Aline Douma
- Name
- Dr. A.A. Douma
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-9868-1980
Aline Douma is a postdoctoral researcher in the field of Middle English Literature. Her research focuses on the poetry and political discourse of fifteenth-century England, specifically the period of the Wars of the Roses (c. 1450-1480). She is working on the publication of her edition of George Ashby's Active Policy of a Prince (c. 1462), forthcoming with TEAMS Middle English Texts Series, as well as a monograph on George Ashby's poetry based on her PhD thesis. She is also engaged in teaching in the BA programme English Language and Culture.
More information about Aline Douma
Fields of interest
- Middle English Literature
- Manuscript studies
- Late medieval history
- Wars of the Roses
Curriculum Vitae
2018 - 2022 PhD candidate, University of Groningen
2022 - 2023 Lecturer, Department of English Language and Culture, University of Groningen
2023 - now Programme coordinator, Graduate School for the Humanities, University of Groningen
2023- now Postdoctoral researcher, Leiden University
Selected publications
“Political Polemic in English Prose.” In Oxford Handbook of Middle English Prose, ed. Sebastian Sobecki
and Emily Steiner. (forthcoming 2025)
“British Library, Royal MS 17 D.XV: A Wars of the Roses Compilation.” Journal of the Early Book Society,
24 (2021): 107-132.
“George Ashby.” In Literary Encyclopedia, vol., Medieval and Early Modern Period. Edited by
Sebastian Sobecki and Natalie Hanna. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2020. Https:// true&UID=14542
Aline Douma (translator), Hildegard von Bingen’s Brandend Licht: Zeven Visoenen. Utrecht: Ankh Hermes,
2024 (forthcoming).
Carel Jansen, Aline Douma, Joyce Karreman, and Jan Ravesteijn. Leren communiceren. 8th, rev. ed.
Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers, 2021.
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Oude Britse letterkunde