Universiteit Leiden

nl en

Anneke Amir

Study adviser

Drs. A.B. Amir
+31 71 527 2518

As academic adviser I can provide you with information on the degree programme, study advice (BSA), study tips or other matters concerning your studies. I help students with doubts about their study programme or experiencing difficulties during their studies.

Please contact me if you have any questions. These could be questions regarding study planning, choice of options within the study programme, study difficulties and doubts, additional challenges or personal issues.


Students can contact me via e-mail (stucochina@hum.leidenuniv.nl) or come by the office for a consultation. Everything you discuss with the academic adviser will remain confidential.

In office

In office on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday between 09:00h and 15:00h.


Make an appointment at a time that suits you by sending an e-mail to stucochina@hum.leidenuniv.nl. Always mention your student number and what you would like to discuss.

Study adviser

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculteitsbureau
  • OSZ Studieadvisering

Work address

Herta Mohr
Witte Singel 27A
2311 BG Leiden
Room number FLEX


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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