Alexander Geurds
Associate professor / Vice Dean
- Name
- Dr. A. Geurds
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2206
- 0000-0002-2418-2828

Alexander Geurds is a Vice-Dean and Associate professor at the Faculty of Archaeology.
More information about Alexander Geurds
Office days
Tuesday to Thursday
My research encompasses the archaeology and cultural history of Mesoamerica, southern Central America, and Colombia and tackles questions related to the emergence of monumental landscapes and working with stone to create sculptures and rock art. My current research in Nicaragua considers practices of mound-building and includes exploratory fieldwork to document stone sculptures. This work is accompanied by a second focus on exploring ways to develop collaborative forms of archaeology and foreground critical thinking on the role of archaeology in postcolonial nation-states.
Cultural dynamics, memory, and landscape are topics that I am especially focused on. I have a broad interest in the history of archaeology and the development of regional schools of thought in the Americas in particular. I have supervised students working on a wide range of subject in the archaeology and anthropology of the indigenous Americas, including topics of historical archaeology.
Methodologically, my work embraces both archaeological field survey and excavation as well as museum collections. In thinking about collaborative archaeology, I also engage in semi-structured interviews, leading co-creative community consultations, and advising on archaeological exhibits in regional museum in parts of Central America.
My research includes more than 20 years of field research in parts of Mexico, Central America, and Colombia and has received uninterrupted funding by NWO and the National Geographic Society between 2007 and 2019. Between 2014 and 2017, I also served as Senior Research on an interdisciplinary project researching linguistic and archaeological traces of long-distance contact between the central Andes and Mesoamerica, funded through an ERC-Advanced Grant and led by Professor Willem Adelaar, of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL).
Teaching activities
I offer courses throughout the BA in Archaeology, ranging from regional introductions into the archaeology of the Americas to the history of archaeological thought. I also lecture in the (R)MA on globalisation in archaeology and globalisation and current issues in Americanist archaeology.
Curriculum vitae
Alexander Geurds is an archaeologist with broad experience in conducting archaeological field research, working with museum collections and in historical archives in Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. After working in Mexico for several years, he independently set up an international research project in Nicaragua in 2007, which he has directed since then, growing into one of the largest and longest continuous-running projects in southern Central America. Geurds has a strong presence in academic networks, through scholarly meetings and publications, to promote the exchange of expertise and overall integration of the regional archaeological field. Geurds served as Academic Director of ARCHON, the Dutch Research School for Archaeology. He is the founding editor of the Brill book series The Early Americas: History and Culture. He currently sits on the SAA Committee of the Americas and is a founding member of the EAA Community for the Americas.
The cross-disciplinary and locally engaged structure of his research, integrating archaeology, history, soil science, and ethnography, has enabled him to generate ground-breaking data on poorly known archaeological regions, and improve understanding of symbolic forms of human-environmental interaction. His research is coupled with a commitment to public engagement at the local level through research impact studies to promote social resilience and cultural awareness in the economically challenged regions of Nicaragua, and assist in forming archaeological expertise across Central America. He is also promoting the indigenous past of the area more widely through his long-standing contributions to National Geographic outreach and educational programs.
Geurds currently holds adjunct positions at the University of Oxford and the University of Colorado–Boulder, and is Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute, a nominated Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London.
Associate professor / Vice Dean
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Archaeology of the Americas
- Geurds A. (2024), The invisible Caribbean Sea: on leaping ballgames and consequential comparison. In: Lyall V.I. (Ed.), El Mar Caribe: the American Mediterranean. Denver, CO.: Denver Art Museum. 137-151.
- Geurds A. (2023), Understanding Greater Nicoya: Epiclassic and Early Postclassic extended relations in Southern Mesoamerica. In: Stanton T.W., Taube K.A., Coltman J.D. & Marengo Camacho N.I. (Eds.), When East meets West: Chichen Itza, Tula, and the Postclassic Mesoamerican world no. 3134. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports. 635-650.
- Torreggiani I., Harvey W.J. & Geurds A. (2023), Along the river flow: human resilience to fluvial environments in prehispanic Central Nicaragua. In: Elkin D. & Delaere C. (Eds.), Underwater and coastal archaeology in Latin America. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.
- Geurds A. (2022), Review of: Beekman C.S. (2019), Migrations in late Mesoamerica. Gainsville: University Press of Florida. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28(1): 365-366.
- Geurds A. (2021), Authenticity, Preservation, and Care in Central American Indigenous Material Culture. In: Ostapkowicz J. & Hanna J.A. (Eds.) Real, Recent, or Replica Precolumbian Caribbean Heritage as Art, Commodity, and Inspiration. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. 213-231.
- Geurds A. (2021), Greater Nicoya through the Looking-Glass: Merging Culture History with Social Theory. In: Steinbrenner L., Geurds A., McCafferty G.G. & Salgado S. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Greater Nicoya: Two decades of research in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Louisville: University Press of Colorado. 505-532.
- Steinbrenner L., Geurds A., McCafferty G.G. & Salgado S. (2021), Archaeology of Greater Nicoya: Two Decades of Research in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Louisville: University Press of Colorado.
- Geurds A. (2021), Review of: Halbmayer E. (2020), Amerindian Socio-Cosmologies between the Andes, Amazonia and Mesoamerica: towards and anthropological understanding of the Isthmo-Colombian Area: Routledge. Latin American Antiquity 32(2): 447-448.
- Geurds A. (2021), Review of: Skeates R. & Day J. (2020), The Routledge handbook of sensory archaeology: Routledge. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 27(4): 1030-1031.
- Geurds A. (2021), Monumental Stone Sculpture in Central Nicaragua. In: McEwan C. & Hoopes J.W. (Eds.), Pre-Columbian Central America, Colombia and Ecuador. Towards an Integrated Approach. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. 149-163.
- Ciofalo A.J., Donner N.R., Hofman C.L. & Geurds A. (2020), Uses of pre-Hispanic kitchenware from Central Nicaragua: implications for understanding botanical foodways, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12(1): 13.
- Ciofalo A., Donner N.R., Hofman C.L. & Geurds A. (2020), Uses of pre-Hispanic kitchenware from Central Nicaragua: implications for understanding botanical foodways, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12(1): 1-14.
- Casale Simone (2020), Geochemical and petrographic assessment of clay outcrops and archaeological ceramics from the pre-hispanic site of Aguas Buenas (cal 400–1250 CE), Central Nicaragua [Networked practices of contact: Cultural identity at the Late prehistoric settlement of Aguas Buenas, Nicaragua, AD 500–1522] (translation: Casale S., Donner N., Braekmans D. & Geurds A.), Microchemical Journal 156: 104829.
- Casale S., Donner N., Braekmans D. & Geurds A. (2020), Pre-Hispanic and contemporary raw materials use in earthenware production in the Río Mayales subbasin, Chontales, central Nicaragua. In: Klinkenberg M.V., Oosten R.M.R. van & Driel-Murray C. van (Eds.), A Human Environment. Studies in honour of 20 years Analecta editorship by prof. dr. Corrie Bakels, Leiden. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 107-120.
- Geurds A. (2020), Review of: Brown M.K. & Bey III G. (2020), Pathways to Complexity. A view from the Maya Lowlands. London: University Press of Florida. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 26: 457–458.
- Geurds A. (2020), Review of: Harrison-Buck E. & Hendon J.A. (2018), Relational Identities and other-than-human agency in archaeology. Boulder: University Press of Colorado. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 26: 215–216.
- Geurds A. & Donner N.R. (2020), The Valley of Juigalpa, Mayales River Subbasin micro region (Chontales, Nicaragua) Date List II, Radiocarbon 62(5): 1503-1514.
- Geurds A. (2020), Review of: Anderson B. & Rojas F. (2017), Antiquarianisms: contact, conflict, comparison. Oxford: Oxbow Books. History of Humanities 5(2): 529-531.
- Donner N.R., Casale S., Braekmans D. & Geurds A. (2019), Ceramic comales at the Barillas site (cal 1255–1390 CE), central Nicaragua: Defining a local technical tradition of griddle manufacture, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24: 829-842.
- Geurds Alexander (2018) Review “Ritual Violence in the Ancient Andes. Reconstructing sacrifice on the north coast of Peru”. Review of: Klaus Haagen D. & Toyne J. Maria (2016), Ritual Violence in the Ancient Andes. Reconstructing sacrifice on the north coast of Peru. Reconstructing sacrifice on the north coast of Peru.. Austin: University of Texas Press. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24(2): 403-404.
- Geurds A., Aguilar J. & McKendrick F. (2018), Prehistoric stone sculptures at the Gregorio Aguilar Barea Museum, Nicaragua: photogrammetry practices and Digital Immersive Virtual Environment applications for archaeology. In: Kelley K. & Wood R.K.L. (Eds.), Digital Imaging of Artefacts: Developments in Methods and Aims. Oxford: Archaepress. 119-144.
- Donner N.R. & Geurds A. (2018), The Valley of Juigalpa, Mayales River Subbasin Microregion (Chontales, Nicaragua) Date List I, Radiocarbon 60(2): 717-726.
- Donner N.R., Arteaga A., Geurds A. & Dijk K. van (2018), Caracterización inicial de los sitios arqueológicos en la subcuenca del río Mayales, Departamento de Chontales, Nicaragua, Cuadernos de Antropología 28(1): 1-26.
- Geurds A. (2018), Prehistory of Southern Central America. In: Smith C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer. 1-20.
- Geurds A. (2017), Ulúa-Matagalpa: Área lingüístico, non-lingüístico o ambos? Una evaluación conceptual de Behrend, Lehmann y Kühl (1874-2013). In: Navarro Genie R., Cruz U.P. & Rizo M. (Eds.), Memorias Primer Congreso Área Cultural Gran Ulúa-Matagalpa.. Matagalpa: Fundación Cientifica Cultural Ulúa-Matagalpa. 161-176.
- Geurds A. (2017), Research design and dialogue: dynamics of participatory archaeology in Chalcatongo and Yosondua, Mixteca Alta, Mexico. In: Kamermans H. & Bakels C. (Eds.), Exerpta Archaeologica Leidensia 2. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 47. Leiden: Leiden University. 271-287.
- Geurds A. & Terpstra D. (2017), Circular Reasoning in Mound Building? Large-scale Planned Construction Patterns at the Aguas Buenas Site (A.D. 400–1525). In: Benfer A.K. (Ed.), War & Peace: Conflict and Resolution in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Chacmool Archaeology Conference. Calgary: University of Calgary. 47-59.
- Geurds A. (2016), Foreigners from Far-Off Islands: Long-Distance Exchange between Western Mesoamerica and Coastal South America (600-1200 CE): a Globalization Analysis. In: Hodos T., Geurds A., Lane P., Lilley I., Pitts M., Shelach-Lavi G., Stark M.T. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. London: Routledge. 212-228.
- Geurds A. (2016), Globalization Processes as Recognized in the Americas. In: Hodos T., Geurds A., Lane P., Lilley I., Pitts M., Shelach-Lavi G., Stark M.T. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. London: Routledge. 171-176.
- Hodos T., Geurds A., Lane P.J., Lilley I., Pitts M., Shelach-Lavi G., Stark M.T. & Versluys M.J. (2016), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. London: Routledge.
- Geurds A., Lane P., Lilley I., Pitts M., Shelach G., Stark M. & Versluys M.J. (2016), The Routledge Handbook of Globalisation and Archaeology.
- Geurds A. (2015), Review: Noack, Karoline, und Martin Künne: Die Sammlung Walter Lehmann am Ethnologischen Museum Berlin. Eine Einführung in die Archäologie des südlichen Zentralamerika, Anthropos 110: 650-651.
- Vlaskamp R.J.C., Geurds A. & Jansen R. (2014), Reporte de las investigaciones arqueológicas entre 2011-2014 en el sitio prehispánico de Aguas Buenas, Chontales, Nicaragua, Mi Museo y Vos 8(29): 6-12.
- Geurds A. (2014), Cronología Prehispánica en Centroamérica: un acercamiento preliminar, Mi Museo y Vos (9) 31: 6-17.
- Geurds A. (2013), The Cuapa complex: A note on the last pre-Hispanic period from Central Nicaragua, Mexicon: Zeitschrift für Mesoamerikaforschung 35(6): 148-151.
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (2013), Creating authenticity. Authentification processes in ethnographic museums. Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde no. 42. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Broekhoven L.N.K. van & Geurds A (2013), Creating Authenticity. Authentication Processes in Ethnographic Museums [Creating Authenticity. Authentication Processes in Ethnographic Museums.] (translation: Broekhoven L.N.K. & Geurds A. van). Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde no. 42. Leiden: Sidestone.
- Geurds A. (2013), Culture sketching. The authenticity quest in ethnographic museums. In: Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (Eds.), Creating authenticity. Authentification processes in ethnographic museums.. Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde no. 42. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Geurds A. (Ed.) (2013), The Early Americas: History and Culture. The Early Americas: History and Culture no. 4. Leiden: Brill Publishers.
- Geurds A. (13 May 2013), VOICES Ideas and Insight From Explorers | Mysterious Mounds: Uncovering Matagalpa Archaeology in Central Nicaragua. Mysterious Mounds: Uncovering Matagalpa Archaeology in Central Nicaragua: National Geographic. [blog entry].
- Geurds A. (20 June 2013), Ancient Stone Circles of Nicaragua. Ancient Stone Circles of Nicaragua: MissionsMediaNGS | YouTube. [blog entry].
- Broekhoven L.N.K. van & Geurds A. (2012), Indigenous religious traditions in Central Nicaragua. In: Bakels C. & Kamermans H. (Eds.), The end of our fifth decade. Leiden: Leiden University. 51-62.
- Broekhoven L.N.K. v an & Geurds A. (2012), Indigenous religious traditions in Central Nicaragua. In: Bakels C. & Kamermans H. (Eds.), The End of Our Fifth Decade no. 43/44. Leiden: Leiden University. 51-63.
- Geurds A. (Ed.) (2012), The Early Americas: History and Culture. The Early Americas: History and Culture no. 3. Leiden: Brill Publishers.
- Geurds A. (2012), Heuvels bergen, Quest (106): 28-29.
- Geurds A. (2012), Arqueologia inclusiva. Un caso de estudio del centro de Nicaragua, Mi Museo y Vos 5(17): 10-14.
- Geurds A. (2012), El complejo estilistico Mixteca-Puebla en Mesoamerica. Estudios recientes y perspectiva actual (1994-2012), Mi Museo y Vos 6(21): 14-19.
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (2012), El complejo estilistico Mixteca-Puebla en Mesoamerica. Una breve resena de su historia inicial (1954-1994), Mi Museo y Vos 6(19): 8-18.
- Geurds A., Explorers | Projects: Central Nicaragua Archaeology Project. [web article].
- Geurds A., Explorers | Bio. [web article].
- Geurds A. (2012), Excursions around archaeological sites, Nicaragua. (local interested parties). [lecture].
- Geurds A. (2012), Maya Archaeology (HOVO, Leiden). [lecture].
- Geurds A. (2012), El complejo estilístico Mixteca-Puebla en Mesoamerica. Estudios recientes y perspectiva actual (1994-2012), Mi Museo y Vos (6) 21: 14-19.
- Geurds A. (2012), Arqueología inclusiva. Un caso de estudio del centro de Nicaragua, Mi Museo y Vos (5) 17: 10-14.
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. (2012), El complejo estilístico Mixteca-Puebla en Mesoamerica. Una breve reseña de su historia inicial (1954-1994), Mi Museo y Vos (6) 19: 8-18.
- Geurds A. (2012), Heuvels bergen, Quest (106): 28-29.
- Konniger S., Broekhoven L.N.K. van, Geurds A. & Veys W. (2011), Modernity? It's the economy, stupid! Business as a catalyst for encounters, contact and production. In: Bouttiaux A. & Seidere A. (Eds.), Fetish Modernity. Brussels: Lannoo Print. 71-83.
- Geurds A. (2011), The Social in the Circum-Caribbean: Toward a Transcontextual Order. In: Hofman C.L & Duijvenbode A. van (Eds.), Communities in Contact: Essays in archaeology, ethnohistory & ethnography of the Amerindian circum-Caribbean. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Konniger S., Geurds A., Van Broekhoven L.N.K. & Veys W. (2011), Modernity? It's the economy, stupid! Business as a catalyst for encounters, contact and production. In: , Fetish Modernity. Brussel: Royal Museum for Central Africa.
- Geurds A. (Ed.) (2011), The Early Americas: History and Culture. The Early Americas: History and Culture no. 2. Leiden: Brill Publishers.
- Geurds A. & Van Broekhoven L.N.K. (2011), Chontales en su sentido étnico, Mi Museo y Vos 5: .
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (2010), The similarity trap: Engineering the Greater-Caribbean. A view from the Isthmo-Colombian area, Journal of Caribbean Archaeology Spec. Pub(3): 52-75.
- Geurds A. (2010), Funeraire materiële cultuur in pre-Spaans Panama, Groniek 42(185): 409-424.
- Geurds A. & Van Broekhoven L.N.K. (2010), The similarity trap: Engineering the Greater-Caribbean, A perspective from the Isthmo-Colombian Area, Journal of Caribbean Archaeology Spec Pub(3): 52-75.
- Geurds A. (2010), Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua. Temporada 2010. Managua: Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura.
- Geurds A. (Ed.) (2010), The Early Americas: History and Culture. The Early Americas: History and Culture no. 1. Leiden: Brill Publishers.
- Geurds A. (2010), Monolitos misteriosos, National Geographic 27(4): 12-12.
- Geurds A. (2010), Onderzoekende ogen van steen: Precolumbiaans erfgoed in Nicaragua, La Chispa: Magazine over Latijns-Amerika en de Cariben 353: 32-33.
- Geurds A. & Van Broekhoven L.N.K. (2010), Para contar historias: La producción de un patrimonio cultural en museos Nicaragüenses, Mi Museo y Vos 4(12): 5-10.
- Geurds A., Zambrana J. & Villanueva C. (2010), Escultura de piedra en el Centro de Nicaragua: Logros y desafíos, Mi Museo y Vos 4(13): 4-7.
- Geurds A. (2010), La llamada Estela de Friedrichsthal: Una estela prehispánica del Centro de Nicaragua, Mi Museo y Vos 4(15): 6-10.
- Geurds A. (2010), Monolitos misteriosos, National Geographic (27) 4: 12.
- Geurds A. (2010), Onderzoekende ogen van steen: Precolumbiaans erfgoed in Nicaragua, La Chispa: Magazine over Latijns-Amerika en de Cariben (353): 32-33.
- Geurds A. (2010), La llamada Estela de Friedrichsthal: Una estela prehispánica del Centro de Nicaragua, Mi Museo y Vos (4) 15: 6-10.
- Geurds A. (2009), Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua: Temporada 2009. Managua: Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura.
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (2009), La historia y el patrimonio en el departamento de Chontales. Resultados de la primera temporada del Proyecto Arqueológico Chontales, Mi Museo y Vos 3(8): 4-7.
- Geurds A., Zambrana J. & Van Broekhoven L.N.K. (2009), La historia y el patrimonio en el departamento de Chontales, Mi Museo y Vos 3(8): 4-7.
- Geurds A. & Jansen M.E.R.G.N. (2008), The Ceremonial Center of Monte Negro. A cognitive approach to urbanization in Ñuu Dzaui. Mastache A.G., Cobean R.H., Cobean A. & Hirth K.G. (Eds.), Urbanism in Mesoamerica. . Mexico: Pennsylvania State University & Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. 371-421.
- Geurds A., Van Broekhoven L.N.K. & Zambrana J. (2008), Proyecto Arqueológico Río Mayales, Juigalpa, Chontales, Nicaragua. Temporada 2007. Managua: Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura.
- Geurds A. (2007), Grounding the Past. The Praxis of Participatory Archaeology in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca. Leiden: CNWS.
- Geurds A. (Ed.) (2007), The Early Americas. Leiden&Boston: Brill Publishers.
- Geurds A. (19 June 2007), Grounding the past : the praxis of participatory archaeology in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico (Dissertatie. Research School CNWS, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University) CNWS/LDS Publications no. 150: CNWS Publications. Supervisor(s): Jansen M.E.R.G.N. & Adelaar W.F.H.
- Geurds A. (2007), Teotihuamart: Mexican Futurities evoked by past and present power mongers, Etnofoor 19(2): 69-86.
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (2006), Origin as Heritage: Community Archaeology in Apoala, Mexico. In: Broekhoven L.N.K. van (Ed.), The Social and Linguistic Heritage of Native Peoples in the Americas: the Struggle to Maintain Cultural Particularity.
- Geurds A. & Van Broekhoven L.N.K. (2005), La Boca Chica de Honduras y Nicaragua: Iniciativas arqueológicas en base a la etnohistoria, Memorias del Primer Congreso Centroamericano de Arqueología en El Salvador. Primer Congreso Centroamericano de Arqueología en El Salvador. San Salvador: Museo Nacional de Antropología.
- Broekhoven L.N.K. van & Geurds A. (2001), Yuku Duha, Cerro de las Apuestas. Mexico: Informe Tecnico INAH.
- Broekhoven L.N.K. van & Geurds A. (2000), Yuku Tnuu / Monte Negro. Sitio Arqueologico de la Mixteca Alta, Santiago Tilantongo, Nochixtlan, Oaxaca. Mexico: Informe Tecnico INAH.
- Broekhoven L.N.K. van & Geurds A. (2000), Arqueologia y la Mixteca. Un resumen de las investigaciones arqueologicas en Santiago Tilantongo y Monte Negro. Guia educativa para el Publico General. Oaxaca: Guia educativa.
- Geurds A. & Caretta M.A. (1998), Archaeological sites discovered at Chalcatongo, Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexicon, aktuelle Informationen und Studien 20: 6-8.
- Associate Professor Adjunct