Andrea Reyes Elizondo
- Name
- A.E. Reyes Elizondo MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3909
- 0000-0002-5676-2122

Andrea Reyes Elizondo is a lecturer and PhD candidate at the Centre for the Arts in Society working on the history of reading, and a researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS).
Fields of interest
- History of reading
- Book history
- Cultural history
- Media and technology
Reading is a highly complex activity. It is realised by individuals of various backgrounds who have specific interests, expectations, and degrees of literacy. It also takes place in distinct places and periods. However, our subjects of study are long gone; reliable census data is lacking and archival sources that directly attest reading are rare. Reconstructing reading and its different practices throughout history is therefore quite an elaborate task.
As an answer to these challenges, my research proposes the use of ‘reading spaces’ to outline the reading possibilities for various social groups in specific historical periods and places. The study goes beyond the basic divide of the literate and the illiterate by considering a wider context and analyzing the elements that can foster or inhibit reading.
This particular approach was developed to study reading in seventeenth-century New Spain during my MA. The resulting thesis proposed a theoretical framework for reading spaces (or reading possibilities) while examining the various differentiators and conditions that influenced reading in seventeenth-century colonial Mexico. The study also draw parallels between three book inventories belonging to individuals of different classes and their corresponding reading spaces.
For my PhD I am further developing the theoretical framework of the reading spaces and its application as a research tool. While the focus has remained on New Spain, the periods examined concern two intervals during the eighteenth century. The sources for my research include various archival materials as well as books available during the colonial period.
In contrast, my work as a researcher for the Social and Behavioural Sciences Faculty covers mainly the different academic systems around the world and the relationship between universities and research and health organizations. Lately, some of my research also focuses on issues of scientific integrity related to academic publishing. Read more>>
PhD supervisors
Prof. P.G. Hoftijzer
Prof. A.H. van der Weel
PhD candidate, Book History, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
Research assistant and since 2016 researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS). Main projects: Leiden Ranking, RISIS (Research Infrastructure for Science and Innovation Studies), PRINTEGER (Promoting Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Excellence in Research)
MA Book and Digital Media Studies (Leiden University)
Outreach for the education department of the European Space Agency (ESA)
Research intern at the Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie (INL). Data collection for the Oudnederlands Woordenboek (Old Dutch Dictionary)
BA, Dutch Studies (Leiden University)
BA, Communication Science (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City, Mexico)
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Boekwetenschap
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. & Kaltenbrunner W. (2024), Navigating the science system: research integrity and academic survival strategies, Science and Engineering Ethics 30: 12.
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (2023), “For Don Antonio Meave I Leave the Three Folios of My Dear and Venerable Father Louis of Granada”: Tracing books in the Archivo General de Notarías of Mexico City. In: Jagersma R., Blom H., Chayes E. & Hansen A.M. (Eds.), Private Libraries and their Documentation, 1665–1830: studying and interpreting sources. Library of the Written Word no. 112. Leiden: Brill. 206–224.
- Roje R., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Kaltenbrunner W., Buljan I. & Marušić A. (2023), Factors influencing the promotion and implementation of research integrity in research performing and research funding organizations: a scoping review, Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance 30(8): 633-671.
- Labib K., Evans N., Roje R., Kavouras P., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Kaltenbrunner W., Buljan I., Ravn T., Widdershoven G., Bouter L., Charitidis C., Sørensen M.P. & Tijdink J. (2022), Education and training policies for research integrity: insights from a focus group study, Science and Public Policy 49(2): 246–266 (scab077).
- Reyes Elizondo A.E., Calero Medina C.M. & Visser M.S. (2022), The three-step workflow: a pragmatic approach to allocating academic hospitals’ affiliations for bibliometric purposes, Journal of Data and Information Science 7(1): 20-36.
- Horbach S.P.J.M., Bouter L.M., Gaskell G., Hiney M., Kavouras P., Mejlgaard N., Allum N., Aubert B.N., Bendtsen A.K., Charitidis C.A., Claesen N., Dierickx K., Domaradzka A., Föger N., Kaltenbrunner W., Konach T., Labib K., Marušić A., Pizzolato D., Ravn T., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Roje R., Sørensen M.P., Taraj B., Veltri G.A. & Tijdink J.K. (2022), Designing and implementing a research integrity promotion plan: Recommendations for research funders, PLoS Biology 20(8): e3001773.
- Sørensen M.P., Ravn T. Marušić A. Reyes Elizondo A.E., Kavouras P., Tijdink J.K. & Bendtsen A.K. (2021), Strengthening research integrity: which topic areas should organisations focus on?, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8: 1-15 (198).
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (13 October 2021), Challenging Assumptions - Looking & Seeing. Arts in Society: Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). [blog entry].
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (2020), To read or not to read: textual vs media interpretation. In: Hendrikx S., Oudshoorn M., Smits L. & Vergeer T. (Eds.), Arts in Society: Academic Rhapsodies. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. 42-61.
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (2 July 2020), Decolonising Book History. Leiden: Arts in Society blog. [blog entry].
- Anli Z. Calero-Medina C. Reyes Elizondo A. (9 July 2020), A-TEAM: A stands for a very challenging job. A-TEAM: A stands for a very challenging job. Leiden: Leiden Madtrics. [blog entry].
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (2020), Reizende boeken. Een spoor van informele boekhandel in Real de Chiapa (Nieuw-Spanje) in de zeventiende eeuw. In: Anrooij W. van, Dlabačová A., Geleijns E., Schaeps J., Warnar G. & Zanen S. van (Eds.), Om het boek: cultuurhistorische bespiegelingen over boeken en mensen.. Hilversum: Verloren. 130-135.
- Mejlgaard N., Bouter L.M., Gaskell G., Kavouras P., Allum N., Bendtsen A.K., Charitidis C.A., Claesen N., Dierickx K., Domaradzka A., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Foeger N., Hiney M., Kaltenbrunner W., Labib K., Marušić A., Sørensen M.P., Ravn T., Ščepanović R., Tijdink J.K. & Veltri G.A. (2020), Research integrity: nine ways to move from talk to walk, Nature 586: 358-360.
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (26 January 2020), #ArchiveEmotion: my eighteenth century telenovela: Leiden Arts in Society blog. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). [blog entry].
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. & Cole J.L. (8 October 2020), On Decolonising Book History. SHARP News: Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing. [blog entry].
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (2020), Itinerant shelves: a glimpse of informal book trade in Real de Chiapa (New Spain, XVII). In: Arnooi W. van, Dlabačová A, Geleijns E., Schaeps J., Warnar G. & Zanen S. van (Eds.), Om het Boek. Hilversum: Verloren. 1-6.
- Sørensen M.P., Ravn T., Bendtsen A.K., Reyes-Elizondo A.E., Kaltenbrunner W., Ščepanović R., Marušić A., Kavouras P., Labib K., Tijdink J.K., Veltri G.A. & Bergmans J.E. (2020), Report on the Results of the Focus Group Interviews: D 5.2 of 'Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity' (SOPs4RI). Aarhus, Denmark: SOPs4RI Consortium, Aarhus University.
- Gaskell G., Ščepanović R., Buljan I., Utrobičić A., Marušić A., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Kaltenbrunner W., Labib K. & Tijdink J.K. (2019), D3.2: scoping reviews including multi-level model of research cultures and research conduct. Split, Croatia: SOPs4RI Consortium, University of Split School of Medicine.
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (2019), ‘Thus they consented and signed before me’. Tracing books in the historical collection of the notaries archive from Mexico City. 2nd MEDIATE conference, Private Libraries and Private Library Inventories, 1665 – 1830: Locating, Studying and Understanding Sources 17 January 2019 - 18 January 2019. Ravenstein: 2nd MEDIATE conference, Private Libraries and Private Library Inventories, 1665 – 1830: Locating, Studying and Understanding Sources.
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (22 February 2018), The many meanings of reading (5). Distance. Leiden Arts in Society blog. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). [blog entry].
- Leeuwen T.N. van Reyes Elizondo A.E. Rijcke S. de Wouters P.F. (2018), Policy brief for scientific and scholarly publishers no. D 5.3. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit.
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (2018), Paper weight, TXT 4: 144-152.
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (11 October 2018), ̶M̶o̶n̶k̶'̶s̶ Nun's work. Leiden Arts in Society: Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). [blog entry].
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (30 August 2018), The Green Academic. Arts in Society: Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). [blog entry].
- Wouters P., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Costas R., Franssen T. & Yegros A. (2018), Conference report: STI 2018 Leiden Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators in Transition: ISSI e-Newsletter (ISSI Society), 14(3): 51-54.
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (14 December 2017), The many meanings of reading (4). Approved texts. The many meanings of reading (4). Approved texts.. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). [blog entry].
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. Rijcke S. de Leeuwen T.N. van (2017), Handling publishing misconduct: tools used by publishing houses and editors no. PRINTEGER D 3.8. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit.
- Praal F.E.W. & Reyes Elizondo A. (7 September 2017), Exploring the Game of Thrones Citadel's library: Knowledge repositories in history and fantasy. Leiden Arts in Society Blog. [blog entry].
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (23 February 2017), The many meanings of reading (2). Imagery. Leiden Arts in Society blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (14 September 2017), The many meanings of reading (3). Speed. Leiden Arts in Society blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (20 October 2016), The many meanings of reading (1). Sonority. Leiden Arts in Society blog: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. (2013), The appropriation of books, TXT 1(1): 46-51.