Adriaan Rademaker
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. A.M. Rademaker
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2677

Adriaan Rademaker is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
Adriaan Rademaker participates in the research group Language of Literature, a research group that focuses on “the linguistic means that signpost the structure of Greek and Latin texts and mark the cohesion between segments of the text.” His recent research within this group has focused specifically on Thucydides, and studied the phenomenon of ‘immersion’ and ‘emotional involvement’ in climactic passages from book VII, as well as the persuasive function of selected passages of war narrative.
Secondly, he is a member of the Groupe de recherche sur l’aspect en grec ancien in Paris. Current research activities of the group focus on the future in Ancient Greek.
Moreover, he is an active member of the Leidse Werkgroep Rhetorica. The recent first joint publication of this group is a collection of essays (in Dutch) on pathos in political speeches, in the arts and in literature.
Curriculum Vitae
Adriaan Rademaker (1965, Voorburg, The Netherlands) studied Classics at Leiden University. He took a PhD in Classics at Leiden University (May 2004). He is currently working as an assistant professor in Greek language and literature within the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Griekse T&C
- Jong J. de, Marion O. van & Rademaker A.M. (2018), Vertrouw mij! Manipulaties van imago. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Rademaker A.M. (2018), De leraar van de landverrader? Sokrates en Alkibiades. In: Jong J. de, Marion O. van & Rademaker A.M. (Eds.), Vertrouw mij! Manipulaties van Imago. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 155-160.
- Rademaker A.M. (2018), De bedrieglijke held van de Odyssee. In: Jong J. de, Marion O. van & Rademaker A. (Eds.), Vertrouw mij! Manipulaties van Imago. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 213-217.
- Rademaker A.M. (2018), The great and the small: Thermopylae and Sphacteria. In: Gils L.W. van, Jong I.J.F. de & Kroon C.H.M. (Eds.), Textual strategies in Ancient War Narrative Thermopylae, Cannae and beyond no. Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology, Volume: 29. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 342-358.
- Rademaker A.M. (2017), If you will vote in my favour: Anticipations of the verdict of the jury in speeches by Lysias, Antiphon and Andocides. In: Lambert F., Allan R.J. & Markopoulos Th. (Eds.), The Greek Future and its History: Le futur grec et son histoire. no. 139. Louvain-la-neuve: Peeters. 171-192.
- Rademaker A.M. (2016), Du baroque: Rameaus Hippolyte et Aricie en de afkeer van geleerde muziek, De Achttiende eeuw: documentatieblad van de werkgroep Achttiende eeuw 47(2): 98-105.
- Singh A. & Rademaker A.M. (2016), The Wasps and The Clouds. In: Singh A. (Ed.), Causeries. Rotterdam: Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art. 181-191.
- Rademaker A.M. (2015), Lamento om een verre liefde: Tsjaikovsky's Symphonie Pathétique. In: Jong J.C. de, Pieper C.H. & Rademaker A.M. (Eds.), Beïnvloeden met emoties: Pathos en retorica: Amsterdam University Press. 172-177.
- Rademaker A.M. (2015), 'Iemand een long gezien?' Het laatste album van Jacques Brel. In: Jong J.C. de, Pieper C.H. & Rademaker A.M. (Eds.), Beïnvloeden met emoties: Pathos en retorica. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 178-182.
- Rademaker A.M. (2015), Muziek van de hartstocht: Mahler in Death in Venice. In: Jong J.C. de, Pieper C.H. & Rademaker A.M. (Eds.), Beïnvloeden met emoties: Pathos en retorica. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 191-196.
- Jong J.C. de, Pieper C. & Rademaker A. (2015), Besluit: elf stellingen over de waarde van pathos. In: Jong J.C. de, Pieper C. & Rademaker A. (Eds.), Beïnvloeden met emoties. Pathos en retorica.. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 239-242.
- Rademaker A.M. (2014) Thucydides, De Peloponnesische Oorlog. Vertaald en toegelicht door Wolther Kassies. Review of: Kassies W. (2013), Thucydides, De Peloponnesische Oorlog. Baskerville serie. Amsterdam: Athenaeum - Polak & Van Gennep. Archivo Español de Arte 86(1): 43.
- Rademaker A.M. (2013), Hamilla logon: Het debat tussen Jason en Medea, Lampas: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse classici 46(1): 48-62.
- Rademaker A.M. (2013), Aimai-je un rêve? De Oudheid en de muziek van Debussy. In: Dros E.J., Huygen F.L., Janssen C.G.M., Kolenbrander S.D. & Oerlemans A.P.A. (Eds.), O tempora, o mores: Decadentiie door de eeuwen heen: Uitgeverij Collegium Classicum cui nomen M.F.. 139-146.
- Rademaker A.M. (2013), The Most Correct Account: Protagoras on Language. In: Ophuijsen Johannes M. van, Raalte Marlein van & Stork Peter (Eds.), Protagoras of Abdera: The Man, His Measure. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 87-111.
- Rademaker A.M. & Buijs M. (2011), A Tale of Two Involuntary Encounters: Linguistics and the Persuasive Function of the Historical Present in two Thucydidean Battle Scenes (1.45-51 & 1.56-66). In: Lallot J., Rijksbaron A., Jacquinod B. & Buijs M. (Eds.), The Historical Present in Thucydides. Semantics and Narrative Function — Le présent historique chez Thucydide. Sémantique et fonction narrative. Leiden: Brill. 115-157.
- Rademaker A.M. (2011), Latijnse uitspraakregels voor Griekse woorden, Onze Taal : 7-7.
- Rademaker A.M. (22 September 2011), Achilles verliefd. 16-16.
- Rademaker A.M. (2010), Educating the Public, Defending the Art: Language Use and Medical education in Hippocrates' The Art. Horstmanshoff H.F.J. (Ed.), Hippocrates and Medical Education: Selected Papers Presented at the XIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Universiteit Leiden, 24-26 August 2005. XIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium. Leiden & Boston: Brill. 101-116.
- Rademaker A.M. (2010), Uitspraak Heracles: Naschrift. Onze Taal: 305-305.
- Rademaker A.M. & Lamers H. (2007), Talking about Myself: A pragmatic approach to the use of aspect forms in Lysias 12.4-19, Classical Quarterly 57.2: 458-476.
- Rademaker A.M. (2005), Sophrosyne and the Rhetoric of Self-Restraint. Mnemosyne Supplements. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Rademaker A.M. (2005), Euripides Medea 627-641: Übermäßiger Eros und mangelnde Sôphrosunê, Mnemosyne 58(4): 112-117.
- Rademaker A.M. (26 May 2004), Sôphrosynê: Polysemy, Prototypicality & Persuasive Use of an Ancient Greek Value Term (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Leiden: Eigen beheer. Supervisor(s): Sluiter I.
- Rademaker A.M. (2003), Most Citizens are Euryprôktoi Now: (Un)manliness in Aristophanes. Rosen R.M. & Sluiter I. (Eds.), Andreia: Studies in Manliness and Courage in Classical Antiquity. . Leiden/Boston: Brill. 115-126.