Alex Uta
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. A. Uta MSc
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
I work on distributed systems infrastructure: from designing reproducible experiments, to understanding and evaluating performance, as well on designing efficient infrastructure.
More information about Alex Uta
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My lines of work are: 1. reproducible performance evaluation for large-scale distributed computer systems; 2. resource management of serverless, FaaS and microservice platforms; 3. efficient infrastructure for big data processing frameworks; 4. converged infrastructure for HPC, big data and ML platforms.
I teach BSc Compiler Construction and MSc Distributed Data Processing Systems. I supervise BSc and MSc projects on distributed systems, data processing systems, serverless, microservices and cloud computing. Please contact me if you would like to work on a challenging project under my supervision.
Assistant professor
- Science
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Zhao Y., Weng W., Nieuwpoort R.V. van & Uta A. (2024), In Serverless, OS Scheduler Choice Costs Money: A Hybrid Scheduling Approach for Cheaper FaaS, MIDDLEWARE'24: Proceedings of the 25th International Middleware Conference. MIDDLEWARE'24 2 December 2024 - 6 December 2024. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Association for Computing Machinery. 172-184.
- Weng W., Uta A. & Rellermeijer J.S. (2024), Brug: An Adaptive Memory (Re-)Allocator, 2024 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid). 2024 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid) 6 May 2024 - 9 May 2024: IEEE. 67-76.
- Zhao Y. & Uta A. (2022), Tiny Autoscalers for Tiny Workloads: Dynamic CPU Allocation for Serverless Functions, 2022 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid). 2022 22nd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid) 16 May 2022 - 19 May 2022: IEEE. 170-179.
- Zhao Y., Duplyakin D., Ricci R. & Uta A. (2021), Cloud performance variability prediction, Proceedings of the ICPE '21: Companion of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering. ICPE '21: Companion of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering 19 April 2021 - 23 April 2021. New York, NY, United States: Association for Computing Machinery. 35-40.
- Researcher