Ana Quintela Ribeiro Neves Harmer Ramalho
Assistent professor
- Name
- Dr. A.B. Quintela Ribeiro Neves Harmer Ramalho
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

Ana Ramalho is a Copyright Counsel at Google, with policy and legal expertise in the field of intellectual property (IP) and European law. Since December 2019 she is affiliated with the Europa Institute as an Assistant Professor, responsible for the course on European and International Intellectual Property Law. Previously, Ramalho was an Assistant Professor of Intellectual Property Law at Maastricht University, where she founded the Indie Art Legal Clinic, a pro bono legal advice service for artists and cultural entrepreneurs.
More information about Ana Quintela Ribeiro Neves Harmer Ramalho
Ramalho holds a PhD in Copyright and European Law from the University of Amsterdam (2014), a Research Master in Intellectual Property Law from the University of Lisbon (2008), an LL.M. in Intellectual Property and Competition Law from the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (2007) and a 5-year advanced LL.B. from the University of Lisbon (1999).
Ramalho has published extensively on IP law and policy. Her current research interests include copyright-related issues in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), and IP regulatory aspects of new technologies and virtual realities.
Her work has been referenced in court cases by Courts of Appeal in Portugal, and translated into other languages. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of World Intellectual Property. She has been invited as speaker and guest lecturer in universities around the world, including the University of Melbourne (Australia), Nagoya University (Japan), the China University of Political Science and Law (China), Oxford University (UK) and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil).
Ramalho has done commissioned research and consultancy for a great number of private and public organizations, including the World Intellectual Property Organization, the European Patent Office and the European Parliament. She was responsible for a Jean Monnet Module under the Erasmus+ Programme, and was awarded a fellowship under the Researcher Invitation Programme from the Institute of Intellectual Property of Japan, as well as the World Universities Network Research Mobility Award.
Assistent professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Ramalho A. & Lauro E. (2021), What will happen when 4D printing hits design town? Copyright and Design law perspectives. Pasa B. (Ed.), Design, technological and digital innovation. Interdisciplinary proposals for reshaping legal protections. . Naples: ESI Press.
- Ramalho A. (2021), The competence and rationale of EU copyright harmonization. In: Rosati E. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law. London-New York: Routledge. 3-17.
- Ramalho A.B. & McCutcheon J. (Eds.) (2020), International Perspectives on Disability Exceptions in Copyright Law and the Visual Arts: Feeling Art. London: Routledge.
- Ramalho A. & Santos Silva M. (2020), 'I know it when I see it': on academic plagiarism, and how to assess it, Higher Education for the Future 7(2): 187-199.
- Ramalho A. (2020), Review of: Pihlajarinne T., Vesala J. & Honkkila O. (2019), Online Distribution of Content in the EU. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Common Market Law Review 57(2): 615-616.
- Ramalho A.B. (2020), The EU Disability Exceptions. In: McCutcheon J. & Ramalho A.B. (Eds.), International Perspectives on Disability Exceptions in Copyright Law and the Visual Arts: Feeling Art. London: Routledge. 93-105.
- Ramalho A.B. & McCutcheon J. (2020), Conclusion [Conclusions and policy recommendations]. In: McCutcheon J. & Ramalho A.B. (Eds.), International Perspectives on Disability Exceptions in Copyright Law and the Visual Arts: Feeling Art. London: Routledge. 245-250.
- Ramalho A.B. (Ed.) (2020), Special Issue - The Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act: a Constitutional and Fundamental Rights Assessment. EU Law Live (Weekend Edition).
- Ramalho A.B. (2020), Introduction: 'Tis the season to be...benchmarking: the DSA, the DMA, and the broader primary law framework, EU Law Live (Weekend Edition) 42: 2-5.
- McCutcheon J. & Ramalho A.B. (2020), Introduction. In: McCutcheon J. & Ramalho A.B. (Eds.), International Perspectives on Disability Exceptions in Copyright Law and the Visual Arts: Feeling Art. London: Routledge. 1-9.
- Ramalho A. (2019), Originality redux: an analysis of the originality requirement in AI-generated works, AIDA: Annali italiani del diritto d'autore, della cultura e dello spettacolo (1): .
- Ramalho A. (2018), Intellectual Property. In: Kuijper P.J., Amtenbrink F., Curtin D., Witte B. de, McDonnell A. & Bogaert S.C.G. van den (Eds.), The Law of the European Union. Deventer-Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer-Kluwer Law International. Chapter 24.
- Ramalho A. (2018), Patentability of AI-generated innovations: is a reform of the patent system needed?, IIP Bulletin : .
- Ramalho A. & Lopez-Tarruella A. (2018), Implementation of the Directive 2011/77/EU: copyright term of protection. Brussels: Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs, Directorate General for Internal Policies of the Union, European Parliament.
- Ramalho A. (24 May 2018), The seven-year itch: is the Term Extension Directive working for performers?. Kluwer Copyright Blog. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (12 November 2018), Ex Machina, Ex Auctore? Machines that create and how EU copyright law views them. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (2017), Will Robots Rule the (Artistic) World? A Proposed Model for the Legal Status of Creations by Artificial Intelligence Systems, Journal of Internet Law 21(1): 12-25.
- Ramalho A. & Gomez Garcia M.C. (2017), Copyright after Brexit, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 12(8): 669-672.
- Ramalho A. (2017), Benchmarking for a more balanced legislation: the example of copyright law, Amicus Curiae: journal of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies 105(Spring 2016): 2-7.
- Ramalho A. (2017), Beyond the Cover Story: An Enquiry into the EU Competence to Introduce a Right for Publishers, IIC: International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 48(1): 71-91.
- Ramalho A. (2016), The Competence of the European Union in Copyright Lawmaking: A Normative Perspective of EU Powers for Copyright Harmonization. Cham: Springer.
- Ramalho A. (28 September 2016), All roads lead to Marrakesh: the exclusive external competence of the EU. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (5 September 2016), EU competence to create a neighbouring right for publishers? The small pieces make up the big picture. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (26 April 2016), The Opinion of AG Wathelet in GS Media: what´s in a "precedent"?. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (2015), Impressão 3D, Direito e Autor e outros Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual (3D Printing, Copyright and Other IP Rights), Revista de Direito Intelectual 2015(2): 21-38.
- Ramalho A. (2015), Signed, Sealed, But Not Delivered: the EU and the Ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty, European Journal of Risk Regulation 6(4): 629-632.
- Ramalho A. (2015), Study on the construction of normative content for EU copyright law. In: Moura Vicente D., Coelho Vieira J.A. & Dias Pereira A. (Eds.), Estudos de Direito Intelectual em homenagem ao Prof. Doutor José de Oliveira Ascensão. 50 anos de vida universitária. Coimbra: Almedina. 95-114.
- Ramalho A. (7 December 2015), The Court of Justice, the Commission, and the case for consolidation of EU copyright law. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (3 May 2015), Blocking Marrakesh: an argument based on a house of cards. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (2014), Conceptualising the European Union’s Competence in Copyright: What Can the EU Do?, IIC: International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 45(2): 178-200.
- Ramalho A. (2014), Copyright Law-making in the EU: What Lies Under the ‘Internal Market’ Mask?, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 9(3): 208-224.
- Quintais J. & Ramalho A. (2014), International Free and Open Source Software – Portugal. In: Brande Y. van den, Coughlan S. & Jaeger T. (Eds.), The International Free and Open Source Software Law Book. München: Open Source Press. 283-324.
- Ramalho A. (4 November 2014), It takes one to tango? The ever-expanding EU exclusive competence in IP related treaties. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (9 July 2014), The TTIP-gate: a tale of access to documents, secrecy and EU powers. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (21 May 2013), The EU mandate to negotiate the TTIP: should copyright be an outcast?. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (2 May 2013), EU: Playing Sherlock, or spotting copyright consequences in patent cases. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. & Angelopoulos C. (Eds.) (2012), Crossroads of Intellectual Property: Intersection of Intellectual Property and other Fields of Law. Intellectual property in the 21st century. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers.
- Ramalho A. (2012), Is Secrecy the New Black in IP?, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 7(5): 316-317.
- Ramalho A. (30 May 2012), Murder they wrote – the Dutch kill ACTA. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (2 April 2012), The Donner case: when EU law meets copyright law. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (2011), The European Union and ACTA – Or Making Omelettes without Eggs (Again), International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 42(1): 97-101.
- Ramalho A. (2011), Portugal – what will the future of private copying levies be?, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. Internationaler Teil 60(11): 992.
- Ramalho A. (22 November 2011), Winds of Change or Delusional Optimism?. Kluwer Copyright Blog. [blog entry].
- Ramalho A. (2009), Parody in Trademarks and Copyright: Has Humour Gone Too Far?, Cambridge Student Law Review 5(1): 58-74.
- Ramalho A. (2009), Silent Ethics in the Mobile Phone Sector? The Case of the 'por qué no te callas?' Ringtone, European intellectual property review 31(4): 218-222.
- Ramalho A. (2009), Portugal - Vorläufige Patentanmeldungen: Eine erfolgreiche Neuerung, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. Internationaler Teil 58(10): 882.
- Ramalho A. (2009), Marks, Forfeiture and a Constitutional Conundrum, World Trademark Review 18: 40-43.
- Ramalho A. (2009), Intellectual Property and Social Justice. In: Kakanowski A. & Narusevich M. (Eds.), Handbook of Social Justice. New York: Nova Publishers. 245-256.
- Ramalho A. (2008), Portuguese Supreme Court Sets New Boundaries for Compensation for Copyright Infringement, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 3(11): 687-688.
- Ramalho A. (2008), The Legal Protection of Fashion under Design Law, Direito Industrial 5: .