Anais van Ertvelde
PhD candidate
- Name
- A.E. van Ertvelde MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1646
- 0000-0002-0459-880X

Anais van Ertvelde is a PhD student at the Institute for History.
More information about Anais van Ertvelde
My PhD project intends to test the hypothesis that the IYDP or International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) and the subsequent IDDP or International Decade of Disabled Persons (1982-1993) brought forth a paradigm shift in the way government agencies on the international and national level, disability organisations and people with disabilities themselves conceive of and deal with disability. A shift that is intricately linked to broader social, economical and political evolutions in the last quarter of the 20th century such as increasing global interactions, the evolving cold war context and the advance of neoliberalism. In order to demonstrate this I will make use of an innovative cross-Iron Curtain analysis and focus on three local case studies and their global entanglements: Belgium, Poland, and the US. Countries whose ideologies and practices reflect different degrees of state provisions and state influence. My PhD is part of the Rethinking Disability research project.
Curriculum vitae
After completing a BA in history and political science, I obtained an MA in History from the University of Ghent. I graduated with a dissertation on the evolution of the women's movement which was awarded the Johanna Naber price for the best thesis in the area of gender history in Belgium and the Netherlands. Subsequently I obtained an MA in gender studies from Utrecht University cum laude. My fields of interest are history of the body, history of social movements, heritage and historical representations, gender history and disability history.
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Economische en Sociale geschiedenis
- Ertvelde A.E. van, Polaert E. & Hiskes A. (29 November 2020), Disability And Academia: A Strange Pair?. Universiteit Leiden Inclusion Blog. [blog entry].
- Ertvelde A.E. van (18 September 2020), Gun gehandicapte mensen ook vrijheid van spelen. De Volkskrant.
- Ertvelde A.E. van (12 May 2020), De strategie van de anti-abortuslobby. De Standaard.
- Ertvelde A.E. van (5 April 2020), Een pandemie zet op scherp welke bevolkingsgroepen als overbodig beschouwd worden. De Morgen.
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2019), Two candles, two worlds? Socialist Polish representations of disability as part of the United Nations International Year of Disabled Persons (1981). Disability in Socialist Societies 24 May 2019 - 26 May 2019.
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2019), Review of: Shmidt V. (2019), The Politics of Disability in Interwar and Socialist Czechoslovakia. Segregating in the Name of the Nation. H-Soz-Kult .
- Ertvelde A.E. (2019), ‘Kink in de kabel. Wanneer handicap het plaatje craqueleert‘, Deus ex Machina: Tijdschrift voor actuele literatuur (170): .
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2019), De dingen die bevrijden. In: Laterveer M. (Ed.), Wolf: Dertien essays over de vrouw. Amsterdam/Antwerpen: Atlas Contact. 66-78.
- Ertvelde A.E. van, Baar M. van, Trigt P. van, Schutter S. de, Derksen A. & Bléhaut H. (2019), ERC Comic ‘Rethinking Disability’ (ERC). [other].
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2019), Welfare: defended, questioned, complemented? Belgian welfare arrangements in the 1970s-1980s from the perspective of disability organizations. In: Baár Monika & Trigt Paul van (Eds.), Whose Welfare? Marginal(ized) groups, global transformations and the flexible contours of the post-war welfare state. Routledge studies in modern history: Routledge.
- Ertvelde A.E. van, De Picker M. & Verstraete P. (2018), Meerstemmig feestgedruis: Een terugblik op vijftig jaar tewerkstelling van personen met een handicap,1967-2017. In: Carlier M. & Maes F. (Eds.), Naar een duurzame en inclusieve arbeidsmarkt. Gent: SKRIBIS. 11-28.
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2018), Review of: Shaw Claire L. (2017), Deaf in the USSR: Marginality, Community and Soviet Identity, 1917-1991. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. History of the Human Sciences .
- Bracke S., Ertvelde A.E. van & Lefranc L. (Eds.) (2017), Unruly Bodies. Special Issue. DIGEST. Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies.
- Ertvelde A.E. van, Window, Mirror, Meeting Place (1) A very short history of disability film festivals. Rethinking Disability Blog. [blog entry].
- Ertvelde A.E. van, Window, Mirror, Meeting Place (2) An evening at the Leuven Disability Film Festival. Rethinking Disability Blog. [blog entry].
- Ertvelde A.E. van (14 January 2017), Mindervalide is geen synoniem van zielig, Meryl. Hoe we onze betuttelende ideeën over mensen met een handicap kunnen doorprikken. De Morgen.
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2017), “A true revolution of the minds concerning the handicapped person, his social situation and the implementation of care?". The Impact of the UN International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) on Belgium’s shifting social Policies for Disabled Citizens. Ertvelde A.E. van (Ed.). .
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2017), How the end of the Cold War influenced Belgian policy-making and civil society, using the lens of disability in the midst of being rethought. Ertvelde A.E. van (Ed.). .
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2017), Rights and Rehabilitation. Polish scientific approaches to disability across the Iron Curtain. Ertvelde A.E. van (Ed.). .
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2017), The International Women’s Year (1975) and The International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Belgium: from immediate failures to intermittent success stories?. Ertvelde A.E. van (Ed.). .
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2017), Polish scientific approaches to disability across the Iron Curtain. Ertvelde A.E. van (Ed.). .
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2017), Writing to belong. Disability memoirs from across the Iron Curtain. Ertvelde A.E. van (Ed.). .
- Ertvelde A.E. van & Debruyne Heleen (2017), Vuile Lakens. Een Hedendaagse Visie op Seksualiteit. Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij.
- Ertvelde A.E. van (Screenwriter) (2017), Kennisclip: Is there such a thing as the disability movement? documentary. [film].
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2017), Column. De Morgen.
- Ertvelde A.E. van & Debruyne Heleen (10 November 2017), Erotische grenzen verleggen doe je zo. NRC Handelsblad.
- Bracke S., lefranc L. & Ertvelde A.E. van (2017), Editorial. Unruly Bodies. Struggles with Normativity, Autonomy and Materiality, DIGEST. Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies 4(2): p.1-11.
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2016) Fat is an academic issue. Introducing the Fat Studies Reader. Review of: Rothblum E. & Solovay S. (2009), The Fat Studies Reader. New York: NYU Press. DIGEST. Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies 3(1).
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2015), The tales we tell. Gender and sexuality in a history of WOII resistance: the case of Castrum Peregrini, Historica (2): 3-8.
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2012), ’t Is nog niet in de sacoche. Veertig jaar vrouwendagen in Vlaanderen: een verhaal van verandering en continuïteit, Historica (1): 9-12.
- Ertvelde A.E. van (2012), Je ziet het al aan de sacoche. Veertig jaar Vrouwendagen: over representatie gesproken, Brood & Rozen. Tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van sociale bewegingen (1): 38-53.