Anouk Goemans
Professor by special appointment Children's aid and protection from a child studies and legal perspective
- Name
- Prof.dr. A. Goemans
- Telephone
- 071 5272727
- 0000-0003-0585-2387
Since 1 November 2024, Anouk Goemans has been appointed professor by special appointment of Youth services and child protection from a legal and developmental perspective, at the Child and Health Law department of Leiden Law School, and at the Institute of Education and Child Studies.
Professor by special appointment Children's aid and protection from a child studies and legal perspective
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Privaatrecht
- Jeugdrecht en Gezondheidsrecht
Professor by special appointment Children's aid and protection from a child studies and legal perspective
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Instituutsbureau Pedagogiek
- Geel M. van, Goemans A., Zwaanswijk W. & Vedder P.H. (2022), Does peer victimization predict future suicidal ideation? A meta-analysis on longitudinal studies, Aggression and Violent Behavior 64: 101577.
- Teunissen M.S.L., Goemans A., Holen F. van, Vanderfaeillie J., Nefs H.T., Pijnenburg H.M., Damen H. & Vedder P.H. (2021), Family reunification decision-making in Dutch family foster care: a dual perspective approach, Child and Youth Care Forum 50: 199-228.
- Goemans A., Viding E. & McCrory E. (2021), Child maltreatment, peer victimization, and mental health: neurocognitive perspectives on the cycle of victimization, Trauma, Violence, and Abuse : 1-19.
- Schoemaker N.K., Wentholt W.G.M., Goemans A., Vermeer H.J., Juffer F. & Alink L.R.A. (2020), A meta-analytic review of parenting interventions in foster care and adoption, Development and Psychopathology 32(3): 1149-1172.
- Goemans A., Buisman R.S.M., Geel M. van & Vedder P. (2020), Foster parent stress as key factor relating to foster children’s mental health: a 1-year prospective longitudinal study, Child and Youth Care Forum 49: 661-686.
- VedderP., Teunissen M. & Goemans A. (2020), Besluitvorming bij hereniging. Het perspectief van de pleegzorgprofessionals, Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk 59(5): 239-251.
- Vedder P., Teunissen M. & Goemans A. (2020), Besluitvorming bij hereniging. Het perspectief van kinderrechters en een vergelijking met pleegzorgprofessionals, Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk 59(5): 252-266.
- Larsen M., Goemans A., Baste V., Wilderjans T.F. & Lehmann S. (2020), Predictors of quality of life among youths in foster care—a 5-year prospective follow-up study, Quality of Life Research : .
- Tarren-Sweeney M., Goemans A., Hahne A.S. & Gieve M. (2019), Mental health screening for children in care using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Brief Assessment Checklists: Guidance from three national studies, Developmental child welfare 1(2): 177-196.
- Tarren-Sweeney M. & Goemans A. (2019), A narrative review of stability and change in the mental health of children who grow up in family-based out-of-home care, Developmental Child Welfare 1(3): 273-294.
- Cassarino-Perez L., Crous G., Goemans A., Montserrat C. & Sarriera J.C. (2018), From care to education and employment: A meta-analysis, Children and Youth Services Review 95: 407-416.
- Vanderfaeillie J., Goemans A., Damen H., Van Holen F. & Pijnenburg H. (2018), Foster care placement breakdown in the Netherlands and Flanders: Prevalence, precursors, and associated factors, Child and Family Social Work 23(3): 337-345.
- Goemans A., Tarren-Sweeney M., Geel M. van & Vedder P. (2018), Psychosocial screening and monitoring for children in foster care: Psychometric properties of the Brief Assessment Checklist in a Dutch population study, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 23(1): 9-24.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M. & Vedder P.H. (2018), Foster children’s behavioral development and foster parent stress: testing a transactional model, Journal of Child and Family Studies 27(3): 990-1001.
- Goemans A., Geel M. van, Wilderjans T.F., Ginkel J.R. van & Vedder P. (2018), Predictors of school engagement in foster children: A longitudinal study, Children and Youth Services Review 88: 33-43.
- Van Geel M., Goemans A., Zwaanswijk W., Gini G. & Vedder P. (2018), Does peer victimization predict low self-esteem, or does low self-esteem predict peer victimization? Meta-analyses on longitudinal studies, Developmental Review 49: 31-40.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M. & Vedder P.H. (2018), Variability in Developmental Outcomes of Foster Children: Implications for Research and Practice, Children Australia 43(2): 116-123.
- Geel M. van, Goemans A., Toprak F. & Vedder P. (2017), Which personality traits are related to traditional bullying and cyberbullying? A study with the Big Five, Dark Triad and sadism, Personality and Individual Differences 106: 231-235.
- Goemans A. (27 June 2017), The development of children in foster care (Dissertatie. Pedagogische Wetenschappen, Orthopedagogiek, Jeugdhulpverlening, Social Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Vedder P.H., Geel M. van.
- Van Geel M., Toprak F., Goemans A., Zwaanswijk W. & Vedder P. (2017), Are Youth Psychopathic Traits Related to Bullying? Meta-analyses on Callous-Unemotional Traits, Narcissism, and Impulsivity, Child Psychiatry and Human Development 48(5): 768-777.
- Goemans A., Veenstra G.N., Van Geel M. & Vedder P. (2017), Perspectiefbepaling in Nederland. In: Vanderfaeille J. & Holen F. van (Eds.), Bijdragen van wetenschappelijk onderzoek aan de Vlaamse pleegzorgpraktijk: VUBPRESS. 33-49.
- Goemans A. (2017), The development of children in foster care, Kind en Adolescent Praktijk 16(4): 27-27.
- Goemans A., Vanderfaeillie J., Damen H., Pijnenburg H. & Van Holen F. (2016), Reunification of foster children: Factors associated with reunification outcomes in Flanders and the Netherlands, Children and Youth Services Review 70: 284-292.
- Van Geel M., Goemans A. & Vedder P. (2016), The relation between peer victimization and sleeping problems: A meta-analysis, Sleep Medicine Reviews 27: 89-95.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M., Van Beem M.A. & Vedder P.H. (2016), Developmental Outcomes of Foster Children A Meta-Analytic Comparison With Children From the General Population and Children at Risk Who Remained at Home, Child Maltreatment 21(3): 198-217.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M., Vedder P. & Bradley R.H. (2016), HOME in the Netherlands: Validation of the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment Inventory, Journal of Family Issues 37(15): 2118-2137.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M. & Vedder P.H. (2016), Psychosocial functioning in Dutch foster children: The relationship with child, family, and placement characteristics, Child Abuse & Neglect 56: 30–43.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M. & Vedder P. (2015), Over three decades of longitudinal research on the development of foster children: A meta-analysis, Child Abuse & Neglect 42: 121-134.
- Vedder P., Veenstra M., Goemans A. & Van Geel M. (2015), Perspectiefbepaling in de pleegzorg, Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk 54(3): 115-127.
- Van Geel M., Goemans A. & Vedder P.H. (2015), A meta-analysis on the relation between peer victimization and adolescent non-suicidal self-injury, Psychiatry Research 230(2): 364-368.
- Veenstra G.N., Van Geel M., Goemans A. & Vedder P.H. (2014), Hoe wordt het perspectief van pleegkinderen in Nederland bepaald? Een inventarisatie en evaluatie van de gebruikte methodes. Rapportage t.b.v. Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, Pedagogiek, sectie orthopedagogiek.
- Goemans A. & Van Geel M. (2013), Interetnisch contact en het verminderen van vooroordelen ten opzichte van moslims: Een multilevel benadering, Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk 52: 244-258.