Ana Achúcarro
Professor Astroparticle physics and quantum field theory
- Name
- Prof.dr. A. Achúcarro
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5518

More information about Ana Achúcarro
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Former PhD candidates
PhD candidates
Professor Astroparticle physics and quantum field theory
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Theoretical Physics
- Akrami Y., Achucarro A. & et al (2024), Euclid: The search for primordial features, Astronomy and Astrophysics 683: A220.
- Wolters R., Iarygina O. & Achúcarro A. (2024), Generalised conditions for rapid-turn inflation, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024: 079.
- Wang D.G., Pimentel G. & Achúcarro A. (2023), Bootstrapping multi-field inflation: non-Gaussianities from light scalars revisited, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2023(5): 043.
- Achúcarro A., Céspedes S., Davis A.C. & Palma G.A. (2022), The hand-made tail: non-perturbative tails from multifield inflation, Journal of High Energy Physics 2022(5): 52.
- Cañas Herrera G., Torrado Cacho J. & Achúcarro A. (2021), Bayesian reconstruction of the inflaton's speed of sound using CMB data, Physical Review D 103(12): 123531.
- Achúcarro A., Copeland E.J., Iarygina O., Palma G.A., Wang D.-G. & Welling Y. (2020), Shift-symmetric orbital inflation: Single field or multifield?, Physical Review D 102(2): 021302.
- Achúcarro A., Palma G.A., Wang D. & Welling Y. (2020), Origin of ultra-light fields during inflation and their suppressed non-Gaussianity, 2020(10): 018.
- Achúcarro A., Céspedes S., Davis A.C. & Palma G.A. (2019), Constraints on holographic multifield inflation and models based on the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, Physical Review Letters 122: 191301.
- Iarygina O., Sfakianakis E., Wang D.-G. & Achúcarro A. (2019), Universality and scaling in multi-field alpha-attractor preheating, 2019(6): 027.
- Achúcarro A. & Palma G.A. (2019), The string swampland constraints require multi-field inflation, 2019(02): 041.
- Achúcarro A., Avgoustidis A., Láopez-Eiguren A., Martins C.J.A.P. & Urrestilla J. (2019), Cosmological evolution of semilocal string networks, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 377(2161): 20190004.
- Achúcarro A., Kallosh R., Linde A., Wang D.G. & Welling Y.M. (2018), Universality of multi-field α-attractors, 4: 028.
- Delabrouille J., Bernardis P. de, Bouchet F.R., Achúcarro A., Ade P.A.R., Allison R., Arroja F., Artal E., Ashdown M., Baccigalupi C., Ballardini M., Banday A.J., Banerji R., Barbosa D., Bartlett J., Bartolo N., Basak S., Baselmans J.J.A., Basu K., Battistelli E.S., Battye R., Baumann D., Benoít A., Bersanelli M., Bideaud A., Biesiada M., Bilicki M., Bonaldi A., Bonato M., Borrill J., Boulanger F., Brinckmann T., Brown M.L., Bucher M., Burigana C., Buzzelli A., Cabass G., Cai Z.-Y., Calvo M., Caputo A., Carvalho C.-S., Casas F.J., Castellano G., Catalano A., Challinor A., Charles I., Chluba J., Clements D.L., Clesse S., Colafrancesco S., Colantoni I., Contreras D., Coppolecchia A., Crook M., D'Alessandro G., D'Amico G., Silva A., Avillez M. de, Gasperis G. de, De Petris M., Zotti G. de, Danese L., Désert F.-X., Desjacques V., Valentino E.Di, Dickinson C., Diego J.M., Doyle S., Durrer R., Dvorkin C., Eriksen H.K., Errard J., Feeney S., Cobos R.Fernández-, Finelli F., Forastieri F., Franceschet C., Fuskeland U., Galli S., Genova-Santos R.T., Gerbino M., Giusarma E., Gomez A., González-Nuevo J., Grandis S., Greenslade J., Goupy J., Hagstotz S., Hanany S., Handley W., Henrot-Versillé S., Hernández-Monteagudo C., Hervias-Caimapo C., Hills M., Hindmarsh M., Hivon E., Hoang D.T., Hooper D.C., Hu B., Keihänen E., Keskitalo R., Kiiveri K., Kisner T., Kitching T., Kunz M., Kurki-Suonio H., Lagache G., Lamagna L., Lapi A., Lasenby A., Lattanzi M., Brun A.M.C.Le, Lesgourgues J., Liguori M., Lindholm V., Lizarraga J., Luzzi G., Macìas-Pérez J.F., Maffei B., Mandolesi N., Martin S., Martinez-Gonzalez E., Martins C.J.A.P., Masi S., Massardi M., Matarrese S., Mazzotta P., McCarthy D., Melchiorri A., Melin J.-B., Mennella A., Mohr J., Molinari D., Monfardini A., Montier L., Natoli P., Negrello M., Notari A., Noviello F., Oppizzi F., O'Sullivan C., Pagano L., Paiella A., Pajer E., Paoletti D., Paradiso S., Partridge R.B., Patanchon G., Patil S.P., Perdereau O., Piacentini F., Piat M., Pisano G., Polastri L., Polenta G., Pollo A., Ponthieu N., Poulin V., Prêle D., Quartin M., Ravenni A., Remazeilles M., Renzi A., Ringeval C., Roest D., Roman M., Roukema B.F., Rubiño-Martin J.-A., Salvati L., Scott D., Serjeant S., Signorelli G., Starobinsky A.A., Sunyaev R., Tan C.Y., Tartari A., Tasinato G., Toffolatti L., Tomasi M., Torrado J., Tramonte D., Trappe N., Triqueneaux S., Tristram M., Trombetti T., Tucci M., Tucker C., Urrestilla J., Väliviita J., Van de Weygaert R., Van Tent B., Vennin V., Verde L., Vermeulen G., Vielva P., Vittorio N., Voisin F., Wallis C., Wandelt B., Wehus I.K., Weller J., Young K. & Zannoni M. (2018), Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Survey requirements and mission design, 04: 014.
- Burigana C., Carvalho C.S., Trombetti T., Notari A., Quartin M., Gasperis G.D., Buzzelli A., Vittorio N., Zotti G.De, Bernardis P. de, Chluba J., Bilicki M., Danese L., Delabrouille J., Toffolatti L., Lapi A., Negrello M., Mazzotta P., Scott D., Contreras D., Achúcarro A., Ade P., Allison R., Ashdown M., Ballardini M., Banday A.J., Banerji R., Bartlett J., Bartolo N., Basak S., Bersanelli M., Bonaldi A., Bonato M., Borrill J., Bouchet F., Boulanger F., Brinckmann T., Bucher M., Cabella P., Cai Z.-Y., Calvo M., Castellano M.G., Challinor A., Clesse S., Colantoni I., Coppolecchia A., Crook M., D'Alessandro G., Diego J.-M., Marco A.Di, Valentino E.Di, Errard J., Feeney S., Fernández-Cobos R., Ferraro S., Finelli F., Forastieri F., Galli S., Génova-Santos R., Gerbino M., González-Nuevo J., Grandis S., Greenslade J., Hagstotz S., Hanany S., Handley W., Hernández-Monteagudo C., Caimapo C.Hervias-, Hills M., Hivon E., Kiiveri K., Kisner T., Kitching T., Kunz M., Kurki-Suonio H., Lamagna L., Lasenby A., Lattanzi M., Lesgourgues J., Liguori M., Lindholm V., Lopez-Caniego M., Luzzi G., Maffei B., Mandolesi N., Martinez-Gonzalez E., Martins C.J.A.P., Masi S., Matarrese S., McCarthy D., Melchiorri A., Melin J.-B., Molinari D., Monfardini A., Natoli P., Paiella A., Paoletti D., Patanchon G., Piat M., Pisano G., Polastri L., Polenta G., Pollo A., Poulin V., Remazeilles M., Roman M., Rubiño-Martín J.-A., Salvati L., Tartari A., Tomasi M., Tramonte D., Trappe N., Tucker C., Väliviita J., Weijgaert R.Van, Tent B. van, Vennin V., Vielva P., Young K. & Zannoni M. (2018), Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Effects of observer peculiar motion, 04: 021.
- Challinor A., Allison R., Carron J., Errard J., Feeney S., Kitching T., Lesgourgues J., Lewis A., Zubeld I., Achúcarro A. & et al (2018), Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Gravitational lensing of the CMB, 04: 018.
- Bernardis P. de, Ade P.A.R, Baselmans J.J.A., Battistelli E.S., Benoit A., Bersanelli M., Bideaud A., Calvo M., Casas F.J., Castellano G., Catalano A., Charles I., Colantoni I., Columbro F., Coppolecchia A., Crook M., D'Alessandro G., De Petris M., Delabrouille J., Doyle S., Franceschet C., Gomez A., Goupy J., Hanany S., Hills M., Lamagna L., Macias-Perez J., Maffei B., Martin S., Martinez-Gonzalez E., Masi S., McCarthy D., Mennella A., Monfardini A., Noviello F., Paiella A., Piacentini F., Piat M., Pisano G., Signorelli G., Tan C.Y., Tartari A., Trappe N., Triqueneaux S., Tucker C., Vermeulen G., Young K., Zannoni M., Achúcarro A. & et al (2018), Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: The instrument, 04: 015.
- Achúcarro A. & et al (2018), Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Extragalactic sources in cosmic microwave background maps, 4: 20.
- Di Valentino E., Brinckmann T., Gerbino M., Poulin V., Bouchet F.R., Lesgourgues J., Melchiorri J., Chluba J., Clesse S., Delabrouille S., Dvorkin C., Forastieri F., Galli S., Hooper D.C., Lattanzi M., Martins C.J.A.P., Salvati L., Cabass G., Caputo A., Giusarma E., Hivon E., Natoli P., Pagano L., Paradiso S., Rubiño-Martin J.A., Achúcarro A., Ade P., Allison R., Arroja F., Ashdown M., Ballardini M., Banday A.J., Banerji R., Bartolo N., Bartlett J.G., Basak S., Baumann D., De Bernardis P., Bersanelli M., BonalDi A., Bonato M., Borrill J., Boulanger F., Bucher M., Burigana C., Buzzelli A., Cai Z.-Y., Calvo M., Carvalho C.S., Castellano G., Challinor A., Charles I., Colantoni I., Coppolecchia A., Crook M., D'Alessandro G., De Petris M., De Zotti G., Diego J.M., Errard J., Feeney S., Fernandez-Cobos R., Ferraro S., Finelli F., Gasperis G. de, Génova-Santos R.T., González-Nuevo J., Grandis S., Greenslade J., Hagstotz S., Hanany S., Handley W., Hazra D.K., Hernández-Monteagudo C., Hervias-Caimapo C., Hills M., Kiiveri K., Kisner T., Kitching T., Kunz M., Kurki-Suonio H., Lamagna L., Lasenby A., Lewis A., Liguori M., Lindholm V., Lopez-Caniego M., Luzzi G., Maffei B., Martin S., Martinez-Gonzalez E., Masi S., Matarrese S., McCarthy D., Melin J.B., Mohr J.J., Molinari D., Monfardini A., Negrello M., Notari A., Paiella A., Paoletti D., Patanchon G., Piacentini F., Piat M., Pisano G., Polastri L., Polenta G., Pollo A., Quartin M., Remazeilles M., Roman M., Ringeval C., Tartari A., Tomasi M., Tramonte D., Trappe N., Trombetti T., Tucker C., Väliviita J., Weygaert R. van de, Tent B. van, Vennin V., Vermeulen G., Vielva P., Vittorio N., Young K. & Zannoni M. (2018), Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cosmological parameters, 2018: 017.
- Achucarro A. & et al. (2018), Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: B-mode component separation, 2018(04): 023.
- Achucarro A. & et al. (2018), Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Mitigation of systematic effects, 2018(04): 022.
- Linde A., Wang D.G., Welling Y., Yamada Y. & Achúcarro A. (2018), Hypernatural inflation, 2018(07): 035.
- Achucarro A. & et al. (2018), Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cluster science, 4: 019.
- Achucarro A. & et al. (2018), Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Inflation, 04: 016.
- Achuúcarro A., Atal V., Germani C. & Palma G.A. (2017), Cumulative effects in inflation with ultra-light entropy modes, 2017(February): 013.
- Lopez-Eiguren A., Urrestilla J. & Achúcarro A. (2017), Measuring global monopole velocities, one by one, 1: 020.
- Lopez-Eiguren A., Urrestilla J., Achúcarro A., Avgoustidis A. & Martins C.J.A.P. (2017), Evolution of semilocal string networks. II. Velocity estimators, Physical Review D 96: 023526.
- Torrado J., Hu B. & Achúcarro A. (2017), Robust predictions for an oscillatory bispectrum in Planck 2015 data from transient reductions in the speed of sound of the inflaton, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 96: 083515.
- Achúcarro A., Atal V. & Welling Y. (2015), On the viability of m2phi2 and natural inflation, 07(008): .
- Achúcarro A., Atal V., Kawasaki M. & Takahashi F. (2015), The two-field regime of natural inflation, 12(044): .
- Achúcarro A., Atal Chomali V., Ortiz Cabello P. & Torrado Cacho J. (2014), Localized correlated features in the CMB power spectrum and primordial bispectrum from a transient reduction in the speed of sound, Physical Review D 89: 103006.
- Achúcarro A. (2014), News flash from the past: our quantum origins, : .
- Achúcarro A., Avgoustidis A., Leite A.A.M., Lopez-Eiguren A., Martins C.J.A.P., Nunes A.S. & Urrestilla J. (2014), Evolution of semilocal string networks: Large-scale properties, Physical Review D 89: 063503.
- Achúcarro A., Atal Chomali V., Hu B., Ortiz Cabello P. & Torrado Cacho J. (2014), Inflation with moderately sharp features in the speed of sound: Generalized slow roll and in-in formalism for power spectrum and bispectrum, Physical Review D 90: 023511.
- Achúcarro A., Hardeman S., Oberreuter J.M., Schalm K.E. & Aalst T. van der (2013), Decoupling limits in multi-sector supergravities, 038: .
- Achúcarro A., Gong J.O., Palma G.A. & Patil S.P. (2013), Correlating features in the primordial spectra, Physical Review D 87: 121301.
- Verbiest G.J. & Achúcarro A. (2011), High speed collision and reconnection of Abelian Higgs strings in the deep type-II regime, Physical Review D 84(10): 105036.
- Achúcarro A., Gregory R. & Kuijken K.H. (1995), Abelian Higgs hair for black holes, Physical Review D 52(10): 5729-5742.
- International Scientific Advisory Committee