André van der Laan
Professor by Special Appointment Juvenile and Adolescent Crime
- Name
- Prof.dr. A.M. van der Laan
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-0658-6853
Since 1 November 2023, André van der Laan has been appointed professor by special appointment of Juvenile and Adolescent Crime at the Child and Health Law department of Leiden Law School. The chair was established on behalf of the Leiden University Fund and is funded by the Research and Data Centre (WODC), the knowledge centre of the Ministry of Justice and Security in the Netherlands. André is also a senior researcher and coordinates research studies on juvenile crime at the WODC.
More information about André van der Laan
André studied developmental psychology at Leiden University. In 2004 he received his PhD from the University of Groningen with his thesis ‘Defiance and delinquency'. He has worked at the WODC since 2004, first as a researcher and since 2009 as a senior researcher in the field of juvenile and adolescent crime. In the period 2013-2020 he was also acting head of an internal research department of the WODC. Since 2022, in addition to being a senior researcher, he also coordinates the Juvenile Crime research line at the WODC, where research is conducted into juvenile and adolescent crime and the (un)intended consequences of reactions to juvenile and adolescent crime.
André's research interests include developmental and life course criminological questions and evaluations of justice youth policy and sanctions. He is involved in research into (explanations for) developments in juvenile and adolescent crime and cybercrime. He is also interested in multidisciplinary evaluations of (extra)judicial approaches aimed at juvenile and adolescent crime, such as the Dutch Adolescent Criminal Law or diversion measures (e.g. the Halt intervention). His research not only focuses on the (un)intended consequences of reactions to juvenile or adolescent crime, but also on the other consequences, including compliance with children's rights in practice. As a project eader he carried out the research programme Monitoring and Evaluating Adolescent Criminal Law (2015-2023). As a project leader he coordinates the Youth Crime Monitor which is currently being repeated at the WODC (2022-2026), including the Juvenile Delinquency suvey and research into violence by young people, and the research programme Evaluation of the Halt intervention, which includes a monitoring and process evaluation and a randomised experiment (2023-2028).
Within the master's degree programme 'Jeugdrecht' (Child Law), Van der Laan teaches in the field of (developments in) juvenile and adolescent crime and evaluations of policies and responses aimed at this.
André is an editorial board member of the Dutch Journal of Criminology (TvC) and a member of the editorial board of the journal Secondant.
WODC Chair in Juvenile and Adolescent Criminal Law
The chair in juvenile and adolescent criminal law was made possible by a collaboration between the WODC and the Leiden University Fund. The chair focuses on further interpreting and explaining developments in youth and adolescent crime and evaluating approaches aimed at this target group. The LUF has set up a fund for this purpose called Fund for the Study of Juvenile and Adolescent Crime.
Professor by Special Appointment Juvenile and Adolescent Crime
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Privaatrecht
- Jeugdrecht en Gezondheidsrecht
- Prop L.J.C., Laan A.M. van der, Beerthuizen M.G.C.J., Barendregt C.S. & Nieuwenhuizen C. van (2025), Sentencing young adults with juvenile sanctions in The Netherlands: increasing risk or no differences on the chance of recidivism, Journal of Experimental Criminology : .
- Laan A.M. van der, Tollenaar N., Beijers J. & Kessels R.J. (2024), Ontwikkelingen in de jeugdcriminaliteit 2000-2023: Synthese van bevindingen uit de Monitor Jeugdcriminaliteit. WODC Cahiers no. 2024-15. Den Haag: WODC.
- Tollenaar N., Beijers J. & Laan A.M. van der (2024), Monitor Zelfgerapporteerde jeugddelinquentie 2023. WODC Cahiers no. 2024-14. Den Haag: WODC.
- Prop L.C.J., Zeijlmans K. & Laan A.M. van der (2024), De toepassing van het adolescentenstrafrecht bij 16- tot 23-jarigen: Kenmerken van (strafzaken van) de doelgroep en motivering door de rechter. WODC Cahiers no. 2024-05. Den Haag: WODC.
- Beijers J.E.H., Prop L.C.J. & Laan A.M. van der (2024), Jeugdige veroordeelden voor (poging) doodslag: 2016 en 2021 vergeleken. Een verdiepingsstudie bij de Monitor Jeugdcriminaliteit. WODC Cahiers no. 2024-11. Den Haag: WODC.
- Laan A.M. van der, Pleysier S. & Liefaard T. (2023), Mensenrechten als toetssteen in het criminologisch onderzoek, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 65(1-2): 3-14.
- Laan A.M. van der & Zeijlmans K. (2023), Evalueren van justitieel sanctiebeleid langs meerdere criteria: doen mensenrechten ook mee?, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 65(1-2): 132-156.
- Laan A.M. van der (2022), Ontwikkeling in jeugdcriminaliteit in de eerste twee decennia van de 21ste eeuw. In: Weijers I. (Ed.), Jeugdcriminologie: achtergronden van jeugdcriminaliteit. Den Haag: Boom criminologie. 51-86.
- Laan A.M. van der, Beerthuizen M.G.C.J. & Barendregt C.S. (2021), Juvenile sanctions for young adults in the Netherlands: a developmental perspective, European Journal of Criminology 18(4): 526-546.
- Laan A.M. van der & Tollenaar N. (2021), Text mining for cybercrime in registrations of the Dutch police. In: Weulen Kranenbarg M. & Leukfeldt R. (Eds.), Cybercrime in context: tThe human factor in victimization, offending, and policing. Crime and Justice in Digital Society no. 1. Cham: Springer. 327-350.
- Laan A.M. van der, Rokven J., Weijters G. & Beerthuizen M.G.C.J. (2021), The drop in juvenile delinquency in the Netherlands: changes in exposure to risk and protection, Justice Quarterly 38(3): 433-453.
- Tetering M.A.J. van, Laan A.M. van der, Kogel C.H. de, Groot R.H.M. de & Jolles J. (2020), Sex differences in self-regulation in early, middle and late adolescence: a large-scale cross-sectional study, PLoS ONE 15: e0227607.
- Barendregt C.S. & Laan A.M. van der (2019), Neuroscientific insights and the Dutch adolescent criminal law: a brief report, Journal of Criminal Justice 65: 101563.
- Blokland A.A.J., Laan A.M. van der, Pleysier S., Reemst L. van, Roks R., Spapens T., Verhage A. & Wingerde K. (2019), 60 jaar TvC, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 61(4): 317-327.
- Rokven J.J., Weijters G., Beerthuizen M.G.C.J. & Laan A.M. van der (2018), Juvenile delinquency in the virtual world: similarities and differences between Cyber-Enabled, Cyber-Dependent and Offline delinquents in the Netherlands, International Journal of Cyber Criminology 12(1): 27-46.
- Barendregt C.S., Laan A.M. van der, Bongers I.L. & Nieuwenhuizen Ch. van (2018), Quality of life, delinquency and psychosocial functioning of adolescents in secure residential care: testing two assumptions of the Good Lives Model, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 12: 4.
- Beerthuizen M.G.C.J., Weijters G. & Laan A.M. van der (2017), The release of Grand Theft Auto V and registered juvenile crime in the Netherlands, European Journal of Criminology 14(6): 751-765.
- Laan A.M. van der & Eichelsheim V. (2016), Aanpassing van jongeren aan vrijheidsbeneming. In: Weijers I. (Ed.), Justitiële interventies: voor jeugdige daders en risicojongeren. Den Haag: Boom criminologie. 349-375.
- Barendregt C.S., Laan A.M. van der, Bongers I.L. & Nieuwenhuizen Ch. van (2016), Longitudinal relation between general well-being and self-esteem: testing differences for adolescents admitted to secure residential care and after discharge, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 60(16): 1836-1855.
- Barendregt C.S., Laan A.M. van der, Bongers I.L. & Nieuwenhuizen Ch. van (2015), Adolescents in secure residential care: the role of active and passive coping on general well-being and self-esteem, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 24(7): 845-854.
- Laan A.M. van der & Weijters G. (2015), Daling in geregistreerde jeugdcriminaliteit: Enkele mogelijke verklaringen, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 57(2): 203-228.
- Laan P.H. van der, Laan A.M. van der, Hoeve M., Blom M., Lamet W.H. & Loeber R. (2015), Justitie en criminaliteit op het snijvlak van jeugd en volwassenheid. In: Loeber R., Hoeve M., Slot W. & Laan P. van der (Eds.), Jonge criminelen die volwassen worden: wat beïnvloedt hun gedrag en wat is de rol van Justitie?. Amsterdam: SWP. 215-248.
- Barendregt C.S., Laan A.M. van der, Bongers I.L. & Nieuwenhuizen Ch. van (2015), Stability and change in subjective quality of life of adolescents in secure residential care, The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 26(4): 493-509.
- Beijersbergen K.A., Laan A.M. van der & Tollenaar N. (2014), Een haalbaarheidsonderzoek naar de bruikbaarheid van registraties van ISD-trajecten. Memorandum WODC no. 2014-7. Den Haag: Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum.
- Tollenaar N., Laan A.M. van der & Beijersbergen K.A. (2014), Korte- en langetermijneffecten van de ISD-maatregel: Technisch rapport. WODC Cahiers no. 2014-10. Den Haag: Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum.
- Bogaerts S. & Laan A.M. van der (2013), Intracolleague aggression in a group of Dutch prison workers: negative affectivity and posttraumatic stress disorder, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 57(5): 544-556.
- Laan A.M. van der & Eichelsheim V.I. (2013), Juvenile adaptation to imprisonment: Feelings of safety, autonomy, wellbeing, and behaviour in prison, European Journal of Criminology 10(4): 424-443.
- Wong T., Blom M. & Laan A.M. van der (2012), De inhaalslag van vrouwen?: Omvang, aard en trends in criminaliteit onder meisjes en vrouwen. In: Slotboom A., Hoeve M., Ezinga M. & Helm P. van der (Eds.), Criminele meisjes en vrouwen: achtergronden en aanpak. Den Haag: Boom Lemma. hoofdstuk 2.
- Laan P.H. van der, Laan A.M. van der, Hoeve M., Blom M. & Lamet W.H. (2012), Jongvolwassen delinquenten en justitiele reacties, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 54(2): 99-117.
- Laan P.H. van der, Laan A.M. van der, Hoeve M., Blom M., Lamet W.H. & Loeber R. (2012), Offending and justice response at the Juvenile-Adult interface. In: Loeber R., Hoeve M., Slot N.W. & Laan P.H. van der (Eds.), Persisters and resisters in crime from adolescence into adulthood: explanation, prevention and punishment. Farnham: Ashgate. 201-238.
- Eichelsheim V.I. & Laan A.M. van der (2011), Jongeren en vrijheidsbeneming: Een studie naar de wijze waarop jongeren in Justitiële Jeugdinrichtingen omgaan met vrijheidsbeneming. Onderzoek en beleid WODC no. 300. Den Haag: WODC, Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.
- Laan A.M. van der & Schans C. van der (2010), Delinquente meisjes: zijn ze anders dan jongens? Risico- en beschermende factoren bij jongeren die een basisraadsonderzoek ondergaan, Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek 49(4): 149-162.
- Laan A.M. van der, Veenstra R., Bogaerts S., Verhulst F.C. & Ormel J. (2010), Serious, minor, and non-delinquents in early adolescence: the impact of cumulative risk and promotive factors. The TRAILS study, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 38(3): 339-351.
- Laan A.M. van der, Blom M. & Kleemans E.R. (2009), Exploring long-term and short-term risk factors for serious delinquency, European Journal of Criminology 6(5): 419-438.
- Senior onderzoeker en kennislijncoordinator
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