Aafje de Roest
Guest researcher
- Name
- Dr. F.A. de Roest MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- f.a.de.roest@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-8653-8378
Aafje de Roest is a PhD Researcher at Leiden University and was awarded a ‘PhDs in the Humanities’ grant by NWO. Her PhD project focuses on how contemporary Dutch hip-hop enables Dutch youth (artists, amateurs, and fans) to construct a new expression of Dutch cultural identity in a global context.
More information about Aafje de Roest
De Nieuwe Liefde
Radio EenVandaag
Wilde Haren de podcast
Campaign 'Change is a Team Sport'
Faces of Science
Interview RedPers
Interview De Groene Amsterdammer
Contribution to 'De Boekenclub' of Fris! on Black Lives Matter
Interview 3voor12
Interview RTL Nieuws
Docu Killer Kamal VPRO Dorst
Interview Nieuws & Co (NPO Radio 1)
Interview Nederlands Dagblad
Interview NOS Jeugdjournaal (on the popularity of Dutch music)
Are you a student and would you like to conduct your own research into hip-hop or youth culture?
Please feel free to contact me - I am happy to oblige!
Do you have a media request to explain something concerning Dutch hip-hop?
Since my research is in contemporary Dutch hip-hop and its influence on young people, I am always up to date with the latest developments in the scene. I approach hip-hop from an academic perspective.
I’ve talked about my research at various media platforms ranging from radio to newspapers and national television. I was part of a campaign by hip-hop label Top Notch and sports label Adidas to stimulate social impact among Dutch youth. In 2020, I am one of the twelve 'Faces of Science' of the KNAW and NEMO.
Interested? Feel free to contact me - via mail (f.a.de.roest@hum.leidenuniv.nl) or socials (@aafjederoest on Instagram or linkedin.nl/aafjederoest).
Fields of interest
- Contemporary (Dutch) Youth Culture
- Contemporary Dutch Literature
- Dutch Hip-Hop
- Hip-Hop Studies
- Dutch Studies
- Cultural Identity
- Glocalization
Hip-hop is the dominant youth culture today, both globally and in the Netherlands – and mainly takes place online. The unprecedented popularity of Dutch hip-hop raises the question how 'how Dutch youths seek and (re)define their cultural identities against a local background.
A central element of hip-hop is “represent”: a term used by the hip-hop “scene” and by academics to denote the performance of local identity. Represent can occur through rapping in specific slang, alluding to area codes or telephone numbers in lyrics, artist names or in user names on social media, or displaying typical buildings in music videos. This research starts from the assumption that social media have changed represent. No longer a sign from artists to their local fans, it has become an open, collaborative performance within the Dutch hip-hop community at large, in which multiple markers of identity can be tested, developed and expanded by all parties involved.
My research project analyzes Dutch hip-hop to investigate how, in the digital era, Dutch youth (hip-hop artists, amateurs and fans) uses the strategy of represent to create and negotiate their cultural identities along different axes of locality, ethnicity, religion, gender, class and age. I combine multimodal discourse analysis of both professional and amateurish hip-hop performances with online ethnography of the reactions to these performances to analyze how representing different parts of the Netherlands enables Dutch youth to construct and reconstruct cultural identities in a global perspective.
- 2019 - present PhD researcher at LUCAS, Leiden University (supervisors: prof.dr. Y. van Dijk and dr. B. Ieven)
- 2018-2019 Supporting staff at the department of Art History and History at Utrecht University
- 2017-2018 Junior researcher and consultant Arts & Culture at Berenschot
- Research Master Dutch Literature (cum laude), Utrecht University (2017) with an acclaimed thesis on the hip-hop practice represent and the representation of Dutch streets, neighborhoods and cities in contemporary Dutch hip-hop
- Bachelor Dutch Language and Culture, Utrecht University (2015)
Grants and awards
- Grant - NWO PhDs in the Humanities
- Award - Vliegenthart Scriptieprijs Universiteit Utrecht (Best Master’s Thesis of the Year, Best Student of the Year of all programs of the Humanities Faculty)
- Award – Maatschappij der Nederlandse letterkunde – Academische Jaarprijs 2016-2017 (Most Promising Master’s Thesis in Terms of Future Research)
Guest researcher
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Moderne Nederlandse L&C
- Roest F.A. de (6 December 2024), De nieuwe golf: culturele identiteit in hedendaagse Nederlands(talig)e hiphop 2015 tot heden (Dissertatie. Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS), Faculty of Humanities , Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Dijk Y. van, Ieven B.
- Roest F.A. de (2023), Speaking Smibanese: hip-hop, local youth language variety, and representations of the Amsterdam Bijlmer, Parallax 28(1): 105-120.
- Roest F.A. de 1 March 2022, De God Sevdaliza, Sevdaliza de God: Sevdaliza's 21e-eeuwse luisterliteratuur. Horen en gehoord worden. Luisterliteratuur in de Lage Landen. Dietsche Warande & Belfort [podcast].
- Roest F.A. de (2022), Wat heeft minder street credibility dan representatie? : Hiphop in het licht van Jeroen Mettes’ poëtica. In: Bluijs S. & Leven B. (Eds.), Vluchtlijnen van de poëzie. Over het werk van Jeroen Mettes no. 16. Gent: Academia Press. 123-139.
- Roest F.A. de (2022), ‘READ IT’: Chapters on the Possibilities of Dutch Hiphop in the Library: The case of the Smibrary. . Paris: European Hip-Hop Studies Network.
- Roest F.A. de (2022), De God Sevdaliza - Sevdaliza de God: Sevdaliza's 21e eeuwse luisterliteratuur, Dietsche Warande & Belfort (1): 36-45.
- Roest F.A. de (2022), De toekomst van de letterkundige neerlandistiek met Geert Buelens, Aafje de Roest en Lamyk Bekius. Utrecht, (Universiteit Utrecht). [other].
- Roest F.A. de (2022), Nieuwe wegen in de Nederlandse letterkunde: lyriek, lyrics en literatuurlessen met Gaston Franssen, Aafje de Roest en Jeroen Dera (Universiteit van Amsterdam, SPUI25). [other].
- Roest F.A. de (2022), ‘Doe je best op school’: Nederlandse hiphop in het literatuuronderwijs, Nederlandse Letterkunde 27(1): 102-117.
- Roest F.A. de (2022), Holland’s hip hop hitting the books: the state and status of Dutch hip hop studies, Global Hip Hop Studies 2(1): 75-92.
- Roest F.A. de (2021), "Lees iets!" De mogelijkheden van Nederlandse hiphop in de leescultuur van jongeren. In: Segers E. & Steensel R. van (Eds.), De nieuwe lezer: Lezen in het digitale tijdperk. Stichting Lezen Reeks no. 34. Utrecht: Eburon. 97-109.
- Roest F.A. de (2021), Ritmisch de orde openbreken - Een bezinning op hiphopbegrippen in het licht van Jeroen Mettes’ poëtica, nY: Tijdschrift voor literatuur, kritiek en amusement 45: 21-29.
- Roest F.A. de (2021) Lang leve het protestlied!. Review of: Ham L. (2020), Op de vuist. Vijftig jaar politiek en protestliedjes in Nederland: Ambo Anthos. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 137(3): 131-135.
- Roest F.A. de (2021), Hiphop in het kunstonderwijs, Kunstzone: Hét tijdschrift voor kunst en cultuur in het onderwijs 6: .
- Roest F.A. de (2021), 'We're Here': Typhoon's (hi)story of oppression, resilience and redemption: at Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis ASCA, ASH and Institute for Cultural Inquiry ICON. Slavery in the Cultural Imagination Conference 28 October 2021 - 29 October 2021.
- Roest F.A. de (2021), “‘Pretty fly for a white guy’ – Constructions of Whiteness in Contemporary Dutch Hip-Hop”. Conference Platform for Postcolonial Readings 19 November 2021 - 19 November 2021.
- Roest F.A. de (2021), Hiphop in de literatuurles. : Lezen Centraal, Stichting Lezen.
- Roest F.A. de (2021), Kick-off speech: De positie van vrouwelijke hiphopartiesten in hedendaagse Nederlandse hiphop. . Tivoli Vredenburg: No Man's Land.
- Roest F.A. de (2020), Niet naar school, maar wel in de boeken: Status quaestionis van hiphopstudies wereldwijd en in Nederland, Vooys: tijdschrift voor letteren 38(1): 35-46.
- Bergh C. van den, Caers B.., Powell C., Raia A., Roest F.A. de, Tissen L.N.M. & Tomberge N.R. (Eds.) (2020), Reinventing Boundaries in Times of Crisis. Journal LUCAS Graduate Conference no. 9. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Roest F.A. de & Schellens D.E.A. (9 April 2020), Braving the Storm: Chaos as a Symbol of Violence and Optimism in Kate Tempest’s Let Them Eat Chaos. Leiden Arts in Society Blog. Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Roest F.A. de (27 February 2020), Hustling in Holland: Representing the Rural in Hip-hop and ‘Hollands Hoop’. leidenartsinsocietyblog.nl. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Roest F.A. de (2020), Literaire klimaatverandering Review of: Laurens Ham & Sven Vitse (2019) Het literaire klimaat 2010-2019, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 136(3).
- Roest F.A. de (2020), Hiphop in de bibliotheek: De rol van Nederlandse hiphop in de leescultuur van Nederlandse jongeren: Stichting Lezen, De Nieuwe Lezer.
- Roest F.A. de (31 October 2019), ‘Je kunt me vinden in de Westside’: Expressions of Local Identity in Contemporary Dutch Hip-hop. leidenartsinsocietyblog.nl. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].