Amy Louca
Guest researcher
- Name
- Dr. A.J. Louca
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

Guest researcher
- Science
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Louca A.J. (7 March 2025), The evolutionary tale of gaseous exoplanets: a brief history of time - exoplanet edition (Dissertatie. Leiden Observatory, Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Snellen I.A.G., Miguel Y.
- Piaulet-Ghorayeb C., Benneke B., Radica M., Raul E., Coulombe L.-P., Ahrer E.-M., Kubyshkina D., Howard W.S., Krissansen-Totton J., MacDonald R.J., Roy P.-A., Louca A.J., Christie D., Fournier-Tondreau M., Allart R., Miguel Y., Schlichting H.E., Welbanks L., Cadieux C., Dorn C., Evans-Soma T.M., Fortney J.J., Pierrehumbert R., Lafrenière D., Acuña L., Komacek T., Innes H., Beatty T.G., Cloutier R., Doyon R., Gagnebin A., Gapp C. & Knutson H.A. (2024), JWST/NIRISS reveals the water-rich "Steam World'' atmosphere of GJ 9827 d, Astrophysical Journal Letters 974(1): L10.
- Kecskeméthy V., Louca A.J. & Miguel Y. (2024), Temporal variability in transmission spectra of H2-dominated exoplanets: the influence of thermal evolution and stellar irradiation on atmospheric composition, New Astronomy 113: 102296.
- Rustamkulov Z., Sing D.K., Mukherjee S., May E.M., Kirk J., Schlawin E., Line M.R., Piaulet C., Carter A.L., Batalha N.E., Goyal J.M., López-Morales M., Lothringer J.D., MacDonald R.J., Moran S.E., Stevenson K.B., Wakeford H.R., Espinoza N., Bean J.L., Batalha N.M., Benneke B., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Crossfield I.J.M., Gao P., Kreidberg L., Powell D.K., Cubillos P.E., Gibson N.P., Leconte J., Molaverdikhani K., Nikolov N.K., Parmentier V., Roy P., Taylor J., Turner J.D., Wheatley P.J., Aggarwal K., Ahrer E., Alam M.K., Alderson L., Allen N.H., Banerjee A., Barat S., Barrado D., Barstow J.K., Bell T.J., Blecic J., Brande J., Casewell S., Changeat Q., Chubb K.L., Crouzet N.M., Daylan T., Decin L., Désert J., Mikal-Evans T., Feinstein A.D., Flagg L., Fortney J.J., Harrington J., Heng K., Hong Y., Hu R., Iro N., Kataria T., Kempton E.M.-R., Krick J., Lendl M., Lillo-Box J., Louca A.J., Lustig-Yaeger J., Mancini L., Mansfield M., Mayne N.J., Miguel Y., Morello G., Ohno K., Palle E., Petit dit de la Roche D.J.M., Rackham B.V., Radica M., Ramos-Rosado L., Redfield S., Rogers L.K., Shkolnik E.L., Southworth J., Teske J., Tremblin P., Tucker G.S., Venot O., Waalkes W.C., Welbanks L., Zhang X. & Zieba S. (2023), Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRSpec PRISM, Nature 614(7949): 659-663.
- Gandhi S.N., Kesseli A., Zhang Y., Louca A.J., Snellen I.A.G., Brogi M., Miguel Y., Casasayas-Barris N., Pelletier S., Landman R., Maguire C. & Gibson N.P. (2023), Retrieval survey of metals in six ultrahot Jupiters: trends in chemistry, rain-out, ionization, and atmospheric dynamics, Astronomical Journal 165(6): 242.
- Louca A.J., Miguel Y. & Kubyshkina D. (2023), Metallicity and spectral evolution of WASP 39b: the limited role of hydrodynamic escape, Astrophysical Journal Letters 956(1): L19.
- Tsai S.-M., Lee E.K.H., Powell D., Gao P., Zhang X., Moses J., Hébrard E., Venot O., Parmentier V., Jordan S., Hu R., Alam M.K., Alderson L., Batalha N.M., Bean J.L., Benneke B., Bierson C.J., Brady R.P., Carone L., Carter A.L., Chubb K.L., Inglis J., Leconte J., Line M., López-Morales M., Miguel Y., Molaverdikhani K., Rustamkulov Z., Sing D.K., Stevenson K.B., Wakeford H.R., Yang J., Aggarwal K., Baeyens R., Barat S., de Val-Borro M., Daylan T., Fortney J.J., France K., Goyal J.M., Grant D., Kirk J., Kreidberg L., Louca A.J., Moran S.E., Mukherjee S., Nasedkin E., Ohno K., Rackham B.V., Redfield S., Taylor J., Tremblin P., Visscher C., Wallack N.L., Welbanks L., Youngblood A., Ahrer E.-M., Batalha N.E., Behr P., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Blecic J., Casewell S.L., Crossfield I.J.M., Crouzet N.M., Cubillos P.E., Decin L., Désert J.-M., Feinstein A.D., Gibson N.P., Harrington J., Heng K., Henning T., Kempton E.M.-R., Krick J., Lagage P.-O., Lendl M., Lothringer J.D., Mansfield M., Mayne N.J., Mikal-Evans T., Palle E., Schlawin E., Shorttle O., Wheatley P.J. & Yurchenko S.N. (2023), Photochemically produced SO2 in the atmosphere of WASP-39b, Nature 617: 483-487.
- Hendrix J.L.A.M., Louca A.J. & Miguel Y. (2023), Using a neural network approach to accelerate disequilibrium chemistry calculations in exoplanet atmospheres, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524(1): 643-655.
- Rodgers-Lee D., Rimmer P.B., De Almeida Vidotto A., Louca A.J., Taylor A.M., Mesquita A.L., Miguel Y., Venot O., Helling C., Barth P. & Lacy E. (2023), The energetic particle environment of a GJ 436 b-like planet, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521(4): 5880-5891.
- Louca A.J., Miguel Y., Tsai S.-M., Froning C.S., Loyd R.O.P. & France K. (2023), The impact of time dependent stellar activity on exoplanet atmospheres, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521(3): 3333-3347.
- Zilinskas M., Buchem C.P.A. van, Miguel Y., Louca A.J., Lupu R., Zieba S. & Westrenen W. van (2022), Observability of evaporating lava worlds, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. American Astronomical Society Meeting #240 12 June 2022 - 16 June 2022 no. 54. Washington: AAS Publishing. 503.05.
- Zilinskas M., Buchem C.P.A. van, Miguel Y., Louca A., Lupu R., Zieba S. & Westrenen W. van (2022), Observability of evaporating lava worlds, Astronomy and Astrophysics 661: A126.
- Louca A.J. (2022), The transiting exoplanet community early release science data challenge: lessons for MIRI spectroscopic sime-series analysis, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. American Astronomical Society: Exoplanets IV 1 May 2022 - 6 May 2022 no. 54.
- Louca A.J., Miguel Y., Tsai S.-M., Froning C., Loyd P. & France K. (2022), The impact of time-dependent stellar activity on exoplanet atmospheres, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. American Astronomical Society: Exoplanets IV 1 May 2022 - 6 May 2022. Bulletin of the AAS no. 54. Las Vegas: AAS Publishing. 102.171.
- Landman R., Sanchez Lopez A., Mollière P., Kesseli A.Y., Louca A.J. & Snellen I.A.G. (2021), Detection of OH in the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 656: A119.
- Landman R., Sánchez López A., Mollière P., Kesseli A.Y., Louca A.J. & Snellen I.A.G. (2021), Detection of OH at the evening terminator of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76b, European Planetary Science Congress. 15th Europlanet Science Congress 13 September 2021 - 24 September 2021: Europlanet Society. EPSC2021-222.
- Louca A., Miguel Y. & Tsai S.-M. (2021), The impact of time-dependent stellar activity on the atmospheric chemistry and observability of exoplanets, EPSC Abstracts. Europlanet Science Congress 2021 13 September 2021 - 24 September 2021 no. 15: Europlanet Society.
- Louca A.J. & Sellentin E. (2020), The impact of signal-to-noise, redshift, and angular range on the bias of weak lensing 2-point functions, The Open Journal of Astrophysics 3(1): 11.