Anneke Both-de Vries
- Name
- Dr. A.C. Both-de Vries
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4834

- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Orthopedagogiek
- Both-de Vries A.C., De Jong T.M., Shaul S. & Bus A.G. (2016), Parafoveal processing of letters and letter-likeforms in prereaders growing up in a left-to-right or a right-to-left writing convention, Language and Cognition 8(5): 566-586.
- Both-de Vries A.C. & Bus A.G. (2014), Visual processing of pictures and letters in alphabet books and the implications for letter learning, Contemporary Educational Psychology 39(2): 156-163.
- Both-de Vries A. & Bus A.G. (2010), It's all in the name. In: Aram D. & Korat O. (Eds.), Literacy studies, literacy development and enhancement across orthographies and cultures. New York: Springer. 3-15.
- Both-de Vries A. & Bus A.G. (2010), The proper name as starting point for basic reading skills, READING AND WRITING 23(2): 173-187.
- Both-de Vries A. & Bus A.G. (2008), Name writing: a first step to phonetic writing? Does the name have a special role in understanding the symbolic function of writing?, Literacy Learning and Teaching 12: 37-55.
- Both A.C. (5 April 2006), It's all in the name : early writing: from imitating print to phonetic writing (Dissertatie. Education and Child Studies, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers. Supervisor(s): Bus A.G.
- Levin I., Both-de Vries A., Aram D. & Bus A.G. (2005), Writing starts with own name writing: From scribbling to conventional spelling of Israeli and Dutch children, Applied Psycholinguistics 26: 463-477.
- Both-de Vries A. & Bus A.G. (2004), Visies van leerkrachten op de vroege leesontwikkeling in Nederland en de VS anno 2000. In: Aalsvoort G.M. van der (Ed.), Eén kind, één plan. Naar een betere afstemming van jeugdzorg en onderwijs voor risicokinderen. Leuven: Acco. 119-132.
- Both-de Vries A., Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2002), Is het pedagogisch-didactisch onderzoek van het jonge kind bruikbaar om vast te stellen of kleuters op weg zijn naar lezen en schrijven?. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Bus A.G., Both-de Vries A., Jong M.T. de, Sulzby E., Jong W. de & Jong E. de (2001), Conceptualizations Underlying Prereaders' Story Writing, CIERA Report nr2-015. . Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, School of Education.
- Bus A.G., Both-de Vries A., Jong M.T. de, Sulzby E., Jong W. de & Jong E. de (2001), Conceptualizations Underlying Prereaders' Story Writing.CIERA Report nr2-015, Internet Tijdschrift : 1-16.
- Bus A.G. & Both-de Vries A. (1997), Succesvolle voorbeelden van lezen en schrijven in de onderbouw. Amersfoort: CPS.
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