Alessandra Silvestri
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. A. Silvestri
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5540
- 0000-0001-6904-5061

More information about Alessandra Silvestri
In the media
Former PhD Candidates
Associate professor
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Theoretical Physics
- Balaudo A., Pantiri M. & Silvestri A. (2024), Number count of gravitational waves and supernovae in luminosity distance space for ΛCDM and scalar-tensor theories, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2(23): JCAP02.
- Silvestri A., Cañas Herrera G. & Martinelli M. et al (2024), XLIV. Modelling spectroscopic clustering on mildly nonlinear scales in beyond-ΛCDM models, Astronomy & Astrophysics 689: A275.
- Boe D.A.C. de, Ye G., Renzi F., Albuquerque I.S., Frusciante N. & Silvestri A. (2024), Phenomenology of Horndeski gravity under positivity bounds, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 8(29): JCAP08(2024)029.
- Horndeski G.W. & Silvestri A. (2024), 50 Years of Horndeski Gravity: Past, Present and Future, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 63: 38.
- Ye G. & Silvestri A. (2024), Can the gravitational wave background feel wiggles in spacetime?, Astrophysical Journal Letters 963: L15.
- Hoekstra H., Cañas Herrera G. & Silvestri A. (2024), Euclid preparation XL. Impact of magnification on spectroscopic galaxy clustering, Astronomy and Astrophysics 685: A167.
- Renzi F. & Silvestri A. (2023), Hubble speed from first principles, Physical Review D 107(2): 023520.
- Wang Z., MirpoorianS.H., Pogosian L., Silvestri A. & Zhao G.-B. (2023), New MGCAMB tests of gravity with CosmoMC and Cobaya, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2023(8): 038.
- Raveri M., Pogosian L., Martinelli M., Koyama K., Silvestri A. & Zhao G.B. (2023), Principal reconstructed modes of dark energy and gravity, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2: 061.
- Scelfo G., Berti M., Silvestri A. & Viel M. (2023), Testing gravity with gravitational waves x electromagnetic probes cross-correlations, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2023(2): 010.
- Balaudo A., Garoffolo A., Martinelli M., Mukherjee S. & Silvestri A. (2023), Prospects of testing late-time cosmology with weak lensing of gravitational waves and galaxy surveys, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2023(6): 050.
- Pogosian L., Raveri M., Koyama K., Martinelli M., Silvestri A., Zhao G.B., Li J., Peirone S. & Zucca A. (2022), Imprints of cosmological tensions in reconstructed gravity, Nature Astronomy 6: 1484-1490.
- Abdalla E., Abellan G.F., Aboubrahim A., Agnello A., Akarsu O., Akrami Y., Alestas G., Aloni D., Amendola L., Anchordoqui L.A., Anderson R.I., Arendse N., Asgari M., Ballardini M., Bargerx V., Basilakos S., Batista R.C., Battistelli E.S., Battye R., Benetti M., Benisty D., Berlin A., Bernardis P. de, Berti E., Bidenko B., Birrer S., Blakeslee J.P., Boddy K.K., Bom C.R., Bonilla A., Borghi N., Bouchet F.R., Braglia M., Buchert T., Buckley-Geer E., Calabrese E., Caldwell R.R., Camarena D., Capozziello S., Casertano S., Chen A.E.L., Chen G.C.F., Chen H.Y., Chluba J., Chudaykin A., Cicoli M., Copi C.J., Courbin F., Cyr-Racine F.Y., Czerny B., Dainotti M., D'Amico G., Davis A.C., Perez J.D., Haro J. de, Delabrouille J., Denton P.B., Dhawan S., Dienes K.R., Valentino E. di, P du, Eckert D., Escamilla-Rivera C., Ferte A., Finelli F., Fosalba P., Freedman W.L., Frusciante N., Gaztanaga E., Giare W., Giusarma E., Gomez-Valent A., Handley W., Harrison I., Hart L., Hazra D.K., Heavens A., Heinesen A., Hildebrandt H., Hill J.C., Hogg N.B., Holz D.E., Hooper D.C., Hosseininejad N., Huterer D., Ishak M., Ivanov M.M., Jaffe A.H., Jang I.S., Jedamzik K., Jimenez R., Joseph M., Joudaki S., Kamionkowski M., Karwal T., Kazantzidis L., Keeley R.E., Klasen M., Komatsu E., Koopmans L.V.E., Kumar S., Lamagna L., Dn R.L., Lee C.C., Lesgourgues J., Said J.L., Lewis T.R., L'Huillier B., Lucca M., Maartens R., Macri L.M., Marfatia D., Marra V., Martins C.J.A.P., Masi S., Matarrese S., Mazumdar A., Melchiorri A., Mena O., Mersini-Houghton L., Mertens J., Milakovic D., Minami Y., Miranda V., Moreno-Pulido C., Moresco M., Mota D.F., Mottola E., Mozzon S., Muir J., Mukherjee A., Mukherjee S., Naselsky P., Nath P., Nesseris S., Niedermann F., Notari A., Nunes R.C., Colgain E.O., Owens K.A., Ozulker E., Pace F., Paliathanasis A., Palmese A., Pan S.P.Y., Paoletti D., Bergliaffa S.E.P., Perivolaropoulos L., Pesce D.W., Pettorino V., Philcox O.H.E., Pogosian L., Poulin V., Poulot G., Raveri M., Reid M.J., Renzi F., Riess A.G., Sabla V.I., Salucci P., Salzano V., Saridakis E.N., Sathyaprakash B.S., Schmaltz M., Schoneberg N., Scolnic D., Sen A.A., Sehgal N., Shafieloo A., Sheikh-Jabbari M.M., Silk J., Silvestri A., Skaraj F., Sloth M.S., Soares-Santos M., Peracaula J.S., Songsheng Y.Y., Soriano J.F., Staicova D., Starkman G.D., Szapudi I., Teixeira E.M., Thomas B., Treu T., Trott E., Ruck C. van de, Vazquez J.A., Verde L., Visinelli L., Wang D., Wang J.M., Wang S.J., Watkins R., Watson S., Webb J.K., Weiner N., Weltman A., Witte S.J., Wojtak R., Yadav A.K., Yang W.Q., Zhao G.B. & Zumalacarregui M. (2022), Cosmology intertwined: a review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34: 49-211.
- Berti M., Spinelli M., Haridasu B.S., Viel M. & Silvestri A. (2022), Constraining beyond Lambda CDM models with 21cm intensity mapping forecasted observations combined with latest CMB data, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2022(01): 018.
- Garoffolo A., Raveri M., Silvestri A., Tasinato G., Carbone C., Bertacca D. & Matarrese S. (2021), Detecting dark energy fluctuations with gravitational waves, Physical Review D 103(8): 083506.
- Mukherjee S., Wandelt B.D., Nissanke S.M. & Silvestri A. (2021), Accurate precision cosmology with redshift unknown gravitational wave sources, Physical Review D 103(4): 043520.
- Zucca A., Pogosian L., Silvestri A, Wang Y.T. & Zhao G.B. (2020), Generalized Brans-Dicke theories in light of evolving dark energy, Physical Review D 101(4): 043518.
- Shiralilou B., Martinelli M., Papadomanolakis G., Peirone S., Renzi F. & Silvestri. A. (2020), Strong lensing time delay constraints on dark energy: a forecast, 2020(4): 057.
- Zucca A., Pogosian L., Silvestri A. & Zhao G.B. (2019), MGCAMB with massive neutrinos and dynamical dark energy, 05: 001.
- Espejo J., Peirone S., Raveri M., Koyama K., Pogosian L. & Silvestri A. (2019), Phenomenology of large scale structure in scalar-tensor theories: Joint prior covariance of wDE, Σ, and μ in Horndeski theories, Physical Review D 99(2): 023512.
- Gerardi F., Martinelli M. & Silvestri A. (2019), Reconstruction of the Dark Energy equation of state from latest data: the impact of theoretical priors, 07: 042.
- Contigiani O., Vardanyan V. & Silvestri A. (2019), Splashback radius in symmetron gravity, Physical Review D 99(6): 064030.
- Frusciante N., Papadomanolakis G., Peirone S. & Silvestri A. (2019), The role of the tachyonic instability in Horndeski gravity, 02: 029.
- Bellini E., Barreira ., Frusciante N., Hu B., Peirone S., Raveri M., Zumalacarregui M., Avilez-Lopez A., Ballardini M., Battye R.A., Bolliet B., Calabrese E., Dirian Y., Ferreira P.G., Finelli F., Huang Z., Ivanov M.M., Lesgourgues J., Lima N.A., Pace F., Paoletti D., Sawicki I., Silvestri A., Skordis C., Umilta C. & Vernizzi F. (2018), Comparison of Einstein-Boltzmann solvers for testing general relativity, Physical Review D 97(2): 023520.
- Vardanyan V., Akrami Cheghasiahi Y., Amendola L. & Silvestri A. (2018), On nonlocally interacting metrics, and a simple proposal for cosmic acceleration, 03: 048.
- Peirone S., Frusciante N., Hu B., Raveri M. & Silvestri A. (2018), Do current cosmological observations rule out all covariant Galileons?, Physical Review D 97(6): 063518.
- Peirone S., Koyama K., Pogosian L., Raveri M. & Silvestri A. (2018), Large-scale structure phenomenology of viable Horndeski theories, Physical Review D 97(4): 043519.
- Peirone S., Martinelli M., Raveri M. & Silvestri A. (2017), Impact of theoretical priors in cosmological analyses: the case of single field quintessence, Physical Review D 96: 063524.
- Raveri M., Bull P., Silvestri A. & Pogosian L. (2017), Priors on the effective dark energy equation of state in scalar-tensor theories, Physical Review D 96: 083509.
- Frusciante N., Raveri M., Vernieri D., Hu B. & Silvestri A. (2016), Horava Gravity in the Effective Field Theory formalism: From cosmology to observational constraints, Physics of the Dark Universe 13: 7-24.
- Alam S., Ho S. & Silvestri A. (2016), Testing deviations from Lambda CDM with growth rate measurements from six large-scale structure surveys at z=0.06-1, 456(4): 3743-3756.
- Frusciante N., Papadomanolakis G. & Silvestri A. (2016), An extended action for the effective field theory of dark energy: a stability analysis and a complete guide to the mapping at the basis of EFTCAMB, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2016(7): 1-45.
- Bianchini F. & Silvestri A. (2016), Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in modified gravity, Physical Review D 93(6): 064026.
- Hu B., Raveri M., Rizzato M. & Silvestri A. (2016), Testing Hu-Sawicki f(R) gravity with the effective field theory approach, 459(4): 3880-3889.
- Pogosian L. & Silvestri A. (2016), What can cosmology tell us about gravity? Constraining Horndeski gravity with Sigma and mu, Physical Review D 94(10): 104014.
- Hu B., Raveri M., Silvestri A. & Frusciante N. (2015), Exploring massive neutrinos in dark cosmologies with EFTCAMB/EFTCosmoMC, Physical Review D 91: 063524.
- Raveri M., Baccigalupi C., Silvestri A. & Zhou S.Y. (2015), Measuring the speed of cosmological gravitational waves, Physical Review D 91: 061501.
- Hu B., Raveri M., Frusciante N. & Silvestri A. (2014), Effective field theory of cosmic acceleration: An implementation in CAMB, Physical Review D 89: 103530.
- Raveri M., Hu B., Frusciante N. & Silvestri A. (2014), Effective field theory of cosmic acceleration: Constraining dark energy with CMB data, Physical Review D 90: 043513.