Alex Ingrams
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. A.R. Ingrams
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9901
- 0000-0002-9261-9884

Alex Ingrams currently teaches in masters and bachelors courses with the Institute of Public Administration and the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science. These courses focus on digital government, public management and public policy. His research interests centre on role of technology in government and topics such as whether we need more Artificial Intelligence transparency, how smart city services affect the relationship between government and citizens, and the connection between technology and governance reform.
Alex Ingrams currently teaches in masters and bachelors courses with the Institute of Public Administration and the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science. These courses focus on digital government, public management and public policy. His research interests centre on role of technology in government and topics such as whether we need more Artificial Intelligence transparency, how smart city services affect the relationship between government and citizens, and the connection between technology and governance reform.
Associate professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Ingrams Alex, Piotrowski Suzanne J. & Berliner Dan (2024), Transnational approaches to improving public services: the case of the open government partnership. In: Patrick Lucas, Tina Nabatchi, Janine O’Flynn & Paul ’t Hart (Eds.). Pathways to Positive Public Administration.
- Giest S., Ingrams A. & Klievink B. (2024), The effect of algorithmic tools on public value considerations in participatory processes: the case of Research Handbook on Public Management and Artificial Intelligence.
- Ingrams A.R. (2024), Algorithms and the open society: new approaches to information, transparency, and accountability. In: Hillebrandt M., Leino-Sandberg P & Koivisto I. (Eds.), (In)visible European Government critical approaches to transparency as an ideal and a practice. Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies. New York: Routledge.
- Alex Ingrams (2023), Bureaucratic Reform. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance.
- Alex Ingrams (2023), Do public comments make a difference in open rulemaking? Insights from information management using machine learning and QCA analysis, Government Information Quarterly 40(1): .
- Alex Ingrams (2023), Transparency. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance.
- A Ingrams, W Kaufmann & D Jacobs (2022), Citizen requests and the price of public information: An experimental test, Information Polity 28(2): 239-258.
- A Meijer, A Ingrams & S Zouridis (2022), Public Management in an Information Age: Towards Strategic Public Information Management. London: Bloomsbury.
- Alex Ingrams & Bram Klievink (2022), Transparency’s Role in AI Governance. The Oxford Handbook of AI Governance.
- Dan Berliner, Alex Ingrams & Suzanne Piotrowski (2022), Process effects of multistakeholder institutions: Theory and evidence from the Open Government Partnership, Regulation & Governance 16(4): 1343-1361.
- Pirannejad A. & Ingrams A. (2022), Open Government Maturity Models: A Global Comparison, Social Science Computer Review : 089443932110631.
- Piotrowski S.J., Berliner D. & Ingrams A (2022), The Power of Partnership in Open Government: Reconsidering Multistakeholder Governance Reform. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Ingrams A., Kaufmann W. & Jacobs D. (2021), In AI we trust? Citizen perceptions of AI in government decision making, Policy & Internet : .
- Vydra S., Poama A., Giest S., Ingrams A. & Klievink B. (2021), Big Data Ethics: A Life Cycle Perspective, Erasmus Law Review 14: .
- AP Manoharan, A Ingrams, D Kang & H Zhao (2020), Globalization and worldwide best practices in E-Government, International Journal of Public Administration 44(6): 465-476.
- Lisa Schmidthuber, Alex Ingrams & Dennis Hilgers (2020), Government openness and public trust: The mediating role of democratic capacity, Public Administration Review 81(1): 91-109.
- A Ingrams, S Piotrowski & D Berliner (2020), Learning from our mistakes: Public management reform and the hope of open government, Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 3(4): 257-272.
- CJC de Geus, A Ingrams, L Tummers & SK Pandey (2020), Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Public Sector: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda, Public Administration Review 80(2): 259-270.
- A Ingrams, W Kaufmann & D Jacobs (2020), Testing the open government recipe: Are vision and voice good governance ingredients?, Journal of Behavioral Public Administration 3(1): .
- Alex Ingrams (2020), A machine learning approach to open public comments for policymaking, Information Polity 25(4): 433-448.
- Kaufmann W., Ingrams A. & Jacobs D. (2020), Being Consistent Matters: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Rule Consistency on Citizen Red Tape, American Review of Public Administration 51: 28-39.
- Schmidthuber L., Ingrams A. & Hilgers D. (2020), Government Openness and Public Trust: The Mediating Role of Democratic Capacity, Public Administration Review 81: 91-109.
- Alex Ingrams (2019), Organizational design in open government: Two cases from the United Kingdom and the United States, Public Performance and Management Review 43(3): 636-661.
- Alex Ingrams (2019), Administrative reform and the quest for openness: A Popperian review of open government, Administration & Society 52(2): 319-340.
- Alex Ingrams (2019), Big Data and Dahl’s challenge of democratic governance, Review of Policy Research 36(3): 357-377.
- Alex Ingrams & Hindy Lauer Schachter (2019), E‐participation Opportunities and the Ambiguous Role of Corruption: A Model of Municipal Responsiveness to Sociopolitical Factors, Public Administration Review 79(4): 601-611.
- D Berliner, A Ingrams & SJ Piotrowski (2019), The Future of FOIA in an Open Government World: Implications of the Open Government Agenda for Freedom of Information Policy and Implementation, Villanova Law Review 63(5): 867.
- A Ingrams, A Manoharan, L Schmidthuber & M Holzer (2018), Stages and determinants of e-government development: A twelve-year longitudinal study of global cities, International Public Management Journal 23(6): 731-769.
- Alex Ingrams (2018), Organizational citizenship behavior in the public and private sectors: A multilevel test of public service motivation and traditional antecedents, Review of Public Personnel Administration 40(2): 222-244.
- Alex Ingrams (2018), Public values in the age of big data: A public information perspective, Policy & Internet 11(2): 128-148.
- Alex Ingrams & James Melitski (2018), Big data and open government. E-government and information technology management.
- Alex Ingrams (2018), M-government. E-government and information technology management.
- Alex Ingrams (2018), Democratic transition and transparency reform: An fsQCA analysis of access to information laws in twenty-three countries, Government Information Quarterly 35(3): 428-436.
- Aroon P. Manoharan & Alex Ingrams (2018), Conceptualizing e-government from local government perspectives, State and local government review : .
- Suzanne Piotrowski, David H Rosenbloom, Sinah Kang & Alex Ingrams (2018), Levels of Value Integration in Federal Agencies' Mission and Value Statements: Is Open Government a Performance Target of US Federal Agencies?, Public Administration Review 78(5): 705-716.
- Alex Ingrams (2017), Transparency for results: Testing a model of performance management in open government initiatives, International Journal of Public Administration 41(13): 1033-1046.
- Alex Ingrams (2017), The legal‐normative conditions of police transparency: A configurational approach to open data adoption using qualitative comparative analysis, Public Administration 95(2): 527-545.
- Alex Ingrams (2017), Managing governance complexity and knowledge networks in transparency initiatives: The case of police open data, Local Government Studies 43(3): 364-387.
- Alex Ingrams (2017), Connective action and the echo chamber of ideology: Testing a model of social media use and attitudes toward the role of government, Journal of information technology and politics 14(1): 1-15.
- Alex Ingrams (2017), Integrating Values in the Public Sector. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance.
- Alex Ingrams (2017), The transparency performance puzzle: A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis of policy failure in open government initiatives, Information Polity 22(1): 25-39.
- Alex Ingrams & Marc Holzer (2016), The educational and professional goals of international students in public service degrees, International Journal of Public Administration 39(14): 1134-1147.
- Alex Ingrams & (2016) Varieties of open governance: How openness projects organize and make decisions. Review of: . Public Administration Review 76(6): 982-985.
- Alex Ingrams (2016), Assessing open government performance through three public administration perspectives: Efficiency, democratic responsiveness, and legal-rational process, Chinese public administration review 7(1): 110-145.
- Alex Ingrams (2016), An analytic framework for open government policy design processes. 15th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2016, Guimarães, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016 6 September 2016 - 8 September 2016.
- Alex Ingrams & Suzanne Piotrowski (2016) Linking Corruption with Institutional Failure, Terrorism, and Religious Extremism. Review of: . Public Administration Review 76(2).
- Alex Ingrams (2015), Mobile phones, smartphones, and the transformation of civic behavior through mobile information and connectivity, Government Information Quarterly 32(4): 506-515.
- RP Lourenço, S Piotrowski & A Ingrams (2015), Public accountability ICT support: A detailed account of public accountability process and tasks. Electronic Government: 14th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2015 30 August 2015 - 2 September 2015.
- D Madland, K Walter & A Ingrams (2014), Inclusive Capitalism and Poverty Alleviation. The War on Poverty: A Retrospective.
- Jutta Tobias & Alex Ingrams (2010), Creating a different kind of an innovator: Using health communication theory in Entrepreneurship education to foster behaviour change among entrepreneurship students in Sub-Saharan Africa, Journal of Education for International Development 4(3): 1-20.