Akinyinka Akinyoade
- Name
- Dr. A. Akinyoade
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6701
- a.akinyoade@asc.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-5165-9444

For an overview of Akinyinka Akinyoade's research and publications, visit his profile on the ASCL website.
Akinyinka Akinyoade is the Chair of the Researchers' Assembly of the African Studies Centre Leiden. He is a Hydrologist turned Demographer. He obtained a Doctoral degree in Development Studies with emphasis on Population and Rural Development at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague. Akinyinka’s research activities are on population health and development, with special attention on fertility dynamics and family planning in West Africa; migration (human trafficking and forced labour in Nigeria); decentralization (public service delivery in education and health sectors of Nigeria, Cameroon, Tanzania and Indonesia).
His work experience spans Nigeria (Population Statistician at the National Population Commission); Ghana (Lectured at the Department of Sociology, University of Cape Coast, and provided professional assistance as an Editor in the 5-year multi-round survey of the Demography Unit of the UCC); and Country Coordinator Nigeria for the Tracking Development project that compared development trajectories of Nigeria and Indonesia, recently concluded at the ASCL.
A Senior Researcher at the ASCL, Akinyinka gives lectures on Quantitative Research Methodology; his latest research activities are on migration, food and water security (scenarios for Africa 2020-2050), and agricultural value chains. He is a member of the collaborative research group Governance, entrepreneurship and inclusive development.
- Afrika-Studiecentrum
- Wetenschappelijke staf
- Ruiu G., Ruiu M.L., Ragnedda M. & Akinyoade A. (2024), Perception of climate change among vulnerable groups and religious faiths in Nigeria, Review of religious research 66(4): 409-436.
- Abokyi S.N., Akinyoade A. & Fordjour F.A. (2024), The re-emergence of a sniffing culture in Tamale - Northern Ghana, UDS International Journal of Development 11(1): 1114-1126.
- Nkwor N. Ezeoha A., Uche C.U., Akinyoade A. & Ujunwa A. (2024), Multinational companies and climate change and sustainable development debate: evidence from cement production in Nigeria, Climate and Development 17(2): 173-189.
- Lijfering S., Kazimierczuk A.H., Uche C.U., Akinyoade A. & Dekker M. (2023), Afrika: hulp & handel in perspectief - lessen uit het veld. Den Haag: Liaison Parlement en Wetenschap. [position paper].
- Aweto P., Carchedi F. & Akinyoade A. (Eds.) (2023), Human trafficking in Nigeria 1960-2020: pattern, people, purpose and places . African Studies Collection no. 82. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Akinyoade A. & Attoh F. (2023), Introduction. In: Aweto P. Carchedi F. & Akinyoade A. (Eds.), Human trafficking in Nigeria 1960-2020 : pattern, people, purpose and places . African Studies Collection no. 82. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 9-28.
- Akinyoade A., Asa S. & Adeduntan A. (2023), NAPTIP: Nigeria's institutional response to human trafficking. In: Aweto P., Carchedi F. & Akinyoade A. (Eds.), Human trafficking in Nigeria 1960-2020 : pattern, people, purpose and places . African Studies Collection no. 82. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 49-62.
- Onyebueke V.U. & Akinyoade A. (2023), Functions and effects of new connectivities on rural-urban symbiosis and integrated planning in Enugu metropolis, South-East Nigeria, Urban and regional planning review 8(1): 64-77.
- Akinyoade A. & Dickson K.S. (2023), Women’s education and higher fertility outcomes in Ghana: an exploratory study, Afriche e orienti (2): 28-51.
- Ezeoha A., Akinyinka A., Amobi I., Ekumankama O., Kamau P., Kazimierczuk A.H., Mukoko C., Okoye I. & Uche C.U. (2022), Multinationals, capital export, and the inclusive development debate in developing countries: the Nigerian insight, European Journal of Development Research 34(5): 2224-2250.
- Akinyoade A., Carchedi F. Galati M. & Impala M.R. (Eds.) (2021), Doppio sguardo: la tratta delle donne nigeriane per sfruttamento sessuale attraverso i dati dei servizi sociali dedicati della regione Calabria. Romagna: Maggioli Editore.
- Attoh F. & Akinyoade A. (2021), La femminilizzazione della tratta di esseri umani in Nigeria: un caso studio di rimpatriati dal Libano. In: Akinyoade A., Carchedi F., Galati M. & Impala M.R. (Eds.), Doppio sguardo: la tratta delle donne nigeriane per sfruttamento sessuale attraverso i dati dei servizi sociali dedicati della regione Calabria. Romagna: Maggioli Editore. 326-351.
- Dietz A.J. Ehrhardt D.W.L. Akinyoade A. Veldkamp F. (2020), Nigeria at 60. ASCL Infosheet no. 49. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Akinyoade A. Kazimierczuk A.H. Ekumankama O. Agbaje T. Dietz A.J. (2020), Sorghum value chain in Nigeria: explorative study. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Akinyoade A., Agbaye Y.T., Olasanmi O.O. & Olubodun I.E. (2020), Home ownership, social costs, and wellbeing in self residence: the case of employees of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, European journal of business and management 12(17): 41-51.
- Akinyoade A. Olasanmi O.O. Agbaje Y.T. (2020), Economic impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the sustenance of service providers commercial motorcycle transport operators in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria, International journal of humanities and social studies 8(6): 234-240.
- Akyala A.L., Muhammad L., Akabe E., Akinyoade A. & Agogo E. (2020), Person to person transmission of pneumonia associated with the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): a familial cluster analysis in North Central Nigeria, Pan African Medical Journal 37: 99.
- Oomes N., Heyma A., Belt T., Berthiaume N., Bisschop P., Jongerius D., Spanikova V., Dietz A.J., Akinyoade A., Hoog T.A. van der & Kaag M.M.A. (2019), Dutch labour market shortages and potential labour supply from Africa and the Middle East: Is there a match? Excecutive summary and main report. SEO report no. 2019-24. Amsterdam: SEO Amsterdam economics.
- Akinyoade A. (2019), Nigeria : education, labour market, migration. Annex A to "Dutch labour market shortages and potential labour supply from Africa and the Middle East" (SEO report no. 2019-24). SEO report no. 2019-24. Amsterdam: SEO Amsterdam economics.
- Kamau P., Kinyanjui B., Akinyoade A. & Mukoko C. (2018), Assessment of productive employment policies in Kenya. ASC Working Paper Series no. 140. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Akinyoade A. & Uche C.U. (2018), Development built on crony capitalism? : the case of Dangote Cement, Business History 60(6): 833-858.
- Asa S.S. & Akinyoade A. (2018), Assessment of factors influencing acquisition and deployment of technical facilities in maternal healthcare delivery in Osun State, Nigeria, Ife research publications in geography 16(1): 111-122.
- Akinyoade A. (2018), Nigeria : education, labour market, migration. Den Haag: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Dietz A.J. & Akinyoade A. (2017), Africa in the 21st century. ASCL Infosheet no. 33. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Akinyoade A., Dietz A.J. & Uche C.U. (Eds.) (2017), Entrepreneurship in Africa. African dynamics no. 15. Leiden: Brill.
- Akinyoade A., Appiah E. & Asa S. (2017), Census-taking in Nigeria : the good, the technical, and the politics of numbers, Etude de la Population Africaine 31(1 (supp.)): 3383-3394.
- Akinyoade A. & Uche C.U. (2017), Development built on crony capitalism? : the case of Dangote Cement, Business History 60(6): 833-858.
- Siun M., Akinyoade A. & Quaye E. (2017), African women large-scale entrepreneurs : cases from Angola, Nigeria and Ghana. In: Akinyoade A., Dietz A.J. & Uche C.U. (Eds.), Entrepreneurship in Africa. African dynamics no. 15. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. 323-343.
- Akinyoade A. & Uche C.U. (2017), Dangote Cement: the challenges of Pan-African expansion. In: Akinyoade A., Dietz A.J. & Uche C.U. (Eds.), Entrepreneurship in Africa. African dynamics no. 15. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. 279-306.
- Akinyoade A., Dietz A.J. & Uche C.U. (2017), Introduction. In: Akinyoade A., Dietz A.J. & Uche C.U. (Eds.), Entreneurship in Africa. African dynamics no. 15. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. 1-23.
- Akinyoade A., Ekumankama O. & Uche C.U. (2016), The use of local raw materials in beer brewing: Heineken in Nigeria, Journal of the Institute of Brewing 122(4): 682-692.
- Akinyoade A. & Ongáo O. (2016), ASC-KDCN-VSO Kenya volunteer project : maximizing the value of the Kenyan diaspora. ASCL Infosheet no. 28. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) (African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)).
- Akinyoade A. & Uche C.U. (2016), Dangote cement : an African success story?. ASC Working Paper Series no. 131. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Akinyoade A. & Gewald J.B. (2015), African roads to prosperity: people en route to socio-cultural and economic transformations. African dynamics no. 14. Leiden [etc.]: Brill.
- Akinyoade A., Damen J.C.M., Dietz A.J., Kilama B.B. & Omme G. van (2014), Africa population dynamics. ASC themakaart no. 9. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Dietz A.J., Foeken D.W.J., Soeters S.R., Klaver W., Akinyoade A., Leliveld A.H.M., Smits H.J. & Wout M.L. van 't (2014), Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Kenya. ASC Research Report no. 2013: 4. London; Leiden: Overseas Development Institute; African Studies Centre.
- Akinyoade A., Klaver W., Soeters S.R. & Foeken D.W.J. (2014), Digging deeper: inside Africa's agricultural, food and nutrition dynamics. African dynamics no. 13. Leiden [etc.]: Brill.
- Leliveld A.H.M., Dietz A.J., Foeken D.W.J., Klaver W., Akinyoade A., Smits H.J., Soeters S.R. & Wout M.L. van 't (2013), Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Uganda. ASC Research Report no. 2013: 2. London; Leiden: Overseas Development Institute; African Studies Centre.
- Leliveld A.H.M., Dietz A.J., Klaver W., Kilama B.B., Foeken D.W.J., Akinyoade A., Smits H.J., Soeters S.R. & Wout M.L. van 't (2013), Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Tanzania. ASC Research Report no. 2013: 3. London; Leiden: Overseas Development Institute; African Studies Centre.
- Akinyoade A., Dietz A.J., Foeken D.W.J., Klaver W., Leliveld A.H.M., Smits H.J., Soeters S.R. & Wout M.L. van 't (2013), Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Nigeria. ASC Research Report no. 2013: 1. London; Leiden: Overseas Development Institute; African Studies Centre.
- Kinuthia B.K. & Akinyoade A. (2012), Diaspora and development in Kenya: what do we know?, Migration Policy Practice 2(2): 16-20.
- Hilderink H.B.M., Brons J., Ordonez J., Akinyoade A., Leliveld A.H.M., Lucas P. & Kok M.T.J. (2012), Food security in Sub-Saharan Africa: an explorative study. The Hague/Bilthoven: PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.
- Akinyoade A. (2011), The man in his house: marriage, gender relation and childbearing in Ghana, African Affairs 30(8): 133-152.
- Akinyoade A., Damen J.C.M., Dietz A.J., Kilama B.B. & Omme G. van (2011), Afrika's bevolkingsdynamiek. ASC themakaart no. 3. Leiden: African Studies Centre.