Universiteit Leiden

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Anthony Gebhart

Research Assistant

A. Gebhart MSc
+31 71 527 2727

Anthony Gebhart (M.Sc) is a Ph.D student at the Division of Pharmacology

More information about Anthony Gebhart

Anthony Gebhart studied Pharmacy at the University of Strasbourg (France) from 2006 till 2013. Then, during his Master in Bio-Analytical Sciences, he did one internship in the Pharmacokinetics Department at Servier (France). In 2015, After a second Master in PKPD modelling (Paris – France), he worked for Novartis (Basel – Switzerland). He performed translational PBPK modeling in the DMPK Department and population PKPD modelling in the Pharmacometrics Department. Since november 2016, he is doing his PhD research on "Cyclooxygenase inhibitors targeting colorectal cancer". His focus is the development of systems pharmacology models to predict distribution in intestinal and colonic tissue and efficacy of drugs. The individual drug models aim to establish the relationship between dose, systemic exposure, intestinal luminal concentrations, intestinal tissue concentrations (target site) in healthy volunteers versus patients, biomarker responses and finally tumor regression. The mechanistic PKPD modelling framework scales information from the in vitro to the preclinical setting up to humans.


Research Assistant

  • Science
  • Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
  • LACDR/Pharmacology
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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