Universiteit Leiden

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Ahab Bdaiwi

University Lecturer Arabic and Medieval Philosophy and Late Antique Intellectual History

Dr. A. Bdaiwi
+31 71 527 1639


My research ventures into an array of subjects and themes in Islamic studies but oftentimes revolves around the disciplines of intellectual and religious history, philosophy, theology, and oriental manuscripts in Islamicate societies. 

- Early Islamic Thought and Late Antiquity 
- Medieval Arabic Philosophy and Theology
- Intellectual and Religious History of Shiʿi Islam
- Arabic Codicology and Manuscript Studies
- Quranic Studies 

Curriculum vitae

Dr Ahab Bdaiwi studied at the Universities of London and Exeter, and received his PhD in Arabic and Islamic Intellectual History from the University of Exeter (2015). He spent three years as a lecturer in Islamic and Iranian intellectual history at the University of St Andrews (2013-2016). In January 2016 he was Visiting Scholar of Medieval Studies at the College of William and Mary. Since August 2016 he is Assistant Professor of Islamic Thought and History at Leiden University. He received the the Cook Crone Fellowship in Ancient and Medieval History in 2020-2021, spending a year Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge. 

He is the founder of the Leiden University Shiʿi Studies Initiative (LUSSI) and Leiden University Centre for Islamic Thought and History (LUITH) and co-founder of the Leiden University Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies (LAMS). He is also the Editor in Chief of the Leiden University Arabic HumanitieBlog and a member of the Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS). He is a Senior Member in The Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS)

Teaching activities

I teach the following courses at Modes of Knowing in Medieval Islamic Thought, Introduction to Medieval Philosophy, Introduction to Shiʿi Islam, Classical Readings in Arabic, Academic Skills, Introduction to Arabic Philosophy, The Metaphysics of Avicenna, Contemporary Islamic Thought, and Early Islam and the World of Late Antiquity.

University Lecturer Arabic and Medieval Philosophy and Late Antique Intellectual History

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte

Work address

P.J. Veth
Nonnensteeg 1-3
2311 VJ Leiden
Room number 2,24


  • Bdaiwi A. (2025), Late Antique Intellectualism in Medieval Islam : The Philosophy and Theology of Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Dashtakī (d. 1498) [forthcoming]. Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science: Texts and Studies. Leiden: Brill . Boek
  • Bdaiwi A. (2025), Shiʿi Monotheisms: From the Ahl al-Bayt to Shiʿi Avicennism. In: Terrier M. & Mir-Kasimov O. (Eds.), Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi Festschrift: Brepols. Boekdeel
  • Bdaiwi A. & Rizvi S. (2023), Decolonising Islamic intellectual history: perspectives from Shiʿi thought, Global Intellectual History : . 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Bdaiwi A. (2023), The Youth Who Defeated Aristotle: The Life and Thought of Dashtakī (d. 948/1541), Global Intellectual History 2: . 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Bdaiwi A. (2023), Late Antique Intellectualism in Medieval Islam: The Shiraz Circle and the Revival of Ancient and Islamic Knowledge, Journal of Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies 2: . 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Bdaiwi A. (2021), Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī. In: D. Thomas and J. Chesworth (Ed.), Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History. Leiden : Brill. Boekdeel
  • Bdaiwi A. (2019), Philosophia Ottomanica: Jalal al-Din Davani on Establishing the Existence of the Necessary Being. In: Khafipour Hani (Ed.), The Empires of the Near East and India: Source Studies of the Safavid, Ottoman, and Mughal Literate Communities. New York: Columbia University Press. Boekdeel
  • Rizvi S. & Bdaiwi A. (2017), ʿAllama Tabatabaʾi (d.1981), Nihayat al-hikma. In: El-Rouayheb K. & Schmidtke S. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Boekdeel
  • Bdaiwi A. (2016), Shii Islam: Beliefs and Practices : GCSE Religious Studies. London: AKF. Boek
  • Bdaiwi A. (2014), Theological Topologies Revisited: A Case Study of the Confessional Identity of Jalāl al-Dīn Dawānī (d. 1501) and Ṣadr al-Dīn Dashtakī (d. 1498). . University of Oxford. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Bdaiwi A. (2014), The Tehran School of Philosophy. In: Ayduz S., Dagli C. & Kalin I. (Eds.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Boekdeel
  • Bdaiwi A. (2014), The Isfahan School of Philosophy. In: Ayduz S., Dagli C. & Kalin S. (Eds.), The Oxford Encyclopaedia Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Boekdeel
  • Bdaiwi A. (2014), Some Remarks on the Confessional Identity of the Philosophers of Shiraz: Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Dashtakī (d. 903/1498) and his Students Mullā Shams al-Dīn al-Khafrī (942/1535) and Najm al-Dīn Maḥmūd al-Nayrīzī (948/1541), Ishraq - Islamic Philosophy Yearbook 5: 61-85. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Bdaiwi A. (2014), The Emergence of Shīʿī Mysticism in early Safavid Iran: A Study of Ghiyāth al-Dīn Dashtakī's Maqāmāt al-ʿārifīn wa-manāzil al-sāʾirīn. . Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Bdaiwi A. (2013), From Philosophical Orientalism to Philosophy as a Way of Life: Paradigmatic Shifts in the Study of Islamic Philosophy in the West. . Columbia University. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Bdaiwi A. (2010), The Role of Philosophy in the Seminary of Qom. . Durham University. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Bdaiwi A. (2010), Philosophy and anti-Philosophy in the Seminary of Najaf in 1955. : The British Academy. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie


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