Amy Verdun
Guest professor
- Name
- Prof.dr. A.C. Verdun
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-4876-753X

Dr Amy Verdun is visiting Professor in European Politics and Political Economy.
Dr Amy Verdun is currently visiting Professor in European Politics and Political Economy at the Institute Political Science, Leiden University. She was full time employed at the Institute from 2018-2020. She is currently full professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Victoria (UVic), BC Canada. At the Institute of Political Science at Leiden University she currently supervises PhD students. From 2019 to 2022 she was the chairperson of the Dutch Political Science Association (Nederlandse Kring voor de Wetenschap der Politiek). She has been elected to serve on the European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR) Executive Committee from 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2027.
At UVic she served as Founder and Director of the European Studies Program (1997-2005); Graduate Advisor (2007-2009); and as Chair (Head) of the Department (2010-2013). Her research deals with European integration, governance and policy-making, political economy, as well as comparisons between the EU and Canada. She was the recipient of the 2009 Craigdarroch Silver Medal for Excellence in Research of the University of Victoria and in 2017 the prestigious Lansdowne Distinguished Fellow award and the European Community Studies-Association Canada teaching award, 2018. In April 2023 she was the winner of the University of Victoria Faculty of Social Sciences Research Excellence Award.
From 2010-2017 she was co-editor (with Michelle Cini) of the JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. To date has published 20 books, more than 120 peer-reviewed articles and chapters. Her most recent book is a co-edited student textbook (with Achim Hurrelmann and Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly): European Union Governance and Policy Making: A Canadian Perspective (University of Toronto Press, March 2018).
PhD supervision
Dr Amy Verdun is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:
- European Politics and Governance
- Comparative, European and International Political Economy
- European Integration and European institutions
See for more information on PhD positions:
Guest professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Fossum J.E. & Verdun A.C. (2025), How Relevant Are Continued Ties with Canada?. In: Jopp M. & Pollak J. (Eds.), The European Union's Geopolitics: The Lackluster World Power. Cham: Springer. pp 331–352.
- Quaglia L. & Verdun A.C. (2024), The geoeconomics of the Single Market for financial services, Journal of Common Market Studies 62(4): 1046-1062.
- Verdun A. (2024) David Howarth and Scott James (2023): Bank politics: structural reform in comparative perspective. Review of: Howarth D.J. & James S. (2023), Bank politics: structural reform in comparative perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Acta Politica .
- Quaglia L. & Verdun A. (2024), The European Central Bank: from a price stability paradigm to a multidimensional stability paradigm, Politics and Governance 13: .
- Chessé A. & Verdun A. (2023), International Political Economy. In: Francesco F. De & Radaelli C.M. (Eds.), The Elgar Companion to the OECD . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar . 23-36.
- Verdun A. (2023), Still an asymmetrical EMU?: Closing the gap between the 'E' and 'M' in EMU. In: Bongardt A. & Torres F. (Eds.), The political economy of Europe's future and identity: integration in crisis mode. Florence, Italy: European University Institute. 136-148.
- Verdun A.C. (2023), The Euro area crisis : from pre-history to aftermath. In: Segers M. & Van Hecke S. (Eds.), The Cambridge History of the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 308-338.
- Verdun A.C. (2023), Theorizing economic and monetary union: between concepts and pragmatism. In: Adamski D., Amtenbrink F. & Haan J. de (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook on European monetary, economic and financial market integration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 33-50.
- Quaglia L. & Verdun A.C. (2023), The European Central Bank, the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the COVID-19 related economic crisis: a neofunctionalist analysis, Journal of European Integration 45(1): 139-156.
- Quaglia L. & Verdun A. (2023), Weaponization of finance: European Central Banks and financial sanctions against Russia, West European Politics 46(5): .
- Verdun A.C. (2023), The European Union and the global political economy. In: Smith M., Hill C. & Vanhoonacker S. (Eds.), International relations and the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 182-206.
- Verdun A. (2023), Brexit and Europe’s political economy. In: Fossum J.E. & Lord C. (Eds.), Handbook on the European Union and Brexit. London: Edward Elgar. 104-119.
- Segers M, Verdun A.C. & Demertzis M. 2 February 2022, Maastricht at 30: how has this founding treaty changed European integration?. The Sound of Economics. Breugel (think tank in Brussels) in collaboration with Studio Europa Maastricht. [podcast].
- Verdun A. (2022), Women’s leadership in the European Central Bank. In: Müller H. & Tömmel I. (Eds.), Women and leadership in the European Union. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 290-308.
- Verdun A. & Vanhercke B. (2022), Are (some) social players entering European recovery through the Semester back door?. In: Vanhercke B. & Spasova S. (Eds.), Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2021. Brussels : ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute. 107-130.
- Vanhercke B. & Verdun A.C (2022), The European semester as Goldilocks: macroeconomic policy coordination and the recovery and resilience facility, Journal of Common Market Studies 60(1): 204-223.
- D'Erman V. & Verdun A.C. (2022), An introduction: “Macroeconomic policy coordination and domestic politics: policy coordination in the EU from the European semester to the Covid‐19 crisis", Journal of Common Market Studies 60(1): 3-20.
- Verdun A.C. (2022), Economic and monetary union. In: Cini M. & Pérez-Solórzano Borragán N. (Eds.), European Union politics. Oxford, UK.: Oxford University Press. 324-338.
- Schultz D.F. & Verdun A.C. (2022), ‘Differentiation and the European Central Bank’ : a bulwark against (differentiated) disintegration? . In: Leruth B., Gänzle S. & Trondal J. (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of differentiation in the European Union. London, UK: Routledge. 200-215.
- D'Erman V.J., Schulz D.F., Verdun A.C. & Zagermann D. (2022), The European semester in the North and in the South: domestic politics and the salience of EU‐induced wage reform in different growth models, Journal of Common Market Studies 60(1): 21-39.
- Verdun A.C. (2022), Review of: Helleiner E. (2021), The Neomercantalists: a global intellectual history. Cornell Series in Money. Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press. Canadian Journal of Political Science .
- Verdun A.C. & Vanhercke Bart (2022), Chapitre 5 : Le Semestre permet-il à certains acteurs sociaux d’entrer subrepticement dans la relance européenne ?. In: Vanhercke B. & Spasova S. (Eds.), Bilan social de l'Union européenne 2021 Les ambitions sociales renaissantes par temps de redressement de l’Union no. 22. Brussels: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE). 115-142.
- Verdun A.C. (2021), The EU-Canada strategic partnership: challenges and opportunities. In: Ferreira-Pereira L.C. & Smith M. (Eds.), The European Union’s Strategic Partnerships: Global Diplomacy in a Complex and Contested World. London, UK.: Routledge. 121-148.
- Verdun A. (2021), European economic governance: : past, present and future. In: Damro C., Heins E. & Scott D. (Eds.), European Futures: Challenges and Crossroads for the European Union of 2050. Routledge Advances in European Politics. London, UK.: Routledge . 37-57.
- Verdun A. (2021), Canada-EU and Europe relations . In: Murray R.W. & Gecelovsky P. (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of Canada in international affairs. Canada and International Affairs. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 683-703.
- Verdun A.C. (2021), The greatest of the small? : The Netherlands, the New Hanseatic League and the Frugal Four, German Politics : 1-21.
- Vanhercke B. & Verdun A.C. (2021), The recovery and resilience facility: have social actors been sidelined?. Vienna, (AK Europa). [other].
- Haas J.S., D’Erman V.J., Schulz D.F. & Verdun A. (2020), Economic and fiscal policy coordination after the crisis: is the European Semester promoting more or less state intervention?, Journal of European Integration 42(3): 327-344.
- Dandashly A. & Verdun A. (2020), Euro adoption policies in the second decade: the remarkable cases of the Baltic States, Journal of European Integration 42(3): 381–397.
- Howarth D. & Verdun A. (2020), Economic and Monetary Union at Twenty: A stocktaking of a tumultuous second decade; Introduction, Journal of European Integration 42(3): 287-293.
- Verdun A. (2020), Intergovernmentalism: Old, Liberal and New [Intergovernmentalism: Old, Liberal and New] (translation: Verdun A.). In: Laursen F., Dominguez R., Vanhoonacker S. & Verdun A. (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Christiansen T. & Verdun A. (2020), Historical Institutionalism in the Study of European Integration [Historical Institutionalism in the Study of European Integration] (translation: Christiansen T. & Verdun A.). In: Laursen F., Dominguez R., Vanhoonacker S. & Verdun A. (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of European Politics. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
- Verdun A. (26 March 2020), How the European Union is Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis. How the European Union is Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis. Deakin ACT 2600, Australia: Australian Outlook. [blog entry].
- Verdun A. (12 February 2020), The European Migration Crisis in 2020 – déjà vu?. The European Migration Crisis in 2020 – déjà vu?. Deakin ACT 2600, Australia: Australian Outlook. [blog entry].
- Verdun A.C. (2020), Intergovernmentalism: old, liberal, and new. In: Laursen F. (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedias. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Verdun Amy (2020), The European Central Bank [The European Central Bank] (translation: Verdun A.C.). In: Laursen F. (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedias. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- D'Erman V. Schure P. Verdun A. (2020), Introduction to “Economic and Financial Governance in the European Union after a decade of Economic and Political Crises", Journal of Economic Policy Reform 23(3): 267-272.
- Christiansen T. & Verdun A. (2020), Historical Institutionalism in the Study of European Integration : Oxford University press.
- D'Erman V.J., Schure P. & Verdun A. (Eds.) (2020), Special Issue: ‘Economic and Financial Governance in the European Union after a decade of Economic and Political Crises’. Journal of Economic Policy Reform. London: Taylor and Francis.
- Howarth D. & Verdun A. (Eds.) (2020), Special Issue: ‘Economic and Monetary Union at twenty: a stocktaking of a tumultuous second decade’. Journal of European Integration. London, UK.: Taylor and Francis.
- Verdun A. & Zeitlin J. (Eds.) (2020), EU Socio-Economic Governance since the Crisis: The European Semester in Theory and Practice (reprint of the Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy, 2018). London, UK: Routledge - Taylor and Francis.
- Verdun A.C. & D’Erman V. (2020), Two decades of change in Europe: post-crisis social policymaking in the EU. In: Vanhercke B., Ghailani D., Spasova S. & Pochet P. (Eds.), Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road . Brussels : The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI). 37-56 .
- Verdun A. (2020) Book Review Priests of Prosperity: How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World. Review of: Johnson J. (2020), Priests of Prosperity. How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World: Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 22(5): 484-485.
- Verdun A.C., Murdoch K., Pilon D. & Geoghegan M. 25 September 2020, How election outcomes impact the economy. Elections, Economies and Markets 3. BMO Nesbitt Burns [podcast].
- Verdun A. & Vries C. de. 3 April 2020, Solidariteit in de EU en ‘Noord’ vs ‘Zuid’, episode 64. Solidariteit in de EU en ‘Noord’ vs ‘Zuid’. SRV [podcast].
- Verdun A.C., Murdoch K., Pilon D. & Geoghegan M. 2 October 2020, How the current economy impacts election outcomes. Elections, economies and markets 3. BMO Nesbitt Burns [podcast].
- Verdun A., Murdoch K., Pilon D. & Geoghegan M. 9 October 2020, Consistent Observations. Elections, Economies and Markets 2. BMO Nesbitt Burns [podcast].
- Verdun A., Murdoch K., Pilon D. & Geoghegan M. 25 August 2020, The Upcoming US Presidential Election. Elections, Economies and Markets 1. BMO Nesbitt Burns [podcast].
- Verdun A.C. & D’Erman V. (2020), Deux décennies de changement en Europe: les politiques sociales d’après-crise au sein de l’UE. In: Vanhercke B., Ghailani D., Spasova S. & Pochet P. (Eds.), Bilan social de l’Union européenne 1999-2019 : une route longue et sinueuse. Brussels : ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute. 37-58.
- Roy N. & Verdun A.C. (2019), Bangladeshi Migrants of Italy and Their Precarity, Social Sciences 8(4): e123.
- D'Erman V., Haas J., Schulz D.F. & Verdun A.C. (2019), Measuring Economic Reform Recommendations under the European Semester: ‘One Size Fits All’ or Tailoring to Member States?, Journal of Contemporary European Research 15(2): 194-211.
- Verdun A.C. (16 April 2019), What Thierry Baudet Means for Europe and the Netherlands. Australian Outlook: Australian Institute of International Affairs. [blog entry].
- Verdun A.C. (16 May 2019), Brexit – A View from Europe. Australian Outlook: Australian Institute of International Affairs. [blog entry].
- Verdun A. (13 September 2019), What to Make of the Win of the AfD in Germany?. What to Make of the Win of the AfD in Germany?. Deakin ACT 2600, Australia: Australian Outlook. [blog entry].
- Verdun A. (2019), 1989-2019: De EU-Uitbreidingspolitiek na de Val van de Muur, Clingendael Spectator : .
- Tömmel I. & Verdun A. (Eds.) (2019), Political Leadership in the European Union. (Reprint of the Special Issue of the Journal of European Integration, 2017) . London, UK: Routledge.
- Verdun A. (2019), EU-Canada Strategic Partnership: Ups and downs, Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies 11(3): 18-29.
- Verdun A.C. (2018), Europeanization and Euro Adoption. In: Matlak M., Schimmelfennig F. & Wozniakowski T.P. (Eds.), Europeanization revisited: Central and Eastern Europe in the European Union. Florence: European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. 143-155.
- Zeitlin J. & Verdun A. (Eds.) (2018), Special Issue of Journal of European Public Policy, 'The European Semester as a New Architecture of EU Socio-Economic Governance in Theory and Practice', 7 papers and an introduction, pp. 137-286. London, UK: Taylor and Francis.
- Verdun A.C. (2018), Institutional Architecture of the Euro Area, Journal of Common Market Studies 51(S1): 74-84.
- D'Erman V. & Verdun A.C. (2018), Introduction: Integration Through Crises, Review of European and Russian Affairs 12(1): 1-16.
- Verdun A.C. & Zeitlin J. (2018), Introduction: The European Semester as a new architecture of EU socioeconomic governance in theory and practice, Journal of European Public Policy 25(2): 137-148.
- Dandashly A. & Verdun A.C. (2018), Euro adoption in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland: Laggards by default and laggards by choice, Comparative European Politics 16(3): 385-412.
- D'Erman V. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2018), Crises of the EU and their Impact on European Integration. Review of European and Russian Affairs.
- Zeitlin J. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2018), The European Semester as a New Architecture of EU Socio-Economic Governance in Theory and Practice. Journal of European Public Policy.
- Verdun A.C., Brunet-Jailly E. & Hurrelmann A. (Eds.) (2018), European Union Governance and Policy Making: A Canadian Perspective. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Verdun A.C. & Zeitlin J. (Eds.) (2018), EU Socio-Economic Governance since the Crisis. The European Semester in Theory and Practice. London: Routledge.
- Cini M. & Verdun A.C. (2018), The Implications of Brexit for the Future of Europe. In: Martill B. & Staiger U. (Eds.), Brexit and Beyond: Rethinking the Futures of Europe. London: CL Press. 63-71.
- Tömmel I. & Verdun A.C. (2017), Political Leadership in the European Union: An Introduction, Journal of European Integration 39(2): 103-112.
- Verdun A.C. (2017), Political Leadership of the European Central Bank, Journal of European Integration 39(2): 207-221.
- Chebakova A., Gulyaeva O., Shaban T. & Verdun A.C. (2017), Russia and EU cooperation in energy policy - Sending and receiving messages?, Comparative European Politics 15(1): 45-63.
- Chaban N., Knodt M. & Verdun A.C. (2017), Introduction: "Talking with" not "talking at"? Perceptions of the EU as a global normative energy actor in the eyes of BRICS and EU "Big 3", Comparative European Politics 15(1): 1-22.
- Tömmel I. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2017), Political Leadership in the European Union. Journal of European Integration.
- Chaban N., Knodt M. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2017), External images of the EU: Energy power across the Globe. Comparative European Politics.
- Tömmel I. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2017), Political Leadership in the European Union. London: Routledge.
- Verdun A.C. (2017), The European Union and the Global Political Economy. In: Hill C., Smith M. & Vanhoonacker S. (Eds.), International Relations and the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 236-262.
- Savage J.D. & Verdun A.C. (2016), Strengthening the European Commission's Budgetary and Economic Surveillance Capacity since Greece and the Euro Area Crisis: A Study of Five Directorates-General, Journal of European Public Policy 23(1): 101-118.
- Verdun A.C. (2016), The federal features of the EU: Lessons from Canada, Politics and Governance 4(3): 100-110.
- Verdun A.C. (2016), Economic and Monetary Union. In: Cini M. & Pérez-Solórzano Borragan N. (Eds.), European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 295-307.
- Verdun A.C., Wood D. & Benz A. (2016), Policy Coordination in Multilevel Systems: The Canadian and European Comparison (Canada-EU Transatlantic Partnership Cluster). [other].
- Verdun A.C. (2015), A Historical Institutionalist Explanation of the EU's Responses to the Euro Area Financial Crisis, Journal of European Public Policy 22(2): 219-237.
- Dandashly A. & Verdun A.C. (2015), Boarding the euro plane: Euro adoption in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Review of European and Russian Affairs 9(2): 1-26.
- Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavová B. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2015), Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty. West European Politics. London: Routledge.
- Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavová B. & Verdun A.C. (2015), Introduction: Decision-Making in the European Union before and after the Lisbon Treaty. In: Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavová B. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Tretay. London: Routledge. 1-7.
- Verdun A.C. (2015), Decision-Making before and after the Lisbon Treaty: The Impact of Changes in Decision-Making Rules. In: Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavová B. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty. London: Routledge. 8-22.
- Verdun A.C. (2015), Federalism in the EU and Canada. In: Gagnon A.-G., Keil S. & Mueller S. (Eds.), Understanding Federalism and Federation. London: Ashgate. 233-244.
- Verdun A.C. (2014) Book review. A Europe Made of Money: The Emergence of the European Monetary System. Review of: Mourlon-Druol E. (2012), A Europe Made of Money: The Emergence of the European Monetary System. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. H-Diplo Roundtable Review XV(30): 16-18.
- Verdun A.C. (2014) Book review. A Europe Made of Money: The Emergence of the European Monetary System. Review of: Mourlon-Druol E. (2012), A Europe Made of Money: The Emergence of the European Monetary System. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. EUSA Review 27(2): 20-21.
- Verdun A.C. & Wood D. (2014), Governing the Social Dimension in Canadian Federalism and European Integration no. 14. Brussels: Observatoire Social Européen. [working paper].
- Hardie I., Howarth D., Maxfield S. & Verdun A. (2013), Introduction: towards a political economy of banking. In: Hardie I. & Howarth D. (Eds.), Market-based banking and the international financial crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-21.
- Verdun A.C. (2013), Small States and the Global Economic Crisis: An Assessment, European Political Science 12(3): 276-293.
- Tömmel I. & Verdun A.C. (2013), Innovative Governance in EU Regional and Monetary Policy-Making, German Law Journal 14(2): 380-404.
- Verdun A.C. (2013), The building of economic governance in the European Union, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 19(1): 23-35.
- Hardie I., Howarth D., Maxfield S. & Verdun A.C. (2013), Banks and the False Dichotomy in the Comparative Political Economy of Finance, World politics 65(4): 691-728.
- Verdun A.C. & Wood D.E. (2013), Governing the Social Dimension in Canadian Federalism and European Integration, Canadian Public Administration 56(2): 173-184.
- Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavova B. & Verdun A.C. (2013), Introduction: Decision-Making in the European Union before and after the Lisbon Treaty, West European Politics 36(6): 1121-1127.
- Verdun A.C. & Wood D. (2013), Governing the Social Dimension in Canadian Federalism and European Integration, Canadian Public Administration 56(2): 173-184.
- Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavová B. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2013), Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty. West European Politics.
- Verdun A.C. (2013), Decision-Making before and after Lisbon: The Impact of Changes in Decision-Making Rules, West European Politics 36(6): 1128-1142.
- Verdun A.C. & Tovias A. (Eds.) (2013), Mapping European Economic Integration. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
- Verdun A.C. (2013), Strengthening the Governance of the Euro Area: Political and Institutional Aspects - An Academic Perspective. In: European Commission (Ed.), European Economic Governance in an International Context. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the EU. 100-107.
- Verdun A.C. (2013), Het Stabiliteitspact als Eeuwige Belofte. In: Rood J. & Schout A. (Eds.), Nederland als Europese lidstaat: Eindelijk normaal?. Den Haag: Boom-Lemma. 199-212.
- Verdun A.C. (2013), The Stability Pact: an Eternal Promise. In: Schout A. & Rood J. (Eds.), The Netherlands as an EU member: Awkward or Loyal Partner?: Eleven International Publishing. 201-212.
- Verdun A.C. & Tovias A. (2013), Introduction. In: Verdun A.C. & Tovias A. (Eds.), Mapping European Economic Integration. Houndmills: Palgrave. 1-17.
- Hardie I., Howarth D., Maxfield S. & Verdun A.C. (2013), Introduction: Towards a Political Economy of Banking. In: Hardie I., Howarth D., Maxfield S. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Market-Based Banking and the International Financial Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-21.
- Verdun A.C. (2013), The European Currency in Turbulent Times - Austerity Policy Made in Brussels as the Only Way Out?. In: Schiek D. (Ed.), The EU Social and Economic Model After the Global Crisis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Farnham: Ashgate. 45-69.
- Verdun A.C. (2012), Experimentalist Governance in the European Union: A Commentary, Regulation & Governance 6(3): 385-393.
- Verdun A.C. (2012), Introduction to the Symposium: Economic and Monetary Union and the Crisis of the Eurozone, Journal of Common Market Studies 50(6): 863-865.
- Verdun A.C. (2012), The Euro has a Future. In: Zimmermann H. & Dür A. (Eds.), Key Controversies in European Integration. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 113-120.
- Verdun A.C. (2012), Civil Society Involvement in Eastern Partnership. In: European Commission (Ed.), The Eastern Partnership and the Europe 2020 Strategy: Visions of Leading Policymakers and Academics. Luxembourg: The Publications Office of the EU. 103-109.
- Verdun A.C. (2012), Economic and Monetary Union. In: Cini M. & Pérez-Solórzano Borragan N. (Eds.), European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 324-339.
- Verdun A.C. (2012), "Foreword" to "Globalisation and European integration: critical approaches to regional order and international relations". [other].
- Verdun A.C. (2012), "The Making of Lisbon and Its Aftermath" [Policy Brief] (Center for European Studies, University of Florida). [other].
- Verdun A.C., Ruffa C. & Chira G. (2011), Introduction: South East and Eastern European Accession Quandary?, Comparative European Politics 9(4/5): 367-371.
- Verdun A.C. & Chira G. (2011), The Eastern Partnership: The Burial Ground of Enlargement Hopes?, 9(4/5): 448-466.
- Wood D. & Verdun A.C. (2011), Canada and the European Union: A review of the Literature from 1982 to 2010, International Journal 66(1): 9-21.
- Verdun A.C. & Ruffa C. (Eds.) (2011), South East and Eastern European Accession Quandary?. Comparative European Politics.
- Verdun A.C. (2011), The Role of the BENELUX in the European Integration Process. In: Pempel T.J., Park J. & Heungchong K. (Eds.), Regionalism, Economic Integration and Security in Asia: A Political Economy Approach. London: Edward Elgar. 92-101.
- Verdun A.C. (2011), Twenty Years Jean Monnet Project in Canada. In: , Jean Monnet Conference - 20 Years of Support for European Integration Studies: From the Jean Monnet Action to the Jean Monnet Programme. Brussels 115-124.
- Verdun A.C. (2011), Euro Area Stability in a Time of Crisis. In: Hübner K. (Ed.), Europe, Canada and the Comprehensive Economic Partnership. London: Routledge. 274-288.
- Verdun A.C. (2011), The EU and the Global Political Economy. In: Hill C. & Smith M. (Eds.), International Relations and the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 246-274.
- Verdun A.C. (2010), Ten years EMU: An assessment of ten critical claims, International Business & Economics Research Journal 2(1/2): 144-163.
- Skogstad G. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2010), The Common Agricultural Policy: Policy Dynamics in a Changing Context. London: Routledge.
- Enderlein H. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2010), EMU and Political Science: What have we learned?. London: Routledge.
- Heipertz M. & Verdun A.C. (2010), Ruling Europe: Theory and Politics of the Stability and Growth Pact. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Verdun A.C. (2010), Economic and Monetary Union. In: Cini M. & Perez-Solorzano Borragan N. (Eds.), European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 324-339.
- Verdun A.C. (2010), How to Plan Your Study Leave: University of Victoria, Purple Prose 9: 9.
- Skogstad G. & Verdun A.C. (2009), The Common Agricultural Policy: Continuity and Change, Journal of European Integration 31(3): 265-269.
- Verdun A.C. & Enderlein H. (2009), EMU's teenage challenge: what have we learned and can we predict from political science?, Journal of European Public Policy 16(4): 490-507.
- Sadeh T. & Verdun A.C. (2009), Explaining Europe's Monetary Union: A Survey of the Literature, International Studies Review 11(2): 277-301.
- Verdun A.C. (2009), Economic developments in the Euro Area, Journal of Common Market Studies 47(Annual Review): 251-275.
- Skogstad G. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2009), The Common Agricultural Policy: Policy Dynamics in a Changing Context. Journal of European Integration.
- Enderlein H. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2009), EMU after 10 years: What have we learned in Political Science?. Journal of European Public Policy.
- Della Posta P., Uvalic M. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2009), Globalization, Development and Integration: A European Perspective. Houndmills: Palgrave-Macmillan.
- Tömmel I. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2009), Innovative Governance in the European Union: The Politics of Multilevel Policy-Making in the European Union. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishing.
- Verdun A.C. (Ed.) (2009), The European Union and Asia: What is there to learn?. New York: Nova Publishers.
- Verdun A.C. (2009), Regulation and Cooperation in Economic and Monetary Policy. In: Tömmel I. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Innovative Governance in European Union: The Politics of Multilevel Policy-Making. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishing. 75-86.
- Tömmel I. & Verdun A.C. (2009), Conclusion. In: Tömmel I. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Innovative Governance in the European Union 291-302.
- Verdun A.C. (2009), The Adoption of the Euro by Cyprus. In: Stavridis S. (Ed.), Understanding and Evaluating the European Union: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches. Nicosia: University of Nicosia Press. 293-310.
- Verdun A.C. (2009), Economic Growth and Global Competitiveness - From Rome to Maastricht to Lisbon. In: Rumford C. (Ed.), Sage Handbook of European Studies. London/ New York: Sage. 245-259.
- Della Posta P., Uvalic M. & Verdun A.C. (2009), Introduction. In: Della Posta P., Uvalic M. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Globalization, Development and Integration: A European Perspective. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan. 1-16.
- Verdun A.C. (2009), The European Union and Governance in a Globalized World. In: Della Posta P., Uvalic M. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Globalization, Development and Integration: A European Perspective. Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan. 207-214.
- Verdun A.C. (2009), Introduction. In: Verdun A.C (Ed.), The European Union and Asia: What is there to learn?. New York: Nova. 1-10.
- Tömmel I. & Verdun A.C. (2009), Introduction. In: Tömmel I. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Innovative Governance in the European Union: The Politics of Multilevel Policy-Making. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishing. 1-8.
- Verdun A.C. (2009), The EU as a Global Actor: The Role of EMU and the Euro. In: Laursen F. (Ed.), The EU in the Global Political Economy. Brussels: PIE Peter Lang. 45-65.
- Maes I. & Verdun A.C. (2009), National Banks of Belgium and the Netherlands. In: Dyson K. & Marcussen M. (Eds.), Central Banking in the Age of the Euro. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 91-110.
- Verdun A.C. (2009), Euro Adoption Strategies in Poland. In: Dandashly A., Surdej A. & Tendera-Weaszczuk H. (Eds.), Global Financial Crisis and Euro Zone Enlargement. Warsaw: Adam Marszalek Publishing.
- Verdun A.C. (2009), Review of: Puetter U. (2006), The Eurogroup: How a Secretive Circle of Finance Ministers Shape European Economic Governance. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Journal of Common Market Studies 47(1): 203-204.
- Verdun A.C. (2008), Policy-making and Integration in the European Union: Do Economic Interest Groups Matter?, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 10(1): 129-137.
- Verdun A.C. (2008), Economic developments in the Euro Area, Journal of Common Market Studies 46(SI): 215-231.
- Schure P. & Verdun A.C. (2008), Legislative Bargaining in the European Union: The Divide between Large and Small Member States, European Union Politics 9(4): 459-486.
- Verdun A.C. & Chira G.E. (2008), From Neighbourhood to Membership: Moldova's Persuasion Strategy towards the EU, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 8(4): 431-444.
- Verdun A.C. (Ed.) (2008), Lessons for Asia: The European Union in Comparative Perspective. Current Politics and Economics of Asia: Nova Science Publishers.
- Verdun A.C. (2008), Netzwerke in der Währungspolitik: Die Rolle von Experten in Ausschüssen. In: Gehler M. & Kaiser W. (Eds.), Netzwerke im europäischen Mehrebenensystem - Von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart ("Networks in European Multilevel Governance - From 1945 to the Present Day"). Vienna: Böhlau Publishing. 151-164.
- Verdun A.C. (2008), The Netherlands: A Turning Point in Dutch-EU Relations?. In: Dyson K. (Ed.), The Euro at Ten: Europeanization, Convergence and Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 222-240.
- Verdun A.C. (2008), Reaching Out to the East: The EU and Its Eastern Neighbours, European Council Journal 38(2): 102-105.
- Verdun A.C. (2008) Book Review. Towards North American Monetary Union. The Politics and History of Canada’s Exchange Rate Regime. Review of: Helleiner E. (2006), Towards North American Monetary Union. The Politics and History of Canada’s Exchange Rate Regime: McGill-Queen's University Press 41(4): 1025-1026.
- Verdun A.C. (2008) Strategy, Ideas and Political Leadership. Review of: Jabko N. (2006), Playing the Market. A Political Strategy for Uniting Europe, 1985-2005. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. French Politics, Culture and Society 6(3): 116-119.
- Verdun A.C. (2007), Economic Developments in the Euro Area, Journal of Common Market Studies 45(S1): 213-230.
- Verdun A.C. (2007), Political and Economic Consequences of Economic and Monetary Union: Taking Stock of the first Eight Years, Current Politics and Economics of Europe 18(2): 121-123.
- Schure P. & Verdun A.C. (2007), States and the Exercise of Power in the New European Union, Current Politics and Economics of Europe 18(2): 181-202.
- Savage J. & Verdun A.C. (2007), Reforming Europe's Stability and Growth Pact: Lessons from the American Experience in Macrobudgeting, Review of International Political Economy 14(5): 842-867.
- Sadeh T., Jones E. & Verdun A.C. (2007), Legitimacy and Efficiency: Revitalizing EMU ahead of Enlargement, Review of International Political Economy 14(5): 839-845.
- Verdun A.C. (Ed.) (2007), The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration. Current Politics and Economics of Europe.
- Jones E., Sadeh T. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2007), Europe's Expanding Currency: Fiscal Stability and Democratic Legitimacy. Review of International Political Economy.
- Verdun A.C. (2007), The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration: Taking Stock of the First Eight Years. New York: Nova Publishing.
- Croci O. & Verdun A.C. (2007), Canada: Taking security seriously after 11 September?. In: Kirchner E. & Sperling J. (Eds.), Global Security Governance: Competing Perceptions of Security in the 21st Century. London: Routledge. 137-160.
- Verdun A.C. (2007), A Historical Institutionalist Analysis of the Road to Economic and Monetary Union: A journey with many crossroads. In: McNamara K.R. & Meunier S. (Eds.), State of the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 195-210.
- Schure P. & Verdun A.C. (2007), States and the Exercise of Power in the New European Union. In: Verdun A.C. (Ed.), Political and Economic Consequences of Economic and Monetary Union. New York: Nova. 60-81.
- Verdun A.C. (2007), Political and Economic Consequences of Economic and Monetary Union: Taking Stock of the first Eight Years. In: Verdun A.C. (Ed.), Political and Economic Consequences of Economic and Monetary Union. New York: Nova. 1-2.
- Verdun A.C. (2007), What is Science in European Union Studies?, EUSA Review 20(2): 1-11.
- Verdun A.C. (Ed.) (2007), The European Union Fifty Years after the Treaties of Rome. Behind the Headlines.
- Verdun A.C. (2007), The EU at Fifty – Many Happy Returns?, Behind the Headlines 64(2): 23-27.
- Verdun A.C. (2007), Introduction, Behind the Headlines 64(2): 1-3.
- Verdun A.C., Padfield M. & Young P. (2006), "God Save the Queen": Britain and Canada and their Large Neighbouring Monetary Unions, Current Politics and Economics of Europe 17(1): 1-18.
- Verdun A.C. (2006), Economic Developments in the Euro Area, Journal of Common Market Studies 44(S1): 199-212.
- Verdun A.C. (Ed.) (2006), Britain and Canada and their large Neighbouring Monetary Unions. Current Politics and Economics of Europe.
- Verdun A.C. (Ed.) (2006), Britain and Canada and their Large Neighbouring Monetary Unions. New York: Nova Publishing.
- Verdun A.C. & Croci O. (Eds.) (2006), The Transatlantic Divide: Foreign and Security Policies in the Atlantic Alliances from Kosovo to Iraq. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
- Torres F., Verdun A.C. & Zimmermann H. (Eds.) (2006), EMU Rules: The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Torres F., Verdun A.C. & Zimmermann H. (2006), Chapter 1: Introduction. In: Torres F., Verdun A.C. & Zimmermann H. (Eds.), EMU Rules: The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 11-16.
- Verdun A.C. (2006), Political Economy and European Integration. In: Cini M. & Bourne A. (Eds.), Palgrave Advances in European Union Studies: Palgrave Macmillan. 174-189.
- Croci O. & Verdun A.C. (2006), Introduction. In: Croci O. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), The Transatlantic Divide: Foreign and Security Policies in the Atlantic Alliance from Kosovo to Iraq. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 1-5.
- Verdun A.C. & Croci O. (2006), Conclusion. In: Verdun A.C. & Croci O. (Eds.), The Transatlantic Divide: Foreign and Security Policies in the Atlantic Alliance from Kosovo to Iraq. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 206-210.
- Heipertz M. & Verdun A.C. (2006), The Dog That Would Bark But Never Bite? Origins, Crisis and Reform of Europe's Stability and Growth Pact. In: Torres F., Verdun A.C. & Zimmermann H. (Eds.), EMU Rules: The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 115-135.
- Verdun A.C. (2006), Economic and Monetary Union. In: Cini M. (Ed.), European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 321-339.
- Verdun A.C., Padfield M. & Young P. (2006), "God Save the Queen": Britain and Canada and their Large Neighboring Monetary Unions. In: Verdun A.C. (Ed.), Britain and Canada and their Large Neighboring Monetary Unions. New York: Nova. 1-18.
- Verdun A.C. (2006), Preface, Current Politics and Economics of Europe 17(2): iii-v.
- Verdun A.C. (2006), European Migration and Asylum Policies: What’s the Scoop?, EUSA Review 19(3): .
- Verdun A.C. (2006), Taking Stock of the Lisbon Agenda: Is Lisbon Flawed, Necessary, Window-Dressing, or All of the Above?, EUSA Review 19(4): .
- Verdun A.C. (2006), Review of: Berg C.C.A. van den (2004), The Making of the Statute of the European System of Central Banks. An Application of Checks and Balances. De Economist 154(1): 133-134.
- Maes I. & Verdun A.C. (2005), Small States and the Creation of EMU: The Cases of Belgium and the Netherlands, Pace-setters and Gate-keepers, Journal of Common Market Studies 43(2): 327-348.
- Verdun A.C. & Heipertz M. (2005), The Stability and Growth Pact - Theorizing a Case in European Integration, Journal of Common Market Studies 43(5): 985-1008.
- Verdun A.C. & Jones E. (Eds.) (2005), The Political Economy of European Integration: Theories and Analysis. London/New York: Routledge.
- Verdun A.C. & Croci O. (Eds.) (2005), The European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement: Institutional and Policy-making Challenges. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Jones E. & Verdun A.C. (2005), Introduction. In: Jones E. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), The Political Economy of European Integration: Theory and Analysis. London/New York: Routledge. 1-10.
- Verdun A.C. (2005), An American/ European Divide in European Integration Studies - Bridging the Gap with International Political Economy. In: Verdun A.C. & Jones E. (Eds.), The Political Economy of European Integration: Theory and Analysis. London/New York: Routledge. 11-24.
- Verdun A.C. & Croci O. (2005), Introduction. In: Verdun A.C. & Croci O. (Eds.), European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement: Institutional and Policy-making Challenges. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 1-8.
- Verdun A.C. (2005), The Challenges of European Union - where are we today, how did we get there, and what lies ahead?. In: Verdun A.C. & Croci O. (Eds.), The European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement: Institutional and Policy-making Challenges. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 9-22.
- Verdun A.C. & Croci O. (2005), Conclusion. In: Verdun A.C. & Croci O. (Eds.), The European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement: Institutional and Policy-making Challenges. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 218-221.
- Verdun A.C. (2005), A History of Economic and Monetary Union. In: Hoek M.P. van der (Ed.), Handbook of Public Administration and Policy in the European Union. New York: Dekker Francis & Taylor. 645-687.
- Verdun A.C. (2005), "The Euro". In: Griffiths M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of International Realtions and Global Politics. London: Routledge.
- Verdun A.C. (2005), The Democratic Deficit. In: Griffiths M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of International Realtions and Global Politics. London: Routledge.
- Verdun A.C. (2005), The Rise and Rise of the Stability and Growth Pact, EUSA Review 18(1): 1-3.
- Verdun A.C. (2005), Review of: Martin A. & Ross G. (2004), Euros and Europeans. Monetary Integration and the European Model of Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. West European Politics 5(5): 1124-1125.
- Heipertz M. & Verdun A.C. (2004), The Dog that would never bite? What we can learn from the origins of the Stability and Growth Pact, Journal of European Public Policy 11(5): 773-788.
- Torres F., Verdun A.C., Zilioli C. & Zimmermann H. (Eds.) (2004), Governing EMU: Economic, Political, Legal and Historical Perspectives. Florence: European University Institute.
- Verdun A.C. (2004), The Euro and the European Central Bank. In: Dinan D. & Green Cowles M. (Eds.), Developments in European Union Politics. London: Palgrave-Macmillan. 85-99.
- Verdun A.C. (2004), Governing EMU Democratically: Some Lessons from Neofunctionalism and Fiscal Federalism. In: Crowley P. (Ed.), Crossing the Atlantic: Comparative EU-Canadian Studies. London: Ashgate. 61-84.
- Torres F., Verdun A.C. & Zimmermann H. (2004), Introduction. In: Torres F., Verdun A.C., Zilioli C. & Zimmermann H. (Eds.), Governing EMU: Economic, Political, Legal and Historical Perspectives. Florence: European University Institute. 9-15.
- Heipertz M. & Verdun A.C. (2004), The Dog that Would Never Bite? On the Origins of the Stability and Growth Pact. In: Torres F., Verdun A.C., Zilioli C. & Zimmermann H. (Eds.), Governing EMU: Economic, Political, Legal and Historical Perspectives. Florence: European University Institute. 137-152.
- Verdun A.C. (2004), Canadá y la Unión Europea: Fortaleciendo las relaciones trasatlánticas. In: Roy J., Chanona A. & Domínquez R. (Eds.), La Unión Europa y el TLCAN: Integración Regional Comparada y Relaciones Mutuas. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 335-344.
- Verdun A.C. (2004), Review of: Héritier A. (2002), Common Goods: Reinventing European and International Governance. Lanham/ Boulder/ New York/ Oxford: Rowaman and Littlefield. Governance 17(1): 137-139.
- Verdun A.C. (2004) Another Book on European Integration?. Review of: Parsons C. (2003), A Certain Idea of Europe. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. International Studies Review 6(1): 126-128.
- Verdun A.C. (2004), Review of: Baimbridge M. & Whyman P. (2003), Economic and Monetary Union in Europe: Theory, Evidence and Practice. Cheltenham/ Northampton: Edward Elgar. Journal of European Integration 26(3): 366-367.
- Heipertz M. & Verdun A.C. (2004), The Dog that Would Never Bite: On the Origins of the Stability and Growth Pact. CGPE Working Paper no. 04-06. Centre for Global Political Economy (Simon Fraser University). [working paper].
- Verdun A.C. (2004), Canada and the European Union: Strengthening Transatlantic Relations. Jean Monnet/ Robert Schuman Paper Series no. Vol 3 No 10. University of Miami (EU Center). [working paper].
- Verdun A.C. (2003), An American/European Divide in European Integration Studies - Bridging the Gap with International Political Economy, Journal of European Public Policy 10(1): 84-101.
- Verdun A.C. (2003), La nécessité d'un "gouvernement économique" dans une UEM asymétrique. Les préoccupations françaises sont-elles justifiées?, Politique Européenne (10): 11-32.
- Jones E. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2003), Political Economy and the Study of European Integration. Journal of European Public Policy.
- Verdun A.C. (2003), Economic Monetary Union. In: Cini M. (Ed.), European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 312-330.
- Verdun A.C. (2003), The State of European Integration Studies – A Perspective from Political Economy, 16(2): .
- Jones E. & Verdun A.C. (2003), Introduction: Political Economy and European Integration, Journal of European Public Policy 10(1): 81-83.
- Verdun A.C. (2003), Review of: Dosenrode S. (2002), Political Aspects of the Economic and Monetary Union: The European Challenge. Aldershot/ Burlington VT: Ashgate. Cooperation and Conflict 38(1): 70-71.
- Verdun A.C. (2003), Review of: Sidjanski D. (2000), The Federal Future of Europe. From the European Community to the European Union. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Canadian Journal of Political Science 35(4): 56-57.
- Heipertz M. & Verdun A.C. (2003), The Dog that Would Never Bite? The Past and Future of the Stability and Growth Pact. MPIfG Working Papers no. 03/12. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. [working paper].
- Verdun A.C. (Ed.) (2002), The Euro: European Integration and Economic and Monetary Union. Boulder, Colorado: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Verdun A.C. (2002), The Netherlands and EMU: A Small Open Economy in Search of Prosperity. In: Dyson K. (Ed.), European States and the Euro: Playing the Semi-Sovereignty Game. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 238-254.
- Verdun A.C. (2002), European Integration, Theories and Global Change. In: Verdun A.C. (Ed.), The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield. 3-8.
- Verdun A.C. (2002), Merging Neofunctionalism and Intergovernmentalism: Lessons from EMU. In: Verdun A.C. (Ed.), The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield. 11-30.
- Verdun A.C. & Wylie L. (2002), Conclusion: Lessons from Economic and Monetary Union for Theorising European Integration. In: Verdun A.C. (Ed.), The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield. 243-249.
- Verdun A.C. (2002), Why EMU Happened - A Survey of Theoretical Explanations. In: , Before and Beyond EMU - View from Across the Atlantic. London: Routledge. 71-98.
- Verdun A.C. (2002), Democracy in the European Union. In: Columbus F. (Ed.), European Economic and Political Issues. New York: Nova Publishing. 65-77.
- Verdun A.C. (2002), Review of: Marcussen M. (2000), Ideas and Elites. The Social Construction of Economic and Monetary Union. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press. Canadian Journal of Sociology 27(1): 123-124.
- Verdun A.C. & Stavridis S. (2001), Introduction: Democracy in the European Union, Current Politics and Economics of Europe 10(3): 213-226.
- Verdun A.C. & Christiansen T. (2001), The Legitimacy of the Euro: An Inverted Process?, Current Politics and Economics of Europe 10(3): 265-288.
- Verdun A.C. & Stavridis S. (Eds.) (2001), Democracy in the Three Pillars of the EU. Current Politics and Economics of Europe.
- Verdun A.C. (2001), The Political Economy of the Werner and Delors Reports: Continuity amidst Change or Change amidst Continuity?. In: Magnussen L. & Strath B. (Eds.), From the Werner Plan to EMU: The Economic-Political Embedding of Labour Markets between Europe and the Nation in Historical View. Brussels: Peter Lange. 73-96.
- Verdun A.C. (2001), Review of: Scharpf F.W. & Schmidt V.A. (2000), Welfare and Work in the Open Economy. Volume II: Diverse Responses to Common Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Journal of European Integration XXIII(4): 448-449.
- Verdun A.C. (2000), European Responses to Globalization and Financial Market Integration. Perceptions of EMU in Britain, France and Germany.
- Lawton T.C., Rosenau J.N. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2000), Strange Power: Shaping the Parameters of International Relations and International Political Economy. Sydney: Ashgate.
- Verdun A.C. (2000), Governing by Committee - The Case of Monetary Policy. In: Christiansen T. & Kirchner E. (Eds.), Committee Governance in the European Union. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 132-144.
- Verdun A.C. & Christiansen T. (2000), Policies, Institutions and the Euro: Dilemmas of Legitimacy. In: Crouch C. (Ed.), After the Euro: Shaping Institutions for Governance in the Wake of European Monetary Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 162-178.
- Lawton T.C., Rosenau J.N. & Verdun A.C. (2000), Introduction: Looking Beyond the Confines. In: Lawton T.C., Rosenau J.N. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Strange Power: Shaping the Parameters of International Relations and International Political Economy. Aldershot/Burlington/USA/Singapore/Syndey: Ashgate. 3-18.
- Verdun A.C. (2000), Money Power: Shaping the Global Financial System. In: Lawton T.C., Rosenau J.N. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Strange Power: Shaping the Parameters of International Relations and International Political Economy. Aldershot/Burlington/USA/Singapore/Syndey: Ashgate. 77-90.
- Earnest D., Pauly L., Rosenau J.N., Lawton T.C. & Verdun A.C. (2000), Reflections: Blurring the Boundaries and Shaping the Agenda. In: Lawton T.C., Rosenau J.N. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Strange Power: Shaping the Parameters of International Relations and International Political Economy. Aldershot/Burlington/USA/Singapore/Syndey: Ashgate. 409-420.
- Verdun A.C. (2000), Monetary Integration in Europe: Ideas and Evolution. In: Green Cowles M. & Smith M. (Eds.), State of the European Union: Risks, Reform, Resistance, and Revival. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 91-109.
- Verdun A.C. (2000), Symposium: The Road to Maastricht: Negotiating Economic and Monetary Union. How did EMU really happen? Who did it? What can we learn from EMU?, Journal of European Public Policy 7(5): 823-833.
- Verdun A.C. (2000), Review of: Laurent P.-H. & Maresceau M. (1998), The State of the European Union. Volume 4. Deepening and Widening. Boulder Colorado/ London: Lynne Rienner. Journal of European Integration XXII(3): 353-354.
- Verdun A.C. (2000), Review of: Mattli W. (1999), The Logic of Regional Integration: Europe and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Common Market Studies 38(4): 905.
- Verdun A.C. (2000), Review of: Dinan D. (1999), Ever Closer Union: An Introduction to European Integration. Santa Monica: RAND. Journal of European Integration 23(1): 102-103.
- Verdun A.C. (1999), The Role of the Delors Committee in Creating EMU: An Epistemic Community?, Journal of European Public Policy 6(2): 308-328.
- Verdun A.C. (1999), The Logic of Giving up National Currencies: Lessons from Europe's Monetary Union. In: Gilbert E. & Helleiner E. (Eds.), Nation-States and Money: The Past, Present and Future of National Currencies. London/New York: Routledge. 199-214.
- Verdun A.C. (1999), Review of: Falkner G. (1998), EU Social Policy in the 1990s. Towards a Corporatist Policy Community. Routledge Research in European Public Policy. New York/ London: Routledge. ECPR Standing Group ELIR on European Level Interest Representation 5(2): 7-8.
- Verdun A.C. (1999), Review of: Moravcsik A. (1998), The Choice for Europe. Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. ECSA Review XII(1): 14-15.
- Verdun A.C. (1998), The Institutional design of EMU: A Democratic Deficit?, Journal of Public Policy 18(2): .
- Verdun A.C. (1998), The International Aspects of the EU's Exchange Rate Policy: European Integration and Dollar Dominance. In: Cafruny A. & Peters P. (Eds.), The Union and the World: The Political Economy of a Common European Foreign Policy: Brill | Nijhoff. 175-189.
- Verdun A.C. (1998), The Increased Influence of the EU Monetary Institutional Framework in Determining Monetary Policies: A Transnational Monetary Elite at Work. In: Reinalda B. & Verbeek B. (Eds.), Autonomous Policymaking by International Organizations. London: Routledge. 178-194.
- Verdun A.C. (1998), Creating EMU: Issues of Legitimacy, Accountability and Democracy?, CEPS Review (7): 21-30.
- Verdun A.C. (1998), Understanding Economic and Monetary Union in the EU, Journal of European Public Policy 5(3): 527-533.
- Verdun A.C. (1998), Review of: Paraskevopoulos C.C., Grinspun R. & Georgakopoulos T. (1996), Economic Integration and Public Policy in the European Union. Cheltenham/ Brookfield: Edward Elgar. Journal of European Integration XXI(2): 201-202.
- Verdun A.C. (1998), The Role of the Delors Committee in Creating EMU: An Epistemic Community?. Robert Schuman Centre Working Papers no. 98/44. Florence: European University Institute. [working paper].
- Verdun A.C. (1997), Review of: Taylor C. (1995), EMU 2000? Prospects for European Monetary Union. London: Royal Institute of Market Studies. Journal of Common Market Studies 35(1): 160.
- Verdun A.C. (1996), Op weg naar een Economische en Monetaire Unie in Europa: waarom eigenlijk? Percepties van EMU in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Frankrijk, en Duitsland (Why head towards Economic and Monetary Union? Perceptions of EMU in the UK, France and Germany), Acta Politica 31(3): 283-314.
- Verdun A.C. (1996), An "Asymmetrical" Economic and Monetary Union in the EU: Perceptions of monetary authorities and social partners, Journal of European Integration 20(1): 59-81.
- Verdun A.C. (1996), Review of: Harrop J. (1996), Structural Funding and Employment in the European Union: Financing the Path to Integration. Cheltenham/ Brookfield: Edward Elgar. Journal of European Integration XX(1): 110-111.
- Verdun A.C., Wal J. ter & Westerbeek K. (1995), The Netherlands. Full or at the Limit of Tolerance. In: Baumgartl B. & Favell A. (Eds.), New Xenophobia in Europe. The Hague/ London: Kluwer. 228-247.
- Verdun A.C. (8 December 1995), Europe's Struggle with the Global Political Economy. A Study of How EMU is Perceived by Actors in the Policy-making Process in Britain, France and Germany (Dissertatie, Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute). Supervisor(s): Strange Susan & Morgan Roger.