feit of fictie?, Praagse Perspectieven 9: 45-65.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2013), The Spoor of the Mythical Sailfish: Narrative Topology and Narrative Artefacts in Southwest Maluku (Indonesia) and Tutuala (East Timor). In: Revel N. (Ed.), Songs of Memory in Islands of Southeast Asia. Newcastle upon Tyme: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 251.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2012), The Lord of the Golden Cloth: a Tale of Ownership in Occupied and Independent East Timor. In: Merolla D., Jansen J. & Naït-Zerrad K. (Eds.), Multimedia Research and Documentation of Oral Genres in Africa - The Step Forward. Münster: LIT Verlag. 74-88.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2012), Observações sobre narrações orais em Tutuala (Timor-Leste) e no sudoeste das Molucas (Indonésia). In: Silva K. & Sousa L. (Eds.), Ita Maun Alin... O livro do irmão mais novo. Afinidades antropológicas em torno de Timor-Leste. Lisbon: Edições Colibri. 133-153.
- Conceicao Savio E. da, Kurvers J., Engelenhoven A.Th.P.G. van & Kroon S. (2012), Fataluku Language and Literacy Uses and Attitudes in Timor-Leste. Leach M., Canas Mendes N., Silva A.B. da, Boughton B. & Costa Ximenes A. da (Eds.), Peskiza foun kona ba/ Novas investigações sobre / New research on/ Penelitian baru mengenai Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste Studies Association's Communicating New Research on Timor-Leste conference. Hawthorne: Swineburn Press. 355-361.
- Schapper A.C., Huber J. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2012), The historical relation of the Papuan languages of Timor and Kisar, Language and Linguistics 1(special issue 2012): 194-242.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2011), A guerra das palavras: o parallelismo lexical no discurso fataluco. In: Sarmento C. (Ed.), Diálogos Interculturais: Os Novos Rumos da Viagem. Porto: Vida Económica. 169-180.
- Geerdink-Verkoren H.C. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2011), Introduction: a bird's eye view on Semiotactics. In: Geerdink-Verkoren H.C. & Engelenhoven A.Th.P.G. van (Eds.), Searching the Invariant. Semiotactic Explorations into Meaning. Munich: Lincom. 7-15.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2011), A semiotactic approach to Indonesian Passives. In: Engelenhoven A.Th.P.G. van & Geerdink-Verkoren H.C. (Eds.), Searching the Invariant. Semiotactic Explorations into Meaning. Munich: Lincom. 105-123.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G van & Geerdink-Verkoren H.C. (Eds.) (2011), A semiotactic approach to Indonesian Passives. Munich: Lincom.
- Sloos M. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2011), Input-Reduplicant correspondences in Leti. Nouwen R. & Elenbaas M. (Eds.), Linguistics in The Netherlands. . Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Company. 114-126.
- Geerdink-Verkoren H.C. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (Eds.) (2011), Searching the Invariant. Semiotactic Explorations into Meaning. Munich: Lincom Europe.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2011), Management and loss of narrative knowledge in the 'Guided Islands and Conducted Lands' (East Indonesia and East Timor), Folklore Fellows Network : 13, 16-23.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2011) Endangered Languages of Austronesia, Edited by Margaret Florey. Review of: Florey M. (2010), Endangered Languages of Austronesia no. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Anthropological Linguistics 53: 81-89.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2010), The Makuva Enigma: Locating a hidden language in East-Timor, Revue Roumaine de linguistique 80(2): 161-181.
- Engelenhoven A.Th.P.G. van & Castro Seixas P. (2010), Sorotmalai, the journey, the brothers and the book (DVD). In: , Translation, Society and Politics in Timor-Leste. Porto: Fernando Pessoa University Press.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2010), Tentatively locating West-Damar among the languages of Southwest Maluku. In: Fedorchuk A.M. & Chlenova S.F. (Eds.), Studia Anthropologica. Sbornik statei v chest' M.A. Chlenova. Moscow/Jerusalem: Mosty kultury/Gesharim. 297-326.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2010), Verb Serialisation in Fataluku. The case of ‘take’. In: Azeb A., Völlmin S., Rapold Ch. & Zaug-Coretti S. (Eds.), Converbs, Medial Verbs, Clause Chaining and Related Issues. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. 185-211.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2010), The War of the Words, lexical parallelism in Fataluku ritual discourse. In: Sarmento C. (Ed.), From Here to Diversity: Globalization and Intercultural Dialogues. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 241-252.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2010), Living the Never-Ending Story: on story-telling in Tutuala (East Timor) and Southwest Maluku (Indonesia). In: Castro Seixas P. (Ed.), Translation, Society and Politics in Timor-Leste. Porto: Fernando Pessoa University Press. 61-76.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2010), Deixis. In: Colm Hogan P. (Ed.), Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 247-248.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2010), Change, Oblivion and Death: Three Stages in Language Endangerment, CenPRIS Working Papers Series. Launching of the Endangered Languages Programme. Universiti Sains Malaysia Penang: Centre of Policy Research and International Studies. 1-15.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2010), Lirasniara, the sung language of Southwest Maluku, Wacana. Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya 12(1): 143-161.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2009), On derivational processes in Fataluku, a non-Austronesian language in East-Timor. In: Wetzels W.L. (Ed.), The Linguistics of Endangered Languages, Contributions to Morphology and Morpho-Syntax. Utrecht: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics. 331-362.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2009), The position of Makuva among the Austronesian languages in East Timor. In: Adelaar A. & Pawley A. (Eds.), Austronesian historical linguistics and culture history: a festschrift for Bob Blust. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics/Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies/The Australian National University. 425-442.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2008) Boekbespreking. Review of: Manhitu Y. (2007), Kamus Indonesia-Tetun, Tetun-Indonesia no. 2. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Umum. Wacana. Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya 10: 356-357.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2008), Ini apel ni nya 'This here apple now' Deictics in the Malay speech of Southwest Malukan migrants in the Netherlands, Wacana. Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya 10(1): 90-116.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2008), Ktunu: Clues in the Quest of the Sailfish. Linguistic Insights in Southwest Malukan narratives (East-Indonesia). In: Lander Y.A. & Ogloblin A.K. (Eds.), Language and Text in the Austronesian World. Studies in Honour of Ülo Sirk. München: Lincom GmbH. 311-325.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Ewing M.C (2005), Grammar and Inference in conversation; Identifying clausestructure in spoken Javanese no. 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 163: 161-163.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2006), Ita-nia Nasaun Oin-Ida, ita-nia Dalen Sira Oin-Seluk "Our Nation is One, Our Languages Are Different". Language Policy in East Timor. In: Castro Seixas P. & Engelenhoven A. van (Eds.), Diversidade Cultural na Construção da Nação e do Estado em Timor-Leste. Porto: Universidade Fernando Pessoa. 106-131.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2006) Boekbespreking. Review of: Scebold R.A. (2003), Central Tagbanwa: a Philippine language on the brink of exinction no. 2/3. Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 162: 359-361.
- Castro Seixas P. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (Eds.) (2006), Diversidade Cultural na Construção da Nação e do Estado em Timor-Leste. Porto: Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van & Williams-Van Klinken C. (2005), Tetun and Leti. In: Adelaar K.A. & Himmelmann N. (Eds.), The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar. London: Routledge. 735-768.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2004), Leti, a language of Southwest Maluku. Leiden: KITLV Press.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2004) Boekbespreking. Review of: Willams-Van Klinken C. & Hajek J. (2002), Tetun Dili: a Grammar of an East Timorese Language no. 2. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Oceanic Linguistics 43: 519-522.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2003), Language endangerment in Indonesia: the incipient obsolescence and acute death of Teun, Nila and Serua (Central and Southwest Maluku). In: Janse M. & Tol S. (Eds.), Language death and language maintenance: theoretical, practical and descriptive approaches. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 49-80.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2003), De Haruku taal, Moesson: Onafhankelijk Indisch Tijdschrift : 9-9.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2002), Concealment, Maintenance and Renaissance: language and ethnicity in the Moluccan community in the Netherlands. In: Bradley D. & Bradley M. (Eds.), Language Maintenance for Endangered Languages: an active approach. Londen: Routledge Curzon Press. 272-309.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2002), Verb sequences in Melayu Tenggara Jauh: the interface of Malay and the indigenous languages of Southwest Maluku. In: Adelaar K.A. & Blust R. (Eds.), Between Worlds. Linguistic Papers in memory of David John Prentice. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 177-191.
- Florey M. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2001), Language documentation and maintenance programs for Moluccan languages in the Netherlands, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 151: 195-219.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (2000) Rapanui. Review of: Feu V. du (2000), Rapanui no. 4. London: Routledge. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 156: 119-120.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van & Hajek J. (2000), East Timor and the Southwest Moluccas: Language, Time and Connections, Studies in Languages and Cultures of East Timor 3: 107-124.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1999) The Austronesians: historical and comparative perspectives. Review of: Bellwood P. (1999), The Austronesians: historical and comparative perspectives no. 4. Canberra: Australian National University. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 155: 692-694.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1999) Descriptive studies of languages in Maluku, part II. Review of: Laidig W.D. (1999), Descriptive studies of languages in Maluku, part II no. 4. Jakarta: Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 155.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1999), Epítetos en Epítomes: Uso e perda do conhecimento narrativo no sudoeste das Molucas (Leste da Indonésia), Encontros de divulgação e debate em enstudos sociais 4: 99-107.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1998), Epiteths and epitomes: management and loss of narrative knowledge in Southwest Maluku, Paidensis Journal for Interdisciplinary & Cross-cultural Studies 1: A29-A41.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van, Hume E. & Muller J. (1997), Nonmoraic Geminates in Leti, Phonology 14: 371-402.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1997), Indexing the evidence: metathesis and subordination in Leti (Eastern Indonesia). In: Odé C. & Stokhof W.A.L. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 257-275.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1997) Atlas bahasa tanah Maluku. Review of: Taber M. (1997), Atlas bahasa tanah Maluku. Ambon: Summer Institute of Linguistics. Cakalele Maluku Research Journal 8: 91-94.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1997), Words & Expressions: Notes on parallelism in Leti, Cakalele Maluku Research Journal 8: 1-25.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van, Hume E. & Muller J. (1997), Initial geminates in Leti: consequences for moraic theory, Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 27(1): 119-138.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1996), Metathesis and the quest for definiteness. In: Steinhauer H. (Ed.), Papers in Austronesian Linguistics No. 3. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 207-215.
- Adelaar K.A., Prentice D.J., Grijns C.D., Steinhauer H. & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1996), Malay: its history, role and spread. In: Wurm S.A., Mühlhäusler P. & Tryon D.T. (Eds.), Atlas of Languages of intercultural communications in the Pacific, Asia and the Americas. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 673-693.
- Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1995), Van Proto Malayo-Polynesisch naar Proto Luangisch-Kisarisch. In: Baak C., Bakker M. & Meij D. van der (Eds.), Tales from a Concave World. Liber Amicorum Bert Voorhoeve. Leiden: RUL.
- Hulst H.G. van der & Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (1995), Metathesis effects in Letinese. In: Hulst H. van der & Weijer J. van de (Eds.), Leiden in Last. HIL Phonology Papers I. Den Haag: Holland Academic Graphics. 243-267.
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