Andries van Helden
Guest Researcher
- Name
- Dr. W.A. van Helden
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

Andries van Helden is a Guest Researcher at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.
More information about Andries van Helden
PhD candidates
- Morphosyntax, especially in Slavic
- The reception of linguistic theories
- History of East European linguistics
- The humanities and politics
- Higher education and science policy
(Academic) positions
- 2005-present: Associate researcher
- 2000-2005: Inspector of Higher Education
- 1999-2000: General Secretary of the Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO
- 1995-1999: Deputy Permanent Delegate of the Netherlands to UNESCO
- 1994-1995: Secretary of the Working Party on the Future of the Humanities (“Commissie-Vonhoff”)
- 1991-1994: Senior Researcher at the National Advisory Body on Education Policy (Adviesraad voor het Onderwijs, ARO)
- 1987-1991: Deputy Head of the Policy Division for Cultural, Social and Behavioural Sciences at the Ministry of Education and Science
- 1982-1987: Policy advisor on Higher Education and Research at the Ministry of Education and Science
- 1981-1995: Lecturer in Russian at Eindhoven University of Technology and (1984-1986) Delft University of Technology
- 1981-1982: Manager of the language laboratory and lecturer in applied linguistics and Dutch as a second language at Eindhoven University of Technology
- 1978-1980: Research assistant at Leiden University
- Earlier occupations include teaching Russian in various adult education institutions, linguistic duties for the military, translation and bibliographic work at Leiden University Library.
- 1993: PhD in linguistics ( Leiden University)
- 1973: MA in Slavic languages and literature (Leiden University)
Guest Researcher
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Russische Studies
- Helden W.A. van (2019), Types of negation in functional generative description: reading Eva Hajičová's "Negation and Topic vs. Comment". In: Fortuin E., Houtzagers P. & Kalsbeek J. (Eds.), Dutch contributions to the sixteenth international congress of Slavists. Linguistics: Belgrade, August 20-27, 2018. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics no. 44. Leiden/Boston: Brill/Rodopi. 241-327.
- Helden W.A. van (2017), Not the Last Word on the Short Form: A Deictic Approach. In: Genis René, Haard Eric de & Lučić Radovan (Eds.), Definitely Perfect: Festschrift for Janneke Kalsbeek no. 29. Amsterdam: Pegasus.
- Helden W.A. van (2016), Ingénierie linguistique ou "mentalité orthographique"? R.O. Šor et la formule de N.F. Jakovlev. In: Velmezova E. & Moret S. (Eds.), Rozalija Šor (1894-1939) et son environnement académique et culturel (= Cahiers de l'ILSL Vol. 47). Lausanne: UNIL. 155-172.
- Helden W.A. van (2014), Jakovlev's Magic Formula and the Linotype. In: Fortuin E.L.J., Houtzagers P., Kalsbeek J. & Dekker S. (Eds.), Dutch Contributions to the Fifteenth International Congress of Slavists, Minsk, August 20-27, 2013: Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics Vol. 40). Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi. 59-107.
- Helden W.A. van (2012), Puškin skušen? Nabokov, Onegin and the Orthoepics of Boredom. In: Haard E. de, Kalsbeek J., Keizer E., Stelleman J. & Genis R. (Eds.), Between West and East: Festschrift for Wim Honselaar (= POES Vol. 20). Amsterdam: Pegasus. 241-276.
- Helden W.A. van (2011), Drinking Water in Russian: Twelve Ways to Handle the Partitive Genitive. In: Geerdink-Verkoren H. & Engelenhoven A. van (Eds.), Searching the Invariant: Semiotactic Explorations into Meaning (= LINCOM Studies in Semantics Vol 3). München / Munich: LINCOM Europa. 33-72.
- Helden W.A. van (2009), Where does Rhetoric of Change Go to when it has Served its Purpose? Revisiting Karel van het Reve’s Moscow Fire. Jong Jaap de, Haaften Ton van, Jansen Henrike & Koetsenruijter Willem (Eds.), Rhetoric in Society: Second conference: Leiden University: 21, 22 and 23 January 2009. Rhetoric in Society, Second Conference. Leiden: Leiden University. 1-11.
- Helden W.A. van (2009), Geslacht en genus bij Ebeling, Nederlandse Taalkunde 14(1): 95-104.
- Helden W.A. van (2009), Velmezova, E.: Les Lois du sens: la sémantique marriste (discussion), Russian Linguistics 33(4): 319-345.
- Helden W.A. van (2008), Vicissitudes of the Genitive Rule. In: Houtzagers P., Kalsbeek J. & Schaeken J. (Eds.), Dutch Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ohrid: Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics Vol. 34) 145-216.
- Helden W.A. van (2008), Review of: Velmezova Ekaterina (2007), Les lois du sens: la sémantique marriste. Slavica Helvetica no. 77. Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / Frankfurt am Main / New York / Oxford / Wien: Peter Lang. The Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas Bulletin (51): 61-64.
- Helden W.A. van (2008), Is Case a Linguist or a Frederik?. In: Lubotsky A., Schaeken J. & Wiedenhof J. (Eds.), Evidence and Counter-Evidence: Essays in Honour of Frederik Kortlandt, Vol. 1: Balto-Slavic and Indo-European Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 32). Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. 173-193.
- Helden W.A. van (2007), Europa als pedagogische opdracht. In: Heteren G. van & Witteman A. (Eds.), Europa, een web van verhalen. Amsterdam: Kick. 36-48.
- Helden W.A. van & Allewijn Ellen (2004), Citizenship - Made in Europe: Living Together Starts at School. Den Haag: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
- Helden W.A. van (2003), Metametaphorica: het studiepunt en het rugzakje. In: Hulshof M., Bulder B., Janssens F., Scheele K. & Theunissen G. (Eds.), Toezichthouder: lam of leeuw?. Utrecht: Inspectie van het Onderwijs. 3-19.
- Helden W.A. van (2003), Een verpletterende taaldaad. In: Hulshof M., Bulder B., Janssens F., Scheele K. & Theunissen G. (Eds.), Toezichthouder: lam of leeuw. Utrecht: Inspectie van het Onderwijs. 209-226.
- Helden W.A. van (2003), "Sticks and carrots" en de kwaliteit van het hoger onderwijs. Utrecht: Inspectie van het onderwijs.
- Helden W.A. van (2001), Een halve eeuw Unesco: idealisten en ideologen, intellectuelen en boekhouders. Den Haag: Nationale Unesco Commissie.
- Helden W.A. van (2000), Nieuwe Kop van Jut bij de Unesco, 13(3): 1-41.
- Helden W.A. van (1998), Some methodological notes on Mel'čuk's Cours de morphologie generale. In: Barentsen A.A., Groen B.M., Schaeken J. & Sprenger R. (Eds.), Dutch Contributions to the Twelfth International Congress of Slavists, Cracow: Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics Vol. 24). Amsterdam / Atlanta (Ga.): Rodopi. 175-262.
- Helden W.A. van, Aalst H.F. van, Verwayen-Leijh R.M. & Dyck M. van (1995), De ivoren ballon: investeren in hoger onderwijs. Utrecht: Adviesraad voor het Onderwijs.
- Helden W.A. van (1994), Geleerde samenleving of lerende samenleving?, Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs 12(3): 126-136.
- Helden W.A. van (17 June 1993), Case and gender: concept formation between morphology and syntax, volumes 1 and 2 (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA: Rodopi. Supervisor(s): Kortlandt F.H.H., Barentsen A.A., Ebeling C.L., Houtzagers H.P., Schadeberg T.C. & Stokhof W.A.L.
- Helden W.A. van (1979), Towards a Model for Morphological Oppositions. In: Meijer Jan M. (Ed.), Dutch Contributions to the Eighth International Congress of Slavists. Lisse: The Peter de Ridder Press. 279-293.