My project focuses on Brazilian writer João do Rio (1881-1921), particularly his work as a cronista and his approach to the Rio de Janeiro underworld, bringing the marginalized portions of the population to the spotlight. Through these crônicas I aim to identify the place occupied by nightlife in João do Rio’s writing and the political implications of this representation in the turbulent context of the First Brazilian Republic.
Curriculum vitae
2015 – present: PhD Researcher LUCAS, Leiden University (supervisors: Prof. dr. Frans-Willem Korsten, Dr. Sara Brandellero).
2012 - 2015 – MA in Social History of Culture
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) - São Paulo/Brazil
Machado de Assis and the Republic of "A Semana": literature, press and popular practices (1892-7). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jefferson Cano (Literary Studies Institute)
2007 - 2011 – Bachelor and Licentiate in History
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) - São Paulo/Brazil
2009 - 2011 – Undergraduate Research
Under grant from the São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Project: O Florianismo em crônicas de Machado de Assis (1892-4), under the supervision of Professor Dr. Sidney Chalhoub.
2009 - Teaching Assistant
Institute of Philosophy and the Humanities - UNICAMP
Teaching assistant to Professor Dr. Sidney Chalhoub in the discipline Introduction to the Study of History.
2008 - 2009 – Internship
Center for Research in Social History of Culture (CECULT) - UNICAMP
Research activities in Brazilian History and Culture under the guidance of Professor Dr. Silvia Hunold Lara.