Ans de Rooij-van Broekhuizen
- Name
- Drs. A.M. de Rooij-van Broekhuizen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2597

Ans de Rooij-van Broekhuizen is a Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.
Fields of interest
Teaching Modern Chinese as a foreign language;
textbook compilation (high school Mandarin textbook);
Modern Chinese 1 course design.
MA in Chinese Studies at Leiden University (1996)
China-Netherlands MoE exchange student, Beijing Normal University (1993-1994)
1996-present: Lecturer Modern Chinese, Department of China Studies, Leiden University
Key publications
Chinees in tien verdiepingen deel 1, high school Mandarin textbook, Leiden University Press, 2008
Chinees in tien verdiepingen deel 2, high school Mandarin textbook, Leiden University Press, 2009
Classes include: Modern Chinese 1, Modern Chinese 2, Literary Texts, Economic Texts and teaching Modern Chinese at high schools. Currently coordinator of the MC1 language courses and in the past of the MC2 language course.
Administration and service to the profession
Head of the China- en Taiwancommissie (Scholarschip Committee)
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS China