Universiteit Leiden

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Anna Dlabacova

Senior University Lecturer

Dr. A. Dlabacova
+31 71 527 2119

Anna Dlabacova is a senior university lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.

More information about Anna Dlabacova


My research focuses on late medieval literature and culture of the Low Countries. Currently, I am preparing a monograph on the editions of vernacular religious texts published by the printer Gerard Leeu († 1492) within my NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) Veni-project ‘Leaving a Lasting Impression. The Impact of Incunabula on Late Medieval Spirituality, Religious Practice and Visual Culture in the Low Countries’ (2018-2021). Before that, I conducted a project on text and image on the early printing press at the Université catholique de Louvain. My PhD-project (Leiden University, cum laude, 2014) focused on the role of the Franciscan Observance in the production and dissemination of religious literature and in particularly on Hendrik Herp’s Mirror of Perfection.

Fields of interest

  • Religious literature and society (15th and early 16th century)
  • Early printing
  • Manuscript studies
  • Late Medieval Distribution of Texts
  • Late Medieval Textual and Visual Culture

Curriculum vitae

PhD, cum laude:  Literatuur en observantie. De Spieghel der volcomenheit van Hendrik Herp en de dynamiek van laatmiddeleeuwse tekstverspreiding. Department of Dutch Language and Culture, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. Promotor: Prof. dr. W. van Anrooij; Co-promotor: Dr. G. Warnar 

Scaliger Fellow, Scaliger Institute/Department of Special Collections, Leiden University Library 

PhD researcher Department of Dutch Language and Culture, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. NWO-project  Mysticism for a New Age: Hendrik Herp’s Spieghel der volcomenheit in manuscript and print (c. 1455/60 – 1552) (individual NWO-mosaic grant)

Associated member Marie Curie ITN  Mobility of Ideas and Transmission of Texts

2012-2013 and 2008-2009
Lecturer (VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Arts, Department of History). Courses: Academical Skills, Humanities I, Cultures of reading in the late Middle Ages, Overview History of the Middle Ages, The Netherlands in the Late Middle Ages 

Research assistant NOW VIDI-project ‘Men of letters. Medieval Dutch literature and learning’, supervised by dr. Geert Warnar (Leiden University - Pallas, Institute for Cultural Disciplines) 

Mphil Research Master’s programme in History after 1400, cum laude 
(VU University Amsterdam and Freie Universität Berlin)

Senior University Lecturer

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • Boekwetenschap

Work address

Arsenaalstraat 1
2311 CT Leiden
Room number A0.12



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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