Alireza Asghari
PhD candidate
- Name
- A. Asghari MA
- Telephone
- 071 5272031

My doctoral studies are on Islamic-Arabic philosophy, philosophical theology, and the studies of Islamic and Persian manuscripts.
My PhD dissertation is on the topic of divine knowledge and the Avicennan theory of representation in Islamic-Arabic metaphysics, where I focus on the writings of Mullā Shamsā Gīlānī (d. 1631), supervised by Prof. Dr. F. A. Haas and Dr. A. Bdaiwi.
In conjunction with my doctoral studies I have also prepared critical editions of philosophical writings on metaphysics and the philosophy of cosmology by looking at the unpublished works of Mullā Muḥsin Fayd Kāshānī and Mullā Shamsā Giīlānī. I also have worked with manuscripts in qur’anic studies especially in the field of exegesis.
Curriculum vitae
- Taḥqiqāt dar Aḥwāl al-Mawjūdāt (The Treatise of Investigations Explicating the States of Existents), Mullā Shamsā Gīlānī, edited with Persian introduction by Alireza Asghari, English introduction by Sajjad Rizvi, (to be published by California: Mazda Publishers, 2017)
- Ḥudūth al-ʻᾹlam (The Incipience of the Cosmos), Mullā Shamsā Gīlānī, edited with Persian introduction by Alireza Asghari and Gholamreza Dadkhah, English introduction by Sajjad Rizvi (California: Mazda Publishers, 2015).
- Masālik al-Yaqīn fī Bayān ῾Umdat Uṣul al-Dīn (Paths to the Certainty), Mullā Shamsā, edited with Persian introduction by Alireza Asghari and Tuba Kermani (Tehran: Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute, 2014).
- Al-Kalimāt al-maknunah, Mullā Muḥsin Feyz Kāshāni, edited with Persian introduction by Alireza Asghari (Tehran: Mutahhari University, 2008).
- Al-La’ali, Mullā Muḥsin Feyz Kashani, edited with Persian introduction by Alireza Asghari, (Tehran: Mutahhari University, 2008).
- Al-Kalimāt al-makhzunah, Mullā Muḥsin Feyz Kashani, edited with Persian introduction by Alireza Asghari (Tehran: Mutahhari University, 2008).
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte