Adam Buben
University lecturer
- Name
- Dr. A.J. Buben
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- 0000-0002-9581-4546

Adam Buben is a University Lecturer (Universitair Docent) in Philosophy at Leiden University. His research—especially his first monograph, Meaning and Mortality in Kierkegaard and Heidegger: Origins of the Existential Philosophy of Death (2016)—has dealt with the topic of death in the history of philosophy.
Extension number: 8369
Adam Buben is a University Lecturer (Universitair Docent) in Philosophy at Leiden University. His research—especially his first monograph, Meaning and Mortality in Kierkegaard and Heidegger: Origins of the Existential Philosophy of Death (2016)—has dealt with the topic of death in the history of philosophy. His more recent work—especially his second monograph, Existentialism and the Desirability of Immortality (2022)—considers the varied impact of technological developments on the philosophy of death. He is particularly interested in philosophical questions related to mind-uploading and other forms of digital immortality, life-extension, cryonics, transhumanism, and assisted dying. These fascinating issues have him working across continental, analytic, and Asian traditions. Before coming to the Netherlands, Adam spent time studying and teaching in Denmark, Guam, Japan, and the US. He currently offers historically grounded courses in both Asian and European traditions.
Academic Expertise
• Philosophy of Death
• 19th and 20th Century Continental Philosophy
• Existentialism
• Philosophy of Religion
• Death and Technology
• Comparative Philosophy
• History of Philosophy
• Philosophies of the World
• Feminist Philosophy
• Philosophy of Religion
• Existentialism
• Bioethics
• Philosophy of Death
• 19th Century Philosophy
• 20th Century Continental Philosophy
• Philosophy of the Samurai
University lecturer
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
Work address
Anna van BuerenpleinAnna van Buerenplein 301
2595 DG The Hague
Room number 4.42
- Buben A.J. (2024), Death is an injustice: dispelling a common myth about existentialism and mortality. In: Aho K., Altman M. & Pedersen H. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of contemporary existentialism. London: Routledge.
- Buben A.J. (2023), Dying to live: transhumanism, cryonics, and euthanasia. In: Cholbi M. & Varelius J. (Eds.), New directions in the ethics of assisted suicide and euthanasia. The International Library of Bioethics no. 103. Cham: Springer. 299-313.
- Buben A.J. (2022), Existentialism and the Desirability of Immortality. New York and London: Routledge.
- Buben A.J. (2021), Unamuno on making oneself indispensable and having the strength to long for immortality, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 90: 133-148.
- Buben A.J. (2021), The Hope of Meaningful Immortality, Journal of Philosophical Research 46: 89-103.
- Buben A.J. (2021), Do immortals need an eject button? : Sartre and the importance of always having an exit, European Journal of Philosophy : .
- Buben A. (2020), Immortal Life Might End Up Meaningless, but What If Mortal Life Already Is?, 1(1): .
- Buben A.J. (17 July 2020), A Future Without Goodbyes? Hanging Out with the Virtual Dead.
- Buben A.J. (2020), The Dark Side of Desire: Nietzsche, Transhumanism, and Personal Immortality, The Southern Journal of Philosophy 59(1): 66-84.
- Aumann A. & Buben A. (Eds.) (2019), New Kierkegaard Research : Lexington Books (an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield).
- Buben A.J., Helms E. & Stokes P. (Eds.) (2019), The Kierkegaardian Mind. Routledge Philosophical Minds: Routledge.
- Buben A.J., Helms E. & Stokes P. (2019), Introduction: Kierkegaard's Life, Context, and Legacy. In: Buben A.J., Helms E. & Stokes P. (Eds.), The Kierkegaardian Mind. Routledge Philosophical Minds: Routledge. 1-14.
- Buben A.J. (2019), Kierkegaard and the Desirability of Immortality. In: Buben A.J., Helms E. & Stokes P. (Eds.), The Kierkegaardian Mind. Routledge Philosophical Minds: Routledge. 351-361.
- Buben A.J. (2018), Heidegger, Curing Aging, and the Desirability of Immortality. In: Aho K. (Ed.), Existential Medicine: Essays on Health and Illness: Rowman and Littlefield. 115-128.
- Buben A.J. (2018), Pascal and his Wager in the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Centuries. In: Bartha P. & Pasternack L. (Eds.), Pascal’s Wager: Cambridge University Press. 84-100.
- Buben A.J. (2017), Kierkegaard’s Philosophy of Death: Between Socrates and Epicurus. In: Burgess A. & McDonald W. (Eds.), Acta Kierkegaardiana VII: Kierkegaard and Classical Greek Thought no. 7. Nitra and Toronto: Central European Research Institute of Søren Kierkegaard and Kierkegaard Circle. 173-186.
- Buben A.J. (2017), Personal Immortality in Transhumanism and Ancient Indian Philosophy, Philosophy East and West : .
- Buben A.J. (2016), Meaning and Mortality in Kierkegaard and Heidegger: Origins of the Existential Philosophy of Death: Northwestern University Press.
- Buben A.J. (2016), Heidegger and the Supposed Meaninglessness of Personal Immortality, Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2(3): .
- Buben A.J. (2016) C. Stephen Evans: Passionate Reason: Making Sense of Kierkegaard’s ‘Philosophical Fragments’. Review of: Evans C. Stephen (1992), Passionate Reason: Making Sense of Kierkegaard’s ‘Philosophical Fragments’. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources 18(2).
- Buben A.J. (2015), Technology of the Dead: Objects of Loving Remembrance or Replaceable Resources?, Philosophical Papers 44(1): 15-37.
- Buben A.J. (2015), Resources for Overcoming the Boredom of Immortality in Fischer and Kierkegaard. In: Cholbi Michael (Ed.), Immortality and the Philosophy of Death: Rowman and Littlefield. 205-219.
- Buben A.J. (2014), An Attempt at Clarifying Being-towards-death. In: Altman Megan & Pedersen Hans (Eds.), Horizons of Authenticity in Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Moral Psychology: Springer. 201-217.
- Buben A.J. (2014), Death. In: Emmanuel Steven, McDonald William & Stewart Jon (Eds.), Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 15 (Kierkegaard’s Concepts), tome 2: Ashgate. 129-134.
- Buben A.J. (2014), Dying to. In: Emmanuel Steven, McDonald William & Stewart Jon (Eds.), Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 15 (Kierkegaard’s Concepts), tome 2: Ashgate. 213-218.
- Buben A.J. (2014) Richard McCombs: The Paradoxical Rationality of Søren Kierkegaard. Review of: McCombs Richard, The Paradoxical Rationality of Søren Kierkegaard. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22(4): 635-640.
- Buben A.J. (2013), Heidegger’s Reception of Kierkegaard: the Existential Philosophy of Death, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21(5): 967-988.
- Buben A.J. (2013), Neither Irrationalist nor Apologist: Revisiting Faith and Reason in Kierkegaard, Philosophy Compass 8(3): 318-326.
- Buben A.J. (2012) Patrick Sheil: Kierkegaard and Levinas: The Subjunctive Mood. Review of: Sheil Patrick, Kierkegaard and Levinas: The Subjunctive Mood. Human Studies 34(4): 475-480.
- Buben A.J. (2012), The Perils of Overcoming ‘Worldliness’ in Kierkegaard and Heidegger, Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 2: 65-88.
- Buben A.J. (2011), Christian Hate: Death, Dying, and Reason in Pascal and Kierkegaard. In: Patrick Stokes & Adam Buben (Eds.), Kierkegaard and Death: Indiana University Press. 65-80.
- Stokes P. & Buben A.J. (Eds.) (2011), Kierkegaard and Death: Indiana University Press.
- Buben A.J. & Stokes P. (2011), Introduction. In: Patrick Stokes & Adam Buben (Eds.), Kierkegaard and Death: Indiana University Press. 1-20.
- Buben A.J. (2008), Living with Death: Kierkegaard and the Samurai. In: James Giles (Ed.), Kierkegaard and Japanese Thought: Palgrave Macmillan. 141-158.
- Buben A.J. (2007), Kierkegaard and The Norm (MacDonald) of Death. In: Wisnewski Jeremy (Ed.), Family Guy and Philosophy 198-208.
- Buben A.J. (2007), Background for a Comparison: Kierkegaard and the Samurai. Burgess Andrew J. (Ed.), Kierkegaard and Religious Pluralism: Papers of the AAR Kierkegaard, Religion, and Culture Group, and the Søren Kierkegaard Society. : Wipf and Stock. 16-30.